
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Times

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:47 pm

Empress, Prime Minister to go to Lourenne and Kazulia for official state visit.
The Palace's Press Secretary has announced that Her Majesty, the Empress will go in a diplomatic tour of the United Kingdom in the next months. Crown Street stated that the Luthorian Prime Minister will follow Her Majesty's footsteps and go into a diplomatic visit afterwards.
11th, January 5387

The Orange Palace, the official residence of Her Majesty, the Empress in Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - The Orange Palace announced that the Empress and the Prince Consort would undertake an official visit to Lourenne. This visit to the direct cousins of the imperial family via marriage should reassure the existing links between the two countries and the two imperial families, but also, with the more unofficial objective of increasing Luthori's popularity in Lourenne. Even if the imperial family is appreciated, Luthori's popularity in itself is not good enough, due to the recent political crises having engulfed the nation and Luthorian politics still being seen as an incoherent mess, with especially the appearance of new political parties without really a coherent program or position establishing themselves within the political scene, to the great dismay of politicians already established in Luthori. Therefore, the Empress's visit will aim to reassure the opinions of the Lourennais on Luthori and reassure the United Kingdom government about Luthori and the Government. In this same vein, the Empress will also go to Kazulia, in the hope of taunting the rather suspicious public opinion of Luthori and his politicians, towards a more favorable opinion of the country.

During these visits, the monarch should give Queen Sofia the title of Grand Duchess of Utagia and confirm the title given by Emperor-King Charles XI to Queen Eugenie II of Lourenne, that of Grand Duke/Duchess of Yodukan to King Maximillian III of Lourenne. The Empress is expected to meet officials and employees of the Luthorian embassies in the two respective countries. A visit to several monuments of Skalm or Eroncourt is planned during the visit of the Empress and the Prince Consort and a visit to various charitable operations where the Empress and the Imperial Family should intervene with the investment fund or their charitable organizations by granting funds to these organizations.

The Prime Minister, via a press release from 10 Crown Street, announced his intention to visit the two countries after the Empress's visit, he will visit the two Nordic countries after the visit of the Empress to the two countries, and he will be accompanied by the Defense Secretary and the Trade and Industry Secretary during this visit. The Luthorian objective is to continue the expansion of commercial links between Luthori, Kazulia and Lourenne, via the reassurance of commercial links established through the establishment of free trade agreements and to extend economic links via the access of Luthorian companies and the respective countries within the respective state markets. On the military level, the Defense Secretary's invitation to the Hutorians on a possible joint military exercise raised a few eyebrows among defense editorialists, thinking of the organization of future joint exercises between all of these states. . An expansion of military collaboration between Fort William, Skalm and Eroncourt will be on the table, with an invitation to future military exercises.
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Re: The Imperial News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:11 pm

Imperial Luthorian Navy announces the construction of a helicopter carrier.
The fleet is expected to see an expansion in its capabilities with the opening of a base at Likatonia, with the ILN having announced the construction of a helicopter carrier to support a new phase of expansion of the Imperial Luthorian Navy.
17th, February 5388

First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral John Litingwoth.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - It appears that the opening of the naval base and the expansion of security collaboration between Luthori and Likatonia has helped the Imperial Navy find the resources necessary to implement a further expansion of its capabilities. The Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral John Litingwoth announced at a press conference where Defense Secretary, the Former Admiral Elizabeth Hooligan was present, that the Imperial Navy would order a helicopter carrier from the Reynolds Maritime Corporation. During the press conference where the Defense Secretary, the CEO of the Reynolds Maritime Corporation and the Chief of Naval Staff spoke on the future of the Imperial Luthorian Navy and the future collaboration between the armed forces and defense companies , represented by the Reynolds Maritime Corporation during the meeting preceding the press conference, one word came out of the mouths of the three speakers, excellence. Excellence was a word with which the Defense Secretary returned to his point on the big changes coming to the armed forces, with the establishment of a new code of operations in the case of certain missions such as military exercises or the takeover of a point in the world or the evacuation of a ground force and several other operations that can serve as a basis for possible reassessments depending on the difficulties, the terrain, or even the number of soldiers or forces involved in this specific operation. In this same perspective, that of excellence, better communication between the Naval High Command and the commanders of ships or ship formations and an overhaul of the High Command should take place in the 5400s, with the High Command promising more “transparency” thanks to these reforms which are still currently under discussion. Excellence also returned in the speech of the CEO of Reynolds Maritime Corporation who pointed out "the need" for cordial collaboration between the main organizations representing defense (Defense Staff and Defense Office) with the main production bodies of armaments, another name for defense companies. He also declared that the smallest detail was strictly observed and corrected by these companies, in order to give the Luthorian or international armed forces the best of imperial equipment.

