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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat May 06, 2023 8:56 am

Finance News
References: Dundorf, Kundrati, Likatonia
52.5M LOD for clean energy in Likatonia
May 5297 - Led by Kundrati's Tomasadyn National, the private industry finally jumps in to invest in Likatonia, after years of discussions
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

A fallen wind turbine in Madison, Likatonia

Kasaema, Kundrati - Tomasadyn National has announced that it will be leading a joint investment venture with Ashalon Bank BEIFG in Likatonia's clean energy sector upwards of 52.5M LOD. Both financial institutions will work with Hamilton Energy, Hamilton Company's energy division, to fix, upgrade and modernise Likatonia's wind turbines in Madison, in an attempt to start a consortium of construction and energy companies which will hopefully undertake a plethora of energy related projects throughout Likatonia, Kundrati and Beiteynu in the coming decades. Although Dundorfian contractors will assist in the venture towards the construction of 7 wind turbines, Hamilton Energy from Likatonia and Hofesh Electrical Industries from Beiteynu will be tasked with the grid related sections of the project, with a plan to put the necessary maintenance and operational processes in place for the proper management of the new and modernised units. HEI has regarded its involvement as a means of moving away from the Aristocrat Energetical dominated nuclear energy sector in Beiteynu.

Much in a similar manner during the last decade with the Dankukian economy, the private sector in Beiteynu continues to look for opportunities to invest in emerging markets, having set its eyes on Likatonia almost since the dawn of the current century. The new private investment initiative is projected to solidify Beiteynuese-Kundrati partnerships and hopefully increase both the relations with the Likatonian market as well as pave the way for an expansion of the energy sectors, especially with solar generated power in the Desert Bank of the Beiteynuese semi-arid lands in the southeast.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby sweetheart » Sat May 06, 2023 12:50 pm

PM Avraham Ben-Chaim was assassinated by Ahmadi terrorists

During his visit to Tel Bidzhan Prime Minister Avraham Ben-Chaim was assassinated by unknown attackers. The attack was claimed by an Ahmadi terrorist group Tajamu‘ al-‘Izza (Union of Glory).

new Chairman of Eretz Beiteynu Shelanu and Minister of Justice - brother of assassinated PM, Itamar Baruch Ben-Chaim

Prime Minister Avraham Ben-Chaim headed to Tel Bidzhan to meet with the mayor of the city and his fans but never arrived at the location. His car was attacked with heavy shooting and bombs. Finally, his car was blown up by a suicide attacker.

The highest bureau of EBS met right after the attack and selected Itamar Baruch Ben-Chaim the new leader of EBS over Deputy Chairman Yitchzak Amichay Shamir.

Itamar Baruch Ben-Chaim, Minister of Justice, new Chairman of EBS Our Prime Minister, my beloved brother is dead. He was murdered. When my brother and I entered politics, we only wanted to do good. To do the best we can for Beiteynu and for Yeudi living here. And Avraham came up with the idea first, he is the true father of EBS. Sadly, his life has ended. His life was ended. But I promise you, that it won't stay unavenged. We will find those responsible and we will bring justice upon them! My brother started a new age of Beiteynu. A new age of Yeudi prosperity. New age, in which Yeudi won't be scared to be themselves, to live how they want to live! The new age of Beiteynu for Yeudi and Yeudi primarily! And I can promise you, we are dedicated to continuing in my brothers' mission. We will continue to deliver for Yeudi, we will continue to deliver for Beiteynu. And to all terrorists and all enemies of Yeudi, beware, we are coming for you! We will rip you out with the roots, we will rip you out of this country.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat May 06, 2023 3:45 pm

Breaking News
References: Kafuristan
Statement from Ariel Navron Hashim of Hevrat Hashmal
July 5297 - The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and current party leader of Hevrat Hashmal expressed his immense grief and fury towards the country's intelligence and police agencies for failing to prevent such an incident, calling all sides to focus on the perpetrators and not rush to judgement
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Ariel Navron Hashim, known in HH's political circles as the "cool head" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Beiteynuese foreign relations during most of the Shlomo Administration's mandate in contrast to Keren Shlomo's "roller coaster of policies", has expressed his immense grief to the assassination of Prime Minister Avraham Bein Chaim, extending his condolences to his brother and the EBS, calling for "calm and cool".

