
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:42 pm

[17 July 5245]

Unusual amounts of tanks and planes have appeared in Kasaema bearing a blue background with a white eagle bombarding Governmental positions, alongside soldiers that are telling citizens to go home - grabbing those who refuse. Phone cameras continue to record movements of the soldiers.

Protests over the coup have appeared however they have been broken up at various points. One major protest however has not been broken up near National Square where protestors and partisans are preparing for a final stand at the National Assembly building - various humanitarian supplies from around the city have also appeared and even a tank was stolen from the streets. Guns are roaming around and the Kasaema Metro is closed and is being fought over by both sides, though the Government is reportedly winning that fight.

Air Force units have dropped some bombs over the National Assembly building and near the National Square and it is unknown of the casualties.

More to come.

Image: Tank at the National Square
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:50 pm

[17 July 5245]

Following the recent bombings of Kundrati capital city, Kasaema, and the alleged targeting of leftist party leaders and officials, senior Kundrati Workers Party officials, along with the 80 KWP members of the National Assemby, have gone into hiding. The whereabouts of Party Chairman Mitar Kladnik, Party Leader in the National Assemby Jakov Jelen, and one of the Party’s founders and Kundrati Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ena Burja, are currently unknown. Reports also have it the the Kundrati Ministers of Justice and Food & Agriculture, who are both KWP members have fled the country. There are also some concerning unconfirmed reports the the KWP Minister of Trade and Industry, Petar Gregorc, has been arrested and murdered, his wife and family are also missing at this time.

[Article written by KWP Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:58 pm

[18 July 5245]


Today, at 12:32 PM, shots finally ceased to ring in Kaesama as tanks and soldiers march in the city, proclaiming loyalty to the National Salvation Government of Kundrati. Seeking to dismantle properly ban Ordosocialism and allegedly left wing thought as seen with UKM-S and NR politicians being arrested and given a military trial. Loyalists to the previous government have fled and gone into hiding, with the biggest organized resistance to the now established Military Junta being based in Extea, calling for armed revolt against the Junta.

As various rights are suspended, protests that are still occurring are being quickly curbed with extreme prejudice by military forces. The protestors in National Square were attacked, numerous tanks bombarded the square and air units attacked, causing numerous casualties and ensuring the NSG take over the square.

[Article written by NR (formerly SLP) Kundrati]
Image: NSG soldiers attack National Square protestors
Last edited by hyraemous on Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:00 pm

[18 July 5245]

Following the recent coup in the capital city, Kasaema, the PHP leadership council decided to escape taking with them every member of the party into a secret hideout. Emily Burningham, the PHP spokesperson said on the Harmonist People's Radio:"The PHP consider the newly installed junta as illegitimate and undemocratic, following the coup, we announce the creation of the Harmonist Resistance Army to resist the junta and restore democracy. We will also use the Harmonist People's Radio to spread hope among the folks who still believe that our democracy can be salvaged. This is a Harmonist call for every political party in Kundrati, let's protect our democracy by forming an emergency national union government to resist the junta". Rosalia Desevilla, Lucy O'Casey, Ivana Romanova, and Tanya Hudik decided to officially create the Harmonist Resistance Army as paramilitary organization of the PHP and join the NUG. The locations of the PHP leadership council, HRA military command and HPR airing Station are currently unknown. Right now, the PHP is the most opposition against the Junta by saying:"The PHP consider the newly installed junta as illegitimate and undemocratic, following the coup, we announce the creation of the Harmonist Resistance Army to resist the junta and restore democracy. We will also use the Harmonist People's Radio to spread hope among the folks who still believe that our democracy can be salvaged. This is a Harmonist call for every political party in Kundrati, let's protect our democracy by forming an emergency national union government to resist the junta".

[Article written by PHP Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:14 pm

[19 July 5245]


Following the recent coup in Kaesama, minor skirmishes have occured in the countryside between Junta forces and the dreaded Black Hammer Movement, responsible for the Jildrathi Crisis decades ago. The fighting was sparse and quickly crushed by the Junta due to disorganization but it is a sign that Ordosocialism in Kundrati is now ready to fight. Whether they will align with the Extean Opposition Government remains to be seen but no reports have come in of skirmishes between the two factions. Nikolina Kocijan, a vocal Ordosocialist politician has called for the BHM to support the EOG and form a united front with other resistance blocs to counter the "reactionary" Junta.

[Article written by OrdoSoc (formerly NR and SLP) Kundrati]
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Re: Kundrati

Postby TRA » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:40 pm

MOD Deploys 13th Flotilla to Extea, Kundrati
Deployment of forces focused on supply and rescue
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:42 pm

[19 July 5245]

The President, in a video message shared through Kundrati social media, including official Government channels, has provided the following video address:

In this horrendous time of conflict some elements of the Army and the Air Force have taken advantage of the chaos of the last few weeks and months and year to attack our country, our democracy and the very idea of Kundrati in general.

