New Endralon and Kizenia

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:41 pm

Kizenian Star

President Arslanescu moves to protect Kutohaderia from New Endralon
December 2nd 5261

Months after the division of the nation into three, the Kizenian President Horațiu Arslanescu has come forward on the news and broadcast a speech to everyone to see. In his speech he claimed the New Endralonians had set up a puppet government in Kutohaderia to establish a ''Kuzaki Republic'' loyal to the New Endralonian state.

Brothers! For too long have we been subjecated or been forced into an equal partnership with those who do not wish to except that THIS nation, IS KIZENIAN! No more will we tolerate monarchist tyrants backed by silly Pelican nationalists from Endrafold. It is time for the nation to become whole again, to rebuild the State of Kizenia!

Ofcourse, we will never stoop so low that we do not accept these minorities. But let it be clear, we ARE the true rulers of this nation. Our ancestors lived here, we were driven from our lands by the Endralonian Empire, forced into servitude. We all know this history and since the establishment of the Grand Duchy we have felt the boots of the New Endralonians once more! NO MORE I SAY!

We have retaken a part of our land, but so have the other rebels. Now is the time to strike and make our nation whole! Our Kuzaki brothers have been misled, they must stand down and become a part of our Republic once more. They are not ruled by themselves but by a New Endralonian puppet. We cannot allow the New Endralonians with their savage Zyldavian langauge to obtain this province for their so-called Republic. Kizenian Unity must prevail! So yesterday I have given the order to move our troops to the border with the Kuzaki rebel province of Kutohaderia to secure the liberty and protection of the Kuzaki people, our brothers. I have given an ultimatum to the Kutohaderian governor: Surrender your rebel ways and rejoin us! Do not entertain the New Endralonians lies and stop this fake division, we are brothers.

We will give them a day to decide, then we will start out operation to liberate the Kuzaki from the New Endralonian puppets. For Kizenia!

After the speech troops were seen moving and shipping out to the border of the Kuzaki-led provice of Kutohaderia. Seeing the state of the defences of Kutohaderia the ''Kuzaki Republic'' should fall soon according to military officials. Reports from the border has seen an increase in Kuzaki military personal moving to the border, however it is clear that this is an unequal fight. Kizenia will liberate them as is sure.

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:33 pm

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:43 am

Kuzaki Gazzette
Aid from North Dovani helps Kuzaki armed forces, will it be enough?

Februari, 5264

Kuzaki forces have been pushed back my Kizenian invading forces ever since the war began in 5262. The Kizenian announced attack was delayed by New Endralonian naval movements that scared the Kizenian commanders to fully commit to the war. This resulted in limited progress by the Kizenians to fully attack the Kuzaki with everything they got. This has resulted in limited advances for the Kizenian armed forces. However the Kuzaki Defence Force has been unable to fully stop them. Pleas from the Kuzaki Republic to the world were left unawnsered for years on end, untill finally the generous North Dovani people send 200 million in North Dovani currency worth in military equipment to help defend the nation as it is now.

Despite the help the Kuzaki Republic is worried that the mass build-up of New Endralonian forces on the border will result in a slaughter for all sides involved. The Kuzaki President Janocovic has called upon various world leaders to aid and stop this senseless war. Will his pleas be heard?
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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:02 am

Independent Pelican News

New Endralon blockades Kizenian coastline, Kizenian-Kuzaki front consolidates after aid
November 5264

In the past few years the Keris war began the three nations have seen little all-out war, with only the Kizenian and Kuzaki forces clashing within the Kuzaki Republic over the control of the province of Kutohaderia. The New Endralonians, who have only fought off airraids from the Kizenian airforce, have from time to time clashed in border schirmises with the Kizenian armed forces left on the border to probe their chance to invade.

The New Endralonian high command has now seen its chance to strike, with a lot of troops of the Kizenian armed forces tied up in Kuzaki to strike. The Navy is send out by the New Endralonian Republic to ''protect'' the coast and block any shipment to the ''Kizenian aggressors''. The statement made by the New Endralonians showcases that they clearly wish to paint themselves as the positive force in this conflict.