[...] while we vehemently condemn the actions of the terrorist group, our party also condemns any anti-Ahmadi actions in general, for they are NOT at fault for the actions of a specific group, completely unrelated to the peaceful co-existence of Ahmadis and Yeudis in many of Beiteynu's multicultural cities. We advise the Beiteynuese Government to proceed with caution and impartiality, while also protecting the minorities from the inevitable persecutions. However, just as we demonstrated during the attack on our people in Rildanor, we will always respond with the outmost fury and severity on any attack against Yeudis, anywhere.

This is also an absolute disgrace for the intelligence community of Beiteynu. I would have thought that the Terran Remediation Agency, with its vast depth of expertise in espionage, covert operations and network of information both domestically and internationally in the last 100 years alone, would have detected and helped prevent such an incident, if not with ease, then with rigour and perseverance for the country's national security. The convoy was poorly routed. The car was not even armoured. The response was late. While Baruch Lea Tzafrir's assassination in the beginning of the century was considered unfortunate, Beiteynu has reached a level of governance and stability that makes the assassination of another Prime Minister in less than 100 years simply unacceptable.

Ariel Navron Hashim has also reached out to officials in the government of Kafuristan to provide assurances on the stability of trade between the 2 nations, after the latter expressed concerns on the future of bilateral relations, considering the involvement of an Ahmadi terrorist group, also expressing concerns for the safety of Kafuri citizens currently present and/or residing in Beiteynu. Albeit not in government, Hevrat Hashmal's diplomatic and commercial influence continues to remain significant, considering its - heavily criticised - ties to the business community of the Beiteynuese private sector, with executives from the shipping and financial industries stating that a disruption in the 10B LOD per year trade would impact both markets and potentially hurt Majatran commerce at sea at large.

With the elections coming up this year, it still remains unclear how Hevrat Hashmal will choose to align itself with the other parties. Ariel Navron Hashim declined to answer a reporter's question on whether the EBS's and the Ben Chaim Administration's aggressiveness towards Yeudi dominance had instigated the attack.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sat May 06, 2023 9:52 pm

Breaking News
Increased reports of discrimination and violence against Ahmadi community following PM Ben Chaim's assasination
August 5297 - Former Minister of Justice and leader of the BPA offered his sincere condolences to the family of Prime Minister Avraham Bein Chaim following his assasination and has called for calm amidst reports of harassment against Ahmadi community
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Identity of Ahmadi suicide attacker revealed as Seyfullah ibn Ahmed Rushali.
- HH party officials seen at BPA headquarters, raising speculation ahead of election.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The already marginalized Ahmadi community is once again facing an increase in discrimination and violence following the assassination of PM Ben Chaim which has further fueled tensions and mistrust between Ahmadians and Yeudis.

Leader of the Beiteynuese People's Alliance Isaac Levy released the following statement:
We are once again saddened to hear that reports of violence against the Ahmadi community are on the rise following the assassination of PM Ben Chaim. The BPA has and will always condemn any form of violence in the strongest possible terms. We call on the Beiteynuese government to bring those responsible for the assassination to justice. We also call on the public to be united more than ever. We should not let the actions of a few define an entire community.

Mr. Levy has also urged the government to address the rising reports of violence calling for impartiality in its investigation and pursue for justice.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun May 07, 2023 8:18 am

Domestic News
Hashim endorses Isaac Levy for the premiership
November 5297 - HH to support BPA towards a stable, inclusive and internationalist government, advising the EBS to "tone down the rhetorics" and join the BPA, MH and HH in leading Beiteynu forward with a moderate agenda centered on the greater good for all Yeudis and non-Yeudis alike
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Central Bank of Beiteynu projects the end of the recession in the next 2-3 years, as economy continues to bounce back up

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and current party leader of Hevrat Hashmal Ariel Navron Hashim announced this morning that Hevrat Hashmal will be endorsing Isaac Levy of the Beiteynuese People's Alliance for the premiership, urging his party's supporters to head to the ballot in December and cast a vote in favour of the "voice of reason" of Beiteynuese politics, choosing a Levy Administration to lead Beiteynu out of the recession and onwards to the 54th century, stating how the BPA and Mr. Levy can "stir the country away from the dangerous extremist rhetorics of our political stage and the horrible incident of the assassination of our Prime Minister". Mr. Hashim also commended Mr. Levy on their astounding track record as former Minister of Justice during the Shlomo Administration - and their work on the ongoing draft for the Constitution of the State of Beiteynu - expressing his confidence that a Levy Administration will be swift and decisive in its pursuit of justice of the perpetrators of the horrendous incident while also ensuring that no prejudice or discrimination befalls Beiteynu, its people nor its judicial processes, of which Mr. Levy has already displayed impartiality and transparency during the investigation of the Agency's misconducts.

