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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:40 pm

Imperial Statistics Bureau & Treasury release joint report on the fiscal & economic status of the Empire

The Imperial Statistics Bureau, the independent government funded bureau that releases statistics of government finances, imperial economic data etc. released a report with the help of the Ministry of Finance, or the Treasury Department, on the fiscal situation of the Empire. The report shows good signs that align with the good economic growth, but also has some warning predictions.

Luthori Daily, November 5342

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori – The Imperial Statistics Bureau has been working months on a new raport on the current fiscal climate of the government. Over the last hundred years the government has been paying off its mountain of debt and has been working on improving its economic situation and international standing. The Statistics Bureau wishes to show the results through this report. To help compile it the Ministry of Finance has provided the Imperial Statistics not only with its data, which its obligated to do by law, but also with manpower to compile the report.

The President of the Imperial Statistics Bureau, sir Harrald Malborough stated:

As the Luthorians are aware and can expect from us, we do diligent work here at the Statistics Bureau and we are pleased that at this monumental report, which compiles a lot of data, the government agreed to aid us and be open to it. I’ve spoken to the Secretary of State for the Treasury and he has also told me the report will be discussed in cabinet. As it should be of course. Our general findings is that at the moment Luthori is doing well thanks to carefull management by the government and smart investment by the private sector. There are however concerns which should be looked at. That be all for now.

Government finances
In the current budget of the government is showcases that most of its revenue comes from income taxes, with only 31% of the revenue coming from other taxes. The government barely taxes sales which prevents the government from being too reliant on the economy situation of the nation, except when unemployment falls.

The government keeps a steady surplus of 1.4 billion LPD which aids in paying off the national debt each year. Gowing over the statistics of the report from the last hundred years, the national debt has decreased with nearly 80% point. Decreasing from 574 billion LPD in 5242 to currently 284 billion LPD. Decreasing it from 142% of GDP to 62% of GDP. This has coincided with increased business confidence and years of low interest rates on the national debt, which has had good effects on the ability of the government to invest into the nation.


The report however advises the government to keep repaying the debt until it at least goes below 60% of GDP to keep government finances healthy, interest rates low and business confidence high. This also makes it possible for the government to react to global economic factors when needed without endangering the government’s ability to repay its debts.

The economy
From all data in the report its shows that the economy is doing extremely well. The economy grew with 4% last year and is reported to grow with 5,5% this year, which will cool off a bit next year to 3,9% growth. The Statistics Bureau states that the economic growth is caused thanks to new business opportunities due to government investments in infrastructure and the opening of new opportunities and decreasing barriers thanks to new trade agreements and economic pacts with various other nations.

Especially the expansion of Luthorian companies in other countries and the business and work this generates has been cited in the report to have cause the economic growth in Luthori. The report however states that the explosive growth has also caused international concern, which could be bad for business.

Much of Luthori’s economy is in the hands of the private sector, with little to no government control, except for regulations and minority shares in some companies. The only big exception is Luthori Oil and the Luthorian Train Company, which are private entities owned for 100% by the Imperial Government. According to official statistics about 77% of the economy is based on the private sector & investments. Only 23% of the economy comes from the public sector financed by the government. This means Luthori’s economy is heavily reliant on the success of the market. With growing international interests the Luthori economy becomes ever more tied to the global economic situation. Currently the markets are doing well, but a global recession could hurt Luthori hard.


Low Interest rates
The most shocking result from the report was the low interest rates that the national bank maintains for new loans. The Imperial Bank has been printing money to make it easier for companies to invest money through credit, which has helped the economy grow exponentially. Especially the growth of various Luthorian banks to oversea countries. However the report states that with this high of economic growth the National Bank has been making irresponsible choices at keeping the interest rates low. Though inflation isn’t high, it has increased from 1,5% to 2,7% over the last year. The report also shows that due to the low interest rates (of 0,5%) Luthorians haven’t been saving up money and that the privately held debt by businesses has sharply increased. The report advises both the government and the Bank to take action to prevent inflation and a too extreme high conjecture of the economy. Stating that this could be done by increasing the interest rates.

