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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:41 pm


Redekarta: In the newly declared federal capital of Redekarta the leaders of the now former Federal Kingdom of Dikurniakan, the Nelayatan Republic, and the Makmurtan Commonwealth officially signed the new "Statute for Federal Unity" also known as the Federal Constitution, marking an end to the confederate styled government and ushering in the new Federal Democratic Republic of Temania. The three former sovereign states will transfer all their authority over defense, foreign affairs, monetary affairs and key civil rights over to the newly formed Federal Government and will lose their status as officially independent nations, instead becoming constituent parts of Temania. They will retain their territory and the right to govern most of their own affairs, but will now also divert some of that power to the new federal government and co-govern on some aspects with the federal government as well. The signature of the statute marks an end to a centuries long fight for unity by several political parties and figures. With elections victories in each of the states for pro-unity parties marking a opportunity to finalize long hoped for plans for national unity. With the Statute this has become a reality. But despite the theoratical unity now established the confrontative politics Temania is known for continues, as as soon as the statute was signed politicians from all sides battled eachother on regional and national TV, already trying to make their mark on the new FDRT. All the three former states will be renamed into a "State of the Federal Democratic Republic" or simply "State", meaning three states will be constituent parts of the country: The State of Dikurniakan, State of Nelayata and the Makmurtan State. Under the new statute they may pick their own method of governing, as long as it is democratic in nature. The federal government will be organized in a parliamentary form, with 500 seats in the new lower House of Representatives to be elected in single-member constituencies under a FPTP basis while the Senate, consisting of 150 members, shall be elected in a two-round election, with the top four contendors in the first round within a constituency advancing into a second round. It is thus expected the senate will be slightly more proportional then the House, a rare phenomenon within the political world.

The first election under the new federal system will be held within the next 3 months, with a variety of parties already registrered. The top two parties likely to do well however are the new Libertarian Party and the Social Democratic Party. The Libertarians, vouching for a small federal government, do well in early polling as they attract voters that tend to identify more with their own state then Temania, hoping that the Libertarians will keep state power strong. The new Social Democratic Party instead appeals to voters seeking to solidify the new federal system as the party pledges for a moderate but pro-federal platform. Other parties currently registered are the Liberal Conservative "National Centre" and, as the only outspoken regional party, the Kahadean National Front, the only party that participates in just one state and vouches for full independence for the Kahadean State.
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:52 pm


Redekarta: The Libertarian Party under the leadership of its leader Joash Sinabalok has won the first elections under the new Federal constitution, with his party securing a (narrow) outright majority of 255 seats in the House of representative, a majority of 5 seats. In second place comes the Social Democratic Party which managed to secure 145 seats. In a distant third place comes the liberal conservative "National Centre" which primarily performed well in the Makmurtan State. Fourth, suprisingly, was the Kahadean National Front which won a significant chunk of seats in the State of Nelayata, the largest of the states, performing well with nationalist voters seeking a return to either the confederacy or independence. The party secured 40 seats in total. A party which came out of nowhere to secure representation is the United Worker's Party, a communist party which has secured 5 seats with just 0.2% of the vote, having swept a concentration of seats in former mining territory. The party thus attracted former miners with their promises for a more directed economy under a centralized system. The win of the Libertarians however is the largest news of the night, as Sinabalok is to be appointed Prime Minister by caretaker President Angkat. Once appointed Prime Minister, Sinabalok is likely to propose a cabinet to the House of Representatives which will consist of mainly, if not exclusively, Libertarian politicians. Once that cabinet secures a vote of confidence it is seated formally. Sinabalok has pledged during his electoral campaign that his party would "respect the recent transition to federalism" but would work to lay the foundation for "far reaching state autonomy and a minimalist, anti-bureaucratic federal government." His party has also pledged to work towards the solidifcation of a truly free market, seeking to work with state governments into cutting significant chunks of regulatory laws and statutes currently in place.

The Senate has also been appointed by president Angkat, with senate elections to be held in 2 years time. All appointed senators are independents, thus forcing PM Sinabalok to work with a independently minded senate for the next 2 years.

