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Re: Tukarali

Postby Polites » Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:11 pm

Evening Courier
Evening Courier is a Luthorian-language Tukarese newspaper providing high-quality coverage of Tukarese news for an international audience.

January 5279
What is Mbanda?
Brief overview of Tukarali's new official religion

This month the Assembly of the Republic approved a new law called the Mbanda Act that, among other things, establishes Mbanda as the official state religion of the Tukarese Republic and provides it with significant government support. The use of the term Mbanda and its meaning may be unfamiliar to many, especially given that there are no Mbanda practitioners according to the latest Tukarese census. As the bill establishing Mbanda as the official religion clarifies, the faith does in fact have a significant following in Tukarali under a different name, with roughly 8% of the population practising Inkolo Esintsundu Sizwe Syncretism, an academic and outdated term for Esinsundu-derived syncretism established in the former nation of Ibutho. Mbanda and IESS are similar in that they are both syncretic faiths where the primary component is Esinsundu, but the similarities end here. Unlike IESS, Mbanda is a uniquely Tukarese religion, where, apart from the Esinsundu origin, the main syncretic influences are Hosianism, Daenism, Yazdism, and indigenous Tukarese beliefs. Until recently Mbanda was ignored when it was not downright persecuted, as it recently happened in 5036. But now it has entered prominence with its recognition as a state religion and greater visibility for its practitioners, of whom President Sebastião Fontes Coelho is the most noteworthy example.

Mbanda is a monotheistic religion that believes in a supreme transcendental creator God, assisted by a host of lesser spirits known as the orixás, paralleling the role Yazdān and his assistant ahuras play in Yazdism. These orixás or saints, of Asli origin and name, are syncretized with Aurorian saints and act as forces of nature. Reincarnation and karmic law, of clear Daenic origin, is a core belief in Mbanda, whose practitioners believe souls must pass through various stages of evolution on different material planes before they reach enlightenment. Most Mbanda rituals take place in temples known as terreiros and are led by a priest or priestess known as pai-de-santo or mãe-de-santo ("father-of-saint" or "mother-of-saint"), and consist in the veneration of orixás through fruit offerings and animal sacrifice, as well as ritual drumming and dancing in order to convince an orixá to possess one of the participants.

This latter practice has proven the most controversial, with Hosian ministers, mostly Ameliorate, condemning Mbanda as demon worship and possession by the orixás as demonic possession. In spite of this the Patriotic Party is keen to aggressively promote Mbanda as a pan-Tukarese religion, due to its uniquely Tukarese character and syncretic incorporation of elements from most religions practised in Tukarali. The new policy is explicitly inspired by the establishment of Kanzo in the 31st century, itself a deliberate syncretism of the major Tukarese religions of that time. It is unlikely that government promotion of Mbanda will outlast the current administration, but this quintessentially Tukarese faith's days of obscurity and neglect are now over.

Religious hymn honouring a Mbanda orixá
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Polites » Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:01 am

Evening Courier
Evening Courier is a Luthorian-language Tukarese newspaper providing high-quality coverage of Tukarese news for an international audience.

December 5280
Datang language revival
Government sponsors indigenous language revitalization

