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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:23 am


September 1st 5399

Dolgava has announced it's intentions to join the Kerisian Economic Union (KEU). The Charter of the Bill is being pushed through the Dolgavan parliament. The bill is being pushed heavily by the Dolgavan Government as a chance to improve relations with the states of Terra and better improve relations and friendships with the nations of Keris. The bill comes after months of talks between the Dolgavan Government and Trigunia, the founding member of the KEU (along with support from the other nations in Keris). After this the Government proposed it to the Dolgavan Parliament after unanimous agreement by the Prime Minister and Cabinet for Dolgava to join. The bill was quickly pushed through the Dolgavan Parliament reaching unanimous support. It will most certainly pass and make Dolgava the second member of the KEU and in a good position for Dolgava and Trigunia to recruit the rest of the nations of Keris into the KEU.

The Prime Minister made it clear that Dolgava and Trigunia are committed to bringing peace and prosperity in Keris especially with the increasingly hostile actions taking place overseas and away from Keris. In a statement to both houses of the Dolgavan Parliament Prime Minister Kornelijs Braun said

It is the view of Her Majesty's Government that with the ongoing crisis in Majatra and the growing tensions between different factions towards each other and the tensions we have happened to find ourselves in recently. Keris needs to be a shining light of friendship and unity in Terra and we need to finally come together as nations sharing a common landmass to work towards a better future. I believe the Keris Economic Union is doing just that and I am happy to have this go through Parliament and pass. Dolgava has seen its fair share of "supposed" friends turn their backs on us. We have seen financial opportunity fail and now more than ever we need to be apart of an Economic Agreement that focuses on Keris and the well being of our small but important continent. We would like to thank Trigunia and the many people who worked on this agreement to see it through and see it realized and I hope that Dolgava is a member of this agreement for many, many years to come. The future is bright for Dolgava and for Keris as a whole. Now we can create a better future for this continent something I really hope we can do!

The Treaty abolishes all tariffs and promote free trade across Keris, something that will greatly impact Dolgava and will help to lower energy prices significantly across Dolgava from Trigunia's exporting of oil and gas into Dolgava. The treaty also commits member states to dissolve disputes through the KEU in a way to avoid war and conflict in Keris. Finally the treaty ensures that if war was to take place that every diplomatic option had been exhausted before wars or conflicts were to take place.

Minister of Trade and Industry for Dolgava Itārs Palters calls the Economic Union "truly groundbreaking" and "is one of the best things to happen to Keris in a very long time". The Dolgavan Economy will now have larger access in Trigunia but in the rest of Keris when they decide to join the union. It could be one of the most impactful treaties that Dolgava has gone into for some time and could reshape Keris for many, years to come.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:32 am


October 5th 5399

Mere days after signing into the Kerisian Economic Union, Dolgava has signed into a Collective Security Agreement with Hutori and Dorvik. The three nations after months of deliberations formed the Collective Security and Cooperation Organization (CSCO) as a way for like minded nations to band together for a mission of defending common values and promoting security and peace and collaboration across nation boundaries, continents and cultures. The CSCO is an exciting opportunity for Dolgava to enter into a formal alliance with like minded nations to better promote security and stability across Terra. The CSCO will be a chance for Dolgava to get closer to its historical allies while at the same time allowing more like minded nations to join the CSCO which will just expand the collective security organization and stability in Terra. For Dolgava it was an easy decision and the Government is "honored" to be a founding member of the alliance. The Prime Minister made a speech to the Dolgavan people letting them know about Dolgava's joining the CSCO saying

It truly feels good to be apart of a group of like minded nations together in an alliance once again. Dolgava has long stood for peace and stability in Keris and the wider international community and the CSCO is committed to doing just that. I am extremely happy to be able to deliver this news to the Dolgavan people and to bring Dolgava into a stable organization promoting peace and security across Terra. It is clear that Hutori and Dorvik feel the same way as us when it comes to the current state of geopolitics.

In the next few months the CSCO will have much of the finer details hammered out and fully realized but in the mean time I am truly excited that Dolgava will be apart of the new organization. The people of Dorvik, Hutori and Dolgava are paving the way for a new historic organization.

