
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Seko

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:50 am

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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Sun May 30, 2021 1:14 am


Prime Minister Takeo Yamashita officially announces his resignation, explains that whooping cough was the trigger for his resignation at a press conference

April 18, 4944

Prime Minister Yamashita announced that he would resign due to illness

Prime Minister Takeo Yamashita held a press conference at the Prime Minister's official residence on April 17. In early February of this year, he was examined at a hospital in Ishinawa, and it was found that he had whooping cough. In front of reporters, he announced his intention to resign as Prime Minister, saying, "With my illness and treatment, it is too difficult for me to continue my duties as Prime Minister of Sekoku and respond to the people's trust with confidence."

He apologized for his resignation with just over two years left in his term as the leader of the Sekoku New Party, saying, "I sincerely apologize to the people for resigning my position at this time while various other policies are still in the process of being realized.

Citing the improvement of relations with neighboring countries, the strengthening of the national armed forces, and the revitalization of private-sector-led innovation as his political agenda, he said, "It is with a heavy heart that I leave my post in the middle of my aspirations."

He explained that he had made the decision to resign alone on the 21st of last month.
He declined to say how he would choose the new leader of the party to succeed him, saying that he would leave it to the executive committee. As for "post-Yamashita," he said, "I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say about the post-Yamashita era. It will be decided through policy competition."

When the names of Minister of Internal Affairs, Morihiro Yamasagi, former Minister of Internal Affairs, Yamato Obata, and Minister of Education and Deputy Chairperson of the SC (Policy Research Council), and Minister of Education and Science Ryosuke Tanimoto, were mentioned, he said, "Each of them is a promising person.

As for the election to choose his successor, he said, "I'm not thinking of using my influence at all. We should not do that," he stressed. When asked if he would support a candidate to take over the policies set forth by Prime Minister Yamashita, he replied, "I am not like them. They will lead this country in their own way."

"I will fulfill my responsibility until the next prime minister is appointed," he said, adding that he would continue to serve until a new leader is chosen. He denied that he would retire from politics, saying that he would stand for the next National Assembly election as a member. He also expressed his desire to continue his political activities, saying, "I would like to support the new system as a member of the Assembly by making sure my health is perfect through treatment.

Prior to the press conference, the prime minister conveyed his resignation to the leaders of the Sekoku New Party. He will resign from the Cabinet as soon as a new leader is chosen. A election to determine his successor is expected to be held in June. The timing and format of the election was left to Secretary General Yoshihiro Satoi. He said that he would consider the matter promptly and decide at the General Affairs Council.
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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:34 pm


Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief of Staff visit aircraft manufacturing plant
Feburary 9, 4953

Prime Minister receives a briefing on the progress from the person in charge

On February 8, Prime Minister Ryotaro Harada, Defense Minister Keiko Kawasumi, and Chief of Staff Kenji Muraoka visited the Kumazaki plant of Kamaya Heavy Industries, a major aircraft manufacturing company, in Kumazaki, Kankawara. Amidst the recent instability of the political situation in Dovani due to the deepening conflict between the Empire of Gao Soto and UCCR, the Prime Minister revealed the national military build-up plan seven years ago and awarded an order to Kamaya Heavy Industries, a new domestic aircraft manufacturer, for three new transport planes and one transport helicopter to replace the existing old transport planes. Kamaya Heavy Industry Co. usually manufactures aircraft for civilian use, but has been involved in the manufacture of military aircraft for several decades now, and has announced that it will soon begin development of training aircraft. The inspection tour lasted about four hours, during which the participants were briefed by the person in charge and a tour of the completed aircraft.
At a press conference after the inspection, Prime Minister Harada said, "Neighboring countries are increasing their military power and confrontation deepens, we need reliable domestically produced weapons to protect our country from foreign threats," and commented, "I think we had a very meaningful time."
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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:56 pm


Sekowan Government Sternly Protests Yingdala's Provocative Acts

August 27, 4962

Chief Cabinet Secretary Kazuto Kamizato holding a press conference at the Prime Minister's Official Residence on the morning of August 27.