Tukarali is well known for its ethnic and linguistic diversity, where the numerous ethnic and racial groups that form Tukarese society are bridged together by one common lingua franca, fittingly known as Tukarese. However the honour of being known simply as the "Tukarese language" did not always belong to the Selucian-derived creole that is currently the official language of Tukarali. Before the rise of Modern Tukarese the language of interethnic communication in Tukarali was a Nautic (OOC Austronesian) language known as Datang (OOC Tagalog/Filipino). The Datang people were one of the aboriginal inhabitants of Tukarali who formed most of the population of the eponymous region of Datã in premodern times. In spite of Selucian colonization, the Tukarese variety of Selucian that would later become the Tukarese language never experienced the same large-scale adoption that other Selucian-derived creoles like Canrillaise or Egelian saw in their respective regions. When Tukarali obtained its independence from the Selucian Empire in 1968 it did so as a patchwork of independent tribes speaking numerous languages from different language families. Although Datang was the most widely spoken of these languages it did not serve as a lingua franca for the simple reason that none was needed in that context. Although the establishment of the modern nation-state of Tukarali by Ryan Malagar in 2787 created the conditions that would later allow the Tukarese language to rise to its current status, at that time it was Datang, and occasionally also Panmuan (Mongol), that was granted the role of official language for the following centuries, although most of the population spoke neither language. It was only under the long and prosperous rule of the Democratic Republic of Tukarali that reigned, with a brief interruption, for nearly 1700 years between 3286 and 4969 that Tukarali became an immigrant nation where a single lingua franca, understood by all of its inhabitants, was found in the Tukarese language. Since then the indigenous Tukarese languages, including Datang, have experienced a sharp decline in use and popularity.

This does not however mean that they have ceased to be spoken altogether. Datang and other closely related Nautic languages like Borusian (Cebuano) and Kwanto (Ilocano) remain spoken by a substantial number of Tukarese citizens as a first or second language, and in spite of its decline Datang still retains some of its prestige it once held as the "Old Tukarese language". As part of its nationalistic programme of Tukarese cultural revival the Patriotic Party has found in the Datang language a suitable symbol for its ideology. In February this year the Assembly of the Republic approved a proposal introduced by the Patriotic Party that returns Datang to some of its lost prominence. Most significantly, the bill adopts a bilingual Tukarese-Datang national anthem and requires government to invest in language revitalization programmes seeking to reverse the language decline experienced by Datang. Although the Datang Language Act was approved with unanimous support, the Patriotic Party's junior coalition partner the Liberal-Democratic Party has expressed misgivings on this latter point, believing that public funds are better spent elsewhere other than attempting to revive a declining language. In spite of this there is some popular support for these new efforts at revitalizing the Datang language, if for no other reason than its symbolic value. In the 11 months since the approval of the Datang Language Act the number of publications in the language, most with government financial support, has increased significantly, as has the number of students, children and adults alike, who have signed up for free Datang language classes. This may well be a small temporary trend, but it could also signal a significant return to the use of Tukarali's indigenous languages.

Cover of bilingual Tukarese-Datang children's book "Am I small?"
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Zumoka » Thu Apr 06, 2023 5:10 pm

O Republicano
(OOC Note: This is a test of the match draw system)
8 July 5282
In a training friendly, São Miguel FC beats Serra Verde FC away from home by 2-7
With three "lightning" goals from the player José Corrêa Costa, São Miguel FC scored in the first unofficial friendly of the year, sponsored by the automobile company Munius and the Gaines-Fox Corporation.
- Ricardo Machado da Silva, Jornal O Republicano - 5282 Edition
Serra Verde, Tukarali - Today (8th), at 17:00, Serra Verde faced São Miguel and lost by 2-7. For the team's fans, the result was disappointing, however, they recognized that São Miguel has a squad with better-trained players and reinforced that São Miguel is one of the favorites to win this year's Série A, when it starts. In the post-match interview, João Oliveira, who scored Serra Verde's second goal, and originally opened the scoring in the 7th minute (but the goal was disallowed for offside), said it was a disappointing result for the team, but reinforced that "the bad results only make us stronger" and that "we have the support of the fans, and that will make us go stronger for the next friendly".
"I spoke with Roberto [da Silva, coach of Serra Verde], we will try to improve our squad in the next friendly test, and who knows, even win [the next friendly]. [...] Also, I would like to say that Pedro [Fernandez] is one of the best goalkeepers today, he really scared me. When I went to take the penalty, I looked into his eyes waiting for a reaction or a signal to define the corner I was going to take, but he didn't give me any signal, he, he... just took all my shots except 2 of them and one was offside. I already know why he's captain of the team. When I have kids, I'll tell them about this match. I know it's still just a friendly preparation. In Serie A, we will do everything to be positioned at least among the top 4, [and] guarantee our qualification for other regional championships. [...] I honestly think that the bad results make us come back stronger, we have the support of the fans, this will make us come back stronger for the next training friendly."

