RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

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RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Zanz » Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:24 pm

IC Thread
Thread link to come when I've created one.

Important notes for anyone considering playing

  • As the Jelbe player, I am going to be central to this RP. I am also a very slow poster - both because I like my posts to be of a quality I think I can only deliver with consideration, and because I am employed full time and married and so my time to dedicate to PT is limited. As such, there will be next to no tie between posts in this RP and the actual date in the Particracy game itself. We will agree on a time period that this RP occurs in, and all posts will be posted as if they occur in that time period, even if it is long past that time in game. This is called "fluid time RP" and if you are unfamiliar with the concept please ask either here or in the Discord, I or other players can certainly help it make sense :)
  • Though this will primarily be a story about a revolution directly in Jelbe, my intent is that direct involvement in Jelbe itself will be mostly limited to immediate neighbors (basically, probably no nations outside Majatra except MAYBE Lourenne or Vascania if there's a reason for it) should expect to actually drop troops in Jelbe. That said - if there are nations who want to use a pretty hot war in Jelbe as a kicking off point for other related conflicts elsewhere, I think that'd be really cool - just feel free to post ideas in here and people can run with them as appropriate.
  • I myself am not particularly interested in military RP insofar as it relates to military equipment. That said, this will be a war, there will be fighting. There will be images of military equipment. For purposes of this RP, let's all agree that so long as we all agree on a shared story, we are not going to get hung up on who can or can't have what equipment.
  • Related to the above, approach this RP from a perspective of improv: when another person progresses the story, your job is to say "Yes, and..." - work with others to write a good story. Don't worry so much if they use a picture of military equipment you think they need to prove they have procured. If somebody posts something you really think you can't respond to ICly, ask in the OOC thread about it (don't post OOC in the IC thread!). We can work through disagreements to get to a good outcome - I promise.

What we need, part 1: We need a register of nations which will be involved. This needs to be publicly posted. Each nation should have some designated player which runs point for it.
Why we need that: We need to understand who is participating (for part 2), and we need to understand who can "speak" for that nation as we coordinate this RP.

What we need, part 2: We need an overarching outline made which incorporates the general roles of each nation and timing of events. This won't dictate RP on a post-by-post basis, but it will highlight generally important events, the way the RP begins and ends, etc.
Why we need that: This will ensure everyone knows in general and beforehand what to expect the outcome of the RP to be, and nobody ends up rage quitting because somebody shoots (to steal Doc's phrase, which basically means somebody goes way off base and makes a move nobody likes). This will also allow us to make sure we involve everyone meaningfully.

What we need, part 3: In the spirit of a previous rule which no longer is a rule but which I still think was very wise, this RP will require that any nation participating must pass an RP event bill outlining the event is approved by a 2/3rds majority of all players with seats (not just those with seats who vote) and over 50% of the seats in the legislature. This bill must specify the necessary and possible consequences of the role-play event, as well as a clause that deals with the eventuality of one or more players becoming absent for more than a specified time, and how such an absence is to be interpreted in in-game terms.
Why we need that: This allows everyone involved to know that any nations participating have a vested interest in continuing in the RP even if an election causes the country's political makeup to totally change, or if someone goes inactive. This allows us to enter into the RP knowing that nobody's going to back out and leave us all stranded. If you are not able to pass such a bill, that's OK - you can participate in future RP, just not this one :)


Nation participating / Side (pro-modernization or pro-Khanate) / Contact person (forum username) / Legislative bill establishing RP consent
Jelbe / Both (not an option for others), but ultimately modernization / Zanz / TBD

