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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:27 am


Yoffey Administration endorses plans to introduce rent control, partial nationalization of railways
The new Administration will pick up some plans of internal policy put on hold for some years.
June 5405

in other news:
- rumoured internal restructure and changes in HA
- Yishelem Mayor says he's "addicted on chocohummus"

Prime Minister Paz Yoffey likes to bike around in her neighborhood, and her security detail isn't very happy about it.

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The new Rosh HaMemshala (Luthorian: Prime Minister) Paz Yoffey, who assumed office in March after the big MH boom in the December elections, has announced that she will endorse two bills currently in debate in Knesset, being the "Rent Control and Housing Equity Act of 5405" and the "Beiteynuese Railways Partial Nationalization Act of 5405", for the latter, Sholemberg Post already dedicated an article.

The rent control act was introduced by the BPA in 5396, while the railways act was introduced by MH in 5402, and both were pending approval by a major party leader, which arrived by Ms. Yoffey yesterday. Everyone is wondering if we might see more internal economic acts like these, since the all-red Yoffey Administration has been sworn-in, and the Sholemberg Post will remain here, ready to report on them.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:21 am

The Yishelem Post
Carrier fleet moves to the southeast in Deiqah
5403 (Backdated)


Yishelem, Beiteynu - In heeding Badara's call to the MSCO to assist in the ongoing civil war, Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav (Military Command) confirmed earlier this morning that the Hofesh Fleet's Nahshol (Barrier) Carrier Strike Stroup has been deployed to the southeastern coasts of Badara close to Deiqah. The carrier fleet is one of the two fleets tasked to the MSCO last year to potentially help the Badaran Government in its efforts.

The naval force consisting of 2 submarines, 3 frigates, 3 destroyers and the 54 Kfir jet fighters of the Nahshol Carrier Air Group will seek to coordinate with General Aayid el-Yamin, who was recently ordered by President al-Ghanem to continue the push in the southeast. It is presumed that the fleet will act as a defensive formation close to the town of Deiqah, to assist in el-Yamin's campaign in pushing through the occupied regions surrounding the town. Although intelligence remains mirky on the status of anti-aircraft weapons systems, NCAG will most likely take part in strategic aerial bombardments.

The Yeudi Fleet's Reshout Carrier Strike Group will be escorting support and transport vessels to al-Burqiyaa in the northwest to help aid in the civilian evacuation of the city as announced earlier in the year. The Beiteynuese Government will provide additional humanitarian aid in light of the evacuations.

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Arcs: MSCO, Badaran Civil War
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:42 am

The Yishelem Post
In the final stretch; coronation of Elias Ishmael IV approaches
June 5406


Yishelem, Beiteynu - With less than a year remaining before one of the most anticipated events in centuries, the coronation of Elias Ishmael IV of the House of Aristocrat-Orange-Villayn-Goldbloom, the decade-old preparations have entered the final stretch for Friday 13th, December 5406. Dignitaries from around the world continue to RSVP, casting aside all differences and geopolitical complexities to bare witness to the re-ascension of the legendary House of Elior after almost 4000 years of obscurity; curiously, a Luthorian delegation seems to remain missing from the list.

The Office of Deputy Ramatkal Nefariouiem Aristocrat - in charge of the transition - has confirmed the Yeudi Monarch's official title:

His Royal Majesty Elias Ishmael IV of the House of Aristocrat-Orange-Villayn-Goldbloom, Inheritor of the House of Elior by the Grace of Elyon and Guidance of Ariel; Yeudi Monarch, Meleh (King) of the Yeudi Homeland, Mahzik (Holder) of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems and the Throne of Yishelem, Magen (Defender) of the Holy Land and the Yeudi People, Prince of Luthori & Mordusia, Duke of Sholemberg, Duke of Luçandrine

Thus, Elias Ishmael will be recognising the House of Elior's direct and indirect connections to both Luthorian and Lourennais royal lines, with the latter seemingly tracing back to the House of Aristocrat-Debua by the marriage of Theodore and Jacquil in the 2700s.

Gem Publishing also confirmