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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:28 pm

The Yishelem Post
HA and NR ride into the sunset after electoral defeat
August 5397

Antzarhe, Beiteynu - By ride, we mean taking a luxurious Biraero G280 private jet to Antzarhe to enjoy a sip of bitter Ahmadi coffee while watching the sun set over the Red Bass Ocean, drooling over the right's defeat. Nefariouiem Aristocrat and Shifra Menahem will take a tour of the city, visit local shops and conduct a joint speech at City Hall to invigorate their target base in the district for 5401. Despite electoral results not being entirely awful, the right will enjoy a 36% participation in the Knesset, set to watch the center left form a BPA-MH-MCR coalition under newly elected Rosh Ha'Memshala Eliana Amira.

The battle between BPA and HA was simultaneously a close one on both fronts, yet clearly a win for the left, with MH throwing the full weight of its decades-old gravitas behind the return of its historic partner in Beiteynuese politics.

Nefariouiem Aristocrat, HA party leader and former Ramatkal made the following statement from the tarmac:

Our party and the private industry extend their sincerest congratulations to the newly elected Prime Minister and look forward to working with the new administration. I am also announcing my retirement as head of the party. HA will also back Shifra Menahem and the NR for 5401.

I can also confirm that the Prime Minister and I have reached an agreement on me serving as Deputy Chief of Staff with a sole focus of ensuring the smooth transition of our country with the restoration of the Yeudi Monarchy, after thousands of years in obscurity.

Tov yoter, lehoulam.

The new Knesset will tackle various affairs in its docket, including a BEILACT to transition the Central Bank of Beiteynu from an independent authority to an organisation under the Ministry of Finance, a new set of public appointments and, of course, BEILACT/5399 which will see our country restore the Yeudi Monarchy; with what is widely assumed the crowning of Elias Ishmael to follow in subsequent years, though that remains unconfirmed by the Beiteynuese Government.

It seems the Aristocrat-Goldbloom has paved the way, while the BPA-MH-MCR Amira Administration will make it a reality.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:24 am


Paz Yoffey succeeds Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom as MH Leader
Mifelegett Ha'avodah's leadership was renewed after the 5397 General Election.
2 November 5397

in other news:
- ten Knesset lawmakers sign letter to Health Agency: do not regulate choco-hummus!
- are the HA and the private industry the same thing, after all?

Paz Yoffey (center) pictured with some MH supporters.

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The Party Congress of the Mifelegett Ha'avodah (luthorian: Labour Party), called by former R.H. Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom following the 5397 General Election, has selected a new party leader, ready to succeed Ms. Aristocrat-Goldbloom after almost thirty years of Leadership. Sharon Aristocrat-Goldbloom was elected in 5369 to succeed her father, now 95-year-old, Elias Goldbloom, the founder of the party, former Ramatkal and Rosh Ha'memshala. Political scientists have called this a proper political dynasty, which lasted for 55 years.

This week, party members have selected the first non-Goldbloom to lead the MH, which is Ms. Paz Yoffey, an ally to Ms. Sharon, the current Minister for Infrastructure and Transports and a senior MH Knesset member: with her, MH hopes to have a wise and experienced successor to lead the party in times regarded as of great change for Beiteynu, and also to survive the challenge of a new multi-party democracy, which as the election has shown, has eroded the consensus of the MH, passed from 64% to 24%. Great changes, yes, because the MH also decided to uninamously endorse the project to transform Beiteynu into a Constitutional Monarchy, led by the restored House of Elior (with a bit of Goldblooms in there).
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:49 am

The Yishelem Post
Kohav seeks to extend Migrant's Pass coverage with Malivia
December 5397


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Malivia's and Dolgava's recent undertaking of expanding the former's naval firepower especially in the Migrant's Pass has been met by Yishelem with warm support, considering how both states are friendly with Beiteynu. While the Beiteynuese navy and especially the Yeudi Fleet's 4th Flotilla and Reshout Carrier Strike Group have now been present in the Migrant's Pass for almost 200 years, the Beiteynuese Government has attempted to deflate maritime armament first by involving supranational forces via the MSCO - which formed a permanent Maritime Security Group - and then via the decrease of active operations, as Malivia seemed to have managed to return to stability in the last few decades.

