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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:46 am

The Yishelem Post
BEILACT/5378 to see establishment of the Lavian for satellite networks
June 5378


Amshinov, Beiteynu - One of the biggest task forces formed between the Medinat Department, the Kohav, the Terran Remediation Agency, the Department of Defence Contracts of the MOD and the Department of Research & Development of the Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) has submitted a Beiteynuese Law Act in a rather swift motion, which would see the formation of the Lavian out of Amshinov in the North Bank. In recognising the positive developments by the successful launch of the Shavit rocket and Ofeq reconnaissance satellite last month by the private sector through a 2.3B LOD grant by the MOD, the Beiteynuese Government also took notice of the difficulties of non-government entities in maintaining production readiness and a streamlined organisational process.

The Lavian will not maintain its own operations and will affiliate with private contractors, most notably Sato, the rocket developer, Kadenite, the manufacturer of the Ofeq satellite and Black Beisa (we don't know why), acting as a intermediary for licenses, grants and budget management, including maintaining its own mission control for the Beiteynuese network of satellites. The newly established organisation will coordinate directly with the Terran Remediation Agency and the Kohav on intelligence operations across the world in terms of collecting relevant information and forwarding data appropriately.

The organisation's policy will thus remain exclusive in granting licenses for the development of Beiteynuese and allied satellites. To that end, the Lavian, once it gets going, will reach out to allies and close partners in reviewing any requirements for launching and maintaining satellite networks for reconnaissance and intelligence, in the hopes of infusing more capital to the infrastructure itself. Officials will aim to bring aboard foreign entities to work together with Sato, Kadenite and Black Beisa in also establishing operations in southeast Amshinov, including but not limited to Kundrati, Istalia, Luthori, Lourenne and Dankuk.

BEILACT/5378 has already hit the Knesset floor and is expected to pass by unanimous support.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:19 pm

The Yishelem Post
Strengthening trilateral relations in the Artania Sea
July 5378


Yishelem, Beiteynu - While the everlasting influence of Beiteynuese foreign policies in the central and eastern regions of Artania trace back to the beginning of the 53rd century in the most scandalous of manners, the actual presence of Yeudi influence came in the form of heavy economic and military sway over Kundrati affairs; moving in and around of the pivotal alliance agreement signed in 5288.

The time when essentially Kasaema shook hands with Yishelem on a platform heavily weighed towards the latter and its interests.

The rocky waters in trilateral relations with Luthori did very little to undo the "tendrils" of Yeudi entrepreneurship - which carried on to take Kundrati's naval manufacturing industry to a world-renowned level, until Fort William decided to enter the fold of isolationism over the course of the next decades. Simply put, when Luthori focused inwards, it opened the floodgates to Kundrati's ascension in the region to the point where it challenged Haldor in influence in the Security Council of the World Congress.

Change of pace: The rise of Luthori and Kundrati

The steady rise of Kasaema and Fort William has been, as the Nihasim University had observed in 5360, a direct result of their own actions, including the occasional hiccups and bumps along the way. The economic stagnation in Kundrati observed that same year and the recent domestic turmoils in Luthori, during which Yishelem strategically positioned itself to continue honouring relations regardless of domestic affairs, are 2 of the most recent examples that were "concretely alleviated" by either side, with no outside help whatsoever. As an indirect result, Yishelem's diminishment in the trifecta now comes at a natural pace.

In recognising the shift, the Medinat Department has swiftly negotiated an amendment of the Kundrati agreement by the sole direction of Kasaema, into a reformed framework geared towards the equal treatment of both sides, especially considering how trade between the 2 countries is somewhat evenly matched around 30B LOD per year (making it one of the strongest commercial relations in Yishelem's network). Not surprisingly, one of the most strongly agreed upon provisos was the conduct of joint military exercises, operations and the hosting of forces on either end for the protection of maritime activity of both states.

Beikun Fleet: The thorn in regional geopolitics

Yishelem made blunders. But one thing remained uncontested: the Beikun Fleet, hosted and used by Kundrati since 5281, even before the alliance. The matter remained one of the biggest thorns in relations with Dorvik and Luthori, until, that is, the collapse of what was referred to as the "triumvirate" with Lourenne and Luthori's ascension from isolationism, which led to a full-blown military alliance in 5361, more than 150 years of ambivalent relations later.

The Beikun Fleet, however, still remains a thorn of Beiteynuese dominance over both Kasaema and Fort William.