Even if the intentions are good, the announcement of a new helicopter carrier comes after two announcements, that of the establishment of a naval base in Likatonia, and the response of the government of Trigunia to this announcement. The military collaboration between Luthori and Likatonia is no longer really a secret, the two countries having been ardent defenders of the establishment of a more military collaboration within the Commonwealth, therefore the installation of a base in Likatonia n It's not really a surprise due to the nation's strategic position facing the Mad Dog Ocean, establishing a Luthorian presence in the area. With part of the Northern Fleet located in Likatonia, Luthori's presence in this area is no longer an invisible presence via a few incursions by the Northern Fleet to monitor the waters from time to time. This more active imperial presence worried the authorities at Rodshyadam, who announced greater activity by their navy and a plan to expand their naval forces. In response to its developments, the Imperial Luthorian Navy concluded a lucrative agreement with the Reynolds Maritime Corporation, a subsidiary of the Reynolds Group, on the construction of a helicopter carrier, Winworth class, which was a joint collaboration between Luthori and Mordusia, but was quickly forgotten in the annals of the tormented history of the navies of the two nations. With the reshaping of the Imperial Navy and its extensive reforms to be more efficient, most of the older ships that were previously inaccessible to production due to the status of the Imperial Navy and their strategic importance, are now accessible to production for the Imperial Navy and the Chief of Naval Staff has established the position of the Imperial Navy for its new strategy "We will not have restrictions, but will continue to think reasonably about the needs of the Imperial Navy, as we have been doing for a century"
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Re: The Luthorian Daily News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:55 pm

The Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation announces the creation of the LBC World Service.
The largest televised news network in the Empire has announced the founding of the LBC World Service, an internationally oriented media service to support the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation's existing networks and expand the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation's independent media network in the world.
15th, June 5388

The Television Centre, head studios of the LBC, in Fort William, Luthori.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - LBC, also known as Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation is the largest media content distribution company in Luthori, with its original programs broadcast either on radio or television outlets owned by the group in Luthori, the LBC is already, thanks to the large Luthorian population, the most followed media in the entire Luthorian-speaking world. With listeners or viewers following LBC programs in several nations, such as Hutori, Lodamun, Baltusia or other Luthorian-speaking nations in whole or in part, such as Tropica or Kalistan, this offers the media channel a broad view of viewers across the globe. Unfortunately, it seems that LBC listeners or viewers have grown weary of Luthori-centric programming, with points about the domestic politics of the Imperial state starting to sound like a lack of consideration by the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation towards its foreign viewers. . The CEO of the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation, Sir William Maxwell, reassured his foreign viewers several times during his mandate as Chief Executive Officer by promising the "soon" establishment of a service for the international rather than centered around Luthori. This project was known as "LBC World" with the establishment of several transmitters in several continents for the implementation of this project.

The Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation announced, in view of this project, that the World Service will be accustomed to the continent where the channel is present, with specificities present in relation to the country where it could be present, with more programs oriented towards the local, with medium or long term projects, to adapt the channels broadcast in certain countries in relation to the languages spoken in the majority in that country, for example, Dorvik, which is a nation which has a majority of its population speaking Dundorfian, will be able in the long term, after the implementation of AML in the nation, to see its programs adapted to Dorvik, via programs more focused on the local and a focus on the internal programs of the nation. At the moment, the only nation expected to receive the program is Kazulia, Lourenne, Dorvik and Dundorf. The four nations should receive programs in Carnillaise in the case of Lourenne, programs in Dundorfian in the case of Dorvik and Dundorf and finally in the case of Kazulia, where the transmitter for Dovani will be set up to broadcast the programs to Kazulia . For Lourenne, a transmitter will be set up for programs for Lourenne where the Carnillaise-speaking states will be based, while programs for the Commonwealth and other Luthorian-speaking states will be based directly in Fort William, or locally, with the general programs being broadcast directly from Fort William, and the more local programs, would be taken directly from these countries, the countries which are affected by these changes are Hutori, Lodamun, Likatonia, Baltusia. Future expansion to Kalistan is planned with the establishment of a branch featuring Egelian programs for the Republic's Egelian-speaking population.
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Re: Luthorian Daily - Humperdinck Media

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:59 am

Luthorian National Format concluded! Contestent for FORMAT has been announced

December 5388


Fort William - Every few years the international song contest known as Format is hosted by the previous winner of the song contest. The spectacle which is always broadcast live across the world gathers millions if not billions of views from across the globe. For the longest time the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) selected a contestant with a new song to enter the Format. However this year the LBC enlisted Humperdinck Studio’s to host the National Format, a live national evening where Luthorians watching the show could vote on who the next contestant would be!