Since then, it has been the Kohav's (Military Command) top priority to decrease Beiteynuese dominance in the region by involving more and more states, especially considering both the recent deployment of Luthorian naval forces in northeast Beiteynu, as well as providing docking rights to all MSCO members.

With the topic of Malivia's "entry" to the MSCO under an advisory membership of sorts currently active in the MSCC - which Yishelem has been standing in support of, with no strings attached due to the non-alignment promise given to Malivia in 5371 - and the recent operational undertakings between Malivia and Dolgava, the matter of delegating more leadership directly to other states has been more pertinent than ever.

The Beiteynuese Government will be seeking to liaison with both sides to find ways to include them in naval operations and extend their leadership proneness via joint operations and patrols at first and then deflecting more and more command, citing how "it is after all Malivia's own coastline". High-ranking officials however did express concerns of "over-extension", worried about economic repercussions for both states, as they look to expand their spheres of influence.

Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav made the following statement earlier this morning:

We embrace the efforts of Malivia, assisted by Dolgava, in the most welcoming of manners, provided that there are no conflicts with the Beiteynuese policies of supranational cooperation and facilitation in ensuring the safety and prosperity of Yeudis.

The Medinat Department's Katerina Sheket did highlight the importance of a proper partnership and allied framework in place with Dolgava, and will thus arrange a diplomatic visit to Aikums to discuss the needs, requirements and vision of the Dolgavan Government and what it seeks to achieve for its people.
Last edited by TRA on Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:53 pm

The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: Kohav issues 1st Azhara to Kafuristan
January 5398


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The 1st Azhara is a part of a 3-tier warning system triggered when Yeudis and allies of Yeudis are threatened and attacked, which will eventually lead to a declaration of war by the Beiteynuese Government if the warnings are not heeded. The issuance of the 1st Azhara by the Kohav (Military Command) came as a result of the coup in Kafuristan earlier this month, which not only saw the official government overthrown, but has led to the death of 3 Beiteynuese and 4 Istalian citizens, as reported by Kafuri media. The 1st Azhara is essentially translated as the 1st "stop it".

The expediency of the Beiteynuese Defence Force seems to stem from the inflammatory remarks issued by Ba'athist leaders - the faction that has overthrown the government, calling the death of Beiteynuese citizens as "an extreme relieve".

As a result of the 1st Azhara, the 2 Zaar Fleets in Istalia and Alduria, as well as the Yeudi Fleet's Reshout Carrier Strike Group have been automatically set to DEFCON 4 (battle stations ready), commencing the mobilisation of support and logistical lines. The Reshout CSG has began its deployment to the Majatran Sea, with the Nimshal Carrier Strike Group of the Hofesh Fleet in the southwest moving to the northwest, to provide a 2nd contingency.

Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav stated a few minutes ago:

The Beiteynuese Government will tolerate no attacks and threats to Yeudis and friends of Yeudis.

The 2nd Azhara will be issued by the Ministry of Defence, while the Sofi Azhara (Final Warning) will be issued by the Rosh Ha'Memshala, directly. The Kohav, the Medinat Department and the Terran Remediation Agency will be in direct contact with Istalian, Aldurian and Lourennais command.

The Medinat Department has advised the Office of the Rosh Ha'Memshala not to recognise the new government in Kafuristan.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:05 pm


MOD Levinsky issues 2nd 'Azhara' to Kafuristan
Beiteynu warns Kafuristan regime for 2nd time
January 5398

Stock image, Beiteynuese Air Force

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The Minister of Defence, Jonathan Levinsky, has announced to the Beiteynuese that his Ministry has issued the second Azhara, after the Kohav did so, over the hanging of two Beiteynuese citizens operated by the Kafuri regime in the People's Square of al-Kasraj. The citizens have been killed over undefinite allegations of them being 'spies', an act that clearly violates the rule of law, according to Mr. Levinsky. The second Azhara raises risks of direct conflict between the State of Beiteynu and the Kafuri regime, now only being separated by the third Azhara, which would be issued by the Rosh Ha'Memshala. (luthorian: Prime Minister)

