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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:06 am


Intel Oversight Cmte. issues subpoena for Nathan Weiss and Meaholit Shteman
The Ranking Member of the I.O.C., a Knesset committee investigating Vanuku's intel claims, issued subpoenas to the formers Prime Minister and Ramatkal.

KNESSET - Aram Landau, the Ranking Member of the Intelligence Oversight Commitee, representing the Labour Party, made known to the press that the Cmte. will handle subpoenas to the former Rosh Ha'memshala, Nathan Weiss (ex-BPH) and to the former Ramatkal, Meaholit Shteman (ex-HH), to get the testimony of the two people in charge of the top Beiteynuese offices back in the time the Vanuku's intelligence claims the TRA misstepped its authority.
Nathan Weiss, today 92, and Meaholit Shteman, today 69, largely disappeared from the public eye after their respective retirement from politics: in the case of Mr. Weiss it's the dissolution of the BPH and the creation of the BPA-MH coalition, while for Mr. Shteman is the dissolution of the Hevrat Hashmal.

The two are expected to give their testimony to the Commitee next week, as the investigation over Vanuku's Intelligence Agency's claims about the TRA continue to be wholly investigated - in the past months, the Commitee heard Ms. Katherine Sheket, Mr. Noah Kadiyot and Mr. Malektivit Lehman as part of its investigation. Attorneys for both Mr. Weiss and Mr. Shteman have asked the investigation to happen behind closed doors, request validated by Mr. Landau.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:52 pm


Weiss 'largely uninvolved', Shteman 'an idiot': TRA Oversight Cmte. leaked findings
The Sholemberg Post obtained from anonymous sources a paper in which a Commitee member wrote their findings on the Weiss, Shteman hearings.

KNESSET - The Sholemberg Post came in possession of a paper allegedly containing the thoughts and the findings of a member from the TRA Oversight Committee over the hearings of former PM Nathan Weiss and former Ramatkal Meaholit Shteman. The paper, left unguarded outside the Committee, was found by an anonymous person and handed over to our newspaper, that, with the help of experts, found the paper to be authentic.

The paper says, about former PM Weiss:
...seems largely univolved in the [redacted] situation...
...confuses names, probably because of old age (circled)...
...says he and Shteman never had talks on the situation, mispronounces name as "Satiman" (drawn smiling face)
...says at the time he was more worried about golfing...

The member from the Committee reviewed Weiss's testimony as confusionary, probably because of his old age, made fun of the former PM's pronunciation, and found him to be 'largely uninvolved' over the situation - unclear what the member was referring to as that part has been cancelled.

On the other hand, the testimony of Meaholit Shteman was all about the former Ramatkal's unresponsiveness:
...first question, first "I don't recall"...
...says doesn't even know where Cildania is, probably ironically (big question mark)...
...referring to the [redacted] ...dling in [redacted], says he wasn't aware...
...fifth thing he says doesn't recall...this one is an idiot... (circled)
...questioning: greatly unconclusive...
...was he involved? Probably yes, probably no...

The Commitee member writes often that Meaholit Shteman answered "didn't remember" or "didn't recall", says that the former Ramatkal probably ironized about his knowledge of Majatran geography and more notably Shteman is addressed as an 'idiot' by this Committee member. The paper ends saying that Shteman testimony was 'greatly unconclusive'.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:43 pm


Improving citizen access to digital services
January 5370


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Digitali Nimshal has completed a set of 3 work packages budgeted at 250K LOD geared at improving citizen access to the country's robust intranet of government organisations. The scope of the work focuses at extending the government's portal with additional information for each organisation, including but not limited to a direct access of contact details and support desks. Excluding specific cases like the Sohnout Hashaet and the Olami Menayot (Stock Exchange) on counts of data privacy and national security, organisations such as the Medinat Harehev and the Bureau of Keshef Management will offer citizens and businesses alike with a sitemap on the services and areas each organisations touches base.

Although the initiative was authorised by the Goldbloom Administration and was expected to complete 2 years ago, it was delayed due to the ongoing investigation by the Intelligent Oversight Committee; the Digitali Nimshal was required to categorise and provide documents pertaining to the history of the Terran Remediation Agency, considering it was initially founded as the Tactical Bureau of Intelligence under the Agency, back in 5228.

Source: Digitali Nimshal
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:45 pm


A policy of independent representation to intergovernmental organisations
January 5370


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The outbreak of yet another set of intelligence scandals, the ongoing investigations into them spanning across the broader width of the Beiteynuese Government and the seemingly complete breakdown of bilateral relations with not 1, but 2 Majatran states [Cildania, Vanuku] has led even the fiercest supporters of the Haviv Policy to rethink their stance on the Medinat Department's involvement into intergovernmental organisations. Although the Office of the MSCO currently serving as the Secretary-General in the organisation is technically under the Kohav, the majority of government officials have always presumed that Sheket's Medinat Department is the "whisperer" driving policy; once again having put our country into the spotlight of ambivalent tactics.