On August 27, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kazuto Kamizato announced at a press conference that the government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made a strong protest against the imperial decree issued by Emperor of Yingdala as a definite act of provocation against Seko.
In 4918, the royalist Constitutional Patriotic Party established an absolute monarchy in Seko and declared its submission to Yingdala, but when the Empire of Gao-Soto invaded in 4953, Yingdala stood idly by without notifying the Sekowan government, and the government has consistently taken the position that Yingdala recognized Seko as a firmly independent country and that Yingdala itself denied Seko's submission to Yingdala.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Kamizato called the imperial decree "meaningless" and said, "The Yingdalan side must be well aware that they violated the Tianxia Treaty and broke it themselves. Yingdala's action is a provocation, so to speak, and if they are going to take strong measures, we need to take appropriate countermeasures,' he said, expressing opposition to Yingdala's undue pressure.
Last edited by ahodri on Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:02 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Seko

Postby neoliberalbad » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:42 am

Last edited by neoliberalbad on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:28 am


Prime Minister Announces Change of National Flag
December 2, 4963

Prime Minister Harada holding a press conference at the Prime Minister's official residence.

Current national flag

Prime Minister Harada announced at a press conference on December 2 that the decision to change the national flag was made at a regular cabinet meeting held in the morning. The flag currently in use, with peach, green, and dark blue on the Tomoe, is a historic one that was used during the Jiyū and Monarchy governments. The design of the new flag has not yet been announced, but it is expected to use the Tomoe crest, the national symbol. The change of the flag is not only a rebranding of the country, but also a sign of restraint against Yingdala.
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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:50 am


Transition to a Constitutional Monarchy?

Prime Minister Numane addressing the town's residents in Nanzan.

The 5035 general election held two weeks ago ended in an overwhelming victory for the the United Nationalist Party, winning 450 out of 450 seats. It can be said that the people voted for the United Nationalist Party because they wanted political stability like the monarchy of the past, as the cult-based parties, the extreme left and the extreme right began to emerge.
The next day at the National Diet, the leader of the United Nationalist Party, Mr. Numane Hideo, was elected as the 7th Prime Minister of the Republic in the election for the nomination of the Prime Minister. At the first regular press conference in the afternoon, when he was asked about the policies of the past governments, the Prime Minister sharply criticized the socialist policies of the past coalition governments, saying that they had stagnated the economy and caused chaos in the country, which drew controversy on Social Media.
Prime Minister Numane, who has been famous for his many radical statements and gaffes since his days in the opposition, but the public has been showing increasing expectations and interest in his future economic stimulus measures, economic policies, and especially the revision of the Constitution, which he promised during the election. Prime Minister Numane has been calling for a transition to a constitutional monarchy since 4999, when he was first elected to the National Diet, and this time he has successfully led the imperial rule restoration faction of the party to become prime minister, overcoming the existing Republican faction within the party. On November 12, five days after the inauguration, the Prime Minister established the "Constitutional Monarch Transition Council", which included historians, writers, university professors, and other experts, and held its first meeting at the Prime Minister's Office on the same day. When the Prime Minister was asked about the meeting while traveling from the Prime Minister's Office to his car on the way to the Diet, Prime Minister Numane commented, "We will proceed swiftly.
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Re: Seko

Postby ahodri » Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:00 pm

The first of the newest Nozu-class frigates, Nozu, is launched

Narahama - This afternoon, Vice Admiral Prince Chikuga, Vice Minister of Defense Yoshikata Kinjo, and Parliamentary Secretary for Defense Shoichi Obara visited the Sakurajima Naval Arsenal in Narahama to attend the launching ceremony of a new type of frigate.

In 5166, the Ministry of Defense announced the first naval reinforcement plan of the Medium-term Defense Force Development Plan, which included the construction of nine new frigates. The new frigates are 133 meters long, have a displacement of about 4,000 tons, and use the CODAG combined gas turbine and diesel engine as the main engine. The new frigates have a stealthy shape that makes them difficult to be detected by anti-ship missiles, and equipment that is sensitive to radio waves, such as torpedo tubes and missiles, is stored inside the ship. It is also equipped with a multifunction radar that integrates anti-surface, anti-air, and fire control into one unit, and features greatly improved anti-submarine warfare and minesweeping capabilities.

The vessel was named "Nozu," borrowed from the Nozu River, which flows near City of Ishinawa. She is expected to be assigned to the 2nd Minesweeper Group based at Nishijima Naval Base after undergoing internal outfitting and various tests.
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Re: Seko

Postby Drax » Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:52 am

Seko aiding Solentian Civil War refuges.

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Re: Seko

Postby Nuova Istalia (Pond) » Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:48 pm

Sekowo News 24

The Yamashima Institute of Post-Growth Studies will study prosperity without economic growth and aid international economic institutions, enterprises and policy makers.

Minister of Culture and Education Hara Yōko at the inauguration

Yamashima, 03.5348 - Following the approval of the Minister of Culture and Education Hara Yōko, the new research institute has been inaugurated in Yamashima.
It will study what the government defines as "Prosperity": wellbeing and high quality of life in a stable, non-growing economy.

