A Battle Unseen

General outlets, headlines and feeds.

Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby myungggg » Sun May 14, 2023 1:00 pm

National Convention Centre
Acruaz District, Sangon, Tukarali
10:23 pm, 29 September 5300

The atmosphere in the National Convention Centre was filled with anticipation and excitement as the counting and tabulation of votes for the historic elections continued. The computers of the Central Electoral Commission were receiving electronic transmissions from precincts across Tukarali, steadily updating the results. However, a sudden blackout plunged the convention centre into darkness, causing a momentary panic among the officials and tabulators.

As the power was restored and the tabulators resumed their work, a shocking discovery sent shockwaves through the room. It became evident that the results had been manipulated, skewing in favor of the Great Dictator, Sebastião Fontes Coelho. The realization sent a wave of disbelief and anger through the Chairperson of the Central Electoral Commission, Enrico Ximenes da Conceição.

Without hesitation, da Conceição contacted Coelho, informing him of the fraudulent manipulation of the results. In a firm and unwavering tone, he expressed his refusal to consent to such a crime against the will of the people. The conversation between the two was tense, as da Conceição made it clear that he would not allow the integrity of the electoral process to be compromised.

However, amidst their conversation, da Conceição received alarming news. Fifty tabulators, frustrated and angered by the manipulation they had uncovered, were walking out in protest. Their voices echoed through the convention centre as they chanted, "Coelho, madaya! Ang bayan, dapat lumaya!" (Coelho, cheater! The nation must be freed!) The words resonated with determination and a call for the liberation of the nation.

The dramatic turn of events spread like wildfire, catching the attention of reporters present from every major news outlet. Their cameras and microphones captured the unfolding situation, broadcasting it live to the nation. Social media platforms quickly became ablaze with discussions and hashtags surrounding the incident.

As the news spread, speculations arose. Could this be the catalyst for the People Power Revolution of 5300?
You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby myungggg » Sun May 14, 2023 3:12 pm

Exclusive Economic Zone of Tukarali
September 30, 5300

The Kundrati patrol vessels closed in on Coelho's super-yacht, named "Freedom's End," just outside the Tukarense Exclusive Economic Zone. Commodore Milan Pelov, the commander of the Kundrati naval squadron, stood firmly on the bridge of his flagship, observing the unfolding operation with determination.

As the patrol vessels surrounded the yacht, warning shots were fired, forcing the vessel to a halt. Pelov's voice boomed over the radio, commanding Coelho to surrender and submit to the authority of the Kundrati forces.

Commodore Milan Pelov: Sebastiao Coelho, you are hereby under arrest for crimes against humanity, graft and corruption, abuse of authority, and resistance to authority. Surrender immediately or face the consequences.

Sebastiao Coelho, trapped and desperate, appeared on the deck of the yacht, a mixture of anger and fear evident in his eyes.

Sebastiao Coelho: You dare to arrest me? I am the Great Dictator of Tukarali! I am untouchable!

Commodore Milan Pelov: Your reign of tyranny ends today, Coelho. Your crimes will not go unpunished. Surrender peacefully, and justice will be served.

Sebastiao Coelho, realizing the futility of resistance, reluctantly complied and allowed himself to be taken into custody. As he was escorted off the yacht, Coelho's defiance reached its peak.

Sebastiao Coelho: This is an outrage! I demand my rights! You will pay for this humiliation!

Commodore Milan Pelov maintained his composure, unfazed by Coelho's outburst, and activated a secure line to Kundrati President Aleksandr Nulensky.

Commodore Milan Pelov: Mr. President, we have successfully apprehended Sebastiao Coelho. He is now in our custody.

President Aleksandr Nulensky: Excellent work, Commodore Pelov. Coelho's reign of terror must come to an end. Ensure that he is treated according to the law, and that justice is served.

Sebastiao Coelho, forced to listen to the conversation, couldn't contain his frustration as he spoke to President Nulensky.

Sebastiao Coelho: You think you have won? You are making a grave mistake! My power knows no bounds!

President Aleksandr Nulensky: Your delusions of grandeur have come to an end, Coelho. Thanks to the cooperation of Fernando Goa and our diplomatic counterparts in Beiteynu, Dundorf, and Keymon, your assets in those countries are now frozen. You will face the consequences of your crimes.

Sebastiao Coelho, realizing the gravity of the situation and the loss of his once-untouchable power, shouted in vain, his voice echoing across the open sea.