Although the previously passed BEILACT of 5356 did "detach" what has pretty much been a largely uncontested dominance of Seat B of the Security Council for almost 150 years from the tendrils of the Medinat Department, the recent flair up of scandals and allegations not entirely foreign to the conduct of Beiteynuese foreign relations and intelligence tactics, has placed a tremendous amount of pressure to both Katerina Sheket and Kavin Mahorit, the Head of the Koav into introducing a new mandate that sees Beiteynu's intergovernmental representation completely independent from the country's national policies.

"We have enjoyed a wide mandate to lead for more than a century", was the comment of Katerina Sheket earlier this morning in introducing BEILACT/5370 to the Knesset; "and it's time we took accountability that with great power, comes great responsibility. Beiteynu needs to learn to facilitate, not hijack narratives".

BEILACT/5370 sees the establishment of a separate organisation dubbed the Nisrad (Luthorian: Office), completely independent from the policies set for the Medinat Department and the Kohav by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, respectively. The Nisrad, to be housed in the old city hall of Yishelem - with repairs and renovations to take place over the year, will incorporate both the Office of the Permanent Representative to the World Congress and the Office of the Permanent Representative to the MSCO, hopefully alleviating the concerns raised by the Deltarian Government last year that Beiteynu will not "mix and blend" the pursuit of its independent interests, largely outside the continent, with continental security, stability and prosperity.

The Kohav and the Beiteynuese Naval Command are expected to release a restructure initiative after the abandonment of the naval base in Cildania, set to include operational details on the presence of Luthorian, Lourennais and Kundrati forces in Beiteynu as Yishelem's call to its allies in the protection of the homeland.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:35 pm


Pro-Luthori sentiment on a noticeable rise
January 5370

Em - I think it's time to tone down the mood a little bit as we switch to a much more complex...issue?

Yishel - Does seem appropriate.

Em - Everything seems appropriate to you, weird music choices [laughs]

Yishel - Em, aaaah...

Em - Nobody listening to us will understand. We came 4th though [laughs hysterically]

Yishel - Ah, time for a cup of tea, I see, lad.

Em - Yup. Thoughts?

Yishel - Fort William's conduct over the last decades has marked a change in the Artanian wind. That recall of Malivian forces was wise.

Em - Did you expect this?

Yishel - No. I hear Sheket was left speechless. That...quite frankly put the Kundrati to shame.

Em - Nah, why so harsh lad.

Yishel - Manners maketh man, I guess?


Yishel - In any case, Luthori joining in on Yishelem's call to enforce homeland defence brings echoes of the past. Relations were in fact strained last century.

Em - Sure, but I mean their exponential rise on global affairs is quite, ah, interesting.

Yishel - MOFA's alignment with them, though is expected. Yishelem has been pleading for closer relations since the Intelligence Pact, precariously.

Em - Yeah but that was blowback for that monstrous Agency scandal. Killing our PM, sheesh. The goddamn shame.


Yishel - Shame, or strategy?

Em - Who's?

Yishel - Exactly.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:42 am

New Rafael Administration sworn in; no merit to "Vanukean fantasies"
May 5370


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The swearing in of the new Rafael Administration sees a considerable amount of leeway given by the Beiteynuese People's Alliance in what political analysts have regarded as a "trifecta" of subtle consensus of agreement between the 3 most prominent parties in the political arena. Although the BPA holds the overwhelming mandate to lead the country, the appointment of HA party leader and former Hadayim CEO Benjamin Benowitz to the position of Ramatkal (Chief of Staff) to the Rosh HaMemshala signals an era of "no backing down" that comes heavily loaded with the man's career in being one of the most prolific and aggressive businessmen in recent Beiteynuese history, and certainly one of the most renowned in global shipping.

Ramatkal Benjamin Benowitz, in an interview with Magashalom, stated that the Beiteynuese Government and the Rafael Administration will not be backing down and giving any merit to the allegations and lies "spewed" by the Vanukean Government, which he called having "no ounce of truth".

It is excepted that the Benowitz reign will reshape Majatran dynamics to a considerable degree.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:06 pm


Beiteynuese Police open murder investigation in Yishelem
The newly inaugurated neighborhood of Kadiyot, Yishelem has witnessed increased police presence amid mysterious murder.

KADIYOT, YISHELEM, ENDILD - Residents in Kadiyot, the newest addition to Yishelem city's landscape, which features also a 'luxury' part, were shocked this morning upon the arrival of multiple units of the Beiteynuese Police, which is currently investigating a murder happened inside a house in the luxury part of the neighborhood, inhabitated by all sorts of VIPs: actors, musicians, executives, writers, politicians, other Government's Officials...

A murder in this part of the neighborhood is not only shocking for the brutality of the act, but also for the potential victim: it could really be an important person, and this is why the Beiteynuese Police is keeping the highest level of secrecy while handling this potentially delicate matter. We interviewed a woman who lives next door the mansion where the murder took place, she is the wife of Reuhen Wandsworth, the current MOFA. Wandsworth was in his central Beiteynu office when all of this happened, but his wife was home.

