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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:54 am


Weiss Administration set to complete 150 years of administrative reforms
May 5346 - Rosh HaMemshala Nathan Weiss has largely been called one of the country's "most successful" leaders

- BPH's right bloc feels an "unease" on the leftist agenda observed in the new government formation, as Weiss seeks to "band the left together"
- Kohav reviews naval expansion plans in the Majatran Sea with the Department of Defence Contracts, set to form the country's first aircraft carrier group
- Nihasim University's recently published soft power index has "stirred" international waters in reminding governments of the new status of geopolitics
- Olami Trade Association reports the Trigunian economy "is still in the toilet", as sanctions continue to represent major hindrances in maritime trade

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Beiteynuese Law Acts submitted by Ramatkal Meaholit Shteman of the Weiss Administration to the Knesset have been received with unanimous support across the aisle, as they see the completion of 150 years of administrative reforms first enacted by Baruch Lea Tzafrir. The "slow and steady" progress of the Beiteynuese Government in reforming itself and the law has been a purposeful attempt by numerous administrations to carry on the torch of the first Tzafrir Administration in what government officials have recognised as a "consistency policy" in modernising what was once a decaying state of affairs. While evidence of a "lack of efficiency" is still observed today, with high ranking officials referring to the MOIT's port and airport expansion projects that drowned in multiple cases of embezzlement, the country can now barely remember the times when its government was massive and massively inefficient and corrupt.

The 2 packages of the BEILACT/5346 are the latest in a series of 13 major reforms to both the composition of the Beiteynuese Law and the structure of the Beiteynuese Government itself. The country's unique trait of a mixture of constitutional articles and national legislature instead of maintaining an independent constitution - contrary to other states in the world, is largely attributed to having been a self proclaimed Yeudi homeland for the most part since settlers from the Qedarite Migrations founded the land in ancient times. The Acts also introduce extensive cohesion to the management of the Beiteynuese Government with the introduction of provisos pertaining to the permanence of public officials heading and directing the government's organisations, seeing as how these reforms spanning across 150 years have largely focused on the foundation and enablement of these organisations under the purview of Ministries in attempting to make the Beiteynuese Government as efficient as possible, such as in the case of the highly influential Medinat Department.

With the inauguration of the new Weiss Administration, the Beiteynuese Government is also set to enact a new round of public appointments to its plethora of Organisations that manage, oversee and execute its affairs both domestically and abroad.

The Office of the Ramatkal is also expected to submit a new government budget in the coming months.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:38 am


MOD implements Gadot Policy on the military's counter response
May 5346 - The Gadot Policy refers to the enactment of a 3-tier "warning system" for the Kohav's counter responses to threats


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Minister of Defence, Bel Gadot, announced earlier this morning the implementation of the Gadot Policy across the military, which refers to the enactment of a 3-tier "warning system" to pair with the Defense Ready Condition Levels (DEFCON) that the Kohav has had in effect since 5213. A few hours later, the Head of the Kohav provided technical details on the policy's implementation, in a joint press conference together with the Naval, Army and Airforce Chiefs in the Ministry of Defence's building in Yishelem. The goal of the Gadot Policy, dubbed the "Gadot Measures" by the Kohav, is to offer the Beiteynuese Defence Force (BDF) a set of cohesive "auto" commands which will carry the appropriate counter measures whenever Beiteynu's or its allies' sovereignty is threatened. By setting a predefined "framework" of operations, the MOD hopes to increase the preparedness and response rate of the military as a whole.

The 1st Az'hara (warning) has the Kohav issue a public warning to the attacking force, automatically setting the branches, divisions and/or sections of the military that are most appropriate in terms of tactical efficiency and geolocation to DEFCON 4 (battle stations ready). Combined, the 1st Warning and DEFCON 4 will commence the mobilisation of support and logistical lines to aid in the potential of deployment.

The 2nd Az'hara, with the public warning to be issued by the Ministry of Defence itself, will trigger a preparation for the branches, divisions and/or appropriate sections of the military to ultimately reach DEFCON 3 (weapons armed) as soon as deployment plans are set in motion.

The 3rd Az'hara, otherwise named as "Sofi Az'hara" (Final Warning) or "Cease & Desist" sees the military's appropriate branches, divisions and/or sections deploy to strategic counter-attack locations and switch to DEFCON 2 (ready to fire) as soon as deployment completes. The public warning in this case is the final one and will be issued by either the Office of the Ramatkal or the Rosh HaMemshala themselves.