Sebastiao Coelho: This is not over! I will return and reclaim what is rightfully mine! You will all pay!

As Coelho's voice faded into the wind, he was taken away by the Kundrati authorities, leaving behind a legacy of corruption, oppression, and a nation striving for true freedom.
You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:09 pm

A Cafe in Sholemberg, Beiteynu
August 21st, 5317

You'd expect that 2 high-ranking officials of an intelligence community - and a scandalous one, at that - would not be sitting openly in a cafe, under the summer heat, hands lazily spread across the empty chairs. Plain chinos, striped shirts, inconsequential. Could be just 2 middle-class family men.

The sound was perfect.

"No", one of them said. "It might as well look like an accident". He wiped his moustache. He nodded. They both stood up and headed southeast hazily, striking curious looks at the flower shop in the corner of the southwest street.

He packed the recording device in a brown suitcase, torn on the left side, and headed back.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby TRA » Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:26 pm

On a boat just off the coast of Cildania
September 5325

The gentle rocking of the boat on the calm Majatran Sea was almost intoxicating. Crystal clear waters, reflecting a cloudless sky and the wind; not too hot, not too cold. Just the perfect conditions to delay the heavy burdens lying in front as he stood there, swaying ever so slightly, his eyes closed.

And the island nation of Cildania, just ahead. Seemingly peaceful in its breathtaking scenery. But alas, the future had other plans.

Yishelem, had other plans.

Eliezer was a Yeudi born out of Haifbourg who looked the part of a sunburnt Hosian - the perfect combination of a Cildanian wannabe. 61 years in the Agency. The one who gave the go that took down an entire regime. Now standing in his private boat, pretending to be a Cildanian-born veteran of international diplomacy who had travelled broadly in Seleya as the reason behind his obscure records originating in Valruzia. Absolutely no ties to Beiteynuese influences. And on a mission to eloquently speak his way into and up the ranks of the Cildanian Government. By all accounts: a man on a path to craft his career's ultimate masterpiece.

With loads of cash. And ample opportunities to buy the right friends.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:50 pm

For atmosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ1F8wAMJcs

By the time the car turned onto the driveway of the lavish mansion the rain was pouring down. For the barren rocky island it was Cildania did get its fair share of rain during certain parts of the year. At the gate the car stopped, Ilarju saw nothing in the darkness nor in his headlights but out of nowhere a bright flashlight blinded him from the driver's side window. His eyes had barely recovered by the time the gate opened. Nonetheless he pressed on, parked his car, and stepped out into the rainstorm. With a hasty step he reached the front door, which was promptly opened for him as a tall man in a suit stared at him. "Living room," he growled at him.

The hearth was ablaze in the dimly lit living room and the man enjoying a cigar was sitting on the couch staring out the window. "Sit," he commanded and Rizzo could only oblige. He knew to keep his mouth shut with these kind of people, only talk when they ask you and you will be fine. "You're doing surprisingly well in the polls," the man said, "great move grabbing Depares." He turned around to look at him as he puffed on his cigar. "I mean it, Ilarju." He nodded and spoke at the invitation. "Thank you, he'll give us the legitimacy we need." The man nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! That Ahmadi dog only cares about his job, he'll do anything to make this campaign work. Except keep his mouth shut when he needs to, of course." The man let out a deep chuckle and Ilarjo politely chuckled with him. Suddenly his faced turned serious. "Just don't get too attached, he has his share of enemies, who knows what happens." Ilarju got the hint. He had known it when he had first met Depares. The man had many enemies, was overly emotional, shouted the most absurd things.. he was bound to have enemies. "..debts?" he let out softly after a while. The man shook his head and looked out the window again after letting out a big puff of smoke. "If only." He sighed. "We've reached a day and age where people in this thing of mine are touching those that are not.. involved. But what can we do? If anything, it'll boost your polls even more. Everyone loves a martyr." Ilarju could only nod in agreement while pondering on the words.