The Format is always a spectacle, watched by millions of Luthorians. However the last Format saw the popularity of the spectacle rise even further. Previous years a professional jury of previous contestants and producers voted on who would be the contestant amongst the applicants. However, to gather more enthousiasm and to lift the national spirit the choice was given to the viewers. The judges only made a preselection of the top three contestants, the viewers would decide who amongst them would go and sing for Luthori in the international Format. Over the last month the numbers of the national contestants were heard over radio’s, interviews were given and they visited talk shows and events to promote their song.

The LBC together with Humperdinck Studio’s promoted the event throughout the nation. Announcing that they could buy live tickets or could watch from their couch and vote through the internet or buy calling. The event was broadcast all evening, with the contestants performing their song live and with guest acts of previous contestants. The whole event was also sponsored by various big company names, especially McClair Tea, Imperial Cross Beer, Gardner Foods & Fresh4You (Humperdinck Group). Adding a good financial day for the LBC.

The following contestants entered the finals by the judges and could be voted for yesterday evening:

The Raymonds – Let me Breathe!

Richard Ashton – Turn the Lights Out

Rivertons – Come on Darlin’

With the final performance done the voting lines went open, the voting had begun. Enormous loads of people voted and the results were stunning. The Raymonds won with a landslide of over 65% of the votes. The second place went to Richard Ashton with 25% of the vote and in last place came the Rivertons with 10% of the vote.

The Raymonds, excited and pumped over their unbelievably huge victory went on to thank the Luthorian viewers and after a short interview sang their hit song once more.

Will the Raymonds bring the Format to our nation next time? Lets sure hope so!
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:05 am

Imperial Family flies immidiatly to support their Lourrenian cousins at the funeral of the King of Lourenne


Fort William – Today the world was shocked at the passing of the relatively young King of Lourenne, His Majesty Maximilien. He died in his fifties, with the cause of the death still unknown. The Royal Family has invited the Imperial Family to attend the funeral.

Her Imperial Majesty the Empress and her consort, His Imperial Highness, Prince Alexandre, have announced that they and their son and daughter, Prince William and Charlotte and their partners will directly depart for Lourenne. A spokesperson of the Imperial Family said that the Imperial Family seek to be there for their extended family and honour the great man, who’s loss will be felt by all.

The Imperial Family will not only go as family to the funeral, but also as representatives of the Empire. The Foreign Office confirmed this. ‘’Her Imperial Majesty will convey in name of Her Imperial Government that Her subjects and this nation pray for a mourning family, a mourning daughter and a mourning nation. They are in our minds and in our hearts’’ said the Foreign Secretary in a televised short statement, addressing the situation and the immediate departure of the Imperial Family towards Lourenne.

The news is especially hard on the 79 year old Prince Alexandre, who is the uncle of the departed King and the grand uncle of the now Queen. Prince Alexandre is a known family man, who though often can be stern is a gentle soul and who visited his family in Lourenne often, especially with his son. He and his wife and children will attend not only the funeral but also the coronation of the new Queen.
Last edited by Autokrator15 on Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:21 pm

Brion George resigns from the presidency of the Democratic Action amidst decline in the last elections.
Brion George, the first President of the Democratic Action, announced his resignation after the party suffered a decline in the last parliamentary elections.

20 July 5389

Brion George today announced his resignation from the Democratic Action presidency after the party suffered a decline in the May 5389 elections and fell into the smallest represented party in the Imperial Diet, and also partly due to the pressure from the hardliners who accused George of co-operating with the so-called "regressives" and promised to return to the "roots" of the party. In the official press statement, Brion George said that he could no longer continue because the party suffered a decline and the party needs a new leadership in order to rise the party again into national prominence.

