A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:58 am

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Residence of Rosh Ha'Memshala Elias Goldbloom
some day in November 5366
A private meeting between Goldbloom, Ramatkal Rubin, MOFA Wandsworth, MOD Difens and MOFIN Sharon:

[chatter about the Beiteynuese Football League...]
suddenly, Wandsworth stops talking about his favorite team, Yishelem FC, as he asks Goldbloom about the recent Vanukuean allegations about the TRA and Cildania: "By the way, Elias, have you seen the Vanuku's secret services claims about us?"

MOFIN Sharon, unaware, asks: "What claims?"

Goldbloom, Rubin, Wandsworth and Difens exchange a quick look between themselves, then Difens says: "Vanuku claims the TRA meddled in Cildanian internal affairs to, err..., adjust their stance towards Beiteynu..."

Sharon, visibly shocked asks Goldbloom: "Is any of this true, Elias?"

The Prime Minister, very relaxed, stays silent for a while, then lets out a vigorous laugh: "Hahahaha..."
then adds: "First of all, Reuhen [Wandsworth], yes, I saw it. I think it's very funny to claim there's any serious secret service agency in Vanuku." This draws small laughter among all the Rosh Ha'Memshala's guests.
Goldbloom concludes: "Second of all: Katherine's handling this. I one-hundred percent trust her, and you should too. Because of this unprofessional conduct from Vanuku, Cildania wants to withdraw from the alliance agreement."

Difens: "truly irresponsible."

Sharon: "Ah. Don't they remember how many money we funnell into their economy?", asks the MOFIN with a slightly ironic tone.

Goldbloom: "Bah, for what I care, they can do whatever they want. I just don't want hear any of them coming back at our door begging for money or protection. If they believe these claims, I'm gonna assume their secret services aren't the brightest either."

[The conversation turns away from the allegations and the five start discussing the upcoming FOMAT festival...]
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:40 am

Inside of a Secure Location at Bergkern Nuclear Power Plant

April 22nd 5368

Dr. Hans was still excited, it had been 2 weeks since the grand reopening of the Bergkern Nuclear Power plant. He gazed across the mountainous landscape toward the big cooling towers, the sun backlighting the swirling steam as it rose high into the sky. The beautiful majesty of nuclear power had been his lifelong dream. He was born and raised in Kazulia and quickly found his passion for nuclear energy. After going to school he gone to work in Lourenne and Dorvik before being invited by the Kazulian government to be chief scientist in charge of the care of Reactor 4. He had carefully watched as construction crews came in and changed everything. The grey hulk of steel had life in it one again.

"If only I could take a picture" Hans muttered to himself as he took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it and took a deep drag on it, the smoke circle rising softly, gently into the thin alpine air. He continued to watch the sunrise and smoke his cigar. Today was his day off but was it really a day off? He couldn't leave the confines of the Nuclear Power Station unless he asked permission and even if he did he was miles away from civilization.

Hans heard a firm "knock knock" on the door, this puzzled him as his mistress Elise wasn't to arrive by the evening. He opened the door and before him stood a man in uniform but no identification on him, the man had a round face with salt and pepper hair and a smile that was serious. Hans extended his arm to the man who shook it. The man said

"You must be Dr. Hans Bergström my name is Joel" his voice was raspy but was also deep "I just wanted to give you a heads up as you are the head scientist in our nuclear storage component here at Bergkern", the man smiled once again this time more friendlier. "As you are unmarried and have no family you can know some of what is about to happen. If any of this leaves this room you will face the fullest extent of the law. You cannot share this with other staff here at Bergkern, you cannot share this with anyone." He gestured towards the pink article of women's clothing that had been forgotten about underneath one of the corners of Hans's bed. "My men will be here to collect some test samples of Uranium 235. Do not be alarmed you will have plenty to work with here at Bergkern. When you conduct inventory here for the nuclear fuel please do not detract any fuel that may have been taken and act like everything is normal. You may be wondering why I can trust you, well I know that you have held top security clearances for two nuclear energy companies and you are loyal to Kazulia to the core. Now do as I say and everything will be fine. I am counting on you. Do not make me ruin your entire career over a small amount of missing Uranium. Do what you need to, to ensure that this is not discovered".