For months now Hutori, Dorvik and Dolgava have been discussing forming this organization but talks ramped up with the tensions building in Kafuristan and the general unstable nature of geopolitics. It became vital for these countries to join together to counter the growing rising of tensions. This security organization will help protect its members and promote collaboration and security across Terra instead of increased tensions. With the north now getting involved in increasing tensions from bad actors it became apparent to these states that this organization was nessisary.

The Queen of Dolgava Helvig traveled to Haldor to sign the Treaty along with the Prime Minister of Dolgava Kornelijs Braun and Foreign Minister of Dolgava Silvestrs Veinbergs. The Dolgavan Government will soon be selecting a Ambassador to Represent the Kingdom of Dolgava in the CSCO. It is also possible that once the CSCO is realized that buildings will have to be built in Aikums to accommodate the Agreement. The Dolgavan public has been extremely supportive of the agreement with Dorvik and Hutori being seen very highly by the Dolgavan population. Reports online show the CSCO has gone trending on Dolgavan social media and that people are reporting that Braun has become one of Dolgava's best Prime Minister's overnight. Dolgava was and technically still is a member of the Northern Council but never got to be apart of the founding nations of Council but this time thing are much more different, something that overnight has become a symbol of national pride for Dolgavans.

Some people inside Dolgava are worried that this organization could cause more tension in the north or that it is the second coming of the Northern Council and to counter the increased aggression of certain states but this is mere speculation at this point. For Dolgava it has been clear that going the route of aggression has not worked over the past few years and unconfirmed reports show that talks between Dolgava and Luthori are at this time in place to stem the animosity between the two states especially after what happened with Malivia and before that Likatonia. Dolgava has reportedly become more receptive of starting of resolving problems with Luthori at this time and hope that those talks can begin soon.

These past few days have been extremely exciting for Dolgava as they became Kerisian Union members and a founding member of the CSCO all in one week. The Braun Government has hit the afterburners on putting Dolgava back into the world of geopolitics in a much more stable position and having Dolgava the tools it needs to thrive into the coming decades.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:45 pm


Dolgava Condemns Kafuri Piracy in World Congress

Dolgavan Representative to the World Congress Silvestrs Veinbergs

January 3rd 5400

Dolgava spoke to the World Congress General Assembly speaking out against Kafuri piracy which has begun to attack merchant vessels in Majatra. The situation continues to devolve into chaos in the region and now the Kingdom of Dolgava is taking a side against Kafuristan. The short but impactful statement was as follows

The Kingdom of Dolgava calls for diplomatic action and a cease in hostilities in Majatra. The news from Jelbania is very troubling indeed and we must not delay in resolving the conflict that is going on in Majatra. The Kingdom of Dolgava formally condemns piracy and other acts that are clearly in violation of international law from Kafuristan. For now we hope that the World Congress takes action to prevent further escalation.

Thank You

This marks a turning point for Dolgava which has tried to stay out of this situation but with the growing list of international laws broken by the Kafuri regime it has become clear that they had to speak out against it. Dolgava is in the midst of the first Permanent Council meetings of the CSCO which is expected to talk about this issue amongst other hotspots in Terra.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:12 am


October 16th 5400

After much talk between Dolgava and interested nations, the Kingdom selected the Kingdom of Hutori and the Kingdom of Dorvik to help the Dolgavan Energy sector and the Government properly set up nuclear power for domestic power usage. The decision comes as Dolgava has been discussing different strategies with countries for months now and has received a lot of input on how to proceed. Hutori and Dorvik have long histories of nuclear power generation and running highly successful Nuclear Power programs in both of countries respectively.

It has been announced that Dolgava will seek help and guidance from both states as well as needed funding from investment banks from Dorvik especially to be able to properly build and maintain the new Nuclear Power network across Dolgava. However the unsung heroes of this will be the scientists who will be working with Dolgavan scientists and research institutes as well as government officials to implement a smooth program for Dolgava to start up their network of nuclear power. Details are still unknown at this time but the Dolgavan Government is looking to have a significant portion of Dolgava's power be taken off of fossil fuels and transferred to nuclear power generation alongside the current hydroelectric power generations that is the largest form of power in Dolgava.

