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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon May 15, 2023 8:21 am

Trans activist Alina Bassano, one step closer to becoming president of Sarrentine Peninsula
The latest elections make Forza G the second party in number of votes in Italy, consolidating the party as a rival to be feared

December 5300

Alina Bossano (center) celebrating the last election results

Two seats. Those are what Forza G has lacked to become the majority party in the Sarrentine Peninsula and, therefore, to occupy the regional government. Despite having won in two of its three regions, it has been the poor results in Fidelia, where they have won no seats and barely 0.2% compared to more than 30% and 40% in the other two regions, that have prevented the politician and trans activist Alina Bossano from reaching the presidency of that region, which will be held by the PCI. This situation is similar to that of the Alarian Republic, where, although Forza G has achieved representation in both constituencies, there is an abysmal difference between the results in Cisavugli (4% and 3 seats) and Nicoma (33%, 30 seats).

However, for the leader of Forza G Estella L'Agnese these results "already represent a great success" since the party has become after the last elections the second most voted party, with almost 11 million votes, although this disparity between regions means that in number of seats the party has been surpassed by the PCI by only 4 seats.

"Tonight's results indicate that Forza G was a necessary party, as we have been saying, and that we are here to stay"
declared Mrs. L'Agnese, who warns that "their demands will now be heard louder than ever".

And they have already made their first declaration of intent: the Republican Party proposed a coalition government between them, the PCI and Forza G, with important portfolios such as Interior, Defense or Education going to Forza. However, the party decided to vote against this coalition. Mrs. L'Agnese explains that, although flattered that they want to count on them for the government, they ran for the elections with a clear objective:

"We consider the parliament of Istalia as the seat of sovereign power. And our political program is clear: we want a change in our nation that requires the parliament to govern. It would be very hypocritical of us to accept ministerial portfolios when what we propose is to put an end to these one-man ministries, so for the time being, Forza G will not enter government."

The other important point of these elections is that the republican forces, among which Forza G is included, have fallen just 25 seats short of the 2/3 needed to enact constitutional reforms that would allow the end of the imperial family and the reestablishment of the republic.

"It's a matter of time"
says Mrs. Bossano, who warns that as the new leader of the opposition in Sarrentine Peninsula she will not be cowed by anything.
"The republic will come sooner rather than later, and we hope to be part of it."
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon May 22, 2023 9:32 am

Forza G becomes second political force!
L'Agnese resigns as general secretary citing "new blood needed" despite great results; Zanetti elected new leader, brings forward proposal for Republic

Marco Zanetti, new General Secretary of Forza G, delivers a speech to the national assembly of the party

Forza G achieves a new electoral ceiling. If in the last elections it managed to get a quarter of the total votes, in these elections the party has managed to position itself as the second political force in Istalia, garnering almost 30% of the votes. L'Agnese, who could have been a minister during the previous legislature if she had accepted the coalition proposal of the Republican Party, believes that precisely her refusal to be part of the government and to remain firm in her convictions and ideology has been what has made the people of Italy reward them with a new electoral maximum, with which for the first time they exceed 100 deputies out of a Chamber of 450, having obtained 129 representatives, which means 33 more than in the previous elections.

However, L'Agnese surprised many with an announcement during the same election night: her resignation to continue leading the project she herself helped to shape.

"Today is a bittersweet night for me"
she said addressing the thousands of militants and supporters gathered at the party's national headquarters who were celebrating the election results.
"I am happy because we have shown that Forza G is a force that is very much alive, and that is going to condition the policies of our nation during this legislature and hopefully for many more."

"However, today is also a sad day for me because I believe that after these elections a cycle has been completed. I have been representing this party since 5292 with the greatest possible pride, but, twelve years later, I believe that it is time for you, the militants and supporters of this project, to vote for someone different from me to continue to bring your voice to the seat of national sovereignty. That is why I want to announce my resignation as general secretary of Forza G, and my decision not to run as a candidate in the next elections to be held to elect the new general secretary. I trust that all of you will make the right decision and my successor will be someone who can continue to count on your full confidence to continue to demonstrate that Forza G is the soul of Istalia".


Two months after Mrs. L'Agnese's resignation, the rank and file of Forza G have already named her successor: Marco Zanetti.

Mr. Zanetti, 34 years old, is the third generation of a family of metal workers from a small town of Trivendito, where he served as mayor during the last legislature as a member of Forza G, and where the party has garnered in these elections an overwhelming 84% of votes.

Mr. Zanetti now recognizes that he has "a hard job ahead of him" to fill the gap left by his predecessor, but he is confident that the citizens of Italy will see in him a figure they can continue to trust to implement Forza G's policies.

According to several political analysts, Mr. Zanetti is the most continuist figure that could have been chosen as Mrs. L'Agnese's successor, because in practice Mr. Zanetti maintains the same positions as his predecessor on key party issues such as the refusal to enter the government - a priori -, the need to eliminate the monarchy, or the mixture of national patriotism with social policies mostly on the left but flatly refusing to identify with clear ideological labels. In the primaries, other more moderate profiles such as Mr. Zanzino, who advocated agreeing to a coalition government with the Communist Party, or Mrs. Gallioni, who proposed to become more like the traditional left and clearly define itself as a left-wing party , have reaped defeat in a primary in which Mr. Zanetti has managed to sweep his rivals.