Hans simply nodded his head, slightly shocked at the way Joel seemingly knew so much about him and his personal life.

Stepping towards the door Joel turned over his shoulder his serious smile vanishing and a genuinely happy smile emerging from behind his large mustache "Also one more thing, make sure to take some time away from Bergkern, go to the city, have a night on the town". and with that Joel left abruptly.

Hans shut his door in complete amazement and confusion. "What did he mean by that? Is he trying to make me feel any better about what he just ordered me to do?", he walked through his apartment in a daze, shocked he had just heard what he heard. He knew he could never share what he had just been told, it was almost like they knew that and that they knew he was the one to come to to ensure that the record books stay clean. Its almost like they knew him better than he did himself.

Opening his cupboard he pulled out a bottle of whiskey, opened up and took a 2 long chugs of the bottle. "Maybe some of this will help with my anxiety", Hans thought. Within minutes the alcohol had done its work. Staring out at the beautiful landscape once more he watched as his eyes blurred slightly making the steam emanating from the power plant seem almost heavenly...
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:30 am

Royal Residence of the Kazulian Monarch

May 5368

The Royal Guards stood guard at the entrance to the meeting room inside the Royal Palace. These halls had seen many dignitaries, monarchs and visitors for centuries. The building was once the Capital and Royal Palace of Kazulia when the country was lead by an absolute Monarchy and its halls and corridors emanated history that few structures in Dovani and Terra itself have. Proudly standing guard were the Royal Guards, a special branch of the Kazulian military the Republic had granted them to the Royal Family for their protection even though they hold no official titles and power inside the the Kazulian Government. Rasmus had stood guard for the Crown Princess for 2 years now. The Princess had always treated him and the other Royal guards with respect and had as a teen (to the dissuading of her parents) provided the guard with regular treats, and hand written cards for all of their birthdays, something that she continued to do to the present day.

Rasmus stood silently trying to find a good place to stare. The truth of the matter is that he had stared at all of these walls before, he knew the palace like the back of his hand. He carried an HK416 which he held over his shoulder. The Princess's guards unlike the ceremonial guards could sit and had a reasonable level of autonomy around the palace but they had strict orders to stay within a certain radius of the Princess at all times and to do constant checkups on the Princess and Prince. They were permitted to sit unlike the guards outside as to not "militarize" the interior of the palace (the Princess's request).

This morning the Princess was scheduled to meet with an person inside of the Kazulian Government, Rasmus was not sure of it but they were told that the meeting was "Top Secret" and under their Level 3 security clearance. The Princess's door opened with the Princess exiting her personal quarters and walking towards Rasmus. As she had done every morning for as long as Rasmus had worked there she extended her hand and Rasmus shook it.

After this the Princess in a soft voice asked "How are you doing this morning Rasmus?", this wasn't a surprise, the Princess was very good at remembering faces and names and every single interior royal guard had their name written on their uniform at the right chest area.

"I am doing fine, how about yourself?", this was the response that the Princess was looking for, she was too much of a people pleaser to accept that her royal guards were not there to create conversation but to protect her.

"I am doing fine" she said before saying "Thank You for what you do". With this she walked down the corridor. The Princess was about medium height, had a thin face and a constant smile. Today he was wearing a blue dress with pearls. Her long blonde hair was made up into a braid that made a neat looking bun that was pile on her head. Her footsteps were quick and deliberate her matching blue shoes making a sharp "click clack" noise on the wood floors.