The electoral results for the House of Representatives, with the LP winning a outright majority
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:26 pm


Redekarta: Economic reforms proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs will see a significant reduction in federal regulations across every sector as well as millions in funds to be granted to state governments to do the same. Minister Nekoda Maharaja revealed the plans of his ministry in a press conference which was convened for the occasion. The 420 page document, named the "Federal Overhaul for Sensible Economic Development" or FOSED is a reform package with which the Sinabalok government seeks to transform the national economy into a full free-market economy and solidify that economic model, stepping away from previous big-government policies. FOSED will cut regulations on the federal level for nearly every economic sectors, lowering safety regulations as well as administrative regulations and financial regulations acros the board. FOSED doesnt only affect the area directed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs but also ministries such as trade and industry, the treasury and infrastructure and housing. Besides the cuts to federal regulations the bill also frees up nearly 500 million in funding to be used by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as a encouragement to the state governments to also adopt regulatory cuts and other free-market initiatives. The money will be granted to the states through subsidies whenever they have proven they adopted a measure to encourage the free market. With two of the three state governments now in Libertarian hands it is expected that these states will adopt some measures to encourage the market. FOSED also sells of nearly 220 state owned companies spread across all sectors in a effort to significantly reduce the government its presence in the national economy. Prime Minister Sinabalok praised his ministry for introducing this legislation quickly and "showing the dedication needed for the large transformation we are about to embark upon." Economists have warned that with the adoption of FOSED the Temanian economy could initially see a period of struggle, as society will have to adjust to the sudden dissapearance of hundreds of seperate regulations combined with the selling of large chunks of state owned property, which will likely cause a "shock" reaction on the market. Despite these warnings the Ministry of Economic Affairs is likely to push onward with the bill scheduled to be brought to the House floor in 2 months time and a suspected majority of senators likely to vote in favor of the FOSED reforms. The private sector also seems positive, with the federal government currently being dominant within the economy and the private sector eager to take over that role as the Libertarian government takes a step back.
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:52 pm


Redekarta: Minister of Domestic and State Affairs Ridwan Ary Sugiarto has revealed the government its domestic reform agenda, focussing on limiting the areas in which the federal government can exert influence and handing over more responsibilities to state governments. The plan (formally named the Domestic Agenda of Federal Authority or DAFA) will decentralize further what is already a partial state affair, with healthcare and education to almost completely fall under state jurisdiction. Current federal control over things like health insurance or hospital funding will be handed over to state governments and the federal government will also hand over institutions in these spheres to state authorities. It fits into the general policy of the Libertarian government for a limited, small scale federal government which serves as more of a "directive" institution, less focussed on hands on control and more on helping and guiding state governments. The DAFA reform will also impact local governments as it will allow state government to legislate local government themselves as well as direct state responsibilities towards local governments, something currently forbidden by federal law. Through the DAFA reforms the Ministry seeks to further decentralize power, with Minister Sugiarto stating that his ministry will be fully focussed on implementing the DAFA reforms this term if they pass both House and Senate. Notably the reforms do not further decentralize police and security services, instead choosing to maintain a set of federal policing institutions alongside state police. The DAFA reforms are set to be voted on within the next few months as house and senate convene.
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:17 pm


Redekarta: A new political party is making headway in local elections within some counties and municipalities, seeking to compete with the liberal conservative "National Centre" but primarily the ruling Libertarians. The new party, named Liberty and Justice, has won several seats in local elections as well as winning a mayoral election in the midsized town of Kampong, slowly building up a party organization. The party was formed by Susilo Dwi Sumadi, a former bussinessman that initially backed the Libertarian Party. But as soon as the proposed economic reforms were revealed Sumadi believed that the Libertarians, due to their strong stance on a small government, would not maintain majority support amongst primarily working-class and middle-class voters. He believed a more moderate version of the Libertarian agenda could work well, thus deciding to form his own party as he saw no chance of reforming the Libertarians from within. Thus came about the Liberty and Justice party, putting itself on the right of the political spectrum with a Conservative and Social Conservative political agenda. Similar to the Libertarians the party is in favor of a free market economy and a smaller government but, in contrast to the Libertarians, the party is more inclined to accept a role for the federal government in the national economy and is also against further decentralization of power to the states, seeking a healthy balance between federal and local authority. With this message the party has thus won several local offices, with its leader Sumadi now preparing his party for the senate elections to be held in 1.5 years time in which the party seeks to break through into federal politics. Whether this new conservative party is able to put a dent into the Libertarian electorate remains the be seen.
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:49 pm


