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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:45 pm

Lavanya Holkar, leader of the All-Malivian Socialist Front

Electoral gridlock in the MPA internal election, Princess Aaliya and Princess Aasmi join the PUU, and Queen Nagini announces plans to become president of Malivia: Women in charge of Malivia?

Dušanpur, Malivia. After long hours of anticipation, to the surprise of everyone, the head of the Commision for Electoral Fairness, Nasatya Gaur has announced that the March 5361 internal election has concluded on no clear majority in the Malivian People's Free Congress, with none of the CMM, AMSF, PUU, SDF, and MLM, managing to secure enough seats to grab the position of speaker and starting a new mandate. With this news, she declared that Kamala has appointed an interim speaker of Congress to give more time for the factions to agree on a new speaker. The gridlock also raises question to what will happen once the NRC is over and Malivia holds its first free and fair election since the days of the republic.

In addition, Princess Aaliya and her daughter Princess Aasmi announced their official membership to the People's Utopian Union, the Utopian faction within the MPA, they both whoever ensured that they will do their best to represent the people of Malivia especially the Malisindu people, a long forgotten ethnicity in Malivia that was the main target of slave owners and represented the biggest ethnicity that composed the newly freed slaves alongside luthorians, and some yeudi slaves.

Furthermore, Queen Nagini has announced her plans of being candidate for the position of President once a free and fair presidential election is held, she also officially joined the All-Malivian Socialist Front as its leader, her campaign is mainly based on land reforms, strong welfare state, Malivian independent diplomacy and economic prosperity. The regular malivian is left to wonder, with all these women running for the top positions in Malivia, can we consider it as their revenge for centuries of oppression and domination by their male countre parts.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:10 pm

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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:34 am

street performance of a traditional Malisindu dance

Revival of Malisindu culture, successful negotiations with the MSC, gridlock in the MPFG continues: finally turning a new leaf?

Dušanpur, Malivia. With the recent announcement period of peace within Malivia and the integration of freed slaves back into Malivia society, many citizens part of the Malisindu ethnicity proposed an initiative through the MASA, the revival of Malisindu culture, a long forgotten and neglected culture that was targeted by both Ordosocialists and slave owners due to them being not considered "Malivian enough". Fortunately, the MPPG was the first government in Malivia's modern history to appoint 4 Malisindu ministers alongside 2 Luthorian ministers. Kamala has already accepted to start the initiative by funding the initiative that aims at reintegrating Malisindu culture back into governmental institutions.

In addition, the MPPG in a joint press statement with the MSC, announced the successful end of negotiations with the MSC citing that the MPPG agreed to grant autonomy to the mountainous region in the Walkaunar state, the newly created autonomy is lead by a council of bedoin with governmental supervision to ensure the well-being of the autonomy, the MSC leaders was also granted amnesty in exchange of allowing the MPPG to fully operate the region and dissolve the slave trade within it. This deal eliminated the possibility of the MSC revolting against the government by ensuring the protection of both government operations in Walkaunar and semi-independent management of Bedouin affairs by the Bedouin themselves.

Furthermore, negotiations failed concerning the position of speaker of Congress, with both MLM and SDF voting against the proposition made by CMM, the current gridlock is predicted to last for than 4 months if not solved as it hinders the internal mechanism within the MPA, the gridlock is due to the MPA voting charter stating that in order to elect a speaker, they will need the inanumous support of all factions meaning that unless a candidate who is supported by all factions is proposed, the gridlock will continue.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:04 am

a picture of the crew filming a new movie

Creation of Malliwood and plan to abolish regulations on the film industry: Malivia capital of Cinema?

Malakina, Malivia. Earlier this week, a famous artistic union of actors, writers, and directors known as the Malakina Artistic Revival Groupe, has announced the creation of Malakina Cinema Company also known as Malliwood, the group declared their intention of making Malivia the cinematographic capital of Artania and hopefully Terra. They already released a road map for the production of a TV serie known as "Flophouse" a serie focused on a young luthorian woman and her comedic life and adventures with her even breaking the fourth wall to give subtle comedic remarks to the audience, and the planned release of 2 drama comedic dance movies.

The groups also exposed the newly designed logo for the company with a peacock being its figure head and the slogan "Cinema for All" to signale that they will do everything they can to democratize and popularise the cinematographic industry in Malivia, even going to sending a formal letter to the Minister of Education and Culture before shortly being answered with an approval of the MPPG to fund the MCC even going further by lending them 80 acres of land in the Dendhadrash region for them to build their studios and filming set while leasing them money to be able to buy équipement. This company is set to shake the boat of the dying malivian film industry especially when the NRC is discussing the question of arts and cinema.
the logo of Malliwood
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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:43 pm

building of the Malivian People's Supreme Court

The Malivian People's Supreme Court condems the arrested royals, former Ordosocialists to form their own faction: Malivia in its redemption arc?