After that the man stood up and poured himself a drink at one of those fancy globes. "Look, Rizzo, there's a lot of angry people on this island, lots of businessmen, publicly and some more hidden like myself. Then there's outside players too, but everyone wants a share. Just do not forget who you work for. When those horsefuckers came calling I was the one to pull you out." Rizzo had not forgotten. For years his political movement had gone nowhere and once people know you as 'that racist' it's hard to hold a job. A few illegal dealings with the Jelbic mob had kept him afloat until his own gambling caught up with him. "I have not forgotten." The man took a sip of his drink and nodded. "I know, I apologize, I know you are a loyal man." He smiled and sat down again, not offering Ilarju a drink. "I want you to take a more active anti-Yeudi stance - in a few weeks a violent incident will happen which will act as a catalyst for your great movement." Ilarju nodded, remaining silent. "And get Depares onboard with that. Use a little pressure if you have to." Again he nodded. His men in the paramilitary were good at intimidating people, Depares was just a suit after all, he'd crumble easily. "Anyways, that was all I had, do you have that other thing for me?" For the third time he nodded without speaking, pulling into his jacket to grab an envelope and laying it on the living room table. "It's all there, as far as we could dig for it, the numbers match up to December." The man nodded and took a good tug of his cigar again. "Good, you can go now."

While driving home in the rain Ilarju pondered his position. Within his party he was a God, a man as great as they come. A visionary. Within the great game however he seemed to have turned into a pawn. He cursed himself for trusting that Wrntukai ten years back.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:42 am

Department of Internal Affairs, Kundrati Democracy
3 April 5326 - Kasaema, Kundrati

A man walked inside the office of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kundrati Democracy party in their headquarters inside Kasaema. The man was angry that he had been passed up over a promotion and had been spreading his anger on local social media services. He went inside the office knowing he was going to be reprimanded for his social media posts.

The man entered and was indeed told to delete their posts and to make sure that he doesn't post these statements in social media again, stating that these posts threatened the reputation of the party. The man understood the situation and his consequence - at least that was understood by the higher ups when the man left the building...

...until the back of the headquarters exploded violently...

...and among the rubble, the leader of the party Lystiteles Frontinus himself.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:07 pm

Office of the Imperial Security Service, Fort-William, Luthori - 3:24 p.m.

"So, that's the Imperial Security Service, I thought it was bigger and more structured..."
"Yes, I mean, except for the inquiries launched by the Imperial Government, the Imperial Security Service had been largely forgotten and ignored by previous governments."
"Alright, what is your name, young man, you look too young to be an agent in the Imperial Security Service.
"My name is Robert Langbury, I am an agent since 2 years, I am now in charge of the recruitment and the training of new agents."
"Thank you for your service, the Imperial Security Service will need men and women like you, professional and ethical. Tell me, why did you join the Imperial Security Service in the first place?"
He smiled as they walked into the conference room where the man could introduce himself to his new colleagues, and he said: "I don't really know, I wanted to serve my country and I decided to join the Army but then they said to me, they aren't looking for frail men, but they said that I would be good in the Imperial Security Service, where I could serve my country without being rejected for my weight."
"Right, seems like a good motivation, I think that the Imperial Security Service needs reforms, at all levels, we had the Beiteynuese which were into our country, spying on our government, spying on our military, spying on our companies... and we let them do it, it can't happen here, not again."
As the two enters into the conference room, three imposing people introduced themselves to the man, which reveals himself to be the new Director-General of the Imperial Security Service, Edward Rubert Milghton, as he sat in his chair, the first man stood up and introduce himself: "Mr. Milghton, welcome into the Imperial Security Service, I guess that Robert made you visit the building. I truly hope that you loved it."
"I loved it, I met some very nice people, dedicating to protect their country and their emperor in domestic and foreign actions, in order to weaken our enemies"
"Alright, I am presenting myself, I am the Vice-Director for External Affairs, Nelson Chamberlain, I will be briefing you about our external missions, I think I may also introduce the two peopke right beside me, this is Joesph Brownhill, le Vice-Director for Internal Affairs, he will brief you on the counterintelligence and domestic security missions that are set up by the Imperial Security Service, and finally, this man is Hubert Greenson, the Official Treasurer of the Imperial Security Service, he will brief you on the financial means of the Imperial Security Service, can we brief you immediately to start the work?"
After a quick nod of agreement, an hour followed when the three men who were determined to let him know the state of the Imperial Security Service, for, according to them, being a reformist, he could turn things around, after this briefing he said: "Due to the information you have just conveyed to me, makes me well aware of the need for imminent internal reforms in the Imperial Security Service, but there is a lot of work that waiting for us, thereupon, gentlemen, let us get to work, immediately."
With that final word, he went to his office, determined to make the Imperial Security Service grow more powerful day by day.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:42 pm

These events take place an hour before the unfortunate passing of Denzilee Depares.