Rasmus followed as he had been assigned to shadow the Princess until the afternoon. He followed her into the conference room and took a seat by the door. He observed his surroundings, the Princess sat next to her secretary at ornate conference table. This was a secure interior room with no windows and was the center of where the Royal Family met with officials, in an environment that was as safe as any in Kazulia. Elk, deer and other animal heads extruded from the interior walls of the room and a large stone fireplace stood on the end opposite the Princess and Conference table. The occupants of the room waited what seemed to be 10 minutes before the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall coming closer and closer. In walked the Kazulian Interior Minister, Elin Salberg the Princess's only real direct communication person for the government. Salberg was a middle aged women who had reddish brown hair that went down to her shoulders and a serious face with small brown eyes. She rarely smiled and was a stark contrast to the Princess's more bubbly personality.

With this the Princess motioned for Rasmus to exit the room which he did. Shutting the big wood door and taking a seat to the side of this door. Once again in the grand hallway of the palace he could loosen himself slightly. He looked up at the morning light shining through the skylights of the palace, at the many paintings of past monarchs and of the walls that were cracked in places and full of history.

Rasmus could hear nothing of the conversation going on in the meeting room until about 20 minutes in to his wait when voices began to carry through the walls. The sound proofing in a building as old as the Royal Palace was terrible and little had been done to remedy it. The noise got louder until Rasmus could hear shouting. Suddenly the door was flung open and the Interior Minister exclaimed her face red with fury "How many times do I have to tell you. You may want to be our Queen but you sure as hell won't become Queen with this Government. The Statsminister has been clear we are not going back to Monarchy and that is final. Frankly I don't care what the Kazulian public thinks, all they see is a pretty face that has probably been doctored up by layers and layers of plastic surgery! The madness of Monarchy is like putting lipstick on a pig! That is exactly what you are doing. You may be a spoiled Royal Princess but I hope this gets in your head, NO MEANS NO". With that the Interior Minister left in a grand hurry exiting the hallway in a matter of seconds. Rasmus was shocked, no one had ever treated the Princess with so much disrespect while he was a Royal Guard, especially a Governmental Minister.

Rasmus walked back into the room, while doing this the Princess's secretary brushed past him leaving for the door. The Princess was still in her seat, he face pail and tears running down her cheeks. She wasn't crying but her soft blue eyes had become deep blue with anger. Rasmus took a seat once again looking at the Princess. She looked up and their eyes met. In a soft voice she said "I'm sorry", before getting up slowly and heading for the door. Rasmus also got up to leave after her and as he did she could here the Princess whispering seemingly to herself. "Why did this have to happen when Valerian was away"... She exited to the hallway and back to her chamber, shutting the door behind her as she went.

Rasmus returned to his post, still in shock and extremely confused. What was the meaning of all of this?
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:54 pm

Office of the President of the Kundrati Union
Kasaema, Kundrati - 28 January 5369

President Dr. Jitka Kočová entered a room where the Minister of Defense General William Klastanavenic alongside a team of two Admirals, the Admiral of the Southern Fleet Balkoe Meavebasterrechea and the Admiral of the Northern Fleet Svatopluk Souček were waiting.

"Operation Salma..." said Admiral Meavebasterrechea "...is our last defence. With those Zardugal submarines being provided to us we have the abilty to operate around the world if we have to. They're nuclear submarines as well which allows them to roam around so long as the food and water lasts."

President Kočová was listening intently and taking notes. She was given four numbered envelopes.

"Your Excellency. Inside these envelopes contain orders. If Kasaema were to fall, if the country failed to defend against a foreign invasion, one of these envelopes will contain the orders that these submarine commanders will use. Consider these Kasaema's last orders - if they were ever given we will be in a situation where Kasaema does not even exist."

The President nodded.

"Envelope 1 commands the submarines to use their best judgment on using their weapons. Envelope 2 commands the submarines to submit themselves to an allied command that we trust will be in our best interests. Envelope 3 commands these weapons to be launched at first opening of the envelopes without question. Envelope 4 commands them to do nothing at all and wait it out. By signing one of these envelopes and providing a Presidential stamp it means that that envelope will be sent to these submarine commanders as your last and final orders that shall not be opened until certain conditions apply and, if applied, cannot be overruled under any circumstance." said Admiral Souček.