Redekarta: New military reforms, aimed at completely restructuring the armed forces, have passed the House of Representatives and have been send to the Senate for final confirmation. The reforms were a cooperative effort by the Ministry of Defense and the Prime Ministers Office to restructure the Armed Forces amidst decades of decay. The reform changes the name of the armed forces into the Federal Defense Forces with the army to be named the Temanian Ground Force, the navy to be named the Temanian Navy and the airforce to be named the Temanian Aerospace Forces. A new branch will also be created, named the Temanian Federal Guard, which will be tasked with security of government buildings and cabinet members. The reforms will also adopt new emblems and logo's for all branches. But besides cosmetic changes and the adoption of a complete new branch the reforms also set the stage of modernization and further training of the FDF. Conscription will for example be reintroduced, with a conscription period of 1 year to be adopted which would add at least 1 million conscript soldiers into the FDF, of which 510.000 will become active duty soldiers in the army. The current pool of professional soldiers, 120.000, will be cut to 110.000 but will receive a new training curriculum and additional funding over the coming years to modernize their equipment on the individual soldier level. The federal government is currently unable to do massive investments into the armed forces but has put in the bill a "desire for comprehensive investment down the road." The Ministry of Defense will also work with the Ministry of Foreign and Dovanian Affairs to start discussions with major military powers on Terra to start learning from them and potentially allying with them in order to adopt their knowledge on military matters. The new Federal Guard will start hiring once the bill has passed the Senate, with a expected 30.000 soldiers to enter Federal Guard service. The reforms also arrange a reorganization of high command, with a new "Supreme Military Staff" to be created, consisting of the heads of each branch and chaired by the head of the army. The SMS will be responsible for coordinating between each branch and increasing the cooperation between each of them during large scale operations. The seperate branches will be led by Army, Navy and Aerospace command respectively with the army to be further subdivided into Home Command, Temanian Command and Dovanian Command. The reforms have yet to be approved but if the senate does the MOD will immediately get to work implementing one of the most ambitious military reform packages in decades.
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:09 pm


Redekarta: Prime Minister Sinabalok congratulated the Social Democratic Party for its victory in winning a plurality of seats in the Senatorial elections held last night. The oppossition SDP captured 51 seats, ending up on top of the ruling Libertarians which won 38 seats. A big suprise was the new "Liberty and Justice", a conservative/social conservative party, which won 33 seats to become the third largest party in the country. The LJ has gained experience in local government and made a name for itself for being less radical towards federal interferrence then the Libertarians but more socially conservative. The party has governed effectively on the local level and had gained traction in polls. This result however, just 5 seats away from the ruling Libertarians, was not expected and puts the LJ into the spotlight as a potential partner of the Sinabalok government. Prime Minister Sinabalok will have to look for differing majorities in the Senate to achieve his goals and pass his reforms now. Potential partners include the LJ but also the FNK, which won 6 seats, as those two parties could hand the Libertarians a majority. On social issues however the Libertarians are likely to seek cooperation with the SDP. All in all this election has given the country a divided government, with the Libertarians no longer able to rule practically unoppossed. The new senate will officialy take seat next month.

The result per constituency

The official Senate composition:
SDP: 51
LP: 38
Liberty and Justice: 33
NC: 13
UWP: 11
FNK: 6
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Re: Temania