"I agree, Ilarju, but with a month left we got enough time. I'm not worried." Depares smiled at him softly and the faint scent of alcohol hit his nostrils. These last few years Rizzo had come to despise the man, whenever he felt like a puppet he would only think of his alcoholic opportunistic running mate and that feeling would disappear as quickly as it came. Nothing was sacred for a man like Denzilee Despares but his friends had told him to keep him around. They had been right of course, Depares spoke to a part of the electorate that deemed themselves refined but were nothing like it. He was unable to captivate that part of the population, even with his new image wearing expensive Balbo suits and Paksrmo watches. "You okay?" Depares asked. "Sorry, I was lost in thought for a moment. Four weeks is a short time, Denz, but perhaps you are right - we can make this campaign work." The answer seemed to satisfy his running mate. "Well, I ought to be going, might as well try to be home for dinner on time for once, the wife has been pestering me all day to come home. You coming with?" Ilarju nodded. "Let's look over the campaign plan tomorrow, with sharp minds." He glared at Denzilee when he said, who avoided his gaze. "Yes, before lunch, of course." The drunk had gotten the message, hold off the bottle for a few hours to iron out the details.

Together the men walked out of the party office within the building of parliament to make their way down. For the past week Rizzo had been hitching rides with Despares after his chauffeur got his license revoked. He would normally get assigned a new one but the fucked up bureaucrat in charge of that was a Yeudi. In an act of petty but effective revenge the woman had stalled his application for a new driver for eight days now. It enraged him to no end but he had to respect the effort. At the second to last staircase a big man suddenly bumped into Rizzo, narrowly missing Depares. A cold chill ran down his back, within the building he had no security detail, and when he locked eyes with the man he saw a grizzled face. "I'm sorry, mr. Rizzo, didn't see you there," said the stranger. "I love the work you do, mr. Rizzo, thank you for protecting us against them." He held out his hand, a startled Rizzo shook it and the man leaned towards him. "Lovely day to take the train," he whispered as he stuffed a piece of paper in his hand. After that the man nodded to them both and wandered off. A puzzled Rizzo opened the paper and in red ink the words glared at him. 'NO RIDE, TRAVEL ALONE -A FRIEND'. He gulped and the chill returned. "What's that?" asked Depares. "N-nothing, just some bullshit, a thank you note for the recent fire at that synagogue. Bullshit, like we would ever- Just a crazy." He crumpled the paper together and stuffed it in his pocket and continued down the stairs. A confused Depares followed him down. At the entrance of the parking garage Rizzo stopped as he laid his hand on the handle of the door. "You know what, Denz, I just remembered, I have to meet Vincenzo on that new permit request for the billboards, I totally forgot. Don't wait for me, I'll see you tomorrow." He turned around and walked off, glancing back once as a baffled Depares said his goodbyes.

He hid in his office, asking not to be disturbed. Seventy-two minutes later an aide insisted on disturbing him. Denzilee Depares was dead.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:26 pm

The cliffs outside Qart Qildar.

"Beautiful view on these cliffs, don't you think?" After snapping a picture the elderly man turned around to look at him. He looked like a typical elderly man, someone from the Northern coast coming to gaze upon the beautiful Southern cliffs and rocky hills. He was all alone, though Deputy Ilarju Rizzo did not believe the frail tourist image he was seeing here. His accent had a faint hint of something but Rizzo could not place it. The man was alone, Rizzo had brought one of his paramilitary men but left him at the car. "Yes, they are quite a sight. Why are we meeting here, mister..?" The man smiled at him. "You may call me mister Ħallieda. Now Deputy Rizzo, you ask me why we are meeting here. Our mutual friend was kind enough to put us two together here on this very nice afternoon. He has been doing very well and thanks to him so are you." The man took a moment to grab a thick envelope from his pocket and handed it over to him. "Make sure you burn this after you read it, same with the phone after you use it." He took a few steps back to gaze at the sea below them again. "Look, Ilarju, your friend and benefactor has been doing so well thanks to my organization. Let's say that the fact you are doing well was paid by my people, so you owe us." Rizzo's mind was racing trying to connect the dots, tightly holding onto the envelope. "Who do you work for, mister Smith?" The last words he spat out with spite at the fake name. "That's only for the big boys to know, Ilarju, you're not a big boy." He turned around again to stare at him, his friendly smile all but gone. "Do you remember Guzi Crescimanno, founder of the so-called Righteous Men? I know you two were acquainted once. Meet him, he'll explain the things the envelope won't cover. Now if you excuse me." Without another word the man started walking down the narrow rocky stairs down to the coast where a small sailing vessel was waiting for him.