"Operation Salma's conditions are the following and all required conditions must apply:
- If the President and the Defense Minister, who shall be considered as the alternative decision maker of military command and orders if the President cannot be available, are killed off in a military strike and there is nobody available to provide military commands (required)
- If the Kundrati Government (defined in this case as the President and the entire Cabinet bar a designated survivor, the entire National Assembly and the entire Supreme Court and there is no replacement or orders from the Government in 12 hours (required)
- If the Kundrati military command, including Naval Command, has not issued any orders of any kind for 6 hours - which must be checked by any possible means (required)
- If a nuclear, biological and/or chemical attack has striken Kundrati soil (required for nuclear or combined NBC, biological and/or chemical optional)
If all required conditions applied, the envelopes are opened." said Defense Minister Klastanavenic.

"And for optional conditions?" asked the President.
"They apply if a required condition does not apply." stated Klastanavenic.

The President was informed more about the possible capabilities of these submarines and the missiles they intend to order for these submarines. The meeting ended soon after she signed an envelope and provided the seal. The envelope that was chosen would have it's contents copied soon after and distributed to the future commanders of the Submarine Flotilla.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:18 am

Office of the President of the Kundrati Union
Kasaema, Kundrati - 2 April 5370

President Dr. Jitka Kočová met with Defense Minister General William Klastanavenic Valrusianus and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Kundrati led by Klastanavenic. The Joint Chiefs had decided on a "show of force" operation - the force will involve 1 frigate, 3 missile ships, 3 minehunters and 5 patrol ships from the Kundrati Navy which would be led by Admiral Jaroslava Peterková - in order not only to prove to Majatra that Kundrati would be firm allies of Beiteynu, but also to help the Navy itself operate in areas more far away from Kundrati - it was judged that Kundrati could more easily operate within the Artanian Sea and would have some good experience to operate in the Migrants' Pass and the waterways towards Beiteynu though areas beyond that could require more work.

The show of force was planned for the middle or later part of 5370, aiming towards either August or October of the year. The plan was for the fleet to disembark towards Malivia before turning towards the Migrants' Pass and heading for Vanuku's waters - just far enough to avoid their exclusive economic zone - to roam around near their waters. The force would also remain therer for a week or so and, if possible, catch any pirates in the area. The fleet would then move towards Beiteynu as an allied call and work with the Beiteynuese Navy, if possible, on patrolling the northern and western shores of their coasts - this would take a much longer time (around 3-5 weeks) before going south to Zardugal to roam around and offer help to the Zardic Navy on patrols. A few naval advisors would be on board to help with the fleet before being sent to Zardugal, if they requested, to work with the Zardic Navy on reestablishing themselves in the area. The force would then return via Beiteynu and the Migrants' Pass back to Kundrati for review.

A couple of air patrols from the Kundrati Air Force would also follow along the Navy in order to provide air support. Cooperation with the Beiteynuese Air Force would be important in helping the endurance of the KAF in this area. Up to 30 fighters, 20 multirole aircraft, 10 interceptors and 5 recon aircraft would be sent alongside the naval force.

The force would, however, begin asking Zardugal if they approved of the appearance and the advisors - if it was refused the show would merely end in Beiteynu before turning back though there would be a chance that the force would move to circumnavigate Majatra in their return trip home.

The President approved the action and the gears would begin moving in order to accomplish this show of force.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:58 am

Majatran Cold War

"Noah, what did you do...", blurted Benowitz. He looked at the frail man lying on the bed, once a genius Yeudi diplomat, with disgust.

"You...and these cretins...all...the same....scum!"

"Where are the notes?", Benowitz's demeanour was calm, almost sinking the room into oblivion.

"Burn in hell!"

"How the tides turn, tsk tsk tsk", Benowitz sighed and signalled with a slight nod.

