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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:29 pm



Defense Ministry, February 22, 5374: ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Defense Ministry indicate that after the official action by the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization forming Marine Security Group (MSG) 3 of the Collective Majatran Response Force, the Admiralty has ordered 2 Voznak Class destroyers and 3 Buryan Class corvettes to proceed as TG 50.3 to the predesignated port in the Beiteynuese Medinat and then join MSG 3 in patrolling the waters off southwestern Majatra.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Oct 07, 2023 7:49 pm


Interior Minister Matousek


Carsky Ukrit, August 29, 5374: ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Auxiliary Presidential Palace of Carsky Ukrit have learned that Interior Minister Otmar Matousek gave an internal security report to the Council of Ministers which , simply put, indicated the electorate was generally satisfied with the policy direction of the Administration and was disinclined to follow anyone planning an overthrow but that few identified with the current leadership and that tolerance and respect was declining.

The primary reason was the low level rampant corruption that the public perceived as pervasive. Nobody thinks the Communists or Monarchists would do any better since they never have but there is gloomy feeling that no one ever will do anything about it hanging over the nation.

President Ignac Hodza indicated he for one had been pretty much absorbed in the question of MSCO survival and had not been thinking about corruption. Justice Minister Irena Vranjic thought the real objective was to instill some fear into the bottom of the bureaucracy bhut that to do that one needed to either have a massive purge or seriously prosecute some people in the middle at least or the top if possible.

Matousek suggested one possibility that might fit the bill was a situation in Doron Akigp Okrug where a number of DNS party officials including some members of the Narodna Sabor were selling government approval and government contract favors. Building inspectors, health inspectors, those who award government contracts for dredging, excavation, construction, maintenance and demolition as well as court and police officials all seem to be involved.

Justice Minister Vranjic stated that prosecutors would give this effort top priority. Interior Minister Matousek believed some initial cases could be investigated very quickly by the Federal Security service (FBS) and be ripe for consideration by prosecutors very soon. The President and Council of Ministers all indicated speed was imperative.

Carsky Ukrit
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:43 pm

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:36 pm


President Prokop


Presidential Palace, August 19, 5379: After a meeting of the Council of Ministers on trade opportunities, ZLATENICO OKO asked President Dominik Prokop what changes there would be in policy now that he is President rather than President Hodza, and he replied;

Not so much policy change but the international landscape has changed. Most notably, Majatra seems right quiet for the moment and scaling back the level of military activity seems in order. For instance, we can probably have less of a force in Migrant’s Pass without affecting anybody’s security or even feeling of security.

It does seem there are some hotspots of conflict outside Majatra but none seem to threaten us or Majatra as far as we can see. We have not changed our policy of not offering advice and counsel or involvement in every issue everywhere.

We are looking at having an exploratory team seeing if there is enough oil and gas in Lake Majatra to warrant any commercial development We are well aware we are one of five nations fronting on Lake Majatra and do not intend to take unilateral action in contravention of the rights of other sovereign nations. We are also aware there would be environmental concerns to consider.

Asked by ZLATENICO if the Alliance of the Lion and the Eagle was of concern to Deltarska Republika, Prokop responded:

Not as far as we can see. It could be an important development so SPRZ is watching, but we have no reason to believe it threatens us or Majatra.

ZLATENICO suggested the reported conflict between the Kingdom of Dorvik and Beiteynuese Medinat seemed to be abating, to which Prokop responded:

That is how we see it.

Presidential Palace
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:19 pm



Defense Ministry, August 24, 5380: ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Defense Ministry have learned that the Admiralty has responded to con census view that Migrant’s Pass patrolling could have less military substance and accordingly has ordered the 2 Voznak Class Destroyers of the Collective Marine Response Force’s (CMRF) Marine Security Group (MSG) 2 to be reassigned to the Home Fleet in the Port of Ludmelnik while 1 Buryan Class Corvette from MSG 1 and one from MSG 3 will be transferred to MSG 2 which patrols Migrant’s Pass.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:55 pm

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:19 pm


First Minister Benes


Office of the First Minister, July 22, 5402: First Minister Ludvik Benes met today with senior staff of the Ministry of Health and Social Services as part of the Administration review of the safety net. ZLATENICO OKO asked him how the review was going and the First Minister responded:

In all honesty we are finding just about the same thing Prime Minister Vanickova found back in 5357 when she undertook a review of the safety net. As you know, we have felt long tolerance for the DNS Administration by the general public comes largely because we have left virtually intact the system of benefits that existed under our socialist or communist predecessors who pretty much crippled the economy and neglected the military.

An integral part of those benefits is a functioning safety net which is what we are examining today. And there is a problem. Not with the programs or level of benefits. We have strong provisions in and around the safety net. For instance citizens who are unemployed receive an income. People who are retired receive retirement payments. Free health care and free prescription pharmaceuticals are available to our less fortunate. There are also government and private shelters providing food and a place to sleep and clean up.