Following the resignation of Brion George, Democratic Action released a press statement that announced leadership elections on 30 July 5389, which will be a multi-candidate election similar to the previous presidental elections of the DA, and will probably be a fierce contest due to the stasis that the party is currently in, and will also be a very important election for the party as it has the potency to lead to a radical change within the DA, so far many candidates registered to the elections, and the elections are expected to have a 70-80% turnout, a historic high not seen in any election of the DA or its predecessors. We will see what happens in the election day.

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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:57 pm

Democratic Action holds elections for the leadership, Piers Sharpe wins.
Following the resignation of Brion George, Democratic Action held an election to fill up the party leadership, which featured many candidates and resulted in the victory of the center-left candidate Piers Sharpe.

30 July 5389

Ten days after the stepping down of Brion George, Democratic Action held the second elections for the party leadership since its establishment, the elections featured multiple candidates with a system of two rounds and the turnout was recorded as an unprecedented value of 82.34%. There were various candidates with different ideologies and orientations, and the final round marked the victory of the center-left candidate Piers Sharpe who campaigned on converting the Democratic Action into a more catch-all platform of left-wing groups.

The results of the first round were:

Nathan Quick 32.21%

Piers Sharpe 27.44%

Hayes Minett 21.18%

Axel Sexton 15.76%

Elmer Waller 2.18%

Darby Acker 1.23%

The results of the second round were:

Piers Sharpe 58.34%

Nathan Quick 41.66%

And therefore Piers Sharpe won the elections. We will see how Sharpe leads the Democratic Action, and we will also see if his leadership is different and more successful than the previous leaders.

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:18 pm

Humperdinck Media’s Orange! TV launches Orange Junior!


July 5389

Fort William & Yishelem As parents we all know that our children need good entertainment that both keeps them quite while we rest from a long days work, but is also educative and brings some inspiration to our kids. We can all agree that both in Beityeynu and Luthori a streaming service and TV-channel like that has been missing! But no longer! Humnperdinck Media’s Orange! TV, which was founded in 5384 has announced the creation of the junior division of the company, opening a slot for children.

Meet Orangy, the cool new mascot
The cool new mascot of that represents the childrens slots on Orange! TV draws a lot of inspiration from the name, which to us all is obvious. According to Orange! the parent company – which is owned by Humperdinck Media – Orangy is Prince of the Oranges and bringer of joy. The mascot has sure brought a smile to our face.

The mascot falls in line with the royalist tendencies of the Humperdinck families companies, the members of the family who have been known to have their hand in various businesses, have also been known to be very monarchist, this logo once again showcases it. What is also surprising is that the logo is also used in Beiteynu, without any alterations. According to a spokesman from the company the ‘’new mascot is not only a fun nod to our name, our Imperial family, but is just fun and cool and goofy looking. We’re sure the Yeudi audience will also love the new mascot’’.

Childrens slot on television, with new shows
With the decline of adult tv watchers thanks to streaming services, Orange! has chosen to dedicate their channel Orange! 6 in both nations to children on the day. The childrens programs will start at 5.00 and will end on 18.00, when the adult programming will then resume with sitcoms and various other shows. The channel will showcase shows like ‘’Princeling’’, ‘’Bubble the Fish’’ and ‘’Frederick Quack’’.

The Princeling is a show about a young prince who has a lot to learn, the show follows the adventures of Prince Bob who with his friends go on crazy adventures in and around the palace, whilst doing that they learn a lot from his father King Alex.

Bubble the Fish is a program following the educational and family orientated adventures of Bubble, a rainbow fish who has two sisters and a loving father and mother. This show teaches family values, being able to make mistakes and owning up to them and having a good time together.

Frederick Quack follows the adventures of a beloved duck who we watch grow up and go through ordinary live and goes on crazy adventures. This show is not afraid to translate complicated political topics to a child friendly show, bringing entertainment and education together in a good and fun way.

Partnership sought with gaming and production companies for new shows
With the rising popularity of games and various related toys the Humperdinck Media Group which owns Orange! has announced that they are willing to enter talks with various companies for the production of a cartoon show based on various games. With this the company hopes to increase the viewership, sales of toys and games. Already Humperdinck Media has reached out to Hutori’s Lexington, however if this will bear fruit – pun intended – is not yet sure.

Be sure to tune your kids in next month!
The first Orange Jr. TV slots will air next month. Be sure to follow the website and tune in your kids for some good educational and fun TV!
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Re: Luthori

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:22 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:44 pm

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