Response from the Secretary of State of the Treasury
In a response to the report the Secretary of State of the Treasury, Francis Kingsington has stated that he is happy with the report and that it showcases that Luthori is growing and succeeding but that it isn’t without its challenges. The Secretary stated that he will discuss the report with the government and see what can be done with it for the good of the economy.

It is important that we recognise that this government is making Luthori succeed. Not all risks that this report mention is really the governments job to tackle, our reliance on the private sector for instance is a choice. We believe that through government regulation we can do more than through possessing it and risking a lot of public funds. However te risk of inflation and the low interest rates, not to mention the increase in private debt is a concern which the government will need to tackle, but I need first discuss this with my cabinet colleagues, especially the Prime-Minister.

The President handing over the report to Permanent Secretary of Treasury Department
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:06 pm

Liberal youth divisions of the NLP & Reform formally merge into the Young Lions

Another step towards closer cooperation within the Liberal bloc with the merger of the two liberal youth wings into the new Young Lions is formed with their official motto: ‘The Young Liberals!’

Luthori Daily, December 5342

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori – The chairman of the Young Whigs and the chairwoman of the Reformer Youth organisations have announced that the cooperation between the two youth devisions of the Union of the Lion parties will be taken to the next level. The two chairpersons announced that a yearlong discussion between both youth parties has resulted into a merger of both organisations.

The liberals will go further under the name of Young Lions, focussing not on classical or social liberalism but on liberalism in general. The new organisation has stated in their united press release that they wish to be the learning school for all young liberals and train and help them on their way into politics for the UoL in local elections or for one of the two liberal parties in the national elections.

What is surprising is the election of their newest leader, Julia Griffin, granddaughter of the brother of Reform Party’s former Prime-minister’s Preston Griffin. She will be the first Chairwoman of the Young Lions. Behind the stages there is talks that though her talents played an important role in her getting this position, both sides agreed that her name would aid in gaining more media attention.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:11 pm

National Liberals make Preston Griffin honourary member of their party

The liberals make Preston Griffin, former Prime-Minister and leader of the Union of the Lion and Reform Party an honourary member of the NLP

Luthori Daily, December 5342

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori – At the party conference of the National Liberal Party, Claire Dalton Jones and the chairman of the party Henry Jackson-McClaire announced a motion to make former Prime-Minister Preston Griffin a honourary member of the National Liberal Party for his leadership during the last cabinet and for helping lead the Union of the Lion to victory.

The motion got unanimous support from the attending members, with one member saying that although mr. Griffin is a too left-leaning liberal he showed courage and leadership the liberal desperately needed. Preston Griffin will go down in history as one of the most important liberal politicians of the 5330’s and 40’s.
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Re: The International Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:03 pm

Foreign Office releases new Foreign Policy Document called ‘Open & Global Luthori’
The Foreign Office has released a new document that detailed the new foreign policy of the Holy Luthorian Empire. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs announced the new policy will be proposed to the Imperial Diet soon. The document is unusual as usually the imperial government does not speak of its international ambitions.
9th, January 5343

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs together with his Permanent Secretary and political advisor announced yesterday the release of the new Luthorian foreign policy. The document details the view of the government on international politics and its global plans for the next ten years. During the press conference of the Foreign Secretary, with in the background all Ministers of State for the various continents, announced that Luthori’s foreign policy has been shifting over the last years and that this document will detail where its shifting towards. The Secretary stated "As the world changes and our economic fortune changes we need our foreign policy to change with it. Luthori is no longer an isolationist nation nor a global empire. Yes, we are a proud nation and an Empire-at-home, but not a global imperialist nation. Those are thoughts of the past, archaic and not in line with our global goals nor our actions.", the Secretary resumed to say that the Foreign Office will be focusing on an open Luthori that is globably active in the pursue of protecting human rights, democracy and stability. Luthori will seek out new partners to trade with and to cooperate with. The document outlines that Luthori is a trading, seafaring nation that wishes to be globally present, not as an imperial power but as an economic partner. The document shows the governments commitment to free market economic, free and honest trade with nations to protect peace, increase mutual welfare and economic growth and foster new opportunities for Luthorian businesses.