If the final warning fails, the military will switch to DEFCON 1 (engage) as soon as a declaration of war is issued by the Beiteynuese Government.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:16 pm

The Sholemberg Post
Reliable news for all.

Mifelegett Ha'avodah enters Knesset and Government: who is Elias Goldbloom?
An inquiry about the new "Labour Party" which promises to represent the underprivileged and the long-deglected. They already legalized cannabis!

SHOLEMBERG, TADRIKA - It's not common to see a new party in the political landscape, led by a former trade unionist, seeking to represent the long-deglected, entering national Parliament and the Government in a matter of a few years. Yet it happened, in our Beiteynuese motherland, it is the case of the Mifelegett Ha'avodah (luthorian: Labour Party) which obtained a modest 6% at the most recent election for the Knesset, and was invited to join the Government. Does it makes sense for a party which seeks to represent those who are underprivileged to join a Government with those who ruled over our land for so long? According to energetic MH's Leader, Elias Goldbloom, yes.
Let's take a step back: it's december 5242 and Elias Goldbloom, the United Workers' of Beiteynu's regional secretary Elias Goldbloom, 39 at the time, decides to step down from the position and, together with other 25 personalities from the trade unions' and public sectors, submits to the Electoral authority the paperwork to found a new party. This alone was already an historic fact: ever since the Hevrat Hasmal and its successor held power, very few parties existed and their relevance was always close to null.

The paperwork is submitted and, months later the Mifelegett Ha'avodah officially starts its activities, with petitions, public demonstrations, and even Knesset's auditions! Their main request was a Constitutional reform, which Mr. Goldbloom described as 'vital' to cut off lobbies from the Parliament, to double the number of seats, from an historically and internationally low of 75, to 150. The proposal was met with popularity so much, that an extraparliamentary party managed to get that reform pass.
Their actions continues, but Goldbloom's popularity doesn't necessarily translate in a popularity for the MH: at the Knesset elections they obtained only 6% of the suffrages and 10 seats. Despite the little result, the ruling party, not without internal frictions, decided to invite either the Green Party and the Labour Party to join the new Weiss administration, that ultimately Labour did, leaving out in the opposition the Green party.

We asked Mr. Goldbloom to explain us his decision to join the Government:
Journalist: Mr. Goldbloom, many haven't still got the rationale behind the MH joining the Weiss administration. Would you like to explain why?
E.G.: For sure, first of all I would like to remind MH's result at the election came as our platform wasn't still completed 100%, I can't really blame the Beiteynuese for choosing the "guaranteed used", you know what I mean? I still think there's room for MH to grow more. For what concerns your question: MH decided to join this administration to be actually part of the change we want to see for the underprivileged. We could have remained in opposition, being pure about our policy, but as of now we have far more relevance despite only having 10 elected officials in the Knesset.
J: I see. Why have you decided to remain out of the administration?
E.G.: I do not believe that politics should be just placing yourself on a comfy chair. I was the candidate for Prime Minister? Yes. I lost. I stay out of office.
J: Many like your sincerity.
E.G. When you're a trade unionist, you can't lie to the workers you represent and fight for.
J: Who is Elias Goldbloom?
E.G.: Heh. Elias Goldbloom is a 44 years old who thinks that a better future for all is possible. You already know what I used to do, but personally, I don't miss it, I like it here at the Knesset.
J: What are MH's plan for the future?
E.G.: We'll finish presenting our platform to the people, and seek to be a party that represents the many, not the few, while not being necessarily 'hostile' with the establishment: there's no need for that.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:41 am


Cildanian alliance to herald increased stability for the Majatran Sea
March 5348 - Ramatkal vows to work with the Cildanian Government in empowering Cildania to unlock its own potential

- Kohav confirms preparations are underway for the establishment of the Reshout (Authority) Fleet and Reshout Naval Base in Cildania
- MOD's Department of Defence Contracts issues 5B LOD contract to Capet-Fouquet Industries (Lourenne) for the assembly and production of an aircraft carrier
- Ministry of Defence expresses concerns over the ability to sustain the Yamin Fleet in Istalia, noting increased expenditures and high chances of termination