It was terrible! I was about to sleep when I heard a distinct shot coming from Mr.Ka...uhm, my neighbor's house... then I saw two black SUVs running away from here...I saw three people! [pause]
They could've killed my family, my husband is a very important Minister! We want the Police to stay here forever!
- Ginia Wandsworth, 65, wife of Reuhen Wandsworth

Sholemberg Post will update its readers as soon as more details are revealed.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:22 am


Navy to procure 5 new submarines for the southwest
November 5370


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - In what diplomacy and international relations experts alike cite as an active policy to deter the antagonising efforts by the Vanukean Government, the Beiteynuese Naval Command confirmed the issuance of 2 defence contracts for the procurement of 5 Vanguard-class submarines from the Luthorian defence industry, which although unconfirmed, are expected to be delivered gradually by the end of 5375.

All 5 will compliment the Hofesh Fleet in the southwest, with the 2 to join the Nahshol Carrier Strike Group originally planned to be of Trigunian origin but were abandoned as bilateral relations - save by oil and gas dealings in the private sector - continue to diminish. The remaining 3 will form the 25th Flotilla and will work with the Terran Remediation Agency, as is tradition, towards counter-intelligence in the broader region of southwest Majatra.

The project will cost taxpayers a hefty total of 17.5B LOD over the course of 5 years; contributing to the exponential increase of naval costs in recent decades.

Source: Beiteynuese Naval Command
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:46 am

The cost of aggressive policies in naval defence
November 5370


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Although our country and our navy have not been unfamiliar to a steady commitment of almost 150 years in naval deterrents, especially considering the nature of Beiteynuese trade focused in and out of the shipping industry's global presence, it is however important to ask: when is enough?

An essence of a "cold war" lingers in the air.

There is certainly an unprecedented military armament in the continent that seems to worry few, surprisingly. With the Zardic reversal of its military disarmament and the rapidly rising tensions not on just 1 front, but 2 channels between Vanuku and Zardugal and Beiteynu, the western half of our beloved and historically troubled continent seems to be basking in a reckless race to achieve something. But what?

Superiority, or deterrence?

It seems all are teetering on a fine line between the 2 hallmarks of geopolitical presence. Across the steadiness of Deltarian ascension and naval investments lies the collapse of Beiteynuese - Cildanian relations, which tanked the latter and barred the former from continental hegemony. By any means, the scandalous revelations and allegations by Vanuku seem to have done the trick after all: thwart almost 2 centuries of complete Yeudi dominance. Now what?

Zardugal, Jelbe and Barmenistan are now directly in the cross-fire between 4 separate entities. Beiteynu and its mania of naval deterrents in the northwestern region after having failed to secure the Majatran Sea with Cildania, Vanuku and its antagonising policies in the sourthwestern region after having crashed Yeudi momentum with allegations that no longer matter whether they are true or not, Deltaria and its seemingly neutral position smack in the middle of both players and the MSCO, which is now hanging by a thread and evidently the only thing keeping the appearance of a "3rd bloc" led by Deltaria, at bay.

So, what is the actual cost of our naval deterrents?

A constantly increasing risk of continental-wide destabilisation, after 2 centuries of continental-wide stability. The geopolitical foreground and background in some cases continues to simmer towards what everyone has already started referring to as the "Majatran Cold War of 5366".

But, to what end?
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:05 am


Noah Kadiyot dead at 99
The Beiteynuese Police said on a Saturday report that Mr. Kadiyot, former Head of the Medinat Dept., suffered a fatal house accident.

YISHELEM, BEITEYNU - With a statement released this Saturday, the Beiteynuese Police officially communicated to the nation the death of former Head of the Medinat Department, Noah Kadiyot, at the age of 99. What initially was thought to be a murder, with a witness saying she heard a 'distinct shot', turned out to be a terrible house accident - according to the Police - that killed the former Head.

Mr. Kadiyot was a widower, his wife died peacefully just three months ago, and he was living alone in his mansion. His only child lives in an undisclosed location in Tadrika, and will travel to Yishelem with family to attend the funeral.
The Rosh Ha'Memshala hasn't yet commented the accident, but speculations are growing on a possible decision by him for a State Funeral to be held in Yishelem given the bipartisan-recognized outstanding dedication for public service of Noah.

Residents, though, seem to not believe the Police's final report, as all of the neighbors heard a gun-shot, some also add that at the hour the incident happened, the former Head used to be asleep by at least two hours. The Police is labeling these voices as 'conspirancies', fueling the resident's anger.
I am the wife of the Foreign Minister, I am not a conspiracy theorist! I know what I saw and I stand by it.
- Ginia Wandsworth, neighbor of Mr. Kadiyot, wife of MOFA Wandsworth and witness of alleged shots and men running away in SUVs.
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