One of the Sohnout Hashaet agents placed a pillow on Noah Kadiyot's head and shot him dead in a silenced, earth shattering, move.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:32 am

Royal Residence of the Kazulian Monarch

March 5370

The Mayor's Car pulled into the Royal Palace's sweeping, grand driveway. stepping out of the drivers side passenger seat and onto the walkway covered in a dusting of snow rested on the ground. Alfred Varvik stepped out of the car straightening his shirt and tie. A yellow flower was pinned to his jacket a symbol of the City of Skalm and something he wore on a daily basis. Varvik had a gruff demeanor he had a full beard and a warm smile. He looked into the sky, the Northern Lights danced above him as to the East the first suggestions of a sunrise began to lighten the sky even with it being nearly 8 am.

The Royal Guards welcomed him in as Mayor walked through the Royal Palace. Varvik had cleared his schedule for the morning insistent on making an impact on the Royal Family. As he was escorted through the halls of the palace he pondered the meaning of the bombshell interview of the Prince Consort which had been released almost a full day before.

Reaching the meeting room he entered and before him stood two figures, the first being a blonde haired lady in her 20's wearing a red dress and jewels. Next to her stood her husband the Crown Prince, he had curly brown hair, and brown almost determined eyes. He first hugged the the Princess and then shook her husbands hand, they didn't say anything but their facial expressions made it clear, they were relieved to see him.

They motioned for him to sit and he did. The large brown chairs were comfortable. Varvik thought to himself "Hell, I need one of these in my office". Varvik was the first to speak "So how are you guys dealing with this?"

The Princess looked at her husband for a second before responding "Well as you probably can imagine it wasn't easy for Val to come out publicly with what has happened to us. So far thought we haven't received any threats or anything, in fact we have had so many calls of support".

"Yes, yes", Varvik responded pondering her words. "Let me just say that as not only as Mayor of this city but as a proud Kazulian, how you have been treated has been extremely unacceptable. Frankly I and many others are outraged. I know that La Voix would not publish that story unless it was absolutely true and I believe you. Now in my current position I cannot do much. I will be announcing a formal city investigation into criminal conduct and I will talk to my contacts in the Storting and make sure this becomes a formal federal investigation. Frankly many members of the Storting have been waiting for a chance to crown you Sofia and with this terrible thing happening I personally believe some good will come from this. Now It is my plan to become Statsminister at some point in the future but the truth remains that if the Statsminister was not directly responsible, she holds too much power to be ousted quite yet".

Varvik grabbed a golden butterscotch candy that sat beside him on the table, opened it and put it in his mouth.

"I have known the Statsminister for a while now and I really believe her heart is in the right place. I do not believe she endorsed or supported this sort of behavior. If she did frankly she is royally fucked, (excuse my pun). The royal couple chuckled and with that the ice had been broken. The Princess immediately asked

"Is there anything you can do to leverage the party to at least make it a public vote on our return. If the public does not support it then I will never take the throne but if they are actively avoiding public sentiment???"

"I promise you this, ma'am, I will do what I can to make sure the Interior Minister never holds public office again and that hopefully a public referendum is held. There will be pressure put on the Statsminister form this. The question remains, how much?"

Both nodded before the Crown Prince said "Look If I caused anything to disrupt the Government or your party I apologize, I just, I needed to be there for Sofia and I haven't been able to be".

Varvik nodded before responding "Don't apologize please, what you two have dealt with is absolutely sick and frankly the Interior Ministry needs to be gutted and people's heads need to roll, in a figurative sense of course. You have done a good thing for this country. Corrupt politicians need to be held accountable and this asshole we have as Interior Minister needs to see the inside of a jail cell..."

The conversation continued a short time before the Princess received a phone call. "Mr. Varvik we apoligze but the Royal Family in Hutori is calling".

The mayor stood up smiled and bowed slightly. "Well it is probably time for me to go. If you need me for anything here is my personal office number". He handed Prince Valerian his fancy business card. "If you guys ever want to go out for beers or if you don't do that tea maybe, let me know", and with that he exited the room and walked back to his car. Exiting the palace the morning sun proudly shone over the snowscape of Downtown Skalm. Varvik knew that the first step in his plan was done. The monarchy could be assured, he was on their side...