The Foreign Secretary stated "This does also mean we will open our markets more and more to foreign companies, goods, services and resources. We will seek out foreign investments, make foreign investments and work together." The document surprisingly mentions various nations of interest to the Luthorian government. Nations such as Lourenne, Dorvik, Cildania, Kundrati, Mordusia and Hobrazia. The document states that Luthorian-speaking states that it still desires to have good relations with its former colonial empire and any and all Luthorian speaking nations, that common identities and cultural ties are important for the preservation of the Luthorian culture and that it enriches all involved nations. It however deeply stresses that no nation should see this as Luthorian dominance, but as Luthorian cooperation. When it comes to the prior mentioned nations it mentions that these nations are strategic partners to work with and learn from. When asked about it the Foreign Secretary stated:

It is logical that if Luthori wants to be a player on the international field we need to learn how to do it. Our sanction regime against the Trigunian government was a great success, we showed our commitment to human rights and democracy. But we also made mistakes, distancing old friends from us and showing others that we has so-called ‘’imperial tendencies’’. Instead of shouting them down we can learn from this mistake and work with more experienced foreign partners to get our message across. Luthori wants to work together! With Kundrati we want to build further on our common security, with Lourenne we hold obvious common traditions and culture when it comes to democracy and constitutional monarchy. With Dorvik we have a common interest in keeping our continent strong and safe. Luthori will stand for closer cooperation on our continent for more economic opportunities.

The document has as its focus the following points mentioned throughout the entire policy document:

- Increase Luthori’s access to the global market, especially its businesses;
- Expand Luthori’s agricultural export and global banking sector;
- Create new free trade deals and partnerships with countries;
- Support human rights and multi-party democracy worldwide with partners;
- Aid in maintaining global stability and peace to protect human lives and welfare;
- Protect Luthorian international interests.

It will remain to be seen if the new foreign policy will work for the Luthorian government. First the Imperial Diet will have to approve of the new policy direction then it will remain to be seen what the international reaction this new policy will be.
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Re: The Financial Expert

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:33 pm

Prime Minister and Agriculture Secretary approves 4.5 billion agricultural investment plan.
The government has reassured its commitment to the country's farmers and agricultural operators by putting in place a vast investment plan to support the sector in a transformation of the agricultural sector which should be completed by 5355.
3rd, July 5343

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - The Luthorian agricultural sector is one of the greatest forces of the Empire, with one of the most reputed agricultural sectors, nothing could prevent Luthori from using this force to its full potential, unfortunately, and as always with Luthori, One should always expect an unexpected event that will make any dream fall into darkness, the Lutheran agricultural industry was ignored by successive governments who preferred to focus their efforts on other economic sectors, such as finance, The Secretary of State for Food and Rural Affairs, Lafayette Bertris, has met several times with union representatives of farmers to develop a massive investment plan for agriculture to help the Empire become "the future". "Second Agricultural Revolution" promised by the Agriculture Secretary, this plan was shown to the Prime Minister, who approved the investment plan of £4.51 billion to help the agricultural sector, this plan will last 11 years, from 5344 to 5355, where the investment plan will be considered completed, a cheque of £410 million will be invested by the government each year between 5344 and 5355, in the press conference chaired by the Agriculture Secretary, the latter has developed that the cheque given each year as a "boost" from the government to the sector, a quarter of this money (£102,5 millions) will be used to help farmers take new materials that will be on the official site of purchase of equipment,, at the choice on this site, about 30 new state-of-the-art equipment that will be purchasable for farmers, even those in a certain precariousness, because between 20 and 40% of the price of these new equipment will be supported by the state, So if a 250-horsepower tractor costs £130,000, at least, 20% of its total cost will be borne by the state, £26,000, thus making it cost £104,000 in total. Finally, this is at least, as this same tractor may have a portion of its cost borne by the government up to 40% of its original price, seeing a reduction of £52,000, seeing a great financial relief for the farmer, who will pay up to 88,£000 for this same tractor, finally everything will depend on the share of the price that will be supported by the State, but it will be between 20 and 40%, which reassured the farmers' unions.