At home Rizzo secluded himself in his garden, he did not trust his office anymore ever since Despares was blown to bits. He would lay awake at night thinking about what would have happened if they had not tipped him off. Another chill went down his spine thinking about it. All that made place for a sense of dread when he thought about Crescimanno. The press liked to call Rizzo a radical but Guzi was a whole new level of radical. So far down the right he came out on the left side. The Righteous Men, a splinter faction from the early days of the Order. Prone to violence, loved a good riot, he knew they were involved in several murders, mostly Ahmadi's, Hebileans, some Yeudi. All the so-called enemies of the state. They would hold marches with torches. After he opened the envelope he started to read the letter. "Fuck me," he muttered. Inside the envelope was a map, a picture of a synagogue, a small throwaway phone, Guzi's phone number and a description on where to find the stash of plastic explosives.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:55 am

A notoriously bad neighbourhood in the city of Sur.

He did not belong here, not anymore. Twenty years ago he would sit down in an office like this without a second thought. His normally comfortable suit felt like a prison cell, the satin tie strangled him like a noose. Today he was in the office of a man he only knew as Fissatur, the Fixer. For a price he could get you almost anything you needed. Fake documents, a way out of the country, or in if that was what you needed, information, weapons, explosives, you named it, Fissatur could arrange it. Today the great Leader Ilarju Rizzo was here for information. Fissatur was an older man who had been in his fixing business for at least five decades at this point, once more he peered through the little magnifying glass to gaze at the picture. Fissatur called himself "a man that knows faces", though Rizzo thought he mostly knew people that knew faces. Either way the picture his driver and guard took at that faithful meeting a few months back was still being studied intensely.

After what seemed an eternity Fissatur broke the silence with that hoarse voice of his. "When were you last here, Rizzo?" "Twenty odd years I think." Fissatur did not even look up before snapping back. "Eighteen years, five months." Rizzo shifted uncomfortably in his seat before Fissatur continued. "Once you tried to go legit you no longer needed me, did you? But with the shit you got yourself in now.. most of my clients always come back." This time he did look up, cracking a half-smile at Rizzo, which disappeared almost instantly as he spoke again. "I'm sure you have asked around in regards to the mysterious benefactor that bailed you out on that Jelbic mafia debt, the man in the big house in the hills of suburban Qart Qildar." Rizzo nodded, Fissatur continued. "Alessandru Delucca is one of the wealthiest men in the country, though on paper he is only worth a couple million. His great-uncle started that illicit business of theirs, his greatest rivals send money Alagona's way." The expression on Rizzo's face must have said enough for Fissatur, as he let out a chuckle. "That surprises you? Come on, Ilarju, surely you suspected you weren't the only one taking dirty money. You think Falzon made his money the fair way? Never mind all that.. the Delucca family.. They are in real estate, construction, waste management, lumber, industrial food production, and now Delucca is trying to set up a rental agency for housing, which is by the way why he pushed you to get your party to propose that housing bill." That last detail had been very clear to Rizzo, but at this point all he could do was nod at every word of Fissatur. "Now, the thing that baffled me about Delucca is that none of his soldiers, capo's, whatever have been shot in recent years, like there's some kind of ceasefire. And the money he's been putting in, this is not just from their own businesses, Ilarju, there's something bigger going on. Which of course you know, and that brings me back to this picture.."

During the drive home Ilarju's heart was pounding. The more the truth sank in the more every perspective on life he had disappeared. He had not been fighting against the big threat, he had been working for them. He thought about steering his car off the road, right into the river below. He thought about the pistol in his desk drawer. He thought about coming clean, if he would just tell the truth.. No, all of that would end with him dying and God knows what happening to his family. He thought about his daughter, in her first year of university. His wife, who had no idea what the fuck was going on. Though at this rate neither did he. Once home he turned off the engine and sat in the car thinking for another twenty minutes. "You took a while to get through the door," said his wife when he walked in. "Sorry, sweetheart, I was still in a call," he lied. When his wife went to bed he excused himself to his office a short moment. From his safe he grabbed a unused burner phone, entering the number from a note, and sending a text to Fissatur.

Code: Select all
i want out, 3 ppl, any price
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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