Yishelem, Beiteynu - It seems that despite the controversies surrounding the recent flair up of Beiteynuese - Cildanian relations on both the public and private sides and the very fresh event of Cildania's own government collapse over the ratification of the Beiteynuese - Cildanian Alliance Agreement, the treaty will be ratified by the Council of Deputies nonetheless, more than a decade in the works, the Office of Majatran Affairs of the Medinat Department confirms. While the partnership stems largely from Beiteynu's insistence on what a number of analysts cite as "bandwagoning by Cildania", the Medinat Department and the Office of the Ramatkal itself have repeatedly stated that the primary and almost single area of focus and involvement of the Beiteynuese Government with Cildania will remain exclusively on joint defence and regional stability, including anti-piracy and patrolling of the Majatran Sea. The Ministry of Defence has also stated that the Reshout Fleet will work with Cildania and the MSCO on joint exercises and initiatives, hoping to include other nations in the process, like Deltaria.

As the Weiss Administration prepares to add another tectonic agreement to its track record, the Olami Trade Association commented that this new diplomatic platform will cement commercial relations and open the floodgates in Cildania's access to the global Beiteynuese trade network, including nations such as Kundrati and Lourenne, which the Beiteynuese Government will continue to support in "bridging the gaps" between its substantial partners and allies across Terra. The Beiteynuese financial and shipping industries will, as usual, represent the forerunners in commercial ties - with Ashalon Bank BEIFG and Birco leading the way - by providing access to their services in the Cildanian markets for domestic banks, producers and manufacturers to tap into Beiteynu's worldwide trade network. In order to smooth the transition and ensure that the Cildanian economy takes precedence over foreign investments, the Olami Trade Association is rumoured to create a joint task force with the Cildanian Government in supporting, overseeing and funnelling the appropriate measures to the appropriate parties.

"This is a massive step forward in 3 directions", Noah Kadiyot, the Head of the Medinat Department commented, "bilateral relations with another great Majatran state, increased regional stability coupled with the MSCO and a step closer to Beiteynu's vision of bringing its partners and allies closer to each other".
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:49 am


Shocking murder of two Professors shakes Rishon
On tuesday, the State Police started investigating the death of two Professors employed at the Rishon City University that were found dead in their offices.

RISHON LE HOFESH, PADIKA - The State Police started investigating at the City University of Rishon, after a member of the cleaning services shockingly found two Professors, Shelomo Dayan (51) and Sherry Landau (47), dead in their offices, at the University's main campus. The woman who found the bodies, who has been already investigated and cleared by the Police, started working at 4:02 PM; while the murders happened, according to the Coroner's Office, between 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM, the same time when the woman was recorded by a security camera in a mall.
Prof. Dayan and Prof. Landau were leading academic names in the University's science department, the first being a geologist, and the second a biologist. The murders happened at the same time, as already said, and followed the same modus operandi, indicating that the killer is likely the same. The two victims were both killed by a single gunshot, and without signs of break-in in the office, indicating that the Professors both opened their doors to the killer. Or killers.

The Police Chief, Elias Michel Rosenberg, said that the investigation already started with an inquiry on the two Professor's Academic Assistants, people who the two would have welcomed in their offices without hesitation. After a short round of questioning, the Police cleared the two men, 28 and 29, who wished to remain anonymous as we reached them, as they that day they were both out of town, with other witnesses confirming their alibis. The investigation then turned on a student, 20, who attended Ms. Landau's biology class and got negative marks, on the grounds that his academic results could've been a strong motive to perform Sherry Landau's murder. The student was found on the college campus the day after and taken to the Rishon-Le-Hofesh's Police HQ to be questioned, the young man didn't had an alibi, couldn't provide a convincing explanation of his whereabouts of the previous early afternoon, thus fueling the Officer's suspects on him.
The attorney to the student said that his defendant has never met the other victim, Mr. Dayan, weakening the Police claims that the murder was performed by the same person or coordinated group. The student was ultimately cleared of all accusations as DNA didn't match with that found on the crime scene, where an hair (not belonging to Ms. Landau's) was found.

As of today, the State Police is continuing its investigation with all the means at their use, to swiftly find the murderer(s) of Mr. Dayan and Ms. Landau, an event that has shocked the academic world, and the community of Rishon, Tadika. The University's Dean said that these murders took away two brilliant scientific minds and that there couldn't possibly be an explanation for why this happened. Police Chief Rosenberg has pledged that the State Police will proceed 'full steam ahead' to find the responsible(s) of this act.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:05 pm


Attempted murder of University Dean uncovers anti-Scientific conspiracy plot
After three weeks of investigation on the murders of Prof. Dayan and Landau, the attempted murder of Dr. Avraham Roth, the Dean of the City University in Rishon, uncovers a plot against science.

