September 23rd, 5363
There has been talk that the leader of the DUP, Darwin Baker, is getting prepared to propose to the Assembly the formation of a National Health Service here in Likatonia. A proposal of this nature is most likely to fail due to the amount of conservatives ready to vote against the motion, as well as the unsure position of the LPP on the matter. The DUP, who are very much pro-universal healthcare and mentioned it often in their election broadcasts, actually proposed something similar nine years ago but all three of the other parties at the time voted against it.
How the DUP is going to try to get this major Healthcare reform plan passed is unknown especially since it hasn't even been a decade yet from when all the other parties opposed the first motion. The DUP will need to rely on at least 2 other parties to try to get it passed if these rumours are true. There have been some present alleged leaks of a shortly written, NHS framework which is to be used and extended on in future.
- Alleged NHS framework set out.A National Health Service within Likatonia will be there to improve your health and wellbeing, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill and, when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of your lives. It should function at the limits of science and modern healthcare known in Terra – bringing the highest levels of human knowledge and skill to improve the health to all who reside in Likatonia. It helps your lives at times of basic human need, when care and compassion are what should matter most.
The NHS proposal is founded on a common set of united values that bind together the communities and people it will serve. It will strive to unite the four key components of the system; the Patient, the Nurse, the Doctor and Humanity. This charter establishes the principles and values of an NHS in Likatonia. It sets out rights to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve, together with responsibilities, which the public, patients and staff owe to one another to ensure that an NHS operates effectively. The Secretary of State for Health, all potential NHS bodies, private and voluntary sector providers supporting potential NHS services, and local authorities in the exercise of their public health functions will be required by law to take account of this original framework in their decisions and actions.
The NHS will provide a comprehensive service, available to all and access to any future NHS services is based on clinical need, not an individual’s ability to pay. It is available to all irrespective of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity or marital or civil partnership status. The service is designed to improve, prevent, diagnose and treat both physical and mental health problems with equal regard. It will have a duty to each and every individual that it serves and must respect their human rights. At the same time, it has a wider social duty to promote equality through the services it will provide and to pay particular attention to groups or sections of society where improvements in health and life expectancy are not keeping pace with the rest of the population. Access to NHS services should solely be based on a clinical need, not an individual’s ability to pay. NHS services will be free of charge, except in limited circumstances sanctioned by the National Assembly.
The NHS will be committed to providing best value, paid for with taxpayers money, it is committed to providing the most effective, fair and sustainable use of finite resources. Public funds for healthcare will be devoted solely to the benefit of the people that the NHS seeks to serve. We ensure that compassion is central to the care the NHS will provide and respond with humanity and kindness to each person’s pain, distress, anxiety or need to give comfort and relieve suffering. An NHS will find time for patients, their families and carers, as well as those they work alongside. We do not wait to be asked, because they care
- Original DUP, NHS logo proposal.
Shortly after Darwin Baker became leader of the DUP, he made a speech to the Health and Welfare Delegation of Clovisport, aka the HWDC, on why he is an advocate for Universal Healthcare:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Delegation, i stand before you today with a vision, a vision for a healthier and more prosperous future for Likatonia and all its citizens. Our nation has achieved many great feats in its history, but it is about time that we take a step towards ensuring the well-being of every single one of our citizens. I am here to tell you that i believe the implementation of a National Health Service will do our country wonders. Its a system that will not only transform the way healthcare is delivered but will also show the Democratic Unity Party's commitment to the fundamental principles of equality and justice in Likatonia, a nation which is known for its resilience, and its ability to rise above challenges. Yet, there is an issue that has plagued us for far too long, the issue of unequal access to healthcare. In our prosperous land, it is unconscionable that a significant portion of our people still struggles to afford the healthcare they need. This inequality not only hampers the potential of our citizens but also erodes the very essence of what it means to be a compassionate and fair society. Why are Abortions not paid for by government for the poor if it isn't a medical emergency, why are the victims of poor insurance policies the ones who have to pay hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions in order to keep alive their kid, mother or father? Why do we pay for the sex reassignment surgeries for low-income citizens but expect them to pay for any dental care or life threatening injuries? It makes no sense.
A National Health Service, my friends, is not just a policy proposal; it is a promise. It is a promise to our children, our elderly, our neighbours, and ourselves that healthcare isn't a privilege for the fortunate few. It is a commitment to provide every citizen with the same level of care, regardless of their income, background, or social status. Let me be clear – implementing a National Health Service will not be an easy task we the DUP know this struggle and all three of the main parties all shot down our last proposal. Now It will require dedication, hard work, and resources that the country hasn't seen in many a year. But I firmly believe that this is an investment in Likatonia's future that will pay dividends in the long run. A healthier population means a more productive workforce, a stronger economy, and a more united society. It means that no one will have to choose between their health and their financial stability.
I understand that there will be some of you that have concerns about the cost of such a system. But let me assure you that we have studied the models from other nations that have successfully implemented similar healthcare systems around Terra. The DUP have devised a sustainable funding plan that will ensure the stability and effectiveness of our National Health Service without burdening our citizens with excessive taxes. I also understand that some of you think this is a pipedream idea that will never be implemented because of the other parties opposition towards any system like this, well my friends i say to you that this is the reason you must vote for the Democratic Unity Party and for me as president in any General Election.