General outline of the RP
Jelbe has been a reactionary absolute monarchy under the Jelbek khans for millenia in game. ICly this has always been fun to RP, but it's a bit stale. We need to bring Jelbe into modern times, but that cannot reasonably happen without a major societal upheaval. So that's what we're going to write here. I am very open to suggestion as to how I can make this relevant to other nations.
  • Jelbek students who have gone on exchange to other nations will bring back an interest in foreign sports - likely Mordusian football or cricket, depending on how I feel when I make the initial post.
  • Eventually, one of these sports will grow quite popular at universities around Jelbe (they do exist) and, by their nature, serve as both sport and social clubs for young people in Jelbe.
  • The Khan will do Something Awful (to be determined) to some students or some women - I am open to suggestions here, it may make sense for this to be in response to something external. I am also open to meddling from external governments at this point.
  • Unlike most times when the Khan is a real jerk, sporting clubs will serve as a real method for Jelbek young people to organize and resist in a way that they generally have not before (maybe with external help?). There will be violence. This is where I imagine real international interest can begin. Here are some thoughts I have on that:
    • Jelbek expatriates in states nearby to Jelbe have long had issue with the Khanate and its total power. Maybe some start fomenting unrest locally to pressure their adopted homes to support the students? Maybe some reactionary expats fight back? I imagine this may be of interest to Vanuku, Beiteynu, Zardugal, Vascania, Deltaria, Barmenistan, Pontesi
    • Jelbe is *absolutely* destitute. There are a couple of major cities but the bulk of it is totally rural steppe wasteland occupied very sparsely by nomadic steppe clans. There is a *lot* of room for random weirdos to just have come out into the steppe and be practicing like, cult worship or something. Even if you don't have a major role to play in this RP overall, consider if there might be room for you to have a couple of flavor posts that the rest of us can react to.
    • Jelbe's nature also means that any major unrest is going to lead to very basic human need issues quickly. Refugees will be plenty, starvation will be rampant (especially since that Fish Hook guy in Cildania let all the Cildanians fish the Majatran Sea dry), etc. Consider if your nation may be able to get involved in a humanitarian capacity. Maybe the MSCO can try something - maybe the World Congress. No guarantees that humanitarians won't be the target of a little violence on occasion, though.
  • Ultimately, I intend for Jelbe to come out of this with the Khan either arrested or killed, and a republic to be born on the Jelbek Steppe. What this republic will look like is very much up to us and our RP. Maybe we're heavily influenced by the socialist regime of Zardugal, maybe we descend back into relative servitude of Vanuku, maybe we're a buffer state for Deltaria, or maybe we are a true bastion of newborn democracy propped up by a World Congress peace keeping mandate. Sky's the limit - I want it to be whatever allows most people to play - drop your ideas below!
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Pragma » Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:35 pm

Vascania / whoever serves our interests / Pragma / NA

Vascania will seek to be involved as a turbulent state in need of allies. Vascania's large supply of oil and other natural resources could be used to help Jelbe develop in exchange for something TBD (probably just influence).

I'm planning to take the Empire in a somewhat more religious direction once I've brushed up on my knowledge of Buddhism so how that will interact with the existing shamanistic faiths is up to you. It could be a non-factor. Vascania is religious, traditional and conservative so it might support the Khanate, but it is also desperately looking for friends and markets for its oil so it could switch at some point to be pro-modernisation.

I have never RPed much about Vascania's Jelbek minority but we could have some. Kayal Island is just across the water and has a number of prestigious universities. It's a more liberal part of the country.

We might be up for taking refugees depending on the dynamics and could provide food aid from our bountiful rice harvests.
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Luis1p » Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:12 pm

Zanz wrote:.
[*]The Khan will do Something Awful (to be determined) to some students or some women - I am open to suggestions here, it may make sense for this to be in response to something external. I am also open to meddling from external governments at this point.

[*]Jelbek expatriates in states nearby to Jelbe have long had issue with the Khanate and its total power. Maybe some start fomenting unrest locally to pressure their adopted homes to support the students? Maybe some reactionary expats fight back? I imagine this may be of interest to Vanuku, Beiteynu, Zardugal, Vascania, Deltaria, Barmenistan, Pontesi
[*]Jelbe is *absolutely* destitute. There are a couple of major cities but the bulk of it is totally rural steppe wasteland occupied very sparsely by nomadic steppe clans. There is a *lot* of room for random weirdos to just have come out into the steppe and be practicing like, cult worship or something. Even if you don't have a major role to play in this RP overall, consider if there might be room for you to have a couple of flavor posts that the rest of us can react to.
[*]Jelbe's nature also means that any major unrest is going to lead to very basic human need issues quickly. Refugees will be plenty, starvation will be rampant (especially since that Fish Hook guy in Cildania let all the Cildanians fish the Majatran Sea dry), etc. Consider if your nation may be able to get involved in a humanitarian capacity. Maybe the MSCO can try something - maybe the World Congress. No guarantees that humanitarians won't be the target of a little violence on occasion, though.[/list]
[*]Ultimately, I intend for Jelbe to come out of this with the Khan either arrested or killed, and a republic to be born on the Jelbek Steppe. What this republic will look like is very much up to us and our RP. Maybe we're heavily influenced by the socialist regime of Zardugal, maybe we descend back into relative servitude of Vanuku, maybe we're a buffer state for Deltaria, or maybe we are a true bastion of newborn democracy propped up by a World Congress peace keeping mandate. Sky's the limit - I want it to be whatever allows most people to play - drop your ideas below![/list]

I know there's really no reason for Lourenne to get involved, but this is a prime opportunity for my current RP arc.

