
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:45 am

The Yishelem Post
Yishelem calls on the formation of a supranational fleet in Hanzen
November 5384

Eroncourt, Lourenne - The Beiteynuese embassy in Eroncourt has released a press statement in response to the Hanzenese dropping their neutrality and aligning with Beiteynu and Lourenne, in an effort to pursue prospects of long-term stability in their region. The Medinat Department confirmed that a short communication with Udon Nakhon (capital of Hanzen) did take place last week, during which the Hanzenese sought advice on how to facilitate military deterrents. Presumably this came through defence executives in the Equifund, following the extensive military deal in 5374.

Katerina Sheket made a brief statement a few minutes ago:

We've been called to help remediate the lack of stability and lack of trust in the southwestern region of Dovani. Hanzen is in one of the most unique geopolitical positions in Dovani, bordering 5 states and with access to the western shores of the continent in a prime maritime pass with Seleya.

It is thus our duty as global facilitators to empower and help uplift Udon Nakhon.

Upon consulting with Eroncourt, Yishelem will respond.

When asked whether this represents a "blatant" opportunity in securing naval coverage in the region, Sheket declined to comment.

The press statement issued by the embassy in Beiteynu confirmed an invitation was sent to Kundrati, Luthori and Kalistan; the goal is to facilitate discussions between all 6 sides (with Katerina Sheket and Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav themselves to fly to Eroncourt) on the formation of a supranational carrier strike group to be stationed in either Khok Muang or Senphon, Hanzen's largest ports.

A preliminary executive summary by the Kohav speaks of a Mizrahi (Eastern) Carrier Strike Group composed of 4 Kotor-class frigates by Kundrati, 2 Vanguard class submarines by Luthori, 2 Horizon class destroyers by Lourenne, 2 Luxon class cruisers by Kalistan and 1 Queen Isabelle class aircraft carrier by Beiteynu, consisting of the Mizrahi Carrier Air Group of 50 Kfir jet fighters and 3 IBAE-400 multipurpose aircrafts. The summary cites that command and control of the fleet will fall under the structure of the Zaar Fleets, which will see its operations jointly mandated by Udon Nakhon itself. It concludes with a joint 1.3B LOD investment towards the expansion of existing Hanzenese naval bases in order to properly host the new fleet.

Should an agreement be made, the Kohav will work with the MOD's Department of Defence Contracts to expedite the required deals and budgets, which will most likely see the expansion plans of the Lekavot Fleet in northwest Beiteynu put on hold.

Equifund executives will meet with the Hanzenese Government to review further requirements on the local production of military equipment in Hanzen.

The Lavian will also contract 1 reconnaissance satellite to Hanzenese intelligence.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:32 am

Maya Sharansky head of both AUPBCR and MCR

The AUPBCR calls for nationwide strikes of the entertainment industry alongside formation of the MCR: is the end of the neglect near?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. The head of the Artistic Union for the Preservation of Beiteynese Culture and its Revival, Maya Sharansky, has announced the start of a nationwide strike to pressure the government into using more of it budget on reviving Beiteynese culture rather than neglecting it for the past 3 millineas. She also added, "This strike isn't just to pressure the government into funding a neglected sector but to also adress the issue of people mocking artists and their jobs due to them not being considered 'serious enough'. We will show them that even tho most nations focus on their never-ending economic growth, they will have to face one day the inevitable back-clash of the people they considered not serious enough in the first place." When asked about the demands of the AUPBCR, she replied with "Our demands are as clear as daylight, we want more funding into the ministry of Education and Culture alongside the creation of an agency to oversee the cultural revival of Beiteynu. Furthermore, we also want a higher percentage of the annual budget to be directed to funding scientific research programs, more specifically, more funding poured into civilian space exploration instead of simply funding military ones."