No, the programs are not the problem, but rather actual access. Despite all the opportunities we still have homeless people. Yes, they could walk into our welfare offices and shelters, and they do sometimes, but we have a responsibility to reach out to them when they don’t. We can not as a society say it’s their fault and forget about them..

Some years ago there was legislation establishing the Akigan Authority to make sure Akigan citizens many of whom were at odds with our society actually received the financial benefits they deserved as well as received fair treatment in courts. That was the model Prime Minister Vanickova used in 5357 and the one we are going to try now. Make no mistake, if this effort does not work out as well as it did before, we will find another way.

We are going to have an initiative in the Ministry of Health and Social Services to replicate this function with respect to benefits for targeted at risk groups. .Obviously we can not have a case worker for every citizen. What we are going to do is have a project in each of our five Okrugs in one city each to identify homeless people and see they are getting benefits to which they are entitled which in many instances would be enough to take them off the street other things being equal.

We understand that homelessness is not only caused by economic factors but may well include health and mental health factors as well as drug or alcohol abuse or other reasons for alienation such as one’s great grand parents simply having had enough as their own health problems intrude.

The fundamental idea is set up stations in communities where homeless people are present to locate, review and sign up individuals to create some trust that can bring in others and identify others needing help. This will not happen overnight. We will go to other cities when we feel we have had a significant impact where we are beginning.

Let me say this is not a huge problem as it is in some disintegrating societies, but as our nation prospers we must take the responsibility of working to eliminate it and not ignore it.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:56 pm


Foreign Minister Botosova


Foreign Ministry, August 19, 5402: After a meeting of the Council of Ministers on trade opportunities, ZLATENICO OKO asked Foreign Minister Terezia Botosova what she thought of recent activity efforts in the World Congress, and Botosova responded:

The Security Council creating an International Court is on balance a good thing. Our only criticism is the process for selection of judges seems to be totally political. We understand the reason. It maximizes support for the project and may be necessary for that reason. But the downside is it will not have the best judges available when it could.

We also see the World Congress once again trying to reengage with Terran international affairs. On balance this could be a good thing. In the absence of the World Congress, two alternatives developed. Regional organizations such as the Artanian Union and Majatran Security Cooperation Organization have been formed to fill the void and certain nations have tried to form blocs to settle differences as the arbiter wherever they may exist.

We are not critical of any such alternatives as we are well aware there were centuries when Deltarian Intervention was the norm. So we do welcome reports of possible revival of the World Congress.

ZLATENICO OKO asked the Foreign Minister if she thought the North South hostile divide identified by Dr. Alyaksandra Karskaja a Politcal Science Professor from Noversk University and others was an accurate assessment, and she replied:

Well to a great extent as far as it goes, but we hope it does not last. We do not believe it is necessarily universally applicable nor necessarily likely to persist. Certainly there are some Southern and Northern blocs and certainly there is at least quite a bit of tension. But there are some northern nations clearly aligned with some southern blocs while there are nations that are not in an identifiable bloc.

We are quite aware our own status which appears not to fit into that overall pattern may well simply reflect our insignificance or at least our insularity.

With respect to permanence, we do think Dovani, Vascania and points east will eventually change the dynamic.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:50 am




Presidential Palace, April 19, 5403: After a meeting of the Council of Ministers concerning international developments, ZLATENICO OKO asked President Dominik Prokop what the problems were and he replied:

Well, we discussed several things. Two Majatran nations have been shaken by violence and their stability is being challenged. We believe the assassinations in Kafuristan have left a vacuum; think it is much too early to see what actually emerges.

With respect to Jumhuriat al-Badara, there is every reason to believe the rebels against the elected government can not actually defeat the military of the government and take power by force of arms. Moledet Medinat is assisting the government and presumably will call on Majatran Security Cooperation Organization members such as Deltarska Republika should more help be necessary.

More worrying is there is doubt whether the elected government retains any significant base of support. Reports of widespread alienation and of the growth of the insurgent forces suggest otherwise. As much as Majatra may approve of this faction, it really needs to find support from its own electorate to stay viable.

It is hard from a distance for us to believe that the rebels have a sufficient base of support to form a viable governing body. But then we know little of its composition other than it claims to be pan Ahmadi. Whether there is an Israi – Abadi divide as there usually is in Badara and Kafuristan and whether the reported radical foreigners are largely Kafuri Abadis are unknowns along with whether there is a pan Majatran strain underlying the pan Ahmadi one.

Be that is it may, with respect to pirate or privateer activity, the Admiralty has directed Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Command to have our patrols by Tu – 142 MZ’s to keep watch for possible pirate or privateer vessels and report any such to the Admiral Commanding Marine Security Group 1 of the Collective Marine Response Force along with its ASW sightings report.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby TRA » Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:56 pm

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