
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:14 am

Inside a Standard Dankukin Extermination Camp

Dankukin Refugees Reveal Horrific Stories from Inside

Truly harrowing accounts have recently emerged from the Kyo Commonwealth of Dankuk revealing the gross extent of the nation's recent genocide. Refugees fleeing the nation sat down with our reporters to speak on the Extermination Camps taking shape in the peninsular nation, intended for the death of ethnic minorities. Draddwyr and Draniano men, women, and children are routinely rounded up and given harsh physical examinations. They are then separated into work-capable and work-incapable groups. The work-incapable are sent to be massacred by large execution squads instantly (bullets are reportedly spared as the nation is forced to produce it's own arms under current, strict international sanctions) whilst the work capable are sent to slave away, fixing the pariah state's struggling infrastructure. As physicals are given at a whim, typically monthly; workers are forced to slave until they can produce no more, and are then killed.

Even Kyo-blooded Draniano have not been spared; multiple accounts reported mass sterilizations of populations deemed impure in blood and race. Sterilized subjects are then either sent to work in labor camps; or if deemed unable to work are reportedly poisoned. Unsubstantiated claims even said that an unofficial, cheap human meat market has opened up to the desperate economy, strangled by international sanctions, but Innocence International was unable to verify such claims. Nonetheless; the appalling treatment of what little ethnic minority groups remain in the country is disgusting.(Fin)

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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:31 am


Risen from ruins, the museum will be a profound monument to the glories of the fatherland's rebirth

Today, 5200/2/12, in honor of the Lunar New Year; the respected Marshal Je Jeongguk formally opened the Kyo Heritage Museum of Dohang. The museum, built on the imperialist ruins of the Santiago Palace; was tirelessly constructed as a shining example of fascist discipline following the victorious rebirth of the city of Dohang in the wake of the Commonwealth's victory over communist insurrection. Built in the traditional Kyo architectural style, the museum houses an impressive number of exhibits documenting scientific achievements, literature, food, politics, clothing, and art. Special dedicated wings show off exhibits matching particular themes. For instance; the remembrance wing of the museum honors great historical patriots and leaders such as Baekgu the Great. The struggle wing is dedicated to Kyo independence activists of the Egelian colonial era, and the Revolutionary wing preserves artifacts from the Great Kyo Revolution - including an original manuscript of the Kyobando Manifesto. In the modern wing stands an exhibit dedicated to the ongoing rebirth of the Kyo race and the vision of the marshal Je Jeongguk. The museum is open to the public on weekdays from 10 am - 5 pm, and weekends 9 am - 9 pm.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:39 am

Meet Sagwalink; the Dankukin Intranet Service
March First, 5201

Years after Internet servers were shut down across the nation following a brutal civil conflict; the government of Dankuk unveiled today it's new Intranet system - Sagwalink. The program, which reportedly took years of preparation under rigorous government suspicion and intense supervision, was finally revealed to not only be completely functional; but officials revealed the service will be free and universal, courtesy of on the nation's Commissariat of Infrastructure. Due to the totalitarian nature of Dankuk's government, the development process was significantly impeded by unproductive breaches into and ideological objections to practical solutions to the problems faced by developers.

Most analysts agree the development is a two-pronged attempt to pacify the nation. On one, it finally provides a legal route for the computer entertainment the masses of Dankuk have been craving since the founding of the fascist government. Of course, Sagwalink also presents itself as the perfect opportunity for state propagandists to spread state-crafted misinformation through without pesky foreign hackers being able to spread the truth outside of the fascist regime's narrative. The Dankukin government has announced that Sagwalink will be host to all sorts of services and sites from online shopping, file hosting, social media, messaging services, blogs, and - of course - state websites as well. Whatever the case, the parallel development of Dankukin intranet with the worldwide internet will certainly be interesting - and perhaps disturbing - to see unfold.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:47 am


First Congress of Association to be Called Next Year as Initial Stages of the Rebirth Complete

The glorious Dankukin National Worker's Association has declared victory in the initial frontiers of Kyo National Rebirth; as outlined at a press release today. The Kyo national rebirth; the central foundation of the Commonwealth's fundamental ideals, is the elimination of anti-national elements from the peninsula and the taking back of the nation by it's rightful owners. Having nearly overthrown the entire Draddwyr invader population and successfully eradicating the primary cultural foundations of the ideological poison, Dranianoism, the DNWA has declared victory in securing the Kyo nation for the Kyo people. Ethnic beasts and non-persons have nearly been entirely successfully hunted down and exterminated, whilst the little who remain are sure to be caught and punished.

The DNWA, having carried forth the national cause, stated that it plans to hold a first congress next year to celebrate the achievements of the association and plan for the next phase of the national rebirth. The future of the Kyo race looks brighter every passing moment as the DNWA, under the respected leadership of the Marshal Je Jeongguk; makes the nation even brighter.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:49 am


Following extermination of anti-national groups, the next phase of Kyo national rebirth hath begun

The Association under the wise leadership of the respected Marshal declared the initial phases of the restoration of the Kyo race a success. It urged all citizens to remain vigilant in the ongoing campaign to completely liberate Dankuk of all anti-national thoughts and parties. The constitution of the Dankuk National Worker's Association was proglumated as law, and it was declared a congress would convene every 2 years. It was affirmed that the DNWA is the mass party representative of the highest aspirations of the Kyo people, and that all citizens must rally under it's banner for national reconstruction and victory over leftist deviation and internationalist imperialism. The Association reaffirmed it's high commitment to the victory of the Kyo nation and the realization of their destiny to fully inherit the whole Kyo peninsula.