They shall not succeed. Me, my Government ministers, us (showing the Vice President and the Presidential Advisor on the Military), we will not leave this country. We have left Kasaema and are still in Kundrati. We will not let ourselves be captured by the Junta and we will fight to the very end. If I have to, I will get a gun and a vest like our soldiers and fight myself. This country, for where our very existence has based ourselves under for centuries, will never surrender to those who believe that democracy can be thrown away, and our entire country is willing to put our lives at stake, our souls even, for freedom.

I declare that all able bodied men are to remain in Kundrati. Women who are unable to serve, alongside all children should prepare to leave. Already our allies are preparing ships and so have we to go to Extea and then leave for other Seleyan and Artenian countries. They should remain safe for the duration of this conflict, however long it shall be.

I plead with any of our allies, friends, our neighbours, anyone to help us in this dark hour.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:55 am

[20 September 5245]

Junta forces were reportedly seen marching towards Lirnak in a light-speed operation. The Armed Forces of the Government confirmed that major Junta army and air force units were able to pierce the Kasaema Defense Line and pierce through the border between Lirnak and Pligon. It is unknown if they intend to also attack the state of Peghonai as well. This comes after quiet in the country over the last two months as both sides prepared for the oncoming civil war.

In the city of Tomasadyn, tanks were seen occupying the local Regional Centre and the Junta have been seen taking in various people towards this and several other buildings. The loyalist forces were able to hold on to Elwai however, the city leading up to the now-closed Dundorf border and becoming a safe haven for the refugees of Kundrati, for which there are many.

Loyalist radio, including the Harmonist Peoples' Radio, provided assistance on resistance forces and evacuation orders which have been sanctioned by the Kundrati Government. Already the loyalist forces were able to advance from Elwai onto positions held by the Junta southeast of the city with some success, though it is currently a stalemate on that front. It is also possible saboteurs were operating in the area as an explosion was reported on the Junta side on a petrol station being used by the Junta, claiming the life of two soldiers per Government sources.

Gunfights all around Tomasadyn's unoccupied portions (mainly in the west) have been going on for a while now and see no sign of ending as Junta-aligned combat airplanes were spotted around the area. Bombs were also heard exploding in this area as well. This is also happening in the city of Kadyn as we speak as well which leads towards the state of Celania.

Image: Junta soldiers near Kadyn approaching a Government-held position
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:33 am

[1 October 5245]

The attack on Kadyn has resulted in the capture of the city - the city's leader was executed today by Junta forces after heavy bombardment of the city left it unable to even surrender - the heavy bombardment was too much for the city. The city leads to Celania and towards the coast with a city remaining.

The blitzkrieg, or as some are calling it The Push, has claimed the lives of 17,000 Junta forces and 12,000 Government forces per statements by the Government. The city of Kadyn is wrecked and the surrounding area has fared no better. Junta forces have already been spotted entering Celania and have also been spotted advancing deeper into Pligon towards the border with Endralon. Roads were clogged south of Kadyn full of refugees as the Junta has not fired upon that road and towards those civilians. This is already putting a drain on ferries from the mainland to Extea as ships are often above capacity - so are air flights to Extea from the mainland.

Airspace above the state of Lirnak and parts of Pligon are already under the control of the Junta though the Government claims that air defences in the rest of the provinces and in the rest of Pligon are working hard to shoot down any Junta planes - the Junta has not confirmed this though local OSINT detectives have confirmed at least some of the declarations from the Government. Gunfights have continued in Tomasadyn as forces from the Government have begun to act upon the Junta in the city, taking numerous city blocks and even a local arsenal and theater the Junta was using as a makeshift headquarters. The fight continues for the control of Tomasadyn however bombardments of the city have become more and more regular.

Around the country, especially in war torn portions, power is becoming scarce as well and so are water supplies. It is feared this may continue towards Celania and even Jildrath. The Government has stated they will continue to restore power and water service if possible as the country faces winter.

Image: Loyalist forces attempt to defend a small village in Celania from Junta foes
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:19 am

[5 October 5245]

The mystery about the fate of the Kundrati Prime Minister, Emili Careta and her sister, the Head of the UKM-S Nikolasa Careta, following the military coup came to an end last night as the military regime announced that they were in their custody and would face a trial for "crimes against Kundrati tradition and democracy". What followed was a few hour long sham trial in which they were found guilty of all accused crimes and sentenced to death, despite capital punishment being outlawed by the constitution.

The sentence was carried out at 03:17 by a firing squad. Shortly afterwards, reports of other UKM-S leaders, NR leaders and even a few UKM-M leaders facing trials also came. It is expected that they will suffer the same fate. There were a few notable UKM-S leaders not present among those facing trial including Nikole Bolloqui, Minister of Internal Affairs and Barna Katalin, Minister of Justice. It is believed that they, along with other surviving UKM-S leaders have gone into hiding and most likely attempting to escape to territories not under military control. Aurelio Igueta, Minister of Environment and Tourism, prominent UKM-M leader and former head of UKM has also been missing for some time but was not among the people facing trial. It is currently unknown whether he was simply unable to flee military controlled territories and went in hiding or if he was arrested and will face trial at a later date, being the founder of the UKM.

The trials also seem to indicate that the military intends to rule Kundrati with an iron fist. Some brave citizens who protested against the execution were dispersed with heavy force.

[Article written by UKM Kundrati]
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