Dolgava has several problems that will be needed to be dealt with. Dolgava for one is not new to nuclear power generation. They have successfully used it in universities and scientific applications or centuries as well as militarily in nuclear powered ships, especially in nuclear powered submarines. Nuclear Power generation on a widespread scale however is much different as much more infrastructure, shielding, and personnel are required to keep the reactors running safe and securely. Also because of the new plants going up the existing power grid will need to be improved, expanded and upgraded to better power Dolgava in the future. The process will not be easy and will take a long time however Dolgavans feel that it can be done.

The project will be taking up a large portion of the Kingdom's budget on Infrastructure and Transport and Science and Technology. Another aspect to the program is training and increased nuclear education for Dolgavans to be able to work in the growing nuclear power sector and provide a workforce for Dolgava's power generation one of the many forgotten aspects of deal is that a trained, professional workforce will needed to run the nuclear power structure. Hutori and Dorvik will help to make nuclear power education and training of workers.

The program is one of the most vast and comprehensive programs in Dolgava's history and clearly will be not only beneficial for Dolgava's energy but for its economy, education and many more sectors of Dolgavan life. The upcoming project will be groundbreaking for Dolgava as well as help Dolgava become closer to Dorvik and Hutori going forward.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:37 am


March 10th 5401

The Anti-Piracy missions in Majatra have proven to be a major success for the international community however it has created already heated divisions that are seemingly arising between the North and South. For several centuries a deep divide in geopolitical politics. Centuries ago it was the divide between the Northern Council and the Deltaria and later Vanuku. During a time the Northern Council led a coalition against NACTO which yes was led by Endralon a traditionally northern nation but was seen as a growing influence against the "traditional" powers in the North, Hutori, Dorvik, Kazulia etc etc... Now it seems this age old divide has resurfaced once again.

Retelling Dolgava's exploits into foreign policy with Majatra and especially Beiteynu is not new to our readers. Dolgavans were detained by Beiteynu for seemingly unknown reasons however it seems that Dolgava's relations with Beiteynu and the wider MSCO bloc. Growing distrust in Aikums of the MSCO has been widely expected especially after the treatment of Dolgava by the block. However much of the tensions have stemmed from Dolgava's weird relations with Luthori, much of that being Dolgava's fault. However tensions have been raising with Trigunia and the MSCO as well. Trigunia has not been apart of the former Northern Council bloc but it is a major player in Northern relations, one of the largest oil producing countries and the current leader in oil production not only in Northern Terra but in Terra as a whole. Relations have seemingly soured with Trigunia and the MSCO with Trigunia cutting off Beiteynu companies from doing business in Trigunia and even fully recognizing Kafuristan. Dorvik also has been leery of the MSCO and the South with growing tensions between them and the MSCO starting many years ago and continuing for decades and decades...

The North vs. South geopolitical "battle" of sorts came to a head with Kafuristan and now the anti piracy patrols. It began with who would side with Kafuristan. The MSCO made no attempt to recognize or even consider it while more of the traditional Northern powers did. Now Hutori has seemingly been given the boot by Alduria recently, making the relations between North and South a public feud. Hutori nearly lost a ship in support of the anti-piracy raids and yet Alduria has not only given them the cold shoulder but completely sent Hutori packing, without fuel or supplies, something that has led to a Hutorian protest (and rightfully so) along with the withdrawing of Hutori's ambassadors out of protest.

The growing divisions between North and South seemingly are coming to a head once again. It will be interesting for those who find themselves in the middle, how they will respond to the growing tensions. The formation of the CSCO has officially confirmed this with Dolgava, Dorvik and Hutori telling the world that they are founding a defensive pact and military alliance centered around mutual benefit and friendship. For nations caught in the middle, like Luthori, much of the commonwealth, Dundorf, and Kundrati, staying allies with two sides growing further and further apart will become a challenge. How this will impact Terra or the future remains to be seen but the very public shoving off of Hutori by Alduria has sent this growing tensions into the world spotlight.

Dr. Alyaksandra Karskaja a Politcal Science Professor from Noversk University wrote an opinion today on her Geopolitical centered blog that summed up the decision quite well.