Recognising the shift: A trilateral force to elevate Luthori and Kundrati

In continuing its 5362 pursuit of facilitation, later reaffirmed in 5370 with its involvement in the World Congress and the MSCO over to 5373 and the final blow to unchecked espionage a year later, the Beiteynuese Government and the Kohav will be submitting a proposal for a 5.7B LOD project to the Kundrati Government (joint investment) to expand a naval base in Etxea to accommodate both an increased number of tactical warships and a carrier strike group.

The proposal also includes a robust program of extended naval exercises and sea trials to accommodate the 5368 Reshout Naval Exercise upon completion, specifically geared at elevating the capability and tactical command of both the Kundrati and Luthorian navies, should an agreement come into place. These exercises and extended deep sea patrols will be initially led by one of Beiteynu's carrier strike groups - which will be able to dock in the expanded naval base - until subsequently replaced, or called off at any time, by the ultimate ascension of both states in naval proneness.

The most important facet of the proposal is, however, the "disbandment" of the Beikun Fleet.

The proposal includes the formation of the "Etxean Fleet" by Kundrati, which instead of being led by Beiteynuese naval forces, would include them as part of Kundrati formations, similarly to the deployment of Kundrati forces in southwest Beiteynu.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:59 am

The Yishelem Post
Medinat Department responds to the statements of Dorvish State Chancellor
November 5378


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Relations with Haldor have taken a turn for the worse with a number of high ranking officials in the Kohav and the Medinat Department raising their eyebrows at the State Chancellor's statements earlier this year, which many have received as a clear and very real warning of potential hostilities from the Dorvish Government. Notorious for their military prowess, the Dorvish had mostly maintained a cordial abstinence from Beiteynuese foreign affairs in Artania for the better part of the previous century; until the trilateral agreement between Beiteynu - Dorvik - Lourenne came in 5335, short lived as it was terminated by Haldor itself just 13 years later, ultimately scaling back relations and commercial avenues with both Eroncourt and Yishelem.

Since then, there have been only 2 points of contact: first, military cooperation in the Migrant's Pass mostly through the reinvigorated MSCO and the Beiteynuese led maritime force since Dorvik entered the fray of the Malivian conflict in 5356 (scaling back to maritime patrols just a year later) and second, continuously dwindling trade since the Central Bank of Beiteynu painted the 13-year recession in 5286 and subsequent commercial deals with other states since then.

"The State Chancellor's blunt comments on the State of Beiteynu making a mockery of Haldor and Fort William", Katerina Sheket, the Head of the Medinat Department commented earlier this morning, "are blatant remarks that have no merit in today's geopolitical arena. It is the intention of the Beiteynuese Government to terminate its independent presence in Kundrati - an item of long-term friction in bilateral relations with Dorvik - by disbanding the Beikun Fleet and switching to a more case-by-case presence subject to the requirements and direction of our allies, including the deployment of a carrier strike group to assist them in upping their own naval game and influence over their region should they wish to conduct joint exercises. Need I remind the State Chancellor that Beiteynu has maintained a military alliance with both Kundrati and Luthori that has surpassed both the duration and depth of past and current relations with Dorvik."

"If we didn't know any better, we'd regard the statements as a threat to the Yeudi people as a whole", she further added. Sources at the Medinat Department have hinted that the Beiteynuese Government is considering working with the Olami Trade Association towards phasing out any other trade relations, ultimately withdrawing from the 2 agreements maintained by Haldor. That would lead to a "rocking of the boat" in high-end medical equipment, computer hardware and pharmaceuticals, imports that Beiteynu has significantly relied on Dorvik for more than 2 centuries. There has been additional speculation that the Medinat Department is considering cutting ties with Dorvik entirely, which would presumably lead to its addition in the Reshimat Hara (Luthorian: Yeudi Shitlist).

"It would be foolish to even hint at attacking our naval forces at any time", she concluded in responding to a media question on the State Chancellor's "redline" and Dorvik's capability of "handling" Beiteynu should the Kohav proceed with the plans.

Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Head of the Kohav, Kavin Mahorit, reached out personally to his counterparts in Fort William and Kasaema in ensuring that there is no miscommunication or misunderstanding in receiving the Beiteynuese Government's proposal. He reaffirmed the Medinat Department's statements on disbanding the Beikun Fleet, which has also represented a small "thorn" in trilateral relations and suggested that both states form their own joint operations, which Beiteynu would be more than willing to be part of under their command, in a similar manner as the Luthorian and Kundrati naval forces are currently present in northeast and southwest Beiteynu, accordingly. "Any naval presence remaining there will not include the stationing of a carrier strike group", he responded to the media.

