
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:52 pm

Serving the nation's best.

After years of struggle in the immense regions of Minosasa, the Wantuni Republican Times, primarily consisted of young, ambitious reporters who shared a common democratic and republican belief, managed to widely expand in all regions of Wantuni. Firmly presenting daily news in well published papers, it finally managed to attract eager readers with tremendous expectations.

Nevertheless, the WRT remained unknown due to the recent surge of unfortunate Kalopians, who had come to hoping that their homeland shall be once again rightfully restored. The WRT, overshadowed by the rapidly growing, now former Kalopian National News (Ethnos), came to represent the community of cultural conservatives, struggling to maintain stability, propagating against Kalopian amendments. After the slow disintegration of Kalopian support groups and firm political organizations, Wantuni came to witness WRT on the edge of absolute bankruptcy.

On the cease of political turmoil in Wantuni, before the national legislative assembly, the Ethniko Socialistiko Komma, one of the social remnants of Kalopian tendencies, announced its support of the WRT, proposing to declare it the national newspaper outlet. After a few months, the company received government funds and once again began operating at maximum. Following a few months from the declaration of "Article 1", WRT had established itself as the most powerful media outlet in Wantuni.

Almost a century later, Kalopian supporters sprung up in the political stage and literally demanded to be heard. After a few years of the initial rioting, a new government was formed, finally consisted of Kalopian supporters. This new motion renamed the WRT into Kalopian Republican Times. A new age had began. Following the initial declaration of the new name of the newspaper, the government continued drafting amendments, preparing the KRT for this new age of Wantuni politics.

In the glorious era of the New Age of Particracy, the KRT comes to represent its true purpose and fulfill it to the fullest. To give the world news from Kalopia!
Last edited by GreekIdiot on Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:48 pm

The Fall of the Queens Monarchy - February 2737

After the recent elections, the Kalopian people decided to overthrow the monarchy and establish once again a republic, which shall help and stand among its citizens. The leader of the movement was John Locke, leader of the Quasi-Libertarian Party, which now controls the majority of the legislative assembly. The new president of Kalopia, Mr. Locke, has not been available to contact yet, unfortunately.

The Kalopian Regime Coalition begins today on an extended campaign, led by Egoist Virginatos, the new party leader, to assure the people of Kalopia that the new nation shall hold and continue to hold for the rest of the future. The decision was made after rumors began spreading around the capitol with regards to the Kalopian Regime Coalition's disbandment, due to Aristocrat's poor health. Nevertheless, Mr. Egoist has been preparing to ensure the public of the opposite. More information on the subject will be presented during the next month, as Virginatos rolls down the pathways of mighty Kalopia.

Political analysts foresee a change in the wind, with its inclinations yet to be defined, as experts state. Although the Monarchy has been cast away, the totalitarian regime of the KRC still remains a reality, despite the continued efforts of liberal groups to overthrow it as well. But change has occurred in the Koinoboulio and events have yet to be unfolded in the troubled political stage of Kalopia.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:00 pm

International conference in Polykratos - September 2737


Kalopia is steadily preparing for the first international conference of the New Age of Particracy, as many fundamentalists call this shining morning of political activity, while Mr. Egoist tours the lands of the rest of Kalopia. The arranger of the conference shall be Mr. Virginatos himself, after he finishes his duties as the leader of a political organization.

The Terran Cooperation Summit, as it has been called, will be specifically aiming at uniting the strongest nations under one roof and therefore attempting to create a mutual path of calm consent that will shape Terra's politics of the future. Hopefully, the outcome and conclusion of the conference will leave a clearer purpose of existence to all the participants. Pornidious Aristocrat shall unfortunately abstain from the conference, as his health, doctors estimate, has deteriorated rapidly over the past few hours.
Last edited by GreekIdiot on Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:34 am

Bureaucratic reforms presented
by Virginatos Government - November 2737

Recent announcements have been made by the Virginatos Government, as it is more commonly referred to, despite Aristocrat being the actual HoG, with regards to reformations and radicalization of the bureaucratic system of Kalopia. "For too long have our citizens suffered in the webs of corruption and anarchy when it comes to the government", stated Mr. Egoist after exiting the Koinoboulio.