One of the best evaluated players of the match, the captain of São Miguel, Pedro Fernandez, also gave an interview. Pedro was born in Porto dos Santos, and moved to São Miguel when he was only 4 years old. He was playing for a local team when he was spotted by a São Miguel scout who encouraged him to join the team's youth ranks as a Goalkeeper.
"When the penalty was given in the 11th minute, I looked into João Oliveira's face, and I was completely focused on saving that penalty. he went for the shot in the left corner, I jumped to save it. That's a feeling, wow, a great feeling for a goalkeeper."

Asked about the triple save he made in the 88th minute, he replied:
"I would never have thought that I would make this save. It was something very fast, they could easily score the third with that Castro cross. First, I saved Oliveira's header very easily, then Castro arrived to try to score the goal on the rebound, I saved again. The third save was one of the best I've ever made, he was going to try the bicycle kick. He just missed the right moment to kick."

Even at the start of the season, Pedro Fernandez is in the sights of Harpia FC, which was bought yesterday by the Gaines-Fox Corporation. According to commentator Matheus Borges: "Pedro is a player who is probably very expensive. Harpia FC could buy him and still have a few billion left over. It is a team in the process of being restructured". The President of Harpia FC, Matheus da Silva Gaines-Fox, also reinforced that the club will invest a lot of money to try to buy Pedro.
R. Castro 45' - J. Corrêa 10', 22', 39'
J. Oliveira 82' - A. Costa 57', 85' M. Ferraz 68', 73'
São Miguel FC's Team:
GK - 1 - Pedro Fernandez (Captain)
RB - 2 - Roberto Lucas
CB - 3 - Bruno Schmidt
CB - 4 - Enzo Rossi
LB - 5 - Jonas Krause
CM - 6 - Lucas Moreira
CM - 8 - Diogo Almeida
AM - 11 - Guilherme Becker
RW - 10 - Matheus Ferraz
LW - 7 - Antônio Costa
CF - 9 - José Corrêa
Serra Verde FC's Team
GK - 1 - Gabriel Rossi
RB - 2 - Thiago Conti
CB - 3 - Leonardo Russo
CB - 21 - Matheus Costa
LB - 18 - Bruno Gaines
CM - 6 - Gustavo Moretti
CM - 8 - Carlos Ferri
RW - 11 - Diego De Luca
AM - 10 - Rafael Castro (Captain)
LW - 7 - Marcelo Dubois
CF - 9 - João Oliveira
See more:
  • Newspaper "O Republicano" is restored after the Carvalho family's return to Tukarali.
  • "We are looking for a coach for our team", says the president of Tuquedo EC.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Polites » Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:56 pm

Evening Courier
Evening Courier is a Luthorian-language Tukarese newspaper providing high-quality coverage of Tukarese news for an international audience.

December 5284
Government collapses
Governing coalition falls apart

Tukarali had been governed by a heterogeneous grand coalition comprising all parliamentary parties since May 5282. The three parties that formed the governing coalition, namely the authoritarian nationalist Patriotic Party, the centre-left Liberal Democratic Party, and the far-left Socialist and Democratic Party, had widely divergent political views, which is why the establishment of the grand coalition had taken commentators and observers by surprise. It is not surprising however that this heterogeneous alliance did not survive. The Liberal-Democratic Party grew increasingly distant from and critical of its two coalition partners, being particularly critical of the Patriotic Party's negative vote on the National Anti-Fascism Protocol.

Last month the Liberal Democrats introduced a call for early elections, motivated by the perceived extremism and anti-democratic character of the Malagarist party. The ensuing session of the Assembly of the Republic became heated, with Liberal Democratic and Democratic Socialist deputies trading insults and accusations as the latter defended their continued participation in the governing coalition. The failure of the early election motion has prompted the Malagarists to submit a motion of no confidence in the government and the establishment of a two-party coalition formed of the Patriotic Party and the Socialist and Democratic Party. As of this moment the no confidence vote is on its way to garnering a majority, which means that by next month the grand coalition that had governed Tukarali for little more than 2 years will have lived its last.

Assembly of the Republic voting on the motion of no confidence
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Re: Tukarali

Postby TRA » Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:19 am

Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Polites » Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:53 am

Evening Courier
Evening Courier is a Luthorian-language Tukarese newspaper providing high-quality coverage of Tukarese news for an international audience.

November 5287
Coup in Tukarali
President Fontes Coelho takes power, dissolves Assembly

Tukarese democracy has been abolished this year and a dictatorship is currently being established. President Sebastião Fontes Coelho and his supporters in the Patriotic Party have taken absolute power in a coup in January after having eroded the democratic opposition for years, and at this moment Tukarali is on its way towards officially becoming an authoritarian regime. This January the Assembly of the Republic was dissolved by the President, putting an end to the only remaining democratic force in Tukarali, the Party of Tukarese Democracy. A snap election was then called where only candidates handpicked by the President were allowed, leading to the election of a rubber-stamp legislature early this year. The Constitution and its Amendments have been repealed, and although opposition forces have not as of yet been formally banned, they have been rendered powerless.

This month the Assembly has started voting on a new legislative and constitutional proposal that would formally abolish Tukarese democracy and officially instate one-person rule. The One Nation, One Spirit constitutional bill on its way to being unanimously approved will abolish the offices of President and Prime Minister, instead placing executive power into the hands of a "Great Dictator", office which will unsurprisingly be filled by Sebastião Fontes Coelho. The office of the Great Dictator is a revival of the position with the same name once held by historic Malagarist leader Shuya Nakagawa, but unlike his predecessor Sebastião Fontes Coelho has not, at least for now, been proclaimed Dictator serving for eternity. The Great Dictator will enjoy extensive and indeed dictatorial powers, including control over the judicial system, the military, local administration, and the diplomatic corps.

The erosion of Tukarese democracy has been taking place for years, and was exacerbated by the cabinet crisis in 5284. A few months after the fall of government both the opposition Liberal-Democratic Party and the Patriotic Party's junior coalition partner the Socialist and Democratic Party were forcibly dissolved after the courts found irregularities in their financing. The Patriotic Party was then left with a meagre and inefficient opposition represented by the Party of Tukarese Democracy, whose only achievement was that it prevented the Patriotic Party from having a constitutional majority in the Assembly. It was Malagarist frustration that they were denied what they believed was their rightful claim to power that led to the January coup, after which the Patriotic Party could embark on the constitutional project it had championed since its founding in 5272, the establishment of a single-party "benevolent dictatorship". With the opposition divided and demoralized there is now nothing that can stand in the way of Malagarist dictatorship, and there remains little hope for Tukarese democracy as Malagarists celebrate the fulfilment of their authoritarian dream.

Anti-dictatorship protest in Sangon
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Re: Tukarali

Postby TRA » Sun May 07, 2023 9:20 am

Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby myungggg » Thu May 11, 2023 1:31 am

The Tukarense Times
Tempos Tukarense is an esteemed newspaper that prides itself on providing the most comprehensive and accurate coverage of Tukarali, both to its citizens and the global community. Our commitment to journalistic integrity, investigative reporting, and unbiased storytelling allows us to paint an authentic picture of Tukarali's triumphs, challenges, and aspirations.

In a groundbreaking investigation, Tempos Tukarense has obtained exclusive evidence of a massive embezzlement scandal involving the Great Dictator of Tukarali, Sebastião Fontes Coelho, and his close ally, Minister of Education Joao Flores. The investigation reveals that they allegedly diverted funds from the National Higher Education Innovation Fund, which is intended to support public research universities nationwide. These startling revelations have sent shockwaves through the country, as Tukarali struggles to come to terms with the depth of corruption within its highest echelons of power.