Foreign Minister Yoffey also condemned the cut in oil supply, decrying that the Kafuri regime is doing nothing to avoid an escalation, nor is doing nothing to earn Beiteynu's recognition as the legitimate ruling authority of Kafuristan, saying also that the planned elections are a farce.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:31 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
My RP: Dolgava

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:14 am

Gas prices skyrocket as petroleum refinement industry lowers output
May 5398


Sholemberg, Beiteynu - The rapid escalation of Kafuri - Beiteynuese tensions since the beginning of the year has began making an impact on international commerce, as Kafuristan cuts its supply to Beiteynu and Beiteynu lowers its imports in the face of oil and gas prices skyrocketing. The domino effect has generated projections of domestic consumption shrinking over the course of the year, in turn set to decrease Beiteynuese imports from a wide array of foreign markets, with households looking to "weather the storm" by saving more and spending less.

Ever since 5285 and even before, Kafuristan has represented a major Majatran trade partner for Beiteynu and one of the country's oil and gas suppliers in the continent, with the Beiteynuese shipping industry of the likes of Hadayim, Birco and Petrik Hadayot becoming the pillars of continental trade on top of it. Known for their aggressive dealings and disregard of Beiteynuese foreign policy, shipping players have unsurprisingly become the most vocal lobbyists in pressuring the Beiteynuese Government to cease the hostilities with the Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan.

Holding the biggest piece of the pie in Beiteynuese exports by a significant measure, the shipping industry is expected to double-down on the Amira Administration in the following months, as the possibility of the Rosh Ha'Memshala issuing the 3rd Azhara has began zooming in on the horizon.

Katerina Sheket of the Medinat Department commented the following with regards to the recent response from Trigunia:

It's quite a shame that there is a clear and evident bias in Trigunia and certain northern states, but what can you do; it is sadly the status quo. We can only shrug at the immovable and seemingly unscathed forces of the north across the ages as they plot in backchannels.

We neither import our petroleum from Trigunia nor do we have any ties with them, whatsoever; they kind of made sure of that themselves.

Simply put, Trigunia's reaction to the situation was expected and of zero consequence.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:56 am

The Yishelem Post
Navy upgrades fleets to DEFCON 3 (weapons armed)
May 5398


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Kohav (Military Command) and the Beiteynuese Naval Command in Himmelshtern have confirmed that a number of naval divisions and fleets have completed their upgrade to DEFCON 3 concerning the situation with Kafuristan, in accordance with the Gadot Measures of 5346. The command was given after the issuance of the 2nd Azhara by the Ministry of Defence, while the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs has also heavily hinted at the high possibility of the Rosh Ha'Memshala issuing the Sofi Azhara (Final Warning), a move which will set the BDF's appropriate divisions to DEFCON 2 (ready to fire).

Should the final warning not be heeded, the military will eventually upgrade to DEFCON 1 (engage), as soon as a declaration of war is issued by the Beiteynuese Government. While tensions are extremely high, analysts have cited that the possibility of actual war is highly unlikely, considering the level of pressure coming in from both diplomatic channels in the international community as well as the high stakes in regional commerce.

High-ranking officials have commented how Kafuristan has amped the geopolitical complexity by creating a ripple effect in global trade as an energy crisis has began showing its ugly teeth. "Nobody wants war", the Deputy Head of the Medinat Department stated earlier this morning.

Deployments in the Majatran Sea and the MSCO - west of Kafuristan

The Yeudi Fleet's Reshout Carrier Strike Group of 9 warships and 60 Kfir jet fighters has been stationed in the southeastern regions of the Majatran Sea, presumably accompanied by the 9th Flotilla's 3 nuclear powered submarines, although unconfirmed by the BNC on counts of securing classified information. It is expected that the formation will act in a tactical manner with the MSCO, should any clauses be triggered by the MSCC in response to Kafuri warnings of cutting oil and gas supply to the rest of Majatra, as a reaction to Beiteynu's refusal in recognising the Ba'athist Regime as the legitimate government of Kafuristan.

Pressure on Yishelem has been amping up to at least open a channel of communication with Kafuri leadership.