Dušanpur, Malivia. Earlier today, after years of postponement and rescheduling, the trial against the royals arrested during the 5356 insurrection and armed coup that lead to downfall of the old Swaraj government and the ex-royal government, has officially came to end with the case even going to the Malivian People's Supreme Court in which 8 out of 12 judges deeming the royals as guilty for charges of unlawful use of governmental budget, slavery, unlawful use of labor, détournement of public funds, exploitation of marginalized communities such as the Malisindu and Luthorian community. In the same rulling, the former members of the swaraj government were condemned for the same charged expect charges of treason and undermining the well-being of Malivia and its people were added to the mix, futher emphasizing on the responsibility the old government played during the malivian crisis with them not actively seeking peace outside of Dušanpur in which they sponsored a slave market and unregulated total laissé faire economic model.

In addition, a political organization known as the Malivian Ordosocialist Redemption Organization has announced the legal creation of the Malivian National Nationhood, mainly composed of former Ordosocialist bureaucrats that were integrated into the MPPG, the MNN promises to respect the valeus of democracy, freedom, and unity between the diffrent ethnicities in Malivia, the leader of MNN, David Mason has announced that the MNN will do everything it can to cooperate with the other factions within the MPFC to ensure the stability and prosperity for Malivia with the faction supporting the idea of internationalist diplomacy and immediate retreat of Luthorian troops out of Malivia with the following reason "tho we are thankful that Luthori helped the MPPG bring back stability and freedom to Malivia but wasn't the main contributor to said freedom as the MPPG was the one handling all internal fightings, pacification methods, integration talks and negotiations due to them being a Malivian solution for a Malivian problem and I don't beleive the luthorians can understand the complexity of Malivian politics with even 6% of our population not even being pure luthorians but creole ones who mixed with local cultures to the point where even them understand more the complexity of Malivia than their peers."
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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:22 pm

Luther Norott representative of the Idhaghra region

Unanimous agreement on the retreat of Luthorian troops out of Malivia in the NRC, end of the gridlock with the appointment of Valeria Hill: Malivia on the path of non-alignement?

Dušanpur, Malivia. At 5:45 p.m., the NRC handled th question of whether or not Luthori will be allowed to keep its naval base located in the Washebar region, and the Council of representatives alongside the council of marginalized communities unanimously agreed on the definitive retreat of Luthori out of Malivia alongside seizing the naval base if necessary, the reasoning was as followed:
Though Malivia and its people are greatful for the help Luthori provided to us but most importantly we don't believe that they deserve to keep a foot on our lands as we deem luthori as too much of a threat to Malivia's sovereignty and stability, this claim is founded on Luthori's not so great track record with socialist governments especially knowing that Malivia is currently dominated by center-left to far left parties. Furthermore, this is Malivian land that belongs to Malivian and Malivia only, not the empire, we would like to note that every region within Malivia has been integrated and the National Reconstruction Conference serves as a speaker for every region on how to pave the wah forward for Malivia and its people. So we expect the Luthorian army and navy to leave our lands and waters by next year, and we hope that the luthorian diplomatic body will be civil and not do anything to destabilize Malivia, we want them to know that Malivia is united and free again and doesn't need any foreign troops within its territories.

In addition, the head of the Committee for the Preservation of National Sovereignty, Katherine Ridley has announced that the CPNS will everything it cans to dismantle and eliminate any destabilization attempt that may be possible perpetrated by Luthori and their allies, she noted that the CPNS suspects that Luthori will do everything it cans to keep the base and that the CPNS is ready to ensure the well-being and stability of Malivia. As a side note, the gridlock finally ended with the passage of a bill making the position of speaker an impartial and neutral position with the person appointed as Speaker to be not affiliated to any political groupe and this person is Valeria Hill, appointed by Kamala Nayar, she is a famous judge in the Walkaunar region, who claims to be a political and proven herself impartial with her fair judgment concerning multiple cases that were brought to her during the Swaraj era even leading to her being an enemy of the old government.
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Re: Malivia

Postby jamescfm » Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:27 pm

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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:25 pm

Paraminta Upadhyay president of the Council of Representatives

NRC agrees on adopting a "one party with multiple houses" council democracy alongside starting the transition into the Malivian People's Federation of Councils: Terra's first frderation of councils on god???

Dušanpur, Malivia. In a press statement, Paraminta Upadhyay has announced the agreement of the council of representatives and the council of marginalized communities on the matter of whether or not a multi democracy will be favorable over a one party with multiple houses democracy, with both councils reaching an agreement on adopting a one party with multiple houses democracy alongside a proportional preferential universal voting system with the position of President being elected directly though a universal suffrage and the positions within the Malivian People's Free Congress being chosen through a list of candidates in which voters will be able to choose who gets to be in the MPFC or not but many conditions were made to ensure fairness during the elections with the head of the Commision for Election Fairness annoucing that they will request each list to be at least 50% female alongside 30% Malisindu and 10% luthorian to ensure equal representation, the Commision also announced that parties will now be prohibited to hold programs discriminatory against any religion, gender, ethnicity, or financial background.