I would want Lourenne to send humanitarian aid to the country, probably through Beiteynu if that's ok.

Also, really stretching it here..... but what if we kept the Khan alive and you send him to Lourenne to be put on trial?

Honestly, this last suggestion is what I'm really interested in and would be cool to see. Looking forward to this RP
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Kubrick » Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:03 am


For this exact reason I have returned to Wrnuke. It has been a long time since I actually focused on Vanuku so I'm here to stick around for a while. I'm hoping to stay a "one party state" for this whole affair so consider me the talking point. In the first stage of all this my nation will be firmly pro-Khanate if they accept our demands for the future annexation of a stretch of Northern Jelbe.

The latter is all related to a new development I've thought up for this whole ordeal. Initially I wanted to take a leftist+monarchist approach to Vanuku but looking at the nations and players around it I feel it would be wiser to play the villain once more. After decades of North Korean isolation the Wrnukaék Lion has finally woken up - but on the wrong side of the bed - and declared the existing democracy null and void. A selection of extremist totalitarians has taken over Wrnuke and the elderly King has consented to all this, given the new Leader (Wrntuhiko) free reign. My plan with this is to spend the next days to set up Wrnuke as a state that is recovering from years of neglect. Massive investments in industry, education, the military, etc. everything "for the state" so to speak. All kind of inspired by the Weimar Republic to Third Reich transition. The leadership cult is inspired by Fascist Italy and Libya.

Either way, I'm setting up Wrnuke as an irredentist state looking for a fight. So if the H'án agrees to hand over a chunk of his land, the Wise Council will support him every step of the way. The end goal with this is for the Wise Council to be ousted, perhaps through a total defeat of Wrnuke and its forces or an internal coup after years of devastating war. In the end Vanuku will transition to a constitutional monarchy with a social liberal/social democratic government and free elections. It is at that point that I hope to attract some other players I know and enjoy to play with (hello James, Pragma, Wu, whoever else was in Cildania).

Let me know if that fits the books! I've at least begun to set up my wild card Vanuku, but further adjustments are always possible.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:14 am

I will of course run this with the players who are currently in government leadership (KRtau and Nick). Beiteynu has a system of Ministries > Organisations which means the Ministers (KRtau/Nick) set the agenda/policies and Heads/Directors of Organisations (KRtau/Nick/me) execute that policy (or not).

As a Bei player, I will mostly assist the other 2 - this is a fantastic opportunity to engage other people in the RP, as Zanz said.

Here's the gist on our end, based on Zanz's outline and the other players posted so far:

- Beiteynu always focuses on deterring, meaning that it has no problem with the shifting of powers as long as Yeudis are not threatened and are protected; this policy includes the friends of Yeudis, aka Beiteynu's partners and allies, at present are Pontesi/Selucia/Cildania/Kafuristan/Istalia/(Deltaria) in Majatra

- As such, we don't see a direct threat to us and them EXCEPT deterring Vanuku/Zardugal/Vascania/(Deltaria) from uncontrolled hegemony, basically we will attempt to oppose anyone gunning for control who's not a strong ally of Yishelem, which at present none of the aforementioned parties are

- Beiteynu's policy is to avoid war at all costs; firing bullets means we failed, that has impact on the depth of military involvement on our end

- Since Deltaria and Beiteynu are getting really along based on Deltaria's "renewed" policy and our common interests in revising the MEA and keeping the MSCO, the relationship is so solid to the point where we might even go as far as to support a Deltarian invasion in Jelbe as a deterrent to thwart the others

- MSCO is basically active on the northern parts with no presence west and south, so it's safe to presume the MSCO won't be able to engage actively