[to be continued]
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:40 pm

Royal Residence of the Kazulian Monarch, Skalm, Republic of Kazulia

The black sedan arrived on the steps of the Palace entrance, accompanied by other vehicles of the same style, in the sedan arriving in front of the palace gate, guarded by several guards, were the Empress Elizabeth and her husband, the Prince -Consort Alexander, uncle of Crown Prince Valerian, he was quite delighted to see his nephew again, whom he had not seen for several years. When the sedan arrived in front of the steps of the palace stood, full of grace and dignity that their function imposed, the Crown Prince and Princess of Kazulia, even if they keep the appearances quite closed, deep down, they are looking forward to meeting one of the world's most famous royal couples, ruling over more than 200 million people worldwide. The Empress got out of the car first, accompanied afterwards by the Prince-Consort, who according to imperial tradition, was two steps behind the Empress, even if this tradition was rather ignored, in front of the horde of journalists who had come to cover the event, the imperial and princely couples exchanged gentle and affectionate glances and greeted each other politely, Crown Princess Sofia was the first to exchange words, declaring: "We, I and Valerian, are very happy to receive you in Kazulia, Your Majesty, Your Highness"
The Empress replied: "We are very honored to be here in Kazulia, Your Highness, we must thank you for Kazulia's welcome and yours."
Then, after greeting the crowd gathered at the palace gates and entering the Palace at the invitation of the Prince, the couples were finally able to relax after entering, well except Sofia, who wanted to try, by all means, to to impress the imperial couple, especially Empress Elizabeth. After entering the building, the Prince-Consort exclaimed: "Ha, Valerian, you haven't changed since I last saw you, look at you, now you are a husband, I I'm so proud of you."
Valerian, also happy to see his uncle again, replied: "You too have not changed, you too, aunt"
“Well, thank you for noticing me,” she let out with a laugh. "But, it's a pleasure to see you and your wife again" She declared with a smile.
The Princess, a little less stressed, after seeing such a close statement between people who had not seen each other for years, and she declared "It seems that the two men want to spend some time together, am I right? "
The Princes responded in unison, “Yes, ma’am” and left for the secondary lounge to chat.
The Princess and the Empress found themselves alone in the main living room, the Princess was the first to speak "Your Majesty..." Elizabeth stopped her "No. Don't call me that, call me Elizabeth, Calling Your Majesty all the time makes me feel old."
The Princess nodded and said "Elizabeth...it seems you know about our history with the Kazulian Government..."
The Empress simply said, "Yes, we are very aware of your particular history with your nation's government, but it appears that he is in the wrong...Even though, normally, by convention, I am obliged to remain neutral, recent events have not reassured me and Alex about my role."
The Princess asked "What events?"
- "The latest actions of the extremists in Luthori and the laws proposed by the Fatherland Front, which would relegate Luthori to a declining sphere..again."
Princess nods and says "Do you intend to do like Charles XI and Mary III and get involved in Luthori's politics?"
The Empress sighed "Unfortunately, it seems that this is the only possible and imaginable path at the moment. For Luthori to continue to enjoy a certain stable regime, the monarchy would have to have an invisible hand in politics"
- “And about Kazulia?”
- "Ha. Sorry...there are times when I start to stray from the subject, probably old age" she said with a smile.
The Princess laughed "No, no, don't worry."
- "So, on the support of the imperial family for your movement, via connections in Kazulia, I was able to find significant financial support, certain businessmen or women in your country being fervent monarchists and for legitimacy, at one point, perhaps I could declare my official support for the monarchical cause...no, that would be seen as political interference...on tacit support, we will be able to see later, with the men , but at least financial support is found in Kazulia and perhaps Luthori."
"I am very grateful for your support" the Princess said with a smile.
“But no, it’s important for monarchies to support each other, we are an endangered species, so let’s go see each other, men, let’s hope they haven’t broken anything”
"Of course"
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:38 am

Royal Residence of the Kazulian Monarch, Skalm, Kingdom of Kazulia-

April 5372

A large black car drove through the early morning streets of Skalm. Prince Olaf of Kazulia looked into the rainy torrent as the city lights flashed by, the view looked like that of an impressionist painting. This was a far cry from his homethat was perched into the lovely mountains of Lourenne where the weather and temperature were more mild.