RISHON LE HOFESH, TADIKA - In the late evening of July, 5nd, a call to the emergency services made from a suburban house in Rishon Le Hofesh changed the course of the investigation to solve the murders of leading scientists Shelomo Dayan and Sherry Landau, killed three weeks ago in their offices. The call was made by the wife of the City University in Rishon's Dean, Ms. Raanan Zeiman (56), who called the emergency services as a couple of intruders broke in her house and tried to murder her husband, Dr. Avraham Roth (59), who is as we said, the University Dean.

Mr. Roth was severely injured and was taken immediately to the hospital, where he was placed into coma for three days as the medical professionals tried to contain the damages to his brain and neck. The State Police Chief, Elias M. Rosenberg, said that this attempted murder was 'very likely connected' to the criminal acts happened three weeks earlier. Ms. Zeiman's testimony wasn't that helpful as she rushed to hide and call the emergency services, a move that saved her life, but that hasn't turned helpful to identify the two intruders. She could only tell that she heard a masculine voice, and a feminine voice.

The investigators, the doctors, and Mr. Roth's family were all glad to hear about his awakening happened in July the 9th, when Doctors assessed that the man, a previous Neurologist, reported little damage that means he'll be able to speak coherently and to remember things. Sadly, Mr. Roth reported permanent damages to his eyesight, making him blind for the rest of his life.
Mr. Roth was able to provide a detailed description of his assailants, confirmed his wife's testimony that the intruders were a man and a woman and also told the possible motive of the assault: anti-scientific rhetoric.

This fact prompted the Police to believe the June murders of two scientists, and the attempted murder of the man who called those criminal acts 'injustifiable' are connected in its motive: hostility to science, and scientists. The State Police chief then directed its digital division to search the web looking for anti-scientific fringe activity on-line, while the scientific team carried out a complete search for possible incriminating evidence throughout the Roth-Zeiman's house, and its vicinities.

In the next days, scientists were able to found wheel imprints in the house's driveway that didn't match with Mr. Roth and Ms. Zeiman's car: then the one found likely belonged to the vehicle the couple used to drive there, the Police said. As for the digital investigation, detectives were able to detect anti-scientific online activity in the Rishon area, activity linked to an online blog owned by Mr. Lavan Harel (27) and Ms. Chanit Harel (25), brother and sister. In this blog, the murders of the Professors in June were glorified, and the Dean was object to heavy criticism and hate for his words about the murder, cited by the siblings' couple as an 'act against degeneracy', as well as other content against the scientific world and its discoveries.

On the morning of July the 12th, troops of the State Police showed up at the Harel family house and executed an arrest warrant against the Harel siblings, with their parents reportedly 'shocked' about the accusation being made. A later analysis has shown correspondence between Lavan Harel's SUV's imprint and the one found outside Prof. Roth's house, and the matching of his DNA with the hair found in Ms. Landau's office. A laptop was found in Ms. Chanit Harel's bedroom, with access to the anti-science blog.

The Harel siblings have pleaded guilty of murder and attempted murder, explaining how the June murders happened: Lavan commited the killings while Chanit waited outside the offices, ready to block any possible witnesses, while both entered Mr. Roth's house with the objective, as they said, of 'teaching that Dean a lesson'. Lavan Harel has been sentenced to lifetime prison time with the accuse of murder and attempted murder, while Chanit Lavan has been sentenced to 52 years in prison with the accuse of attempted murder and conspiracy to murder.

Police Chief Rosenberg has thanked his troops, offices and scientists for having resolved this criminal case, expressing his worries about the spread of deadly conspiracy theories:
It's scary that these two persons radicalized themselves so much that they've decided to commit these murders...all because of a false theory...they believed science isn't real and decided to 'punish' leading scientific experts in their field.