Readiness in the Sea of Lost Souls - east of Kafuristan

Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav confirmed that the BEINS Mizrahi Queen Isabelle aircraft carrier under the structure of the Zaar Fleets's deployment in Hanzen (southwest Dovani) has been designated as the capital ship of a potential formation to be deployed in the Sea of Lost Souls. Accompanied by the 2 Leygues class destroyers, the additional warships will extend the Beiteynuese force's tactical capabilities to more than 100 Kfir jet fighters.

Aldurian Command has been in direct contact with the Beiteynuese Naval Command, coordinating the 2 Zaar Fleets deployed in Alduria and Istalia, consisting of a total of 12 warships. Based on the response of the Aldurian Government, it is presumed that a joint Aldurian - Beiteynuese task force may be designated on the west side, with Istalia's response to the wounding of 4 Istalian citizens in Kafuristan remaining indeterminate, for the time being.

The drums of war echo on the side of cautious preparations, especially as the energy crisis projects a hefty toll on the military's reserves.

Reconnaissance and intelligence via the Allink

Albeit declining the existence of such an operation, sources at the Kohav have stated that the Beiteynuese Defence Force has been coordinating with the Lavian (Beiteynu's satellite agency) and the Terran Remediation Agency in leveraging the Allink to help "measure" the domestic situation in Kafuristan.

It has been cited that the Lourennais embassy in Yishelem has been receiving "evidence" in regards to human rights violations by the Ba'athist Regime.

Heightened security in the Migrant's Pass

A rather curious set of events has unfolded on the 2 "tips" of the Majatran continent, with the Dorvish Government enlisting its partial support to the Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan in honouring its historic partnership with the Majatran country and trilateral relations between Dolgava, Malivia and Dorvik taking a "turn for the unexplained", according to sources in the Medinat Department, which has been speculating of "Dorvish interference" in the background.

As a result of Haldor's alignment with Kafuristan while the latter "threatens" the continent and the seeming disruption of Dolgava's recent joint operations with Malivia, the BNC has also upgraded the Yeudi Fleet's 4th Flotilla and the Hofesh Fleet's Nahshol Carrier Strike Group currently deployed in northeast Beiteynu.

The Kohav will seek to coordinate with the Malivian Government on operations in the Migrant's Pass, while sharing intelligence directly with the MSCO.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:13 pm

The Yishelem Post
2 Dolgavan nationals called for questioning
July 5398

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Terran Remediation Agency has informed the Agafim (internal intelligence agency) and the Beiteynuese Police that it has called 2 Dolgavan nationals for questioning on counts of espionage. The inquiry came as a result of increased intelligence chatter in the continent from foreign agencies according to reports filed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were declassified as part of the Intelligence Oversight Committee's transparency mandates in intelligence conduct. Although the reports remain redacted for the safety of the parties involved, the 2 nationals from Dolgava seem to have made contact with the Dolgavan embassy in Yishelem on multiple occassions, which caught the Agency's attention as they both had entered the country as tourists.

It is presumed that the "heightened" surveillance conducted by the Terran Remediation Agency in the wider region of Majatra with the assistance of the Allink network of reconnaissance satellites stems from the recent declarations of support to the Ba'athist Regime from Dorvik, Dolgava and Trigunia. The report highlights extensive concerns with the recent statements of Dolgavan Prime Minister Kornelijs Braun, deemed by the Agency as a "misdirection to a wider strategy", referencing the joint operations with Malivia being presumed as "suddenly terminated".

The Office of the Director of the Terran Remediation Agency released the following statement:

This is a simple inquiry into the movements of entities deemed suspicious under the context of current geopolitical affairs.

We understand that the Dolgavan Government will pose no objections, considering how they have recently stated to be open in supporting a government that has hanged citizens under the same suspicions, without due process.

We don't do that, here, thankfully.

A memo has also been forwarded to the Medinat Department with regards to Dorvish movements, especially pertaining to Haldor's recent support "under conditions" of the Ba'athist Regime and the heavily hinted joint intelligence operations with Kafuri GID, as well as its operations in Etxea (ref: 5396).

Katerina Sheket of the Medinat Department expressed serious concerns over Haldor's support of Kafuristan, as the latter threatens Majatra.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Zanz » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:23 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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