Now, as his first proposal as Secretary General, Mr. Zanetti has brought to Parliament the debate on the form of State of Istalia, since the sum of the seats of the PCI and those of Forza G far exceed the 2/3 required to make changes constitutional (between both forces they add 313 seats, 13 above the minimum required).

"It is now or never"
declared Mr. Zanetti.
"We have a golden opportunity to obtain a republican Head of State"
has appealed to the representatives of the PCI. It remains to be seen what decision they make in the communist party, but in the previous proposal, brought to parliament by the Republican Party, it was precisely these three forces that voted in favor, although on this occasion they did not have a sufficient majority - with 272 seats. Now, between the PCI and Forza G after the PR dissolver, they command enough seats to do so, with National Alliance and the Istalian Democratic Party being the ones opposed to the Republic.

Despite this being his first move, Mr. Zanetti is expected to carry out a large battery of legislative proposals over the next few months, in order to regain the parliamentary initiative.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon May 22, 2023 1:45 pm

Forza G makes a move: "this government has lost its majority"
Marco Zanetti activates the countdown and offers to negotiate with the PCI and AN


After half a year of political paralysis, in which no formation has taken the step to propose a new government as a result of the last general elections, it has been the recently elected general secretary of Forza G, Marco Zanetti, who has decided to activate the timer: Both sides of the political board have offered to agree on a government during this legislature.

During his speech in plenary, Mr. Zanetti addressed the leaders of the PCI and AN to proclaim himself a "kingmaker", and urged them to open negotiations to form a new government that can command a majority in the Chamber, since the current "has died."

"Your Honor, the current coalition government between the AN and the PDI, after the last elections, only has 137 of the 450 seats in this House, so it is clear that the citizens have rejected this coalition. After the following election results , it is clear that the current government does not command a viable majority anymore.With these results, Forza G becomes a kingmaker, being able, with their votes, to deliver a viable parliamentary majority to both the PCI and AN.

Forza G, therefore, officially declares from here its intention to sit down and negotiate a legislature agreement with either of the two parties. Forza G, however, does not want ministries, since it is a model that you all know we reject, so we will vote in favor of a monocolor executive made up of members of the PCI or AN, depending on the negotiations that are reached."

However, Mr. Zanetti has also issued a warning to AN, which currently holds the Presidency of the government.

"Since AN is the one that currently leads the executive, they do not have to have immediate pressure to sit down to negotiate, even if they do not already command a government with a viable majority. That is why, if within a maximum period of six months they do not has negotiated a satisfactory government agreement with AN, Forza G will automatically understand as a duty to offer the government to the PCI as long as negotiations have been opened, as a way of debugging the institutions."

In this way, Forza G forces both parties to negotiate with them, despite the fact that there are voices within the party who think that AN is not a viable coalition partner, especially given its position on the Head of State or some economic issues. From the party leadership, however, they play down the importance of the matter, assuring that all this "can be dealt with during the negotiation", but that the important thing is to agree on measures that may be beneficial for the citizens of Istalia.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby TRA » Tue May 23, 2023 6:18 pm

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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:17 pm

"We missed an opportunity that we don't know if it will happen again."
Tomasso Tramonte manages to come back from the last election results and regrets the squandering of parliamentary strength during the previous legislatures

Tomasso Tramonte, general secretary of Forza G, after last elections

Forza G has managed to recover from the electoral shock of the 5308 elections, in which the party went from 129 seats and from being second force to sinking to 29 and being the sixth political force under the leadership of Marco Zanetti, after the party, despite winning 2/3 of seats together with the PCI, was unable to move forward the negotiation to unseat the monarchy as the form of state in Italy.

This fact, one of the main campaign axes of Forza G since its foundation, was severely punished by the voters in the last elections, who fled in disbandment from Forza G. Despite this, Marco Zanetti clung on to his position as secretary general of the party, and it was not until the federal assemblies forced a plenary vote in which Tomasso Tramonte stepped forward to dispute his leadership that he finally stepped aside.
After this change in leadership, Mr. Tramonte managed to make Forza G rebound again in these elections, in which it has become the winning party in the Trivendito region and has once again become the third most voted political force in the nation.
With these results, Mr. Tramonte believes that the party "lost a golden opportunity" by not taking forward the reform of the Head of State, a reform that "it is not known if it can be repeated". However, Mr. Tramonte is confident of seducing again the Istalian electorate for the next elections, and has therefore announced a series of parliamentary initiatives to be carried out as soon as the Istalian courts are composed.
The next step will also be to decide the composition of the new Istalian government, since the PCI no longer has an absolute majority with the support of Forza G, and political scientists are not yet sure what position Forza G will adopt in the face of possible future coalition governments that may arise.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby TRA » Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:59 am

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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:00 am

Forza G enters government for the first time after elections
The party has become the first force in the country following the removal of the Imperial family and will form a government with the PCI

Tomasso Tramonte explains his government programme before Parliament

Almost 20 million votes, or 48.6% of the valid votes from the people. This is the result that Forza G got following the 5316 Istalian elections, the first after the coalition of republican parties successfully ousted the Imperial family from the Head of State in Istalia and restored the Republic after a parliamentary procedure. Now, Forza G has become the most voted party in four of the five Istalian regions - except for Fidelia - and will rule in both administrative division, the Sarrentine Peninsula and the island of Alaria.