The rest of the £410 million that will be used each year, the fifth of this amount (£82 million) will be used to help the fruit and vegetable sector alone, to continue to diversify the agriculture sector, which is focused on wheat and grain production, the government objective is to increase the annual production of agricultural and food products and reduce food imports from £42 billion to £21 billion, within 20 years, this will symoblise a "new era" according to government officials, who will see that Luthori will export more food or agricultural products than it imports, a situation that is reversed today, because Luthori imports more than it exports, This means that the trade balance in this sector is unfavourable. The government through its reforms and the $110 million invested each year to make Luthori less dependent on exports from other countries for its food, will seek to develop and revitalize a sector that greatly needs it. At the same time, £100.5 million will be deployed to implement a plan to renovate the agricultural materials currently used and to set up new infrastructure, even if this is due to the fact that theThis will cover 20 to 40% of the total cost of these renovations or construction. Finally, 15 million pounds will be put at the service of organic farming which will be as developed as the other agricultural sectors, Organic farming is a sector that was rather ignored by the government because of the end of the implementation of a small ecological program for Luthori, but the Secretary wanted "not to do things halfway for this program", which was seen in some old programs that were quite ineffectual to raise the status of Luthorian agriculture, all this will have to be seen in the coming years, if Luthori could finally put a steady agricultural policy or fail, like before.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:55 pm

Luthorian Investors Invests 25 billion into the research and modern technology.
National investors announced in a joint press release their intention to set up a massive investment in the technology and research sector of approximately 25 billion pounds which will be redistributed between the sectors which are concerned by these investments.
13th, August 5343

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - Several private investment groups announced in a joint statement sent to the news agency Martins (OOC: Reuters) announced that the latter will invest a fairly substantial cheque, because we are talking about a quarter of trillion pounds that will be invested in two main sectors, the networking and development sector and the modern technology sector, so the state of the technology sector at Luthori is not so bad, as it has quickly shown itself as a leader in semiconductor production, with about 25 factories located throughout the territory, all controlled by a single company, Invergn Industries International, which is the reference company when it comes to talking about advanced industry in Luthori, the latter operates several high-tech industries, but seeks to diversify in this sector, to stand out from the history of semiconductors produced by Invergn, even if a plan plans in the coming years to create several semiconductor industries in the coming years, this is in order to set up more exports of this same technology abroad than rather to the domestic use of its semiconductors, Invergn is also interested in an expansion of its activities towards the production of processor chips and the production of computer components, in collaboration with another company, on other plans, Watford, one of the leading computer and tablet developers, with Micropower, Matwers Ltd, Wigmarion and Churchill Technologies, who have all decided to continue their current production to set up a total security of the internal market before going to try to establish a sustainable presence in the external markets, the objective is the continuation of the line set up, with new technological enhancements to their new devices, with the exception of Matwers, which has decided to focus on the production of game consoles in the next decade, in order to develop their activities, some other companies, like Micropower and Watford are also interested into penetrating in the market of video games, in order, like Matwers to develop their markets, but it remains to be seen if they will finally decide to enter the market soon or will not enter this lucrative market.

Watford, with the investments of private investment groups in its activities announced the implementation by 5345, of a new mobile phone, which will replace their old models, at the same time it announced that it will, by 5344, announce the release of the Darkwing I, a brand new computer model that should reinvigorate the computer market in Luthori and around the world. Companies that will invest in the technology and research market are the Lingmarks Investment Fund, National Credit, Churchill Investment Bank, Martwick-Alchester Banking Corporation (MABC), Ward Financial Holdings, the Seward Investment Fund and the Imperial Investment Financial Package, which is linked to the Imperial Family, in a hope of it becoming more independent from the government's money. Investments will also come in the telephone sector, where already, several operators share the network, such as Blue Bird, Luthori Telecom, Vivaphone and many other companies competing for shares of the domestic telecommunications market in Luthori, investments will be put on the development of artificial intelligence and in the development of the metaverse, most of the sectors directly or indirectly affecting the hardware will be concerned by the investments, in the research sector, the fund will be allocated in medical treatment developments and in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, which has been abandoned for years, as said before, funds will be allocated to AI developments, But funds, with government assistance of nearly £2 billion, will help the robotics sector, to continue developing intelligent machines capable of doing certain "thankless" tasks for humans.