Sources close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity, have provided detailed documents and testimonies that expose a systematic scheme to siphon off funds allocated to the National Higher Education Innovation Fund. The fund, which is crucial for the advancement of education, research, and innovation, was meant to propel Tukarali's universities to the forefront of global knowledge and development.

The evidence suggests that Coelho and Flores, exploiting their positions of authority, meticulously diverted the funds for personal gain, depriving the universities of much-needed resources. The diverted funds were allegedly used to finance lavish lifestyles, acquire luxury assets, and consolidate their power within the regime.

Our investigation found that a network of shell companies and offshore accounts in Kundrati and Beiteynu was set up to launder the embezzled money, obscuring the trail of illicit transactions. These revelations point to a highly sophisticated operation that manipulated financial records, falsified documents, and deliberately bypassed transparency measures.

The scale of the embezzlement is staggering. Documents obtained by Tempos Tukarense indicate that millions, possibly billions, of Tukarense dollars have been misappropriated over the years. The funds were meant to bolster research programs, modernize infrastructure, and attract top-tier faculty, but instead, they were funneled into the pockets of the dictator and his accomplice.

Public research universities across Tukarali have suffered immensely as a result of this insidious embezzlement scheme. Dilapidated buildings, outdated equipment, and inadequate resources have hampered the pursuit of knowledge and excellence. Talented researchers and scholars have been denied the support they need to make breakthrough discoveries, stifling the country's potential for scientific advancement.

As news of the scandal spreads, there is growing anger and frustration among the academic community and the general public. Students, faculty members, and university administrators are demanding justice and immediate action to hold Coelho, Flores, and their associates accountable for their crimes against education and the nation.

Tempos Tukarense reached out to the Office of the Great Dictator and the Ministry of Education for comment but received no response at the time of publication. The silence from the regime raises concerns about their commitment to transparency and accountability.

The Tukarali people deserve answers. They deserve leaders who prioritize the welfare of the nation over personal gain. Tempos Tukarense is committed to pursuing the truth and will continue to shine a light on corruption and abuse of power. We call upon the authorities to launch a thorough investigation into these allegations and ensure that justice is served swiftly.

As this scandal unfolds, one thing is clear: Tukarali's path to progress and prosperity demands a complete eradication of corruption and a renewed commitment to ethical governance. Only through transparency and accountability can Tukarali's public research universities reclaim their rightful place as engines of innovation and drivers of national development.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby myungggg » Thu May 11, 2023 12:51 pm

The Tukarense Times
Tempos Tukarense is an esteemed newspaper that prides itself on providing the most comprehensive and accurate coverage of Tukarali, both to its citizens and the global community. Our commitment to journalistic integrity, investigative reporting, and unbiased storytelling allows us to paint an authentic picture of Tukarali's triumphs, challenges, and aspirations.

Horrific Massacre Unveiled: Tukarali's Great Dictator Accused of Orchestrating Mass Murder in Selvagem
Survivors and Whistleblower reveal chilling details of a government-led atrocity
In a shocking and heartbreaking revelation, Tempos Tukarense has obtained eyewitness accounts and whistleblower testimony that expose a horrific massacre orchestrated by the regime of the Great Dictator, Sebastião Fontes Coelho. The small town of Selvagem has become the setting for one of the darkest chapters in Tukarali's history, as an estimated 10,000 innocent men, women, and children were ruthlessly slaughtered in December 5287. The details that have emerged are deeply disturbing, including accounts of gunning down civilians, burning them alive, sexual abuse, and forced disappearances of children.

According to survivor testimonies, the massacre was ordered by Coelho himself as an act of retribution against the town for their indifference towards his visit last October 5287. In a chilling display of power, the regime's forces descended upon Selvagem, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Innocent lives were extinguished in the most brutal manner imaginable, with many gunned down or burned alive inside their own homes. Survivors recount scenes of unimaginable horror, witnessing loved ones being torn away from them, never to be seen again.