In addition, Maya Sharansky announced the formation of the "Movement for Cultural Renaissance", a big tent political party composed of both members of the AUPBCR and members of another organization known as "the Beiteynese Scientific Federation for Progress." Both organizations agreed on forming a single party to help their cause, She then noted that MCR will be a centrist party that will seek to cooperate with both sides of the Knesset in order to ensure both political stability and peaceful political atmosphere.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:25 am

Veronica Sylvester head of the Beiteynese Scientific Federation for Progress and dejure head of the Science clique in MCR

The BSFP joins the strike of the AUPBCR citing a lack on proper funding of scientific research programs: Scientists aligning themselves with artists?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Following the start of the nationwide strike of the entertainment and arts industry by AUPBCR, the head of the Beiteynese Scientific Federation for Progress, Veronica Sylvester, has annouced the Federation is joining the AUPBCR strike as a commitment of solidarity. She explained the decision by saying, "Even tho Beiteynu is among Terra's leading nations in term of digitalisation, there is still a neglect of 'traditional' scientific fields such as Biology, Physics, Medecine, etc. With the recent nationwide strike launched by AUPBCR and the agreement to form a political party to represent both AUPBCR and BSFP, we deemed that it's necessary to show that even tho artists and scientists work in two radically different fields, we still valeu cultural and scientific progress even when the nation we live in has neglected both culture and traditional science for years." Furthermore, she said that even tho the BSFP is on strike with AUPBCR, the members of BSFP that work in the medical field will continue treating patients because she deems that "We can't let people die even when we are fighting for more recognition."

When asked about the government focus on military oriented space exploration, she replied "Honestly, it's not like the military already has billions in its budget and they can afford to waste rockets by trying to launch spy satellites in space. But the BSFP beleives that, if we are gonna waste rockets, at least use them to launch civilian oriented satellites that will benefit both Beiteynese citizens and citizens of foreign lands. So we hope that the current administration will create a government agency, overseeing all space related exploration programs including private ones."
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:21 pm

The Yishelem Post
Book 1 of The Meddling Affairs released
January 5385


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The highly anticipated book series originally started by Elijah Freedman, the agent allegedly planted in Cildania, and subsequently picked up by a plethora of authors including legendary diplomat Noah Kadiyot, has made its debut with the 1st book in the series titled "The Bloodline". The book seemingly tells the story of the Aristocrats, the financial conglomerate AIG and how it all ties to an obscure Yeudi legend going all the way back to the Qedarite Migrations.

Book 2 is rumoured to spill the secrets and tantalising truths behind Baruch's assassination.

Book 1 is available for purchase on digital and physical stores alike for 23.99 LOD.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:05 am

The Yishelem Post
Nefariouiem Aristocrat takes the mantle on a platform of compromise
May 5385

- Aristocrat Energetical, the titan in nuclear energy, employs a change of guard with MOFIN Nathaniel Aristocrat-Goldbloom to be appointed CEO
- Dundorfian chocolate consumption skyrockets as young adults tune in to Luthorian broadcasts, dreaming of "Artanian culture"
- Petroleum refinement in Sholemberg breaks records in profits and, apparently, environmental violations in the North Bank


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Regional businessman and former CEO of South Bank Koalit - one of AIG's subsidiaries in the financial industry - Nefariouiem Aristocrat, has taken the mantle of leadership of pro-business party Hashmal Atsmaihim on a platform of compromise with MH, BPA and MCR. For the first time since the party's transformation with the collapse of Hevrat Hashmal a few decades ago, HA has chosen to enter the spotlight and run for the premiership itself. "Our party has thus far supported the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration and the joint BPA-MH coalition", Aristocrat stated in a talk show yesterday morning, "and by no means does HA nor myself withdraw our support of Sharon - she is after all, family. Her stamina and bravado have led us this far; it's time to go further".

Unsurprisingly for HA's standards, Aristocrat declared that should he win the premiership, he will form a joint administration between the MH and MCR, thus excluding members of the HA. "We are business leaders and pragmatists", he stated, "so our place is not behind the steering wheels of government; these positions are for the visionaries who bring passion to the table on social and domestic issues. Our place, and my place, is on strategy and agendas."

Aristocrat has campaigned somewhat heavily on the balance between necessary tax cuts and increased corporate responsibility.

The bedrock of our economy lies on the private sector and its vast global network.

The drivers of our commerce have all the means in the world to avoid them - we shouldn't disregard that; we've raised taxes and got less money on the table. High-net individuals, myself included, can just circumvent double taxation in Beiteynu. Our trade agreements with more than 20 states allow it.