But will be developed to help certain tasks that humans cannot do without the help of a machine in some cases, in the last sector that will be impacted by investments from the government and private companies, it is the space field, with a government that will invest £10 billion over the next decade to re-establish a space agency that can manage to set up a mission, with government assistance if necessary, and begin to develop the research that was abandoned by Istalia on the long term, on the medium term, Luthori will seek, after the sight that the investments were sufficient to implement this policy, Luthori will seek to put in space a satelite around Terra. It’s pretty rare that a plan like this is so much a planner when it comes to Luthori, the plan itself is supposed to last 25 years, to invest over time, £1 billion a year, until the year 5368, plus, with other investments, which will be more local, focused on different sectors or on an economic sector that is concerned by this particular plan, According to experts, this plan will see a peak in public and private investments of up to £3 billion if the government puts the package on a particular economic sector, this investment plan from private companies will see, $750 million in advanced technology or consumer technology, which will result in 25 years of approximately £18.75 billion invested in this sector and £250 million invested in research, Of which 45 million, in the robotics development sector alone, see in 25 years, 6.25 billion pounds being invested in the global sector, research and 1.125 billion invested in the robotics field, an ambitious program, it seems. Let's hope that this trend continues, for the good of the economy.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:05 pm

Luthori and Dundorf sign trade agreement

The governments of Dundorf and Luthori have announced that they have signed a new trade & association agreement. The agreement comes months after the announcement of the government to shift its foreign policy towards a trade focused foreign policy.

Luthori Daily, Januari 5344

Fort William, Duchy of Orange – For the last months the Luthorians diplomats have flown over to Dundorf to negotiate a new trade deal and a treaty on movement of goods, services and people. The new treaty is heralded by the foreign office as a first sign of Luthori’s commitment to peace, free trade and cooperation on the Artasian continent and a clear expression of its new foreign policy.

The treaty will detail the opening of markets to both countries businesses. Effectively removing trade barriers. This is a shocking move for the well-established agricultural sectors in both countries. Especially seeing this would mean extra competition for the agricultural sector and limit government protection for said sector. The agricultural sector has yet to respond to this new provision of the treaty but reports have it that the government is already underway with talking to the agricultural sector.

An extra addition to the treaty will be the drop of the requirement of visa’s to travel to both countries. In the press release from the Imperial Government the Foreign Office states that this is an attempt to further boost the tourist sector in the country, admitting that it isn’t that large at the moment but that it is one of the sectors the governments wishes to improve.

The signing of the treaty also comes with a huge investment for Dundorf, as the Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien company has won the open tender to deliver 3 new high-speed trains to the Luthorian Railway Company and work together with local Luthorian companies in upgrading the railway in the Luthorian port cities in Middenriding.

In summery the treaty contains the following provisions:
- Dropping trade tariffs on goods and services, especially agricultural products;
- Opening the market for companies to freely compete, especially Luthorian banks;
- Promoting tourism by dropping visa requirements for citizens of both countries;

Minister of State for Artasian Affairs, Billy Weldish (NLP), stated in a response:
This is a great success, but it is but a first step. A move to free trade has consequences and commitments for both the government as well as the private sector. For instance, we must be able to support the influx of goods and people. I’ve already spoken with the Infrastructure Secretary and we will for instance have to look into that, not only here but also in the Kundrati Union and in Dundorf. This must be something we do together.
Last edited by Autokrator15 on Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:08 pm

Luthorian farmers have mixed feelings over treaty with Dundorf

Last month the government announced a new treaty with agricultural competitor Dundorf. In it the free movement of goods, especially agricultural goods was announced. The Imperial Farmers Guild, the union of farmers in the Empire, have reacted with mixed feelings.

Luthori Daily, Febuary 5344

Fort William, Duchy of Orange – After the announcement of the treaty and the signing of it with Dundorf, the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Lafayette Brieris (CDU), has been in constant talks with the Imperial Farmers Guild over the new treaty. This comes as at an unfortunate timing as the Imperial Government clearly had hoped the treaty would do them good, seeing the upcoming elections this year.