Disturbingly, reports also suggest that sexual abuse was perpetrated against some of the victims, adding an additional layer of horror to an already incomprehensible tragedy. Witnesses have revealed that some individuals were thrown into a nearby lake, while others were subjected to unspeakable acts of violence.

To add to the agony, numerous children from Selvagem were reportedly abducted during the massacre and remain missing to this day. Their fate hangs in the balance, as families search desperately for answers and hope for their safe return. The depth of sorrow and despair experienced by the survivors and the families of the victims is immeasurable, as they mourn the loss of their loved ones and grapple with the trauma inflicted upon them.

In a calculated effort to conceal the magnitude of this atrocity, the regime and its forces have deceitfully claimed that the massive death toll was a result of a wildfire. This deliberate cover-up further illustrates the regime's disregard for truth, justice, and the value of human life. Such a heinous act of violence cannot be concealed or forgotten, and the survivors and whistleblowers who have bravely come forward demand that justice be served.

Tempos Tukarense is committed to shedding light on this horrifying massacre, amplifying the voices of the survivors and holding those responsible accountable for their actions. We call upon the international community to condemn these atrocities and support the people of Tukarali in their pursuit of justice.

As this chilling revelation sends shockwaves through the nation and the world, the moral obligation to stand against tyranny and advocate for human rights has never been clearer. The time for accountability is now, as the survivors of Selvagem and their supporters demand justice for the innocent lives lost and a commitment to preventing such horrors from ever happening again.

Tempos Tukarense will continue to expose the truth, empower the survivors, and fight for a future where such atrocities have no place in the fabric of society. Together, we must ensure that the memory of those lost in Selvagem is honored and that their suffering paves the way for a brighter and more just Tukarali.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby myungggg » Fri May 12, 2023 9:57 am

Evening Courier
Evening Courier is a Luthorian-language Tukarese newspaper providing high-quality coverage of Tukarese news for an international audience.

November 5287
Tukarali's National Assembly Approves Constitutional Amendment for Elections
Great Dictator position and National Assembly seats up for grabs in the latter half of 5300


In a significant development, the National Assembly of Tukarali has resoundingly approved a constitutional amendment allowing for an election to be held for the position of the Great Dictator in the latter half of 5300. The amendment, drafted by the Office of the Great Dictator itself, also includes provisions for concurrent National Assembly elections.

The decision, backed by an overwhelming 698-0-2 vote, reflects the nation's commitment to democratic principles and the desire for a more inclusive political landscape. By allowing the Tukarense populace to elect their leader, this constitutional amendment marks a significant milestone in Tukarali's political history.

To ensure a fair and transparent electoral process, the Central Electoral Commission will be headed by Enrico Ximenes da Conceição, Minister of Trade and Industry from the ruling Partido Patriota. As the head of the Commission, Minister da Conceição will oversee the electoral proceedings and ensure their integrity.

In an exclusive interview with Correio da Noite, Minister da Conceição expressed his commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and conducting free and fair elections. He emphasized the importance of transparency, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all candidates, regardless of their affiliations.

"The Central Electoral Commission is dedicated to ensuring that the electoral process is conducted with the utmost transparency and fairness," said Minister da Conceição. "We will provide a level playing field for all candidates and ensure that the voice of the Tukarense people is heard through their votes."

With the constitutional amendment in place, the nation eagerly anticipates the upcoming elections. It is expected that political parties and candidates will embark on rigorous campaigns, engaging with citizens and presenting their visions for the future of Tukarali.

The Correio da Noite will closely follow these developments, providing unbiased coverage of the electoral process and keeping our readers informed of the latest updates.

As Tukarali takes this historic step towards a more participatory democracy, it is crucial for citizens to exercise their rights responsibly and engage in the democratic process. The integrity of the elections rests in the hands of the people, who must remain vigilant to safeguard the sanctity of the ballot box.

Stay tuned for further updates as Tukarali prepares for this momentous election, shaping the nation's future through democratic means.
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