Forza G failed short of an absolute majority in parliament, lacking 18 seats, but it has made public that they will form a coalition government with the Communist Party of Istalia, which will receive the Ministries of Foreign, Finance, Infrastructure, Agriculture and Environment.

However, and without giving any further reason, Forza G did not present any candidate to the first Presidential elections of the newborn Republic, and so the candidate from the Istalian Democratic Party, Danilo Alparone, became the first republican President of Istalia.

When speaking to Parliament, Mr. Tramonte - general secretary of Forza G and new Prime Minister of Istalia - detailed the main points that he wants to achieve with this new government, and that include deep changes in issues such as foreign relationships, health, science of social issues. Related to the news of Beiteynuese Naval Command expanding its presence in Istalia, Mr. Tramonte declared that the new government would "deeply study this case" and act accordingly, since in his opinion, "the presence of foreign agents and military in national soil is a deeply troubling subject", which was passed "by previous administrations that had no worry for our very own nationals".

Mr. Tramonte also declared that he has no intention to stay in charge for longer than two whole legislatures, independently of the results his party achieves in the next elections.

"I have a very clear mind, and for me, politics is just a temporary way to improve the lives of our citizens. For this reason, I will not stay in this position for longer than 8 years, no matter the results of Forza G in the following elections".

It is expected that Forza G will push for a more "participatory democracy" system, since that was once of their main points in their electoral program. He also intends to give a nationalistic turn to the labor market, ending decades of "selling our nation to big foreign companies with no regard for the wellbeing of Istalians".
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Aethan » Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:56 am

Istalia to take part in FOMAT

CoolZ, the Istalian duo that will represent the country in the upcoming FOMAT

At the very first moment, Istalia has confirmed its participation in the upcoming FOMAT festival, to be hosted in Luthori. Half an hour ago, the Istalian Head of Delegation confirmed the participation of the Majatran country in the Festival via social network, posting a link to the music video followed by the words "From Istalia to Terra, here we come for the victory".

The song, called "Festa", talks about celebrating life and enjoying our time while we can, with those closest to us.
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Re: Istalia

Postby TRA » Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:19 am

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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:49 am

The government questions the continuity of the Beiteynu naval bases on Istalian soil
Acting Minister of Defense and candidate to succeed Tomasso Tramonte as head of Forza G is "extremely skeptical" to continue allowing the presence of the Beiteynuese navy.


Carla Geronimo, Istalian Minister of Defence - now acting until the new government is ratified by Parliament - has raised her doubts about whether continue allowing the presence of Beiteynu soldiers and navy in Istalian soil.
Following the 5320 general elections, in which the current coalition government - made up by Forza G and the Communist Party of Istalia - kept its overall majority although the PDI became the most voted party, Forza G has already presented to Parliament a proposal for the next Cabinet, keeping the same ministries for both parties with the exception of Health and Social Services, which will be given from Forza G to the PCI. The rest of Ministers are expected to be kept, although both parties have kept it a secret for the moment. Current acting minister of Defence is among those who are believed to have the most chances to continue in their post, since she is already a well-known and well-received politician in Istalia. Known for her nationalistic approach, Mrs. Geronimo is an outspoken defender of the motto "Istalia for the Istalian people and its workers", and was among those who defended the change in legislation implemented during the last legislature that established that foreign investors need to obtain government approval for all investments in national companies, as well as a modification in the corporate board that sentenced them to have at least two thirds of them consisting of employees.

Following the last Beiteynuese military joint exercises with Istalia, Mrs. Geronimo was asked about whether the government would renew the contract with the Beiteynuese navy, to which the Minister responded that she was "extremely skeptical" about the current agreement, and the overall presence of military personnel from a foreign country in national soil.

"Beiteynu and Istalia signed an agreement back in the time, and we will respect that because we are not a chaotic government. But we do want what we believe its best for our citizens. And we do not believe that the current agreement fits in. The presence of foreign military personnel in our very own soil, no matter how friendly a nation is, is a danger in itself. This does not mean we do not want to keep our most friendly relationship with Beiteynu, but rather that we want to have our land for ourselves. If Beiteynu wants to keep doing military exercises in our waters, they can ask us to let them do it, and we will probably allow it. But we have to draw a line.

Forza G, the party that currently leads the Istalian government since 4 years ago, is described as a "left-wing nationalistic" political party, with populist factions and a nationalistic economy point of view.
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