Representatives of the wealthy and influential Humperdinck/Dewitt family and Gardner family who both head two of the largest corporation in the agricultural and food industry in Luthori have spoken about their scepticism of this new trade deal and the effects it has on the local farmers. They have stated their concerns and support the Imperial Farmers Guild in their talks with the government.

Surprisingly the Wheeler family, who own the Wheeler Agricultural Group has come to the support of the government, though with care and not that loudly. The CEO of Wheeler Agricultural Group, Sir Jonathan Wheeler, has said that the new trade deals brings with it great opportunities for the industrial side of the agricultural industry. The WAG has said that it hopes to expand into the Dundorfian market. However the company stated that it fears for its partners at home and that the government should listen to the concerns of the farmers, stating that ‘’they are important to this nation’’.

On a positive note for the government is the bioindustry and greenhouse sector, they have long silently lobbied for new ground and places to expand. However to do the isolationist nature of the Empire and thus its need on local production of various agricultural goods have limited the expansion of these sectors. It is known that especially the market-minded liberals and their supporters in the bioindustry support a shift towards specialisation which would move towards import of certain goods and exporting primarily meat, vegetables and fruits. This is however not quite popular and would require a long and expensive transition.

Currently most farmers who produce grain, wheat or rice are backed by the government with funds to keep them afloat. These farmers fear that a transition or that free trade with other agricultural nations will put them out of business.

It is clear that the government will have a tough time going forward, as the agricultural industry is a very influential in Luthori. At this moment the government refused to comment, but its clear that this situation has caught their attention as various ministers and secretaries have been seen entering the Prime-Ministers office over the last week.

Currently the Guild has not announced strikes or actions, greatly because of the ‘’Second Agricultural Revolution’’ plan proposed by the government in july of last year (5343). This investment helps to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, however some in said sector fear that it is too late and will not be enough. Especially citing that the governments neglect over the last years will come to haunt the farmers. The Guild also doesn’t want to go into rash decisions because of the support for the fruits and vegetable sector, which together with the bioindustry gain a lot of support as well.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:31 pm

Invergn announces the implementation of new semiconductor and processor construction facilities at Luthori.
The company of Luthorian origin has announced the establishment, by 5350, of 9 new facilities of construction of semiconductors in Luthori and the establishment of 3 new facilities of construction of processors in Luthori, Seeking to increase its industrial base within the national territory, it also seeks to contribute to a reduction in unemployment in certain areas of the country, with a planning of providing 9,000 new jobs after the construction of these facilities.
11th, January 5343

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - With the influx of massive investment from a concortium of private investment groups in the high tech industry and grants released by the government to help businesses in the sector, Invergn Industries has announced the establishment, in the "near future", of several new factories for the manufacture of semiconductors and electronic processors, these new factories will have to cost, for their construction, more than 8 billion pounds, the majority of the funds of which will be supported by the majority shareholder of Invergn, the Martwick-Alchester Banking Company (MABC), which has announced that it will finance an additional 5 billion pounds to help the smooth running of the Invergn project, the latter has announced that of the 12 factories which will be built in the country on behalf of Invergn, 9 of them will be factories for the construction of semiconductors and 3 will be factories for the assembly of electronic processors. This costly decision comes after the announcement by a joint press release of several investment groups which announced the establishment of a 25-year investment plan of 25 billion pounds, of which 750 million will go each year towards the technology sector, this has arranged the affairs of Invergn, which was already benefiting from an influx of funds from the company which holds a large part of its shares, MABC, will be able to have in this way, more funds, but this time, coming from other companies interested in the projects and the expansion of the imperial industrial domain, these factories and the productions that they will bring will be mainly intended, according to the representatives of the company, for the export of electronic materials in other nations, but even if domestic use may become the norm, depending on the company's results in the semesters following the start-up of these factories, even if this implementation of new facilities was fairly well received by the public and by industrialists, several ecological associations have criticized this choice of the company calling it "damage for the planet" and several associations are currently preparing sit-ins on the sites chosen for the construction of new factories, other companies in this sector, such as Milford Technological Industries, were quick to speak out on this new expansion of Invergn within the domestic market, criticizing a decision that seeks to "kill" Invergn's competitors, thanks to the money spent lavishly.