⚫️The Sholemberg Post, in loving memory of Prof. Dayan and Prof Landau.
Shelomo Dayan (March 25, 5297 - June 14, 5248)
Sherry Landau (May 31, 5301 - June 14, 5248)
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:10 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:59 pm


Leaked video reveals dissent emerging within leftist bloc of the BPH
September 5348 - The video which showed BPH's senior leftist official, detailed the rant and discontent the official had against the current unity party structure led by Rosh HaMemshala Nathan Weiss.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Prime Minister Nathan Weiss extend condolences to families of slain professors, condemns anti-science rhetoric.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Radio Beiteynu has managed to obtain a leaked video detailing Joshua Klein who is a senior party official of the leftist bloc of the BPH ranting and expressing frustration against the current unity party structure led by Prime Minister Nathan Weiss who is also a member of the leftist bloc. This happened during a private event which Mr. Klein attended last week.

According to the video, Joshua Klein claimed that there are many members within the leftist bloc who are planning to distance themselves from Nathan Weiss and would rather collaborate with the leftist parties outside the BPH. Mr. Klein said: “We would rather cooperate with like-minded leftist parties outside the BPH than continuing to compromise with the center right bloc!” Klein added that there would be a time in the future where the party would just “collapse”.

Rosh HaMemshala and Party Leader of the BPH Nathan Weiss quickly released a statement stating “The outburst by one party member doesn't necessarily mean that there is a rift within the party. Seeing as this was said during a private event, everyone is entitled to their personal opinions. Therefore, I encourage the media to not engage in sensationalized reporting.”

The Office of the Rosh HaMemshala however did not respond to queries related to claims that there are members from BPH's left bloc who are planning to distance themselves from the unity party. Efforts to get comments from the center right bloc of the BPH were also futile by the time this edition went to the press.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:34 pm


BPH rift continues to expand, as right bloc casts support for the Ramatkal
June 5349 - With the January 5350 elections right around the corner, the Beiteynuese People's Hashmal aims for party unity under the banner of leadership from Ramatkal Meaholit Shteman, stemming from the right bloc's increased momentum from the 5346 elections

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Beiteynuese politics feel at a standstill with 2 conflicting sides; the BPH's right bloc securing 73 / 150 seats in the Knesset almost 4 years ago effectively offering momentum from the country's right to set the tone and the parallel rise of a much steadier and pragmatist left, in and out of the BPH itself - a unity party (BPA - HH) led by Rosh HaMemshala Nathan Weiss since 5312 that has dominated the arena for almost 50 years. In the 2 years since the leaked video it seems the rift has continued to expand, with most of the right bloc's members casting their support behind right bloc leader Meaholit Shteman and current Ramatkal to the Rosh HaMemshala. Mr. Shteman confirmed today that he will be actively campaigning for the premiership, having spoken directly with the Rosh HaMemshala on the best way to continue pursuing party unity for the Beiteynuese People's Hashmal; or not.

While there seems to be a general consensus in the Knesset on affairs such as the Beiteynuese Law, foreign policy and defence, the left continues to run on a platform of extended inclusivity and fairness for the country's neglected lower and middle classes; and while the legacy of the Hevrat Hashmal and the private industry's titans like Hadayim continues to withstand the test of time, analysts predict that a change of pace promised by the country's politicians shortly after the Trigunian crisis might finally be coming to reality as the left continues to band together ever more effectively, challenging the 150 year dominion of the right.

No official statement has been released yet with regards to the rumours of a BPH split back into the separate BPA and HH parties.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:53 am


MH's Goldbloom announces support for BPH's "leftist" PM candidate
BREAKING NEWS - Shortly before next month's general election, Elias Goldbloom made an unexpected pledge.

YISHELEM, ENDLID - The Leader of the Mifelegett Ha'avodah, Elias Goldbloom, has announced in a Thursday interview to our newspaper that his party will pledge support to the "leftist candidate of BPH", stirring up speculations about an imminent split-up of the party. Goldbloom in fact, has not pledged support for "BPH's candidate", but for "BPH's leftist candidate", making many wonder about what that means.

Sources internal to the MH have refused any comment, and Mr. Goldbloom himself has refused to further explain his endorsement, while BPH party officials still have to express themselves on the meaning of this endorsement.

We remind that in the past months, a leaked source revealed the nation internal struggles inside Beiteynu's largest party, fueling rumors that a possible ideological split up is upcoming, possibly sealed with an alliance between "leftist" BPH and MH, possibly even with the Green Party.

Next month, the general election will be held, and we're expecting the coming weeks to be very important in the definitions of the parties competing, candidates and platforms, the question on everybody's mouth although is: will the Hevrat Hasmal return?
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