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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:49 pm



Presidential Palace, July 17 5358: ZLATENICO OKO asked President Valentin Hovicky what would be our response to the the Jelbek Khanate’s accusations, and he resplied:

Well, we have tried twice to talk to them both in diplomatic correspondence and responding in the media but the result is the government of the Jelbek Khanate feels we condescend to it, belittle it, threaten it and lie to it. Going down the same road looks unproductive to us. Fortunately, an alternative has been provided.

The Jelbek Khanate has selected a protector that can serve as an intermediary. Should we have any actual business we will talk to the Beiteynuese Medinat about it. We have never had any difficulty communicating with the Foreign Office of that nation.

And as a matter of fact there is something to talk about which could benefit the people of all three economically. We will broach that subject with the intermediary. But keep our expectations low.

Should the Sovereign State of the Jebek Khanate have anything it actually wishes to reach us directly concerning, unless and until our Ambassador is expelled, she is available to receive and forward any such message.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:09 am


President Hovicky


Presidential Palace, October 17, 5360: Following a meeting of President Valentin Hovicky and Foreign Minister Dominik Prokop at the Presidential concerning scheduling State Visit invitations, ZLATENICO OKO asked the President whether the sale of arms to the Minan Ministry of Defense was a signal Deltarska Republika was going into the arms sale business, and he replied:

That is not its significance. Which really is twofold. In the course of diplomatic discussions on an entirely different subject the Government of Mina asked us whether we could meet certain requirements in the Minan Defense Ministry plan for modernization of the Armed Forces of Mina.

Our Defense Agency for Procurement and Research (DAPR) was certain that we could do so. The tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are produced by PRIME, Ltd., which remains a State owned corporation.

The 150 smaller military vehicles are produced by SATURN, one of our largest privately owned defense contractors as are the 15 helicopters mainly used for transport.

Three other privately owned defense contractors are involved as well. VALCRY can produce the Mi – 35 attack rotary craft while Letajici Orel will make the 15 KA – 52 attack helicopter. Modre Nebe was the original developer of our adaptation of a Trigunian design and filled the original order of SU – 34’s and will manufacture the ten necessary to complete the agreement.

The applicable service for the particular vehicle design will provide personnel for training in the handling and tactical coordination of these vehicles, rotary craft and aircraft. DAPR is coordinating delivery with the suppliers and the Minan Ministry of Defense.

The significance is this is a large order which is of mutual benefit to the Government of Mina and to our economy which is not beyond our reach. Second, we are extremely happy that such an agreement with a nation of Dovani was possible. We know there is lingering suspicion of our nation and truly appreciate the opportunity to work with Mina for the betterment of both of us.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Auditorii » Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:35 pm

Truth is a national newspaper that provides news from across Deltaria.
JANUARY 5361 | Our Homeland! given approval to run in elections.

Supporters of Our Homeland! rally in Cahtica in support of the parties formal registration for upcoming elections.

CAHTICA Supporters of the new Our Homeland! political party rallied in the streets of Čahtica today as the Ministry of Internal Affairs approved the registration of the political party. Leader of Our Homeland!, Dragomir Savić, a candidate for President of the Republic, celebrated the news and thanked the efforts of Minister of Internal Affairs Ludvik Benes. "We're very excited to begin formally getting our message to the people of Deltaria and getting them to understand that Deltaria needs to rise anew from the ashes." Our Homeland! has frequently attended pro-Deltarian political organization rallies, notably those of nationalist organizations and drawn many to their cause prompting some concern among members of the political establishment. Domagoj Spanić, a left-wing labor organizer cited the foundation of Our Homeland!, frequently known ND, has called the party "populist" and "...bordering on the far-right..." but this has been denied repeatedly by the leadership of Our Homeland!. ND is made up of several political parties and organizations from across the right-wing of Deltarian society including the Deltarian Radical Party, the Association of the White Eagle, the New Deltaria Movement and the Czarist Movement. ND enjoys the support of many former nobles of the Deltarian aristocracy and has enjoyed their patronage as well. The selection of Darko Draženović as a candidate for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has raised eyebrows as Draženović is a well known supporter of a more aggressive foreign policy and wishes to see a "Restored Deltarian Empire", something that he has had to walk back several times.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:37 am


First Minister Prokop


Cahtica, April 13, 5356: Asked by ZLATENICO OKO what he thought of there being a second party competing for government control, First Minister Dominik Prokop responded:

When we were formed there were four or five other parties and then for a while there was only one other before ours was the only one. Voters will take a lot more interest when there is more than one party and scrutiny will be a lot greater. These are good things.

It is certainly true though that Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS) will be in competitive race in a few months and we do not know which way the vote will go. It could definitely go either way.

When we were formed it is fair to say we were more conservative than the other parties. Nasa Domovina (NS) appears to be slightly more conservative than DNS. One difference we expect is that DNS has been reluctant to replace the paid benefits provided by the State under the Metzist regime and it is likely Nasa Domovina is more inclined to move in that direction.

The most obvious differences between us appear to be likely NS support for a monarchy and a state church. DNS does not regard itself as anti religious or anti monarchy but neither would it regard itsellf as an advocate of either.

The organizaton of most governmental power is centralized. It is too early to know if this will become an issue.

In any event, DNS does not expect a fundamental directional change should NS prevail. DNS will continue as opposition in that event.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:28 pm

Truth is a national newspaper that provides news from across Deltaria.
AUGUST 5361 | Our Homeland! sweeps Disuva and Daralija and captures 2nd place.