Mr. Hashim has also urged the BPA to consider detaching the protective service of government officials from the Terran Remediation Agency, should Mr. Levy be elected to lead the next administration of the Beiteynuese Government, and forming a special agency directly under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to help ensure that such an incident does not happen again in a modern, stable and rising Beiteynu. The HH shared a comprehensive report with BPA leadership on how a special and separate agency that coordinates with the Beiteynuese Police, the Terran Remediation Agency and trains with the commando squadrons of the 13th Flotilla of the Yeudi Fleet can dramatically increase the security of government officials and the Office of the Prime Minister. The report also included suggestions on equipment purchases from Dundorf, including but not limited to heavily armoured convoy cars, routing plans and 3 robust airliners with extensive hardware and software dedicated to remote governance. Mr. Hashim and Mr. Levy also discussed the possibility of introducing continuity of government clauses in the Constitution of the State of Beiteynu, including provisos for the protection of foreign diplomats and government officials alike.

Mr. Hashim also urged the EBS leadership to consider toning down its rhetorics of Yeudi superiority across the board, stating that "such a policy and platform of administration for the Beiteynuese Government will continue to hurt Beiteynu's foreign relations and its heavily reliant economy on international trade, leading the Beiteynuese people and the Yeudis backwards in their accomplishments for the last 100 years". High-ranking sources at the Medinat Department, the organisation responsible for Beiteynu's foreign relations with other sovereign nations, have stated that without the assistance and involvement of HH officials and Mr. Hashim specifically, the Ben Chaim Administration would have inevitably burnt a few bridges during its mandate.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun May 07, 2023 9:17 am

Finance News
References: Aldegar, Tukarali, Likatonia, Lourenne
An uptick in Seleyan trade, despite the disrupted Rildanorian relations
November 5297 - With Aldegar and Tukarali sitting at the heart of the recent increase of net trade with Seleya
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

One of Hadayim's super-containers departing Sholemberg for Tukarali

Sholemberg, Beiteynu - One of the most "unnoticeable" events of this decade was Aldegar's initiation of diplomatic and trade relations with the ratification of all 3 Accords of Beiteynu's foreign policy platform in 5293, which paved the way for the increase of trade and micro-investments between the 2 markets, further solidifying the existing commercial partnerships and shipping routes with Tukarali (although slightly criticised in Beiteynuese politics for seemingly endorsing undemocratic regimes), thus representing the 2 nations sitting at the heart of the Seleyan continent geographically. Albeit the Beiteynuese Government having cut off ties with Rildanor entirely, a policy that perhaps might change by a BPA-led administration considering Beiteynu's support of a humanitarian aid mission led by Lourenne in the World Congress, relations with Tukarali and Likatonia, 2 of Beiteynu's oldest diplomatic acquaintances have insofar remained steady.

With Aldegar joining the Beiteynuese trade network, the Central Bank of Beiteynu projects that the existing net trade of 5B LOD per year with Seleya previously thought to drop to less than 4B LOD due to the Rildanorian tensions will increase upwards of 10-15B LOD per year by the end of 5350, further diminishing the dominating presence of Dorvish imports while at the same time "spreading" Beiteynu's reliance across multiple nations. On the Seleyan field of commerce, trade has began to center around Likatonia, Tukarali, Aldegar and Lourenne, with the latter's solid market connected to Beiteynu since 5262.