The Kohav also confirmed that both Kundrati and Luthori will continue to grant docking rights for Beiteynuese naval forces in cases of either traversing the deep seas towards the north and northeast or during pivotal joint naval exercises, such as the ongoing Reshout Naval Exercise.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:33 pm


Sohnout Hashaet agent shot Noah Kadiyot dead?
On Monday, the Secret Service agency, which objective is to protect top political and government's officials, handed-in the info requested by the Police, revealing to Beiteynu and to Terra that the weapon which killed Noah Kadiyot is owned by a S.H. agent, also a former bodyguard to Benjamin Benowitz.
July 16, 5378 (OOC: backdated)

YISHELEM, BEITEYNU - In what is now the news of the year, and commented as a shocking fact by commentators and pundits, Sohnout Hashaet's (Secret Service) Spokesperson said in a Monday encounter with the press that the agency had given to the Beiteynuese Police, still investigating the murder of former Head Noah Kadiyot, all the informations needed about the gun, which scientific reports said it was registered in the database of Government's owned weapons, pointing at the T.R.A., the Police itself, or the S.H. It turned out that the gun belongs to an agent of the Secret Service.

This alone shocked the public opinion, that never expected such a marginal agency to be involved in this case, but the database does not lie: the Agent works for the S.H., and until recently this person had a very important role: they were the lead Bodybuard to the former Ramatkal, Benjamin Benowitz. And this, is another turn of events.
Nor the Agency nor the Police are willing to release the identity of this agent, following the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and this Agent has a pretty strong alibi: they were in service the time the murder happened, so it is impossible the Agent could've stopped at Noah Kadiyot's house as his job is to stay close to the Ramatkal; unless Benowitz was there but that, is unbelievable.

The Police will continue investigating with the S.H., while this Agent has been temporarily suspended from duty until their position is cleared, or there are sufficient evidences to prove they carried out the murder. The Agent will likely be undergoing a tough round of questioning, while Police sources says that the former Ramatkal, as well as other members of the protection corp, will be called to confirm the alibi.
Many are saying that this revelation has left more questions than answers, but now, the Police has a framework for their investigation, absent until now. Our readers can rest reassured that Sholemberg Post will continue to closely follow this story, and to report news as soon as possible.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:51 am

The Yishelem Post
Navy implements updated structure, disbands Beikun and Yamin Fleets
May 5379


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Naval Chief of the Beiteynuese Naval Command confirmed earlier this morning that the navy will be restructuring under a newly introduced concept of Zaar Fleets (Luthorian: foreign), under which instead of operating an independent command and mandate to naval forces deployed and stationed abroad, they will be hosted and under the joint command of allied states directly. The case rings particularly true with the Beikun Fleet, which has thus far been integrated almost completely with the Kundrati navy and has frequently undertaken operations under the direction of Kasaema's military command. The BNC also confirmed the disbandment of both the Beikun and Yamin Fleets and the integration of their forces under the structure of the Zaar Fleets.

The concept of the Zaar Fleets stems from 2 factors: the collapse of Cildanian relations which ultimately created a gap in the navy's command and structure from the cancelled formation of the Reshout Fleet and the existing naval presence of Luthori, Kundrati and Lourenne in Beiteynu, including the temporary presence of Deltarian forces docking on their paths between the Majatran Sea and the southwest region, as part of the MSCO's permanent maritime security forces.

The Zaar Fleets as a result will consist of 2 deployments and a total of 11 warships, unchanged in composition, with the Makber (Luthorian: amplifier) Squadron of 8 vessels to remain in Kundrati and the BI300 Squadron of 3 vessels in Istalia. Their mandates will also remain the same. Pending the resolution of the current tensions in Beiteynuese - Dorvish relations, the BNC will review the composition of the Makber Squadron in direct coordination with both Fort William and Kasaema, in order to address any additional requirements by either towards increased operations including but not limited to potential naval exercises.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:42 pm

The Yishelem Post
Mini-series "Me'agel" hits streaming services
January 5380


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Me'agel (Luthorian: Spy) tells the story of the alleged Beiteynuese spy allegedly planted by the Terran Remediation Agency in Cildania to allegedly secure Yeudi hegemony over the continent, a sequence of moves which ultimately resulted into the Majatran Cold War of 5366. A mini-series bursting with 7 "wildly exhilarating" episodes promising to "keep you on the edge of your seat", the joint Beiteynuese-Kundrati production takes audiences through the alleged roller-coaster of events claimed by the Vanukean Government and currently (still) being investigated by the Beiteynuese Government.