CAHTICA Following preliminary results released from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Alazindian: Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova; Министарство унутрашњих послова; tr. Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova), it was announced Our Homeland! came in second place in regional and national elections. According to the MUP results, the Deltarian Nationalist Party won 258 seats in the Congress of Deputies and Our Homeland! won 202, the incoming third party, Erav Ezc Party did not meet enough votes to enter into the Congress of Deputies. Leader of ND Dragomir Savić (26,045,267 votes, 43.15%) was defeated in the first round of Presidential elections by Deltarian National Party and incumbent President, Valentin Hovicky (34,295,262 votes, 56.81%). According to a speech given by Savic following the announcement that he had lost, he called President Hovicky and congratulated him on the electoral victory and announced he desired cooperation with the DNS and hoped that in future electoral competitions he would come out on top. Sources close to the ND leader noted that the conversation was jovial and the two expressed desire for an electoral coalition. ND leader in the Congress of Deputies Zoran Kostić noted that he had reached out to members of the DNS to discuss a coalition agreement.

In Disuva, Damir Rotari was elected as the Commissioner for the district and in Daralija Vladislav Borisov was elected as the Commissioner of Daralija.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:20 am



Carsky Ukrit, October 17, 5361: Following a meeting of President Valentin Hovicky and Foreign Minister Terezia Botosova at the Auxiliary Presidential Palace concerning the stalled Majatran Economic Association talks, ZLATENICO OKO asked the President why Deltarianska Narodna Srana (DNS) thought a coalition government was necessary or a good idea, and Hovicky replied:

It has been a long time since we had 80% turnout for an election. A long time. And 44% voted for Nasa Domovina! (NS). DNS felt like trying to work together was the best way to honor the will of the Sovereign People.

It is true there are issues where NS and DNS hardly see eye to eye. We do both want to restore our Armed Forces and our economy. We do believe NS is committed to that task as completely as we are.

So we are going to try to do what we believe the voters want us to do. And if it proves successful we might want to make a similar arrangement after the next election.

Carsky Ukrit
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Re: Deltaria

Postby TRA » Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:02 pm

Navy to inaugurate the MSCO's patrols in the Migrant's Pass and Majatran Sea
January 5362 - As Majatra takes 2 important steps towards continental security and stability - active defence operations and heightened organisational structure - the Beiteynuese Naval Command prepares to lead the charge under the direction of Beiteynu's Secretary-General of the MSCO
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:38 pm



Nadejdeni, February 19, 5362: First Minister Dominik Prokop was in the port city of Nadejdeni today meeting with the Mayor and city officials, PRIME International executives and Okrug managers of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport to announce and celebrate the reopening of the PRIME International factory to build small electrically powered tractors. Prokop’s remarks included:

After our most recent Civil War, in 5089 PRIME International began manufacturing small electric trucks and small electric tractors in two separate factories here in Nadejdeni in conjunction with an experienced Alorian firm, Aloria Agri Engineering and Biotechnology. During the Putica years the Alorian firm decamped entirely while the tractor manufacturing plant ceased to operate and the truck plant gradually decreased production.

With the departure of the Putica regime, PRIME International revived its truck marketing operations along with its other automotive ventures. The small electric truck plant is producing today as many trucks per month as it ever has.

Today, we are announcing the reopening of the electrical tractor plant long out of operation. For plant renovation and start up costs, Federal Bank is making a loan at low interest in view of a guarantee by Central Bank using funds appropriated by the Congress of Deputies to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Federal Bank is still one of our larger banking institutions. As is often the case, Dvornachek, Braunschweiger and Ptacek are handling the loan closing instructions.

We know PRIME International can use its existing charging stations and marketing facilities for other automotive products and can soon be selling electric tractors in Balgrad and Branovica. Deltarska Republika is proud to be back in the electrical tractor business.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO how the DNS – NS governing coalition was coming along, Prokop replied:

Not bad at all. There are two things DNS is having to think about; one is under what conditions we would be willing to have the Terran Patriarchal Church as a state church.We are aware about 60% of the electorate are associated with it.

The other is whether we would agree to a monarchy. Think where this may land is being clear any monarch has only powers given it by the Congress of Deputies and that ultimately there is legislative supremacy. But thinking on this is in early stages.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:47 am


Foreign Minister Botosova


Presidential Palace, October 17, 5362: President Valentin Hovicky met with First Minister Dominik Prokop and Foreign Minister Terezia Botosova on the MSCO and the MEA. After what appeared to be a gloomy meeting, ZLATENICO OKO caught up with Botosova and asked her what they were discussing. She replied:

The MSCO and MEA. The MSCO is critical to Majatran security. We have contributed to patrols, are reporting ASW Command findings through the interim command structure and will be contributing to the contingent patrolling Migrant’s Pass. We are doing our part and support the organization.

The MEA or MA is more of a problem. To us some regional economic cooperation seems to have obvious benefits. Other nations have seen this in the past. We have been discussing this with Beiteynu Medinat but it appears beyond that it is not likely to be a priority with anybody else.

Our conclusion is we should prepare a plan and be ready when there is finally an opportunity which we feel will eventually appear. But it is pretty clear that time is not now.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO what she knew about nuclear weapon ambitions, she responded.

I am not at liberty to comment on much of what the State Intelligence Directorate (SPRZ) has told us. What I can say is we believe six nations have built nuclear weapons in the past. Currently, two others are likely economically close enough to try to develop them.

Asked what is the government’s position on a nuclear arms race should it develop, Botosiova:

Our position is the same it was four hundred years ago when set out by First Minister Maxmillian Valek who put deactivation and safe handling of the degrading warheads at the forefront.

Frankly though, I can not speak for a future government not led by Deltarianska Narodna Strana should an arms race develop. We are of course among those who have produced then before.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:46 pm

Darali Investment Bank Finances Beiteynuese Silver Mining

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