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:07 pm

February 19th, 5398

Colchester: The Temanian economy has recorded record growth in the last quarter, with a growthrate of 5.2%. In addition to the growthrate the treasury is recording highs in tax revenue and the Ministry of Economic Development is seeing highly increased economic activity in sectors like construction, finance, manufacturing and infrastructure. The Libertarian policies of the Sinabalok government are thus seemingly working to achieve the goal of high economic growth and rapid development. But the rosey numbers are accompanied by new reports from several institutions that suggest that while the economy is seeing rapid growth, the consumer is left behind. The average salary saw a increase last year of just 1.2%, a conservative figure considering the growthrate of the national economy. Unemployment is also still high at a stunning 36%. While the number has decreased (previously it was 42%) it is still higher then any other country in the region and much higher then expected by the federal government. The povertyrate has stagnated, with 59% of the population living in poverty. The promise of the Sinabalok government that a completely free-market, cuts in regulations and other pro-market policies would also lift up those in poverty is clearly not coming true. The Libertarian policies have helped to foster a flourishing culture of entrepeneurship so far, but has left behind the most important element within any economy: the consumer. More worryingly however is the fact that despite the increase in economic activity and the slight increase in tax revenue the state is unable to finance important projects itself, as the tax rate was cut so drastically by the Libertarian government that the net positive is barely there. Prime Minister Sinabalok has promised that the economic progress and growth the country is currently experiencing will "be felt by the average citizen within the next two years.", with the PM having directed the Ministry of the Treasury and his cabinet to draft a proposal that would higher the tax rate on corporations from the current 2% to 5%. This proposal, despite being seen as sensible by scholars, has caused uproar within the Libertarian Party, especially its minimalist wing, which sees any tax increases or other "pro-government" reforms as backwards. While the country is finally out of its period of negative growth it has many challenges ahead in its goal of further developing better living standards and a healthier balance between consumer and economy.
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:29 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a mostly unbiased broadsheet newspaper

House elections conclude as National Democratic Party takes plurality
February 2nd 5459

The recent House elections have ended, and the results have left many people stumped as to the shifts in the nation’s political landscape. The new and ambitious National Democratic Party has taken a staggering plurality of seats with a total of 221 elected representatives. Despite it’s youth and lack of history, the NDP’s promises of democratic and economic reform has propelled them into plurality, with expectations of them forming a coalition government with the National Centre Party, whom won a total of 84 seats, a minor decrease in their previous 86. The left wing parties have comparably bad however, with the Social Democratic Party dropping down to 79, while the National Reform Party and Democratic Socialist Party have dropped down to 62 and 50. As always, 4 independents have been elected but have been rendered non-problematic in their size comparison to the parties.

Districts and their representative’s party

  • National Democratic Party - 221 Seats
  • National Centre Party - 84 Seats
  • Social Democratic Party - 79 Seats
  • National Reform Party - 62 Seats
  • Democratic Socialist Party - 50 Seats
  • Independents - 4 Seats

NDP Chairman Iskandar Hadi Yuwono has announced his bid for presidency in the upcoming elections, with hopes of him defeating longtime president Hadi Yohanes Rachman. As part of his bid he has announced that he intends to implement a package economic measures to combat the high unemployment and poverty that plagues the nation. He has also announced that he will be implementing systems to decrease and prosecute corruption in the nation’s democratic systems, with hopes of making sure ballot security is restored. Considering his party’s success in this election, analysts have assumed that he may succeed in the presidential elections.
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:02 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a mostly unbiased broadsheet newspaper

Iskandar Hadi Yuwono elected president
March 9th 5460 (Backdated)

NDP Chairman and now incoming president Iskandar Hadi Yuwono has been declared the victor of the 5460 presidential election, having succeeded in the second round with 62.7% of the vote and beating out the joint SDP-DSP candidate Iman Eka Agusalim who scored the remaining 37.3% of the second round vote. Now former president Hadi Yohanes Rachman failed to make the second round of voting, with only 12.2% of the first round votes. Hadi Yuwono won the vote based off his promises of economic renewal and expanded choice, along with his promises of relaxing the regulation of both personal lives and businesses. He has today further announced that he will additionally implement an additional package of democratic reforms to further expand upon his already promised anti-corruption and ballot security schemes.

Former president Hadi Yohanes Rachman has taken his electoral victory with grace, and has begun the peaceful transition of power to the NDP. The same cannot be said for Iman Eka Agusalim, who has denounced both the NDP and election, stating in an official release that "the nation cannot expect to rise upwards globally when we keep entering the same cycle of mistakes again and again. How much longer until the NDP builds up a supposedly stable economy, brings minimal wealth to the people, and then causes it to crash down deeper than before. It feels clear that the NDP is subversive to both the wishes of the people and the state.". Mr. Rachman has declined the opportunity for an interview.
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