The respected marshal《Je Jeongguk》declared that a morality campaign must ignite the entire nation. The respected marshal noted that, "it seems today that all one sees is violence in movies and sex on TV". He urged the people to firmly annihilate foreign and invasive spread of mass immorality through such mental and social viruses as public indecency, Dranianoism, homosexuality, transgenderism, and socialism. The respected marshal declared that the Kyo must remain a vigilant people and destroy the poisons the globalists attempt to sterilize the race with.

The Association announced a nation-wide rationing system in response to the cruel, unjust sanctioning of the heroic Kyo nation by the globalist world congress and it's communist agenda. It acknowledged the new challenges of governance brought by these obstacles, but firmly and sacredly vowed to uphold the immortal spirit of ethnic independence and self-determination in face of the imperialist aggression which seeks to re-spread the poisons of Dranianoism into the people's paradise.

The congress was concluded with the pledge of all party cells to firmly uphold the ongoing rebirth of the Kyo nation.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Tue Nov 08, 2022 4:01 am


The race mourns as it's most glorious hero passes on

The immortal, beautiful, glorious, and respected Marshal 《Je Jeongguk》died peacefully in the capital of Gongmangdo today. He was only 34. Posthumously, his rank of marshal has been upgraded to that of Grand Marshal/Generalissimo; the government confirmed it fulfilled the Generalissimo's wishes of being cremated and spread upon the serene, holy white peaks of Jungang mountain; ancestral seat of all Kyo. The Generalissimo was a brilliant, deeply moving genius who was excellent in all qualities and areas of life. He was a visionary that saved the nation from communism and triumphed in the fascist salvation of the land; establishing the Kyo Commonwealth of Dankuk and helping to redirect the national course torwards fate and destiny. He rebuilt the nation, withstood international communist sabotage, and left it more determined and willful than ever before and since. Always amongst the people; the Generalissimo will remain forever in the hearts of the Kyo race as their supreme savior.

The post of Cardinal Head will be succeeded by Min Him-Chan, and the next State Chancellor will be North Dovanian exile-turned Dankukin politician Kam Moon-He. In place of a Marshal being the supreme commander of the armed forces, the position will be filled by a triumvirate. In the darkest of times; the Kyo race will endure, keep the mission given to it by the Generalissimo in mind, and defeat the globalist enemies - Metzism and Communism - to achieve the sure victory of fascism and claim the glorious new future of the nation.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:05 pm


In a transformation, the State Council will create binding legislation

Whereas in the past the respected Generalissimo《Je Jeongguk》was the primary maker of decisions politically in Dankuk; it appears as of late that Chancellor Kam is seeking to give the council a greater role in governance. All 75 state councilors were appointed by the Generalissimo during his reign and unanimously approved all state measures; but the Kam government has declared plans for election based on regional DNWA cells. Kam has defended the move by saying that the sharing of power gives Dankuk increased accountability, and legitimacy in face of hostile foreign forces.

Some prominent fascists however, disagree with the verdict and mourn the loss of a great leader to centralize the Commonwealth. Proponents of the supreme leader model note the unquestioned loyalty public servants had to the Generalissimo as an individual; such an attachment is not likely to persist at a comparable level once state power finds itself in the hands of a murky council. This general lack of direction and increased participation in government by an oligarchy is seen as a step backwards for national unity and achievement of the Kyo racial cause.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:12 pm


Association Voted to Strengthen the Will of the People

The State Council has voted down a resolution that would reinstate diplomatic immunity and allow foreigners non-essential travel into the Kyo fatherland. The debate was significant, with a vote of 21 for, 48 against, and 6 abstaining. Arguing for the resolution, members of the Association said that Dankuk must return to the world stage and attempt negotiation and reconciliation. Those against noted the hostile, Metzist globalist forces will not stop unti the entire Kyo race meets its end, and that the people must wholeheartedly commit to defending the one-people spirit and the autarky of the nation. Ultimately, the latter prevailed and confirmed that the Fatherland will continue to ban foreign entry and bar diplomatic immunity.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:41 pm

To the surprise of many, mass protests have broken out all across Dankuk, calling for various rights to be restored, most especially democracy. While unsurprisingly, these protests were largely out down in a harsh measures, they have started a question amongst the government, "is Reform needed?". With the protests being curbed harshly, there have been rumours of armed revolt against the government to restore democracy and rumours of foreign aid to resistance groups. However as international observers continue to criticize the Dankuk government, more protests, while being harshly curbed continue to prop up in various cities. It's becoming more and more clear that the people demand some form of change in Dankuk but it remains unseen if the government will embrace it.

Can Dankuk survive the coming storm?
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Re: Dankuk

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:23 pm

Bombing of oil reserves in Dankuk!

Only days after the mass protests began, several oil reserves in Dankuk were bombed by unknown elements. Many in the government were quick to point blame onto the TRA due to the hostility shared. While various resistance groups have claimed responsibility and the TRA has remained silent, the governments official position has been to assume it is the TRA's fault.

However the bombings have caused a sense of dread amongst the government. The embargoes against the nation have crippled it enough, the loss of oil reserves has threatened Dankuk in a massive way. Combined with the mass protests and things are grim for the government.

Pushes have been made to negotiate with the protestors and compromise to avoid civil war and save Dankuk from destruction.

With a grim situation, oil reserves being shattered, international pressure escalating and protestors getting more and more bolder, negotiations may be done to prevent a total collapse of Dankuk.

Time shall see if the nation can avoid bloodshed.
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