The command of the National Police has announced that all construction sites will be, at the request of Invergn Industries, if threatened by environmental groups, protected by police officers who will be dispatched to the scene to protect the installations and the workers working on the various construction sites. The Prime Minister announced on the one hand "to congratulate the Invergn for its initiative" inviting it to work in concert with the local governments and the federal government, but invited it to respect some ecological commitments to calm the opponents of the project. The twelve new facilities will be scattered all over the Imperial territory, very close to major cities, about 40 km by road from most urban centers of major cities of the Empire, the locations of the factories will see a transformation take place around her, because the objective of the Invergn is also to revitalize the sectors where it will be established, most being in the peripheral zones, with the exception of that related to Fort William, which is located in the suburbs of the capital imperial, the other factories which will not be located in the outlying areas of large cities, will be based in the Industrial Heartland of the Empire, the Duchy of Orange, the north of the Duchy of Erneshire and the North East of the Duchy of Northriding, From a numbers point of view, the company hopes that these companies will employ about 1,500 employees each, putting the number of recruitable people at 18,000 employees nationwide, reducing unemployment, the company announced to reinstate a plan of Apprenticeship for employees who would not be comfortable with their new industry, this apprenticeship should last 3 months before the employees return definitively to their respective factories (the one located closest to their home). The unions announced their desire to work with the management to put in place directives for the protection of the workers of the Invergn, but also reassured that it remained behind the decision of the management, the only not happy were the environmentalists.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:50 pm

Holy Luthorian Empress to visit Beiteynu for an official state visit

Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, Elizabeth is to visit Beiteynu with various diplomats and ministers from the Foreign office in an official capacity.

Luthori Daily, March 5344

Fort William, Duchy of Orange – The announcement of the state visit came from the Imperial Household itself backed later by a few hours by both the Prime-ministers office and the Foreign Office. This marks a shocking change in Luthorian foreign relations and a tricky one.

It is well known that Luthori hasn’t always been on the best of terms wit the Yeudi nation of Beiteynu. The two nations have bickered and had falling outs. However after the government announced its new foreign policy, ‘Open and Global Luthori’ it marked also the final tone shift that has been going on for years. It appears that the Luthorian government wishes to show the world that old grievances and old rivalries are for the history books and not for modern foreign affairs.

Her Imperial Majesty has released that she will be wearing a dress made by a Yeudi-Luthorian dressmaker from Fort William. She will also be accompanied by her consort Prince Alexander, who will be wearing his traditional military outfit from Luthori. The couple will be accompanied with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of State for Majatra Affairs, a delegation of high ranking diplomats from the Foreign Office, Military and Economic, Trade & Industry departments. The Imperial couple will meet the President of the State of Beiteynu and visit various holy and historical places in Beiteynu.

In a press release the Minister of State for Majatra Affairs, Matthew Tinmark said that:

The Beiteynu-Luthori relations have been approached by us in a childish and unfair way which only fits the history books. Their nation is to great interest to our Hosian faith, to our Empress, who when I spoke to Her Imperial Majesty was delighted to visit such an ancient, historic and religious important place. We think a partnership with Beiteynu will bring only forth great opportunities for both nations. Luthori will show there that we consider the past the past and look ahead to the future. You cant live in a world by yourself, that is the core philosophy of this government and of our foreign policy.

The Foreign Office has also asked various diplomats from the Kundrati Union, the current closest ally of Luthori and a well respected partner in various negotiations with Luthori and others, to join the Luthorian mission to Beiteynu in order to ‘’help smooth relations and act as the bridge’’. It is unconfirmed if the Kundrati have a motive to come with the Luthorians. Though it must be noted that they are steadfast allies of Luthori and share much in common interests.

According to unconfirmed reports this is one of the various diplomatic missions send by Luthori to various nations and the second Majatra nation mentioned by the foreign office. It is speculated that the Imperial Government seeks a new partner to invest in their economy and military. If this rumour where to be true then the Imperial Government is really focussing on getting the picture accros that the old Luthori is gone and that Luthori is ready to re-enter and be a full member of the international community again.
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