The highest increase in Beiteynuese exports to Seleya is projected to take place in its shipping and travel services, with Likatonia via Kundrati and Aldegar via Istalia to represent the main entry hubs of United Medinat and Bei Airlines, Beiteynu's premier international airliner companies.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun May 07, 2023 1:43 pm


Finance News
References: Kundrati, Istalia
Tikkun Haganah partners up with Kundrati and Istalian defense companies for the co-production of artillery and weapons systems
December 5297 - With the increasing demands for the supply of Equifund related defense equipment from Beiteynu, Istalia, Trigunia, Kundrati and Dankuk, Tikkun Haganah sets its eyes on its counterparts in Kundrati and Istalia to amp up research and development
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

The Soltam M (68 & 71) artillery series licensed for local production in Kundrati

Haifbourg, Beiteynu - From the company's headquarters in Beiteynu this morning came a not so surprising announcement by Tikkun Haganah executives, as it represents one of the country's premier manufacturers of military vehicles and a leading force in the reformed Equifund as a consortium of defense companies, on 2 new joint ventures towards the research and development of artillery and artillery related weapons systems with defense entities of the public and private sector from Kundrati and Istalia, 2 of Beiteynu's closest military allies. Kundrati will thus receive rights for the local production of the Soltam M artillery series, with a major investment upwards of 200M LOD on the country's production and assembly lines from both Tikkun Haganah and investors of the Equifund. The company will also partner up with Istalia (with AUDISS playing a vital role in the negotiations) for the research and development of the ATMOS 2000, a truck-based variation of the Soltam M-71, the Cardom RMS, a mounted variant of the company's first Recoil Mortar System (RMS), which will introduce the Computerized Integrated Navigation and Self Positioning and Aiming systems developed by Bein Kalim and the Sholef, a mixed variant of the Merkava series focusing on the armoured flexibility of the Beiteynuese battle tank line and the astounding 45km range of the 155mm artillery gun, making it the perfect equipment for long-range border defense pursposes, especially in inaccessible areas such as the mountainous border line with Pontesi in the Desert Bank.

Planned for production release in 5304, 5328 and 5331 respectively.

The announcement comes as part of a series of Equifund related manoeuvres since the ratification of the Beiteynuese agreements which stipulate the attribution of a minimum of 50% of national defense contracts to Equifund manufacturers (regardless of origin), with the reintroduction of the Beiteynuese battle tank line by Tikkun Haganah in 5294, the disbandment of the Equifund Agreement in 5295 and thus the reformation of the Equifund as an independent international consortium of entities, as well as the landmark agreement(s) signed between Beiteynu and Kundrati in the same year.
Last edited by TRA on Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sun May 07, 2023 2:03 pm

Breaking News
Prime Minister Isaac Levy addresses the nation
January 5298 - The December 5297 elections resulted in the Levy Administration taking on the mantle of leadership from the Ben Chaim Administration with a joint government coalition with Hevrat Hashmal, promising to continue pursuing Beiteynu's interests domestically and globally
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Prime Minister Isaac Levy during his inaugural address.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Isaac Levy, leader of the Beiteynuese People's Alliance (BPA) has been elected as the country's new Prime Minister after securing a majority of votes in the December 5297 elections, defeating his closet rivals from Miflaga HaYamin and Eretz Beiteynu Shelanu. Political analysts attributed Levy's success to the crucial endorsement he received from Hevrat Hashmal.

The Levy Administration was officially sworn in today as the new government marking the start of a new political era. In his inaugural address, Levy said that his government's first action is to thoroughly investigate the assassination of former Prime Minister Avraham Ben-Chaim who was allegedly killed by an Ahmadi terrorist organization during his tour across the country. He added that the BPA and its coalition partner, Hevrat Hashmal, are committed to finding those responsible for the heinous act and bringing them to justice.

As part of the BPA's coalition agreement with HH, Mr. Levy endorsed the comprehensive report produced by the HH which will see a dramatic overhaul of Beiteynu's security system, which has failed to protect the most important person in Beiteynu. In terms of pursuing Beiteynu's interests in foreign policy and trade, Hevrat Hashmal will play a pivotal role in this with Mr. Levy directing the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to embark on a tour aimed at "repairing strained relationships and building trust with the international community". He added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will release further details about the tour at a later date.