The 1st of July 4825 one thousand scientists, economists, activists, researchers and citizens gathered in Yamashima, Seko. They publish the first Yamashima Degrowth declaration, defining the concept of degrowth and it's importance to bring stability in Terra.
Around the same time, istalian economist Antonio dal Negro develops a theoretical economic model called "donut economics". Although not necessarily a model for degrowth, it remains an important pillar for post-growth economics, as it defines an economic system with very specific high and low social environmental boundaries. This economic model has been adopted by the Eco-Left party and has shaped many reforms of the sixth Istalian Republic.
Many countries have officially adhered to the Yamashima Degrowth Declaration: Selucia and Kallistan in the 5th millennia, Sekowo in the 6th.
A second Yamashima Degrowth Declaration was released in February 5321.

Selucia has been a pioneer in degrowth, implementing such policies already in the 45th century under the governance of the Republican Party. Selucia is an important key study, as it has maintained a high Human Development Index and all indicators show a prosperous society even without economic growth.

Kalistani economics have seen minimal to zero growth for over a millennia, having implemented a system called "Dual Economy", in which "the Private Sector does not ever get large enough so that boom and bust cycles which are inherent in Capitalism can affect the lives of average citizens in any way: the population is insulated from the speculative decisions of finance and investment. And yet the Private Sector is large enough to entirely meet the consumer demands of fickle tastes of the People of the Republic. Meanwhile, critical national services, such as health, drug export and pharmaceutical development, infrastructure and electricity, phone and food, and so on are guaranteed to Kalistan's citizens regardless of their ability to buy these things: Universalizing social spending gives all people a stake in the system and works against resent created by means-testing." This system works because Kalistan has enough wealth to universalise social services, a strong regulatory central bank and it doesn't neet to invest much money in military or in we a prison system (which is non-existent).
In Kalistan people do not get wildly rich, but recession have been marked by one or two companies closing, and 50 people or so losing their jobs, rather than a whole sector crashing while ten million people starve.


Low-tech seaweed farming, Takeda prefecture

Sekowo has always swung between liberal government, pursuing economic growth, and social-oriented ones. Between these, the governments of the Liberation Movements have surely been the closest ideologically speaking to the Declarations of Yamashima. After a period of liberal democratic government, these policies have become popular again, with the emergence of Tomorrow (a political hier of the Liberation Movement) and its coalition partners. Economy is simply not growing in Sekowo, the economic reform of the latest governments have prioritised indigenous and rural development, with the emergence of many agricultural co-ops that have solved food shortages and unemployment. Sekowo is also restoring its biodiversity, after centuries of greedy capitalist extractivism that has destroyed many ecosystems and driven many local species to extinction. Domestic flights have been banned and the economy is completely decarbonised. Artanian food such as beef or hamburgers has disappeared as Sekowo has reverted its diet to a healthier and traditional plant based ones. Many traditional delicacies such as rice, soy, tofu, tempe, avocado, quinoa, seitan, nori, wakame, spirulina, mizo, bamboo, shiitake mushrooms, kombu, rootless duckweed, chia, taro and yeasts have returned and are increasingly exported as meat alternatives in other countries, especially in Dovani. The Umeoka declaration has finally ended institutionalised animal violence and exploitation, and the very few descendants of Artanian and Majatran imported species such as cattle, pigs or poultry are now adopted and kept as domestic animals.

The high-speed train departing from Senmatsu, final destination: Sogo (Talmoria)

Both Kalistan and Sekowo rely on magnetic levitation rails for long distance travels. This has been proved to be an efficient way of commuting, with little to no negative externalities for the environment. In recent years, a Sekowo-based company, Dovanian Railways, has constructed many lines, connecting much of the western Dovanian continent.
The aim of the Institute of Post-Growth Studies is not only to study successes and failures of the degrowth mechanisms and post-growth economic systems of the past, but also to advice policy makers and companies about present and future projects.
One example of this is the development of railways in the rest of the Dovanian continent.
Dovanian Railways has started to share technology and know-how with its partners, as part of the Sekowan scheme of international cooperation, and this is certainly positive in the sense that an affordable, efficient and comprehensive transport network is essential for what dal Negro defined as "social foundation", but is has to be done carefully, especially in developing nations, where it can damage and fragmentate ecosystems or interfere with indigenous sovereignty, displacing local communities.
The first goal of the Institute? It will be to study the best schenario for a railway connecting the eastern Dovanian cities of Kalibaka and Niederung
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