- We have began bribing the hell out of Barmenistan recently and are building naval forces on the southwest, which are purely defensive; so on that part we won't be reaching Vanuku/Zardugal militarily and nothing should be able to spill over "upwards" - happy to do skirmishes to build up hostilities though with Vanuku

- As far as Jelbe is concerned, as you've realised, Beiteynu is extremely flexible and most commonly plays all sides so we'd like to maintain our part in the RP in the same manner; having said that, we really have no skin in the game on what happens to Jelbe in the end except as to deter absolute hegemons

- Beiteynu's weapons of choice are intelligence and indirect influence (backchannelling) - to that end we'd like to include players from Kundrati/Dankuk/Luthori

So, essentially, Beiteynu's role is that of facilitation to the roleplay; playing all sides, getting involved indirectly and deterring enemies of Yeudis with literally no skin in the game except, again, deterring the probabilities of someone anti-Yeudi having power and control.

Thus, I presume:

1. We'll be enemies with Vanuku, maybe so far as to declare war.
2. We'll add Vascania to our Yeudi Shitlist and banter diplomatically.
2. We'll try to get Barmenistan under our influence (money to their militia, basically).
3. We have no idea what's gonna happen with Zardugal, it really depends on them.
4. We most likely will become strong friends with Deltaria, but that still remains to be seen.
5. We will subtly support any and all sides who are not against Yeudis, even at opposing sides.
6. We care not what really happens to Jelbe except ensuring they don't become anti-Yeudi.
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Polites » Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:55 am

Zardugal / modernizers / Polites / NA

Zardugal definitely wants to be involved, and it will certainly be on the side of the modernizers. We will have an active Jelbek diaspora with left-wing revolutionary leanings, and actively support the revolution.

That being said, Zardugal is now abolishing its armed forces so there is no way it will intervene militarily, with one exception: there will no doubt many disgruntled Zardic veterans who will hate demilitarization. Zardugal can send them to Jelbe to support the revolution (and hopefully also stop being a problem by no longer being alive).

We are also now selling all our military equipment, so the rebels will be well armed if they have the money to pay for it. Since we want to get rid of it, we may be willing to offer a discount.

Support for modernization may place Zardugal in conflict with Vascania if the latter is very pro-Khanate, but given the mutual distrust of both nations towards Beiteynu maybe this will not lead to any tensions? We'll also sell whatever weapons Mama Vasc wants to keep her happy if that's what it takes.

Zardugal shares a long border with Jelbe, and given the utopian and pacifist beliefs of our government we will happily take in any and all refugees, though of course this may lead to social tensions of some sort (which I'd be happy to RP). We may eventually also need to reconsider demilitarization if any war gets too close to Zardugal, but that can be decided further down the line.
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby jamescfm » Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:32 am

Mordusia / pro-modernization [sic] / jamescfm / (I will pass a bill when we have a better idea of the plan)

I would like Mordusia to play a role as the country where Jelbék students develop an interest in foreign sports. I think this makes sense given the sports that you have suggested. Beyond that, Mordusia might play a role as a destination for Jelbék refugees or fleeing supporters of modernisation. The government of Mordusia would probably provide implicit support for the pro-modernisation side but I do not see any direct role for Mordusia.
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby Drax » Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:57 am

Deltaria is an immediate neighbor of Jelbe so seems obvious it might be involved. My question is whether this is likely to be finally scripted early or tend to be open ended for a while.

If the latter, Deltaria is very aware of the hatred of the Jelbek Khanate for Deltaria and very aware of this situation as a challenge for the MSCO to which it is committed.
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:11 am

From the recent events it seems that the "battlefield" is getting ready here.

Team A:

1. Vanuku in the driver's seat
2. Vascania in the shadows of influence
3. Zardugal most likely to fall under the influence of these 2

Team B:

1. Beiteynu
2. Pontesi/Selucia considered largely inactive in this whole thing, though Selucia might also break ties
3. Istalia
4. Rest are mostly off continent (Kundrati, Lourenne, Luthori, etc)

Still at play:

1. Deltaria
2. Jelbe
3. Barmenistan
4. Cildania, though on a path to cut ties with Beiteynu it's yet unclear whether they will align with Team A
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Re: RP Planning Thread: Jelbic Revolution

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:17 am

Kazulia will watch and eat popcorn and Lefsa.
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