His political enemies continue to lurk around, supporting a peculiar wave of controversy towards Egoist's face. His actions have been deemed a failure by the opposition, but despite all their best efforts, the government continues moving towards that direct path of reformation. This old bickering about the new Kalopian wave began from the early ages of Aristocrat's rule, back when the Queens Monarchy thrived. But time has changed and the political stage now witnesses different characters. It's the age of New Kalopia.

The Department of Cultural Administration Projects has issued an announcement to be presented by the Kalopia news outlets. The Ministry urges the public to access the internet and observe the creation process of the uniformed web pages of Kalopia.

It has also been requested that those who care rate and comment on the proceedings, whether negative or good.

Source: Kalopian Wiki
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:47 am

Aristocrat departs for Egelion
State Visit scheduled - January 2740

Mr. Pornidious Aristocrat was invited to Egelion for a formal state visit, that would surely, despite its short length, would cover most specifics and ultimately lead to improved relations between the two nations. Although Aristocrat lost his HoS status after the last elections, he was nonetheless invited again to participate in a formal meeting, being the Grand Secretariat of the wonderful GPO and all.

Journalists believe that the agenda will be circling around the subject of Egelion's matters and participation in the GPO, rather than focusing on international relations between the two states. Therefore it is safe to conclude that Mr. Pornidious shall be traveling to Egelion with the characterization of being the leader of the GPO, solely, and his stay in Egelion will last a couple of weeks, due to his weak health. It is also rumored that there will be more attendees during that private meeting, although sources cannot confirm anything so far.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:39 am

Terran Cooperation Summit began,
nation feels international vibes - July 2740

Despite the recent swifts in legislative seats distribution that limited the power of the Kalopian Regime Coalition, the TCS shall begin as scheduled, with many representatives and delegation groups arriving at the Suburb Airport of Polykratos, in the nation's capitol. The city has been turned into a fortress, with continuous control and checks by the local authorities.

However, this turmoil in the political stage of Kalopia, which was sparked once again between the cultural conservatives and the Kalopian supporters, has created some sort of confusion, as the absolute regime of the KRC and therefore Virginatos was shocked and shred completely. Local authorities and official government officials have not stated their stance on this international conference, but have insisted so far in abstaining from taking direct precautions. Egoist Virginatos called in yesterday the party's paramilitary troops to guard the outskirts of the city, in cases of terrorist attack. "We may have lost control of the army and the police, but we are confident of a wonderful result from this conference", stated Mr. Egoist while heading to the conference building, to begin the presentation.

Analysts and experts, mainly driven by the liberal government, have characterized this conference as irrelevant and therefore have given absolutely no support to it. The new, liberal regime has shocked the foundations of the socialist system and are now attempting to bring back that infuriating ideals of Wantuni, a tradition that despite its absolute defeat and death, the liberal government wants to irrationally revive. The Kalopian Regime Coalition currently feels quite stressed, as supporters press the party for radical and immediate actions. The nation today, however, slept well.

While Mr. Egoist Virginatos is off attempting to organize an international conference, Mr. Pornidious Aristocrat, ex-Prothypourgos of Kalopia, despite his bad health, arrived in Egelion. Sources confirm that the meeting has already began. Other reports indicate that there are more attendees than the two announced, Mr. Pornidious and Mr. Kovach.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:20 pm

Government inactive, national
tension rising; analysts fear public outcry - July 2740

The international community has voiced its views over the extremely controversial organization known by the name Nova Terra, however, the liberal government of Kalopia continues to ignore all international happenings, mainly focused on destroying the structured socialist regime of the previous government.

Political analysts in Kalopia have now come to the conclusion that despite the current government's apathy, the cultural conservatives and the majority of the population will continue to back the liberal party, since the KRC has also neglected its people and has been entirely focused on international affairs. The national community wonders of a political cooperation between the two parties, but experts now fear of a public outcry, as both political parties are currently avoiding to comment or even act on the situation.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:22 pm

Pornidious Aristocrat, beloved leader,
draws last breath in Egelion - August 2742

In this very sad day the international community mourns the loss of great political shaper, Mr. Aristocrat, who, while giving a wonderful speech to the people of Egelion, drew last breath and did not manage to complete his words, ultimately fainting and falling down, never to rise again from the ground, away from homeland.