There is a growing rift, a dichotomy if you will between the North and the South. Both do not want to see the other get into their affairs or influence the region and both are stubborn in their ways. This is just the new faces and names of a centuries old conflict, it has taken many forms in the past however it never fails to keep resurfacing. We have been lucky for so many years that we have seen the level of peace and global cooperation however the clear and public breakdown in diplomacy especially from Alduria clearly shows a renewed conflict of interest that looks to all the world as a new souring of North and South relations. These missions were supposed to be unity for Terra and everyone united against the foul stench of piracy however now Hutori has a foul taste in it's mouth and it isn't from piracy I can assure you of that.

Please keep in mind that the North and South are merely analogies and represent a broader factionalism and that not all countries fit neatly in this group however it has been this way in the past and as of now it seems that it is happening once again.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:46 am


April 12th 5402

Dolgava's economy has seen significant growth and many new sectors in the Dolgavan economy have started to emerge from obscurity. Dolgavan Computer companies have slowly emerged from providing local computer equipment to working on more simple microchips more advanced computer hardware. Dolgavan companies have been developing computer tech that works with the many types of computers in Terra mainly producing hardware to work with these computers or components for computers however Dolgavan computer companies are attempting to take the next step.

Dolgava's computer industry is growing and there are many companies that are waiting to expand and or team up with foreign computer software companies. The largest in Dolgava is DisGwiss. DisGwiss has made computer parts and CPU chips for computers, GPS systems, handheld devices and in some cases gaming consoles. They are one of the largest computer hardware companies in the country mainly contributing to Dolgavan Government computer systems and for domestically made computer type devices in Dolgava. However recently they have seen expansion of their microship processing and their CEO has made it a point to say that he wants DisGwiss to at some point in the near future start producing more complex semiconductors and teaming up with a foreign computer company. This will bring many jobs to Dolgava and help increase Dolgava's microchip industry vastly.

Another Dolgavan computer company is DB or Dolgavan Bizness (Dolgavan Buisness). It specializes in computer hardware and software for more scientific and business applications from the office to industrial workplaces. They have long worked with the Dolgavan Government and as a military contractor. They have also desired to start creating more complex microchips in an attempt to domesticate the Dolgavan microchips used in military and government work. This will be good for Dolgavan national security as they will not have to rely on foreign countries for vital semiconductors used in defense and government purposes.

The Dolgavan Government has promised to help support and grant contracts to these two companies along with other that we did not mention here. This growing sector goes to show the health of the Dolgavan economy and the continued growth of Dolgava going forward.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:05 am


Dolgava Does not Recognize "Phony Breakaway State" of Mikuni from Hulstria and Gao-Soto

The Dolgavan Prime Minister making a statement showing solidarity to Dolgava's large Hulstro-Dolgavan population which still cares about Hulstria

May 2nd 5402

A breakaway state of Mikuni is attempting to split Hulstria and Gao-Soto after thousands of years of unity and cooperation inside of the country. The new state has tried to reach out for recognition and Dolgava is brought back a fiery response bringing about bad news if the new state wants worldwide recognition as a state. The Dolgavan Prime Minister, himself descended from Hulstrians and with 30% of Dolgava's population connected to Dorvik and Hulstrian backgrounds, he was under enormous pressure to speak out against the "independence movement". He did just that in a speech in a very Hulstrian quarter of Aikums.

Tonight the Dolgavan Government has heard troubling news coming from Hulstria that a portion of that state looks to secede and break away from a united Hulstrian and Gao-Soto state. Now some of you may say this is a internal matter for Hulstria however Dolgava holds a significant minority a minority that has not forgotten its past and where it came from. Because of this and the significane of this event for geopolitical affairs it is clear that Dolgava must make our voices known to the world on this subject.

My Government and the Kingdom of Dolgava recognizes only a unified Hulstrian and Gao-Soto state and the only rightful Hulstrian Government is the one that as of now sits in Kien. This attempt at dividing the Hulstrian state will only cause discord and the increase in instability in Dovani. This breakaway state wants to destroy Hulstrian way of life in their new state by promoting Mikuni nationalism. Frankly it is sickening to see Hulstria once a bright shining beacon of power in Dovani now reduced to this. We will help the Government in Kien if they request it however for now we will monitor and make sure that Hulstrians and their culture are protected no matter what. These sorts of phony breakaway movements will only plant the seeds for more and more instability. We do not recognize this new state as Hulstria has existed for thousands of years in it's current form and anything else is frankly lunacy.