Olaf has left Kazulia at the age of 17. His childhood had been scared with parents that were not present in his life. They left him to "nannies" that made his childhood a living hell. He was forced to eat food he did not want to eat, he rarely saw anyone of the outside world and his parents always were focused on his older, more confident sister.

As the car entered the royal driveway memories, both good and bad flashed through the Prince's mind. The car pulled into the driveway and the Prince got out, he straightened his coat, his tie and ran his fingers through his brown, tossed about hair. He walked up the steps and Royal Kazulian guards opened the doors letting him in. Facing him was a women, a few inches shorter than he was. She wore a long blue flowing dress and jewels. Her long blonde hair was wavy and she wore a genuinely kind smile. Sofia rushed to greet her brother and gave him a firm bear hug. The two embraced for what seemed like minutes but in reality only lasted a few seconds. Olaf was just happy to see his sister. She had been there for him when nobody had. She had been someone he could talk to, someone he could vent to and someone he could trust fully.

"H... H... Hello Sofia" he said trying to work past the damned stutter that had been with him for as long as he could remember. This had been a constant struggle throughout his life. Once his family had realized the concerns they had taken him to speech therapists, one after the other and they had tried their best but it had continued regardless.

Sofia smiled and said "Hello my brother" looking him over before saying "Val is on the phone at the moment but he will be here soon. Follow me, I trust you can lead yourself to your room?"

Olaf nodded and the two walked down the halls of the palace. The walked past the "public area" that was currently closed and down the halls to the more private areas of the palace. They continued down the winding corridors of the palace until they came upon Olaf's room. It had a picture window which overlooked the Palace courtyards and was near to the lounge area. He set his coat and belongings down before following Sofia to the lounge. Inside Prince Consort Valerien greeted Olaf the two men shook hands. Val had always been like a brother to Olaf, the two had gone exploring through Lourenne's countryside for year as late teenagers and had become very good friends.

Val sat down and offered a glass of Whiskey to Olaf and began to speak. "It has been a long time since Sofia and I have been able to see you. How have you been?"

Olaf responded, "Well I, have been.... fine I guess". He took the time to speak in a slow deliberate way, "I have watched with g, g, great interest at the happenings that have happened here in the past months".

Sofia returned from somewhere else in the palace and sat down next to Olaf, already holding a glass of Whiskey that she had procured probably from Val. She interjected saying "Dinner will be ready shortly, I told them to not cook anything too much".

Olaf continued "It is really good to see Kazulia is once again....." he paused breathing in deep and exhaling "a Kingdom", Sofia put her arm around her brothers shoulder, rubbing it gently, a trick she had discovered many years before that had been one of the many ways to calm her brother down and subdue the affects of his impediment.

Val then responded "Yes it took a while, it took a lot of convincing but the Kazulian people made a good choice if I should say so".

Olaf now calmed down turned to his sister and said "You'll make a damn good Queen, a hell of a lot better than me" before smiling.

Sofia rebuked him saying "don't say that about yourself, you are one of the most genuinely good people I know"

Olaf responded "you are only saying that because I am your brother. I have not always treated you good sis".

The two went quiet. The sound of the fireplace crackling and the rain outside being the only noises.

Sofia broke the silence by saying "How goes it with Véronique? You two have really hit it off?"

Olaf sighed before saying "Sh... Sh...she broke up with me. The only thing girls in Lourenne want is, m... my, money"...

Sofia gave him a hug once again which really didn't help.