More news coming soon, currently anticipating the response of the government of Egelion.

In the meantime, here is the fatal extract from Aristocrat's speech:
(Pornidious Aristocrat - August 2742 - Egelion) wrote:But, as the media announced, I am here on behalf of the GPO, and not in favor of representing my nation, Kalopia, which once again fell into the shitty hands of the liberal protectorate, to those who despise our dream for a new and powerful Terra. The GPO would be proud if it had Egelion under its lovely hug and reign, because after all, the GPO is consisted of its members, and its members have the ultimate power of manipulating the evil forces of this world!
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:12 pm

Military mobilization authorized
by Grand Secretariat - September 2743


Earlier today, the GPO administration center released a short announcement by the Grand Secretariat:

As of late, the international world has witnessed the violent events of the opposition in the glorious Republic of Trigunya with silence and inactivity. But we shall not stand empty handed while our brothers get slaughtered in the hands of the anti-democratic people, enemies of peace, fighters of stability and progression. We will not sit without acting while our brothers and sisters die daily in the streets, in a ruthless fight against the glorious and legitimate Republic of Trigunya. For we, as a unified organization that cares solely for the lives of its fellow humans, condemn the blatant and violent actions of the opposition and therefore label them as illegal and totally retrogressive. A certified threat against our ideals of peacekeeping enforcement and progression.

I, Egoist Virginatos, by the power of the GPO Grand Legislation, authorize that half of the Aristocrat Naval Fleet of Kalopia be given to the organization's Military Command, which shall be formed immediately and shall be led by the Grand Secretariat. For the Grand Secretariat has deemed the situation to require direct actions and according to the international documentation of the GPO, it is absolutely necessary for it to be dealt with such ways.

As indeed given power by the GPO Grand Legislation, the Grand Secretariat may override the current government's authority and simply command a proportion of the national military, so long as it doesn't exceed the number of 40% in total. However, the current proportion of the Aristocrat Naval Fleet that has been mobilized reaches the approximate number of 25% (of the total proportion allowed by the GPO GL), with 2 aircraft carriers being escorted by 17 frigates and 5 battleships. It is estimated that both aircraft carriers have a total number of 50 bomber / fighters, with only 2 bombers on board.

No official response has been released by Trigunya, neither by the official government nor the opposition that has been claiming the northwest regions of the nation. The Kalopian government has not recognized the newly founded government of the northwest regions, and the GPO has officially condemned their actions as totally illegal, sending the newly formed Military Command of the GPO to counter attack the rioters and restore order. The Military Command, as announced, is currently heading to Egelion. The Grand Secretariat has already departed to Egelion, in order to meet with Mr. Kovach and discuss about the matter at hand.
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Re: Kalopian Republican Times - KRT

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:01 pm

Discussions in Egelion continue;
the First Military Command on stand by - February 2745

Several meetings have occurred between the members of the First Military Command of the GPO since the navy's arrival in Egelion. The Grand Secretariat, head of these discussions, has not made any statement so far. However, our analysts predict that ultimate GPO intervention is inevitable, with either a delegation form or by military means.

Meanwhile, other international organizations, such as the NATO, who are also devoted to maintaining peace throughout Terra, have expressed their concern about the sudden GPO mobilization. The Grand Secretariat has dismissed their concerns, and assures the people of Terra that stability and tranquility will be found, and countless innocent lives will be saved. The official government of Trigunia has made no announcements so far, and experts are worried about the total lack of legal activity from the side of the recognized Trigunian government. It is feared that through such pathological means, Trigunia will continue to coexist with anarchy and corruption, hence the recent violent Godwin minority outcry. It has also been reported, by trusted sources, that the opposition in Trigunia, which now claims the northern parts of the nation, is being aided and supplied with arms by an organization known as Nova Terra, which has been outlawed in most parts of Terra. Nevertheless, GPO officials continue to remain confident about the outcome of the first official peacekeeping mission.
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