As a result of the naval action of the New Endralonians the Kizenian northern ports can no longer import the requirement armaments and materials to keep their wareconomy going for long. This has resulted the Kizenians to redirect most of their naval activity to the southern Kizenian ports.

Kuzaki forces, armed with North Dovani materials have put up a tougher resistance then expected. Kizenian forces and drafted men have also been moving to the New Endralonian border.

Independent Pelican News

New Endralon attacks
November 5265

New Endralon springs into action. After only using its navy to shell Kizenian coastal positions, often hitting vital infrastructure of the Kizenian Republic's civil population, the New Endralonian armies have started attacking the Kizenian positions along the border. The resulted attacks have been met with stiff resistance from the somewhat prepared Kizenian defenders. At this point it seems more likely that this front will be a stalemate for a long while as Kizenian airforces keep the New Endralonians from overwhelming the Kizenians.

On the front with the Kuzaki the New Endralonian ''peacekeeping'' mission to pacify the Kuzaki and remove the Kizenians has led to a breakdown in strong Kuzaki defence and a withdrawal to the mountains. The Kuzaki are intent to let the Kizenians and New Endralonians meet on the field and bleed from attrition in the mountains the province is well known for. Thus far the New Endralonian advance could not be stopped, it also helped the Kizenians in pushing further inland. Resulting in about 60% of the country beeing occupied by both sides. Kizenian forces and New Endralonian forces have met on the front and have started to attack eachothers positions.
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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:59 pm

Independent Pelican

Stalemate between New Endralon & Kizenia, heavy fighting in Kuzaki Republic
December 5265

With the New Endralonians joining the fight with all their might has changed the war completly. The civil strive that split the nation into three and the war for domination by the Kizenian State has divolved into a deadly three way war between the three sides. Reports come from all over the former nation of New Endralon & Kizenia that thousands have died during the conflict.

Heavy losses on Kuzaki front
The Kuzaki Republic has seen the most fighting of the three nations. In a short period of time the nation had to resort to conscripting boys from as young as 16 years old to fight. Its regular forces being small as it is and with the added untrained conscripts joining the line to hastely defend the nation has caused the Kuzaki to lose numerous men to the conflict. This has resulted the Kuzaki nation to revise laws and to start conscripting even women into its ranks to try and halt further incursions.

Kuzaki call for refounding the Confederation
In an effort to stop the war the President of the Kuzaki Republic has called for a stop of all hostillities and trying to resolve the situation peacefully. The President mentioned that he would be willing to move back into a Confederation of co-equals. The calls however were ignored by both the New Endralonian Republic and the Kizenian State. The two nations, still freshly encouraged by their gains see no reason to stop their ''liberation'' efforts.

New Endralonian and Kizenian fronts barely moving
With the fight starting in New Endralon and Kizenia the two nations have shelled and bombed each other and tried to invade. Both actions have caused multiple casualties with little to no gains. The Kizenians have lost some territory due to the New Endralonians focussing most of their forces in the first assault on the Kizenian border. With the Kuzaki Republic weakened from the Kizenians attack the New Endralonians correctly predicted little effort needed into invading the Kuzaki nation. The Kizenian counter-attack and the forces meeting in the Kuzaki republic has halted the New Endralonian advance.

Current situation
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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby TRA » Sat Mar 04, 2023 5:18 pm

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby TRA » Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:49 pm

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:23 pm

New Endralonian President blames Kizenia for Beiteynuese embassy bombing

President Rudolf Király, President of New Endralon

Janauri 5266

The President of the New Endralonian Republic, sometimes called the Federal Republic of New Endralon, has declined responsibility for the bombing of the ambassy, the President said in a speech that it is an obvious Kizenian lie to lure international support for their ‘’racist supremacist views’’ and trying to take away the attention of the ‘’just war’’ the New Endralonians are fighting to ‘’liberate our Kerisian nation’’.

The Kizenian President responded by saying that the direct opposite. He said that the indiscriminate shelling of all coastal cities and ports showcases the New Endralonian commitment to domination. The President said to our reporter that the colonialist and imperialist New Endralonians should finally be removed from the homeland of the Kizenians, saying ‘’they have over stayed their filthy pelican welcome’’.
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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby Rogue » Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:30 pm

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Re: Kizenia and New Endralon

Postby TRA » Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:37 am

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