Olaf stood up, the anger swelling up inside of him and his words becoming clearer and clearer as they always did when he raised his voice. "That's all they want, my money... They see me as too quiet, too, I don't know... How can anyone want to marry a prince who can't even speak. Just look at Luthori, if I was second in line there they would be requiring me to speak all the time, they'd think I was a nutcase! For god sakes I am one heartbeat away from being King! I can't be King!"

Val and Sofia together said "that's not true".

Olaf now yelled louder "Yes it is! How many times have I been rejected, a royal prince rejected because of something that is out of my Damn control". He lit a cigarette and smoked it in absolute fury. "Nobody wants me for who I am, they just want the power and fame I provide".

Later that night as the evening hours waned Sofia and Olaf sat in chairs next to the fire. The fireplace offering a warm spot in the often drafty Royal Palace.

Sofia broke the silence by saying "I've been meaning to tell you brother but there hasn't been a good opportunity. Val and I heard only a week ago". Remember how you said you were afraid to be King, well... She paused and then stood up "I am pregnant".

Olaf couldn't believe it. His sour mood from earlier, his fears everything vanished in the blink of an eye. "Congratulations, Sofia" is all he could say, he was in a whirlwind of disbelief and joy on behalf of his sister.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:35 am

Kazulian Embassy to Luthori, Fort William

The Kazulian Embassy in Luthori was a labyrinth of hallways, corridors and surrounded by several walls that entire armies would have trouble breaking through. The Ambassador to Luthori, his staff along with embassy officials sat in a conference call. The Foreign Minister and Statsminister were on computer screens. The ambassador and staff were watching Luthorian television. The new Government lead by the Fatherland Front were making drastic changes to Luthori and a bill was being put through parliament to do a number of things.

The Foreign Affairs minister Idar Antonsen was linking in to the meeting at the Kazulian Diplomatic Center at Whale Island where the World Congress met, he updated the members on what he had done.

Antonsen - "I have just spoken to the General Assembly about our concerns and about our potential actions if this bill in particular is passed. Frankly I think the General Assembly should follow suit in swift condemnation, I don't think that will stop this mad government though".

The Statsminister chimed in

Kolstad- "I have made a formal diplomatic complaint to the Luthorian Government. I told them we won't let this stand. We will be canceling all attempt to get close to this country if this passes".

Next was the Ambassador to Luthori Ronald Liefsbring

Liefsbring - "We will keep this vote monitored closely. Frankly this new Government has risen up and taken power quite fast. My agents have informed me that currently there is chaos inside of the Luthorian Government. The Fatherland Front is at best hostile to not only the Luthorian Democractic process but the Royal Family. We are keeping tabs of the Royal Family as I speak and I can ensure you our allies and us will ensure that they are protected regardless of what this party can do or say. We would say that on the opposite end of things Republicanism is growing inside of the country as well. People are linking this Fatherland Front with the monarchy when frankly they are not linked at all in any way shape of form. I can assure you that our attempts to bring the Luthori Government into our shared field of Intelligence with Dorvik and Hutori should be cautioned and at this point should be discouraged strongly. This government and Kazulia should make no deals and break any deals with this Fatherland Front party as they stand for everything we do not. We are seeing unrest grow inside of the country, frankly it is not surprising. We are making preliminary plans to get Kazulians out of Luthori at all costs. We have also advised the Royal Family to avoid Luthori but to keep in touch with their royal family.

Kolstad- Speaking of the Queen I have disclosed everything that has gone on. She has been very supportive and is in full agreement with this Government on what the next steps should be if this bill passes.

The meeting continued discussing Kazulian state secrets. When the meeting ended the Foreign Minister turned to the Television, members of the Socialist Liberal Party marching in the streets on the other side of town.

Liefsbring - Luthori, a country torn between two nutcase parties, both of them are trying their damndest to tear the Empire apart... Its the ones in the middle we can hope and pray get into power and quell this nonsense. It makes one happy to live in a place as secure as Kazulia.
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