We need to address the real issue that triggered raising taxes in the first place: corporate responsibility.

Lower taxes and create more incentives for the money to come back. Educational programs with the private sector for future engineers, chemists, mathematicians, biologists. Grants, scholarships, internships; you name it. Galleries and foundations for the art world; fundraisers, benefits, community drives.

Tax incentives for private wealth to invest its money directly to our society, with the government only involved in oversight. We already have an agency in place to take care of that: the Bureau of Keshef Management has been sitting idly for decades.

Let's bring back Beiteynuese wealth to Beiteynu; and allow it to flourish our society with its capital.

When asked about the upcoming BEILACT currently being drafted by the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration towards the formation of a cultural revival and preservation agency, Aristocrat threw his full support, promising not only to complete its foundation, but to facilitate tapping into private capital. Aristocrat Insurance Group and Ashalon Bank BEIFG have both expressed their interest on cultural programs, should the "right tax incentives" be found.

"The AUPBCR's nationwide strikes represent the pinnacle of social neglect in our country", he remarked, "and a greater signal of stalling on both the government's and the private sector's leading mandates in Beiteynu. It's time to move past scandals, investigations and stagnant ideas and embrace a collaborative future."

"It is time for the government and the private sector to join forces", he concluded, answering why the HA has stepped out of obscurity.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:57 pm

Astrophysicists protesting in front of the Knesset

Astrophysicists join the strike of the BSFP until an independent government space agency is established to regulate space exploration: dawn of change?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Shockingly, astrophysicists and robotics engineers have joined the strike of the BSFP, citing a lack of proper regulations concerning the fields of astronomy, technology, and space exploration they declared their intention not to work on any more satellite construction and launching project until a proper independent space agency is established to regulate the field of space exploration, their goal is to keep the current pressure put on the government to revive culture and traditional science following the call for nationwide strike by both the AUPBCR and BSFP. In addition to those demands, both AUPBCR and BSFP are calling for the instauration of ecological regulations following an incident of the pild refinery in Sholemberg breaking environmental laws.

Furthermore, Maya Sharansky, head of the Arts clique in MCR and de jure head of MCR, has denounced the recent comment made by the new head of HA, Nefariouiem Aristocrat. She said, "We acknowledge the deep influence that capital has over Beiteynese politics and society. But, we won't stand by and allow a person that isn't even nearly qualified in the fields of arts and science say that by reducing taxation and allowing for less regulation, both cultural ans scientific cultures of Beiteynu will suddenly rejuvenate like a blossoming flower at the start of spring. Just because some rich white dudes will suddenly start funding galleries, doesn't mean that three whole millineas of neglect will magically go away. The focus on capital and even allowing former CEOs to run political parties has led to the self-sabotage of Beiteynese culture and social atmosphere, in addition, using gentle words will not make MCR your ally unless you start actually help revive culture and science for the sake of progress not the sake of profit."
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:27 pm


Early election called as BPA dissolves
BPA stopped its activities after almost a century, leaving Knesset half-empty.
July 30, 5385

YISHELEM, ENDILD - Rosh Ha'Memshala Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom announced on Sunday that she authorized, as MH Leader, an early election motion, immediately backed by the HA, to renew 150 Knesset seats after the abrupt disbandment of the BPA, our former largest party and senior coalition partner. Aristocrat-Goldbloom also took the occasion to announce her re-election campaign as Prime Minister in the now certain August election, hoping to serve our highest office for four more years.

This new election comes in a time of big change for Beiteynu: as the BPA dissolved, a new party formed: the MCR, with mostly unclear political positions but the support for a cultural renovation in our country. HA, on the other hand, hopes that moderate BPA voters could flow to them, reinforcing their current positions, while MH hopes to gain the trust of their former coalition partner voters fully. And let's keep in mind that the turnout has been lower and lower in the past cycles, symptom of tired voters and dissatisfaction with the current political system. Who knows if these elections will confirm the trend, or the sudden change will prompt more Beiteynuese to partecipate? The only way is to follow the election season with us of the Sholemberg Post! Beiteynu's finest independent newspaper.
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- Dundorf: Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei
- Beiteynu: Ha'mahaneh Ha'demokrati Beiteinu
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:01 pm