In addition, Paraminta announced the start of the transition to the Malivian People's Federation of Councils with Kamala signing the decree starting the preparations for the referendum alongside it she signed a decree to start the implementation of "People's Free Council of Workers, Intellectuals, and Farmers" with the powers of the Malivian People's Free Congress being diminished to empower local councils. She furthermore introduced the use of councils in universities, factories, companies, farm lands, governmental institutions, and armed forces, with the idea of mutual agreement and negotiations being the spearhead of said reforms with Malivia being the first nation in Southern Artania or even Terra to fully adopt the ideas of council communism mixed with social Utopianism. A lot can be said about the current political experiment in Malivia but many wonder if the regime and councils will truly negotiate in the goals of achieving an Utopia, only time will tell if the experiment will succeed and be an example for many others to follow.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:08 am

Paraminta Upadhyay after the press conference

Paraminta compares the Borris Taylor to a "spoiled childish teenager who seriously needs to get an education" and calls for immediate apology from Luthori: did Luthori fuck up big times?

Dušanpur, Malivia. Earlier today, the NRC held a press conference presided by Paraminta Upadhyay concerning the recent comment from the Luthorian secretary of foreign affairs Borris Taylor. Many were eagerly waiting waiting for the response of the National Reconstruction Conference to Luthorians outright imperialistic comments concerning Malivia, and she simply said "I simply find it sad that a grown man like him goes whinning and crying on a talkshow about the sovereign decision of the NRC to allow no foreign troops within our territoiries. His behavior is comparable or even worse than a spoiled childish teenager who got his phone taken away and suddenly starts asking why his parents don't love him even tho the decision was taken to ensure his well being, what we saw last week was the perfect depiction of that behavior but on a grown man who is supposed to be a diplomat of a so called "strong" country, Malivia will not engage with a nation that throws our names in the mud because we decided that no-one and I repeat NO-ONE will be allowed to set troops within our land and maritime borders."

Furthermore, she was asked what was her opinion concerning the secretaries blatant ignorance concerning the situation in Malivia and she responded with "Honestly, I didn't expect much from them but they still managed to disappoint me more than they are currently disappointing their parents by showing that they didn't give a proper education to their son. Nonetheless, I want that child to get a proper education because spreading fakenews about Malivia still being aflame is as pathetic as crushing down on ecologist protests against, if they really "look out for others" then they shouldn't act like a kid when Malivia sovereignly decided to be a non-aligned country and thus means of course, no foreign troops within our lands and seas. We don't want to take part in a game of who has the biggest dick competition that powers are currently playing at our shores, while one of them is literally spreading misinformation concerning our current status even though all of the regions of Malivia were integrated with the Ordosocialists being integrated into the bureaucratic force and the MSC gaining autonomy in exchange of cooperation. To say the least, Malivia is far from being ranged by chaos, poverty, infighting, and death, when far from that, and even is successfully moving forward without any militaristic help from anyone."

When asked about how could luthori fix their relationship with Malivia and if they will receive medals, she said "If the luthorians really want to "help" or even fix their relations with us, we only want an immediate apology alongside resignation of Borris Taylor. Because going on talk shows and whinning because the neighbors built a fence around their house and told you to mind your own business is not a behavior that isn't supposed to be in a high-end diplomat. Alongside this, Luthori will not receive any medals for their effort in Malivia due to said incident, but other nations will receive medals for their contribution in Malivia militaristcally, economically, or diplomatically."
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Re: Malivia

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:09 am

Kathrine Riley, president of the Committee for the Preservation of National Sovereignty

Foreign scheme busted by the CPNS and arrest of a foreign agent for meddling in Malivian affairs and resignation of Chrystyna Inolt from SDF: is foreign influence in Malivia standing on its last leg?

Dušanpur, Malivia. In a shocking and unexpected press statement, Katherine Ridley, president of the Committee for the Preservation of National Sovereignty has announced the arrest of a agent sent by a foreign intelligence agency to try meddling in Malivian affairs, she declared "The Committee for the Preservation of National Sovereignty is happy to announce the arrest of a foreign agent actively trying to influence members of the Malivian People's Free Congress using techniques of bribing and threats. The CPNS considers this affairs as an inter-agencies one and will not reveil the name or origin of said agents, but we will proceed for the arrest of Chrystyna Inolt with charges of corruption, accepting bribes, plotting against the state, and disobeying parliamentary rules."

When asked about what was the purpose of the agent in Malivia, she responded with "The agent admitted to being sent for the purpose of convincing Malivia to let the Luthorian Navy keep the base in the Washebar region, furthermore, the agent admitted to work for greater for foreign forces trying to win over Malivia, clarifying that whoever won over Malivia will deeply shape the international theater in Terra with none other than Malivia being a gigantic chess game. The agent also admitted to bribing and cooperating with Chrystyna Inolt, which led us to arrest her, after which she admitted to sai accusations, since the arrest of Chrystyna basically cut the head of the Social Democrat Front, the Commision for Election Fairness will enclenche an internal election within the SDF to ensure the stability of the faction and well-being of Malivian Democracy."
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