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Re: Tukarali

Postby arsonist » Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:12 am


PRN founds new international party organisation

The organisation is called Coalition of Patriotic Democrats, according to the word of the Líder do Partido Marco Serra it's purpose is to band together parties which support patriotism and democracy across Terra.
CPD aims to join together parties which support patriotism and free democracy, and to combat threats of Fascism and Communism together.
(Link: http://classic.particracy.net/vieworganization.php?organizationid=5897)
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Re: Tukarali

Postby AlemãoÉSopa » Sat Oct 22, 2022 5:59 pm


PRN-04: Tyrants shall not be ignored
By Maria do Socorro

Tukarali stands in solidarity with the millions killed by the Kyo Commonwealth of Dankuk, this solidarity has been officialized through the PRN-04, a bill that cut all relations with Je Jeongguk and his regime. It symbolizes unity against fascism as a whole, with all Tukarese parties voting for it.

Alexandre Passos, the current Tukarese Minister of Foreign Affairs, being interviewed during the press conference

In the press conference announcing the passing of the bill, the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated the following:
"We shall not let their crimes go unpunished, let be known that our government will receive with open arms all Kyo, Drainian, and Draddwyr men that wish to set themselves free from the shackles of this cruel regime", he declared, "We will work in conjunction with the World Congress in any measure against Jeongguk's tyranny".
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Zumoka » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:04 am

O Republicano, by the REP.
September 5199 Edition

TPI launches second presidential poll and first parliamentary poll for upcoming elections.
By José Oliveira

Rio de Abril, São Miguel: The new poll launched by the IPT institute (Instituto de Pesquisas Tukarense), convened by the newspaper O Republicano and the Gaines-Fox Corporation, shows the current president and candidate for reelection, Martha Medeiros, with an extremely large advantage over Saraiva and Nogueira. The institute interviewed 5,200 people from the 5 districts of Tukarali, and the margin of error is 2 p.p. for more or less. Look:

Valid votes:
    Martha Medeiros (SPE) - 74%
    João Saraiva (PL) - 15,9%
    Óscar Nogueira (VD) - 10,1%

Total votes:
    Martha Medeiros (SPE) - 71%
    João Saraiva (PL) - 14,9%
    Óscar Nogueira (VD) - 9,1%
    None/Don't know - 5%

Spontaneous poll, without giving the list of candidates:
    Medeiros - 68%
    Nogueira - 21%
    Saraiva - 11%

In parliamentary polls, Medeiros' group also comes out with a very high advantage, getting 65% of the valid votes in today's poll.

Parliamentary poll, valid votes:
    Tukarali of Hope (SPE/SDT/REP/J) - 65%
    National Civic Alliance (VD/PRN) - 20%
    PL - 14%
    ARC - 1%

"It is important to remember that the poll results are not the official results of the elections, so you should not compare the poll results with the official results. The polls are just to give you an idea, of who is leading the intentions. majority, but the poll is not the official result", said Inácio Ferreira de Oliveira, CEO of the IPT and one of the main columnists of the newspaper O Republicano.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby myungggg » Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:17 pm

You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby AlemãoÉSopa » Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:19 pm


The Leadership of the SDT
By Joaquim Xolani

After Virgílio Xolani's death, may he rest in peace, the question of the SDT's leadership was brought up. While many assume that he would appoint his close friend Silvester Fiorino as his successor, there's no official note from Virgílio himself.
As such, many people put themselves forward as candidates for president of the SDT, resulting in the party's first-ever leadership election. The election was conducted under a pure one-member, one-vote system, using the instant-runoff electoral system with preferential balloting to calculate the result.
There were, in total, three candidates:

Silvester Fiorino, the Minister of Education and Culture, is viewed as a "sold out scumbag" by some, thought of as a negotiator and true reformist by others.
Ariana Rubinho, the Minister of Agriculture, is a feverous socialist, but a reformist one.
Isaías Valéria, a rather notorious member of the SDT, commands the far-left section of the party and is a defender of anarcho-syndicalism.

During the first round Fiorino managed to gather 43% of the votes, Rubinho secured 28.9% of the votes and Valéria got 28.1% of the votes. This is when preferential voting shows its utility in securing a democratic result, while Fiorino had ample support from the Xolani loyalists and the centrist members, Rubinho managed to convince Valéria to endorse her in the second turn, which led to Ariana Rubinho becoming the second president of the SDT.
In addition to the official election, SDT's youth wing, Juventude Social, also conducted a poll amongst its members. In a surprising turn of events, Isaías won in the JS's poll, a sign of the radicalization of the new generation of political activists.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby arsonist » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:03 pm


Serra reaffirms leadership, far right to be suppressed

In February 5204, around 6 years after the 1st, 2nd Partido Republicano Nacional Congress was called, the congress lasted 3 days and 250 representatives from all over the nation were present. In his speech to the Congress, Líder do Partido and Primeiro-Ministro Marco Serra, has announced his plans to weaken far.right wing of the party.
The fascists are not welcome in our party. All enemies of democracy are also enemies of Tukarnese nation. To call yourself nationalist and anti-democratic is hypocritical, and these people have no place in our party.
Representatives of the far-right in the party were enraged by Serra's "betrayal of the values of the party"
Later in his speech he also declared support for maintaing the government asi it is, and proposed improving realtions with Tukarali's neighbours, namely Belusia. In subsequent vote for confidence in Serra's leadership, Serra won with staggering 239 to 11.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby arsonist » Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:00 pm

AUGUST, 5026
Independent journalist Isaac Sapateiro has revealed proofs of corruption in PRN, including Primeiro-Ministro and Líder do Partido Marco Serra and Minister of Defence Gaspar Lobo. Lobo and Serra have reportedly sold military equipment and information to major defence industry corporations. Serra himself has rejected the accusations.
These are baseless accusations, Sapateiro is lying bastard and the amount also doesn't match.
Radicals in PRN are already critising Serra's leadership.
Serra will bring only ruin and loss if we keep him our leader, I believe we should assemble the 3rd PRN Congress and vote on Serra's leadership.
Commented leader of radicals in PRN Pedro Rosa.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby arsonist » Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:44 pm

Leader of radicals in PRN has called vote on Serra's leadership, with result 236 out of 250 being for new leadership and 14 supporting Serra. There have been rumors of Serra resigning as Primeiro-Ministro, or even dissolution of PRN, but these have been addressed by the PRN Leadership Council, which was established in order to lead party until new Líder do Partido can be found.
Serra's resignation is out of question, PRN can't afford to lose it's standimyg in the government, and who can even think of such a crazy idea as dissolving PRN!
Rosa himself has stated that he plans to run for the post of both Líder do Partido and Primeiro-Ministro after Serra.
Zjednoczona Opozycja - Valruzia
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Re: Tukarali

Postby arsonist » Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:27 am

Primeiro-Ministro Marco Serra has announced his resignation, against wishes of PRN Leadership Council.
I cannot take this shame, I resign, even if it's against wishes of these idiots in PRNLC.
With his resignation, PRNLC has been thrown into chaos to find new Líder do Partido and candidate for Primeiro-Ministro, all party vote has ended in deadlock between new leader of moderates Roberto Baptista and leader of radicals Gaspar Lobo. Even after intense negotiation compromise couldn't be found, and PRNLC has voted on dissolution of PRN, with 4 for dissolution and 3 against.
Our party has become dysfunctional and synonymous with corruption, without strong leadership to be found, we must dissolve Partido Republicano Nacional.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 06, 2022 9:42 am

Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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