The Yishelem Post
Aristocrat-Goldbloom and Aristocrat shake hands; MCR enters administration
August 5385

- Medinat Department expresses concerns over Hanzenese position towards Ahmadis, confirms the military is moving forward nonetheless

Yishelem, Beiteynu - After 4 days of intense negotiations and following Nathaniel Aristocrat-Goldbloom's resignation as MOFIN due to his appointment as CEO of Aristocrat Energetical, the re-elected Rosh HaMemshala Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom has shaken hands with Nefariouiem Aristocrat of HA in forming a government. Both leaders have also agreed to meet the demands of the MCR by relegating both the positions of MOEC and MOST, as well as the formation of the Arboutit, the soon to be founded organisation for cultural revival and preservation under the MOEC. The BEILACT will hit the Knesset floor next month.

It is expected that this refreshed Aristocrat-Goldbloom administration will carry on the existing mantle in foreign and financial affairs, but will focus rather more keenly on domestic affairs, including the empowerment of cultural and societal divisions.

Rumours have been circulating of impending tax reliefs that will aim at attracting Beiteynuese wealth back to Beiteynu over the course of the next decades.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:35 pm

Maya Sharansky at the last MCR meeting[/u]

[i]Maya describes MCR results in the election as "it's not a lot but at least it's honest work" alongside Veronica Sylvester declaring that she will NOT wear suits: fresh air for Beiteynese politics?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Following the resignation of Nathaniel from the postion of Prime Minister due to his appointment as CEO of Aristocrat Energetic. Beiteynu held a snap general election in which MCR participated on low profile campaign, the party held multiple closed doors meeting instead of actually campaigning against both HA ans MH. Maya Sharansky explained the move by saying, "MCR valeus political harmony, then why the hell would we go bite the hand of our collegues? To be honest, MCR is made of artists and scientists and we are only here to revive culture and science in Beiteynu, not actively partake in whatever shitshow is politics." When asked about her viral posts on social media during election night, she said "Well what do you want me to say? To be sorry because I wasn't professional? Girl I'm a poet, did you really expect me to be so uptight like the politicians in MH and HA? My lack of seriousness is the reason people like me on social media." In addition, Veronica Sylvester, the newly appointed Minister for Science and Technology, said "Well about that.... you will most likely see my deputy Minister more than me because I will most definitely spend most of my time calculating the possibilities of life on other planets rather than be an uptight suit wearing white dude. Not gonna lie, I would rather be forced to eat chocolate hummus over wearing one of them crusty suits, my white lab coat is all I need for people to know that I am a scientist." When asked about her viral posts on social media she also replied with "Do you want to see what I type? Girl let me post whatever I want on my account. So how about you mind your own business?"
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:53 pm

one of the workers in the MOST under the supervision of MCR

MCR gains the reputation of "Specialists party" following a ban on suits in their ministries alongside proposing a new bill: Mini hardline technocracy?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Following the appointment of two MCR politicians to the positions of Ministre of Education and Culture and Minister of Science and Technology. Thru quickly took drastic actions in reshaping the ministries by banning the use of suits in their departments as they deem that "You don't need suits to show how professional you are, just let your work talk for you instead of conforming." Ava Zundel, the current MOEC, justified her decision by saying,"As a philosophe, I deeply believe that if you want to stand out from the rest. You must not wear the same clothing as the majority, meaning that people working under my supervision of the Ministry will have to wear everything but a suit. This ministry will be solely managed by artists and not random persons who don't understand anything in the current goal of reviving culture." Veronica Sylvester, current MOST, on the other hand, said "As I said earlier, I beleive that only a handy dandy white lab coat will help make a person clearly say that they work for my ministry or under my direct supervision. Furthermore, it's not as if it's not like people will have free access into my ministry. There will be badges and keycards to access certain points of the building. In addition, as my colleague Ava stated, the MOST will also be solely managed and ruled by people experts in the STEM fields, meaning that, this ministry will only hire STEM experts and will not hire people who didn't even study science but only studied economics, we will however, send them to their respective ministries if necessary."
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