Mr. Levy also announced new faces in his administration from the BPA; David Katz and Omar Khalil. David Katz who served as a District Judge will become the new Minister of Justice. Katz is well known in sentencing Cunnington Marit, former Director of the Beiteynuese Agency, to life imprisonment for colluding with the Trigunian Agency to destabilize the government of Dankuk. Levy stated that Katz's experience and expertise will be invaluable in strengthening Beiteynu's justice system. Meanwhile, Omar Khalil, former professor of the Keriyot Institute of Technology will take on the role as Minister of Science and Technology (MOST). Khalil, a member of the Ahmadi community will play a crucial role to continue promoting engineering, technology and information technology (software) in universities across Beiteynu and is expected to work with Rebecca Horowitz (MOEC) on this ongoing initiative.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Levy promised to work with the opposition echoing his party's continued support in promoting inclusiveness and representing all all Beiteynuese citizens regardless of political ideologies. He acknowledged that while there may be differences in opinion and approach, it is important to engage in constructive dialogue and find common ground to move the country forward.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sun May 07, 2023 2:12 pm

Domestic News
MOEC announces dates for the 5298 Bei Airlines Intercollegiate Games
January 5298 - The Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) in consultation with the Beiteynu College Athletic Association (BCAA) has confirmed that the first ever Intercollegiate games sponsored by Bei Airlines will be held from 2 – 6 August this year at the National Sports Center at Tel Bira
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

The highly anticipated intercollegiate athletic games will feature a variety of sports.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) has announced that the highly anticipated first-ever intercollegiate games will be held from 2 - 6 August this year at the National Sports Center in Tel Bira. MOEC Rebecca Horowitz made the announcement today during a joint press conference with the Head of the Beiteynu College Athletic Association (BCAA), the governing body responsible for overseeing national athletic competitions in the country.

I am thrilled to announce that the first-ever intercollegiate games will finally take place from 2 - 6 August this year at the National Sports Center in Tel Bira. The BCAA has been working tirelessly to make this a reality, and we are grateful for the support of the private sector, particularly Bei Airlines, in making this event possible. The Bei Airlines Intercollegiate Games will not only provide a platform for student-athletes to showcase their skills but also promote the importance of sports and fitness among our youth.

BCAA was established in 5294 during the Shlomo Administration with Rebecca Horowitz as MOEC. The BCAA was supposed to hold the intercollegiate games after its establishment but was unable to, due to the economic recession and the election of a new administration led by the late Prime Minister, Avraham Ben-Chaim. While games were delayed, the BCAA held meetings with the private sector with many, especially the shipping and travel companies expressing high interest in sponsoring the games. Ultimately, Bei Airlines emerged victorious in its bid in sponsoring the games and officially named the game following the naming convention - [YEAR] Bei Airlines Intercollegiate Games.

The Minister added that a circular has been sent to all college presidents and/or chancellors, informing them of the upcoming intercollegiate games and inviting them to participate in the event. She emphasized that the games are open to both public and private colleges, and that there will be a wide range of sporting events to cater to different interests and abilities. The Minister also announced that the MOEC will provide funding to public funded colleges only, who are unable to afford travel due to funding constraints. She said that the funding support will be announced in due course and college heads are advised to seek clarification from the Ministry for any further information.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby sweetheart » Sun May 07, 2023 5:40 pm

EBS transforms in MAFDAL
EBS has elected new Leadership and decided to expel Kahanists from the party.
new logo of Mafdal

After big election losses in December 5297, Itamar Baruch Ben-Chaim resigned as Leader of EBS, and a party congress was held.
With over 85 % votes former Minister of Education Yoav Ben-Tzur has won over Itamar Baruch Ben-Chaim, who was trying to continue as Leader of the party.
Member of Knesset Merav Hacohen-Stern was elected Deputy Leader of the party.

Yoav Ben-Tzur, new Leader of Mafdal

After his election, Yoav Ben-Tzur and Merav Hacohen-Stern have announced the transformation of the party to Mafdal, Miflaga Datit Leumit, National Religious Party. This change is made to make a difference between kahanist approach towards politics by the Ben-Chaim brothers and the new direction of the party. Mafdal is committed to represent religious voices in Beiteynu and to advocate for religious policies for Beiteynu.

Party congress has also decided to dissolve the kahanist caucus and expel kahanist members from the party. Mafdal also distances from racist and ahmadi-phobic remarks and speeches made by late PM Avraham Ben-Chaim and hist brother Itamar.
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