From the deployment of the agent in Cildania to the agent's infiltration of mob and government circles and a endless stream of bribes and corrupt money, to the TRA sponsored bombing of the synagogue and all the way to the moment when Elijah Friedman is called back to Yishelem after the infamous military agreement is signed. The series ends on a cliffhanger, with Elijah meeting a Beiteynuese high-ranking official - presumably Noah Kadiyot, the former Head of the Medinat Department - and both agreeing on trying to "make amends" as they both experience gut-wrenching feelings of guilt in doing Yishelem's dirty work.

The series is available on various streaming-services on more than 20 countries; early statistics paint it as a "spicy" hit.

Although unconfirmed, the Meddling Affairs book series is rumoured to include the truth behind the entire thing.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:59 pm


Shocking - Benowitz ordered Noah Kadiyot's murder, Police says
The Agent whose gun killed Noah Kadiyot has ceded to the enourmous pressure he underwent during his interrogatory: he states former Ramatkal Benjamin Benowitz ordered him to pull the trigger on the former Head. Mr. Benowitz allegedly fleed to Solentia.
February 1, 5380

in other news:
- Benowitz deactivates social media accounts, where is he? And his money?

YISHELEM, BEITEYNU - A few moments ago, the Beiteynuese Police issued a statement in which they stated the Investigation on the murder of Noah Kadiyot, the former Head of the Medinat Department, has reached a turning point, thanks to the long-awaited testimony of Mr. Rouvin Basin-Uki, a former Sohnout Hashaet agent, who decided to retire this year after pressure mounted on him. He was subject to a long, tough interrogatory in Yishelem, where, according to the Police, he made a shocking revelation, that is that he personally pulled the trigger of his service gun, directed at Noah Kadiyot, effectively killing him, under the direction of nothing less than Benjamin Benowitz. Yes, that Benjamin Benowitz, the former HA's Ramatkal.

Police officers were shocked at first, as we all are now, and asked on Basin-Uki to further elaborate as they even thought the Agent was making it up to cover his full responsibility. The police then investigated this claim on their own and found two important pieces of evidences:
- A Sohnout Hashaet's spreadsheet, with the hours Benowitz's bodyguards were in service. This has confirmed that Benjamin Benowitz and Rouvin Basin-Uki passed the time in which Kadiyot was shot together.
- Benjamin Benowitz's position during the happening: the cell-phone operator agreed to give the Police the records of that night, denoting the presence of Benjamin Benowitz in the Kadiyot neighborhood during the day of the murder.

Benjamin Benowitz, whom we tried to contact, has now allegedly fleed to Solentia, and did not respond to us for comments, and neither to the Police for a round of questioning, further raising the stability of Basin-Uki's thesis: Benjamin Benowitz was involved in the murder, even if indirectly, of Noah Kadiyot. It has been known that several altercations happened between Head Kadiyot and disgraced Ramatkal Benowitz, a possible motive for the conspiracy to murder, but no-one expected that those could excalate this much.

A judge in Yishelem, finally, will issue an indictment for Benowitz, with the accusation of conspiracy to murder, while Agent Basin-Uki will be faced with Involuntary Manslaughter, risking between five and twenty years in jail.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:39 am

The Yishelem Post
Navy to donate warships to Barmenistan
June 5380


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Presumably in another series of strategic manoeuvring by the Medinat Department to ascertain regional deterrents in the pursuit of Yeudi prosperity and sustainability, the Beiteynuese Naval Command announced that it will be gifting 5 warships to Barmenistan as part of its upcoming upgrade of the Lekavot Fleet in Himmelshtern, the northwest city at the tip of Mt. Bermon housing the navy's command; especially in the Himmelshtern Beacon of Hope, the island north of the city which acts as the navy's primary base of operations. The Lekavot Fleet is rumoured to include an extended submarine flotilla and Beiteynu's 3rd aircraft carrier to be dubbed "Lekavot" (Luthorian: Hope) and to be acquired from the Zardic Government as both are entering an extended military alliance.

The gift of 5 warships includes the 3 Assad class corvettes of the 16th Flotilla and the Spruance and Farragut class destroyers procured by Tzafrir Defence Industries in the 53rd century, during the company's earlier attempts at high-end naval equipment (which failed and the company eventually got acquired by Canrille Defence Enterprise of Lourenne, with both vessels presumably still available for production). Although aging, the 5 warships still represent a noticeable gift of naval firepower to Barmenistan, with the Medinat Department hoping that both countries "come closer" in their "cordially independent ways".