This speech has made Hulstro-Dolgavans popularity in the Prime Minister grow even more as many think that what is happening to Hulstria's culture is "sickening" and akin to "ethnic cleansing" said another. The Dolgavan Government has immediately made itself clear, it will be interesting to see how the reaction of the rest of the world differs to Dolgava's however breaking precedence for Hulstria and Gao-Soto, a state that has existed for centuries would be very illogical by the international community.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:42 pm


Royal Family Announces Pregnancy

The Queen of Dolgava is pregnant according to the Royal Palace which released the news today

March 4th 5403

The Dolgavan Queen has announced that she is pregnant. The Royal Palace announced it in a traditional message but the Queen made it official on social media saying that he and the Prince Consort were "excited" by the news. Helvig is 27 years old and has been very active in her reign so far. She has made it a point to visit the world, be a active and public representative to Dolgava to the international community however now she will take a step back and be a mother that she needs to be.

The Royal Family's official statement which was released to the DBC and other outlets says this,

Her Majesty Queen Helvig of Dolgava announces that she is expecting a child in the coming months. The Queen would like to let the people of Dolgava and the world know that she is in good health and spirits however she will be spending a majority of her time being a mother and supporting her family. She requests patience and and understanding during this time!

As is tradition with these announcements a national holiday was declared and bars filled up with Dolgavans while many had parades and parties in the streets of Aikums, Norversk, Dolgariaopolis and especially in rural areas. The previous King, Franz Georg made an official announcement as well saying that he is "beyond thrilled" by the announcement.

In the coming months the Queen will hopefully give birth to a child, it will be a very important moment in the coming decades and will shape the next monarch of the Kingdom of Dolgava, we wish her and the child she carries only the best!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:44 am


Queen Gives Birth to Twins, Crown Prince Gustav and Princess Lilian

St. Olaf Hospital in Aikums where the twins were born

October 9th 5403

The Queen of Dolgava has given birth to twins, the eldest by 2 minutes being Crown Prince Gustav and now the third in line to the Dolgavan throne, Princess Lilian. The two were born this morning at 5:10 and 5:12 am according to the Hospital. The Royal Couple would like to report that the Queen and the two babies are in good health and are happy and healthy. The Prime Minister has called for a national Holiday and bars, pubs have filled with Dolgavans celebrating as work places across the country close. The official statement from the Royal Family is as follows

Her Royal Majesty Queen Helvig gave birth to two twins a boy and a girl the eldest who's name is Gustav and the youngest being Lilian. They were born a 5:10 am and 5:12 am respectively and they along with the Queen are happy and healthy.

The news is truly great for Dolgava and marks the next probably King of Dolgava being young Gustav. It will be interesting to watch them grow from infants to children to the future leaders of Dolgava.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:50 am


August 7th 5303 (postdated)

It has been announced that the Queen of Dolgava, Helvig has announced that her and Prime Minister Kornelijs Braun will be attending the funeral of the late Empress of Luthori Elizabeth with the Queen insisting that Dolgava and Luthori use it as an opptrunity to fix the diplomatic disputes they have had in the past few months. According to leaked reports the Queen has insisted that Dolgava attend out of respect for the late Empress but to also push for peace between the two states. The Dolgavan Royal Family is related distantly to the ruling Orange-Villayn Armstead as they are apart of the broader Rothengren-Traugott Dynasty.

The Queen has reportedly made sure to set up private meetings between Dolgava and Luthori and the Prime Minister with Luthori diplomats who are familiar with the situation. It is reported that the meetings are being led by the Queen of Dolgava as she has made it her priority to push for peace between Dolgava and the states that have bashed head with Dolgava in the past and she is leading the charge on trying to fix the problems that Luthori and Dolgava have had.

With the funeral for the Queen of Luthori coming very soon and Heads of State from all across Terra heading to Ft. William it will be a chance for diplomacy and hope to come from a time of sorrow.

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