While criticised for leveraging relations with Barmenistan to diffuse the Majatran Cold War with Vanuku, the Beiteynuese Government has thus far maintained the move as part of its allegiance to the MSCO, which both countries are members of, which is after all a mutual defence pact.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:56 am

The Yishelem Post
Foreign affairs gets a digital facelift
December 5380

- Medinat Department and Nisrad begin work in preparing the Seetouf Olami Symposium (SOS) in Yishelem


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Digitali Nimshal delivered its digital transformation project for the Medinat Department last week, with a robust upgrade of the organisation's subportal. The new catalogue offers information to citizens on key milestones in diplomacy, a map of relations, detailed access to the MOFA's vehicles such as agreements - including the "tiers" or "types" such as the Reshimat Hara - as well as notable events with specific countries.

The Medinat Department is expected to announce a new alliance with Zardugal and a sweeping change to the offices, operations and personnel in par with the Rafael Policy of 5374 which has the transition from the Tzafrir treaties to the Weiss treaties currently underway. Katerina Sheket commented earlier this morning that the Beiteynuese Government is also in talks with Tukarali, Kalistan and Dankuk towards renewed platforms of potentially extending cooperation further.

The Zardic alliance is largely hoped to bring Barmenistan and Jelbe closer in relations, as well. Although technically being "allies", the Medinat Department declined to comment on the current status of relations with Cildania, which has gone off grid since 5366.

Citizens can access the new portal as part of the Life in Beiteynu section.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:51 pm

Securing Majatran stability
December 5380


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Katerina Sheket of the Medinat Department was joined by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahava Weizman yesterday afternoon to announce that the ratification of the Beiteynuese - Zardic Alliance Agreement is underway on both ends. The alliance stipulates extended diplomatic, cultural and commercial avenues in bilateral relations; representing a fruitful result to decade-old negotiations on a common goal of regional security and stability.

The agreement also includes extended avenues of military cooperation, presumably built on top of the mutual defence pact of the MSCO in countering the essence of the current "cold war" between Beiteynu and Vanuku. Zardugal's disarmament had been reversed for exactly that reason. Considering the history of the Zardic military, Yishelem will seek to bring the cooperation on the homeland front. The acquisition of one of the Zardic navy's aircraft carriers to form the Lekavot (Hope) Carrier Strike Group - Beiteynu's 3rd - in the northwest will be complimented by extensive contracts with Zardic military officials; training, maintenance, command; a rather unique effort by the Medinat Department to bring both countries collaboratively closer on joint defence in the western coastlines of the continent.

Although the Beiteynuese Naval Command is already granting docking rights to naval forces of MSCO member states, the Beiteynuese navy will include a proposal to onboard a permanent Zardic force in the North Bank to extend Zardugal's reach to the Migrant's Pass and even beyond in the Majatran Sea; not entirely unprecedented by the merits and vices of Yeudi military command, as Beiteynu already hosts 3 foreign fleets (Kundrati, Lourenne, Luthori).

In expanding its allied network now in West Majatra with the new Zardic agreement, the Medinat Department hopes to continue leveraging Beiteynu's unique position on the map to facilitate maritime outreach for allied countries as an indirect deterrent for Yeudis in the continent.

Discussions on the Majatran Economic Association (MEA), once one of the most pivotal agreements towards Majatran prosperity and sustainability, have long been underway mostly between Deltaria and Beiteynu; the successful reinvigoration of the MSCO at the beginning of the century certainly paved the way for both players to consider bringing economic discussions on the table. One of the most notable points of common alignment between Yishelem and Čahtica have always been the "rerouting" of the organisation from an affirmative one to more of a vehicle of optional facilitation, also seeking to terminate continental-wide agreements such as the Dorvish - MEA one (with the Yingdalan vastly considered as having been defunct for the most part) which prefer certain sides instead of the whole. Officials at the Medinat Department continue to confirm Yishelem's position more than 50 years now, as Beiteynu has began dropping relations with Haldor entirely; a high-ranking official did explicitly cite a few "bumps" in the transition, but alas reaffirmed there would be "nothing to worry about" even in the middle-term.

In dispersing its trade network, the Olami Trade Association will take a good hard look at the MEA; the organisation will coordinate with the Medinat Department to review the agreement and find ways to inject the MSCO's principles of equal participation and leadership into a renewed economic framework for Majatra.

The Nisrad will continue its collaboration with the Digitali Nimshal on creating digital services and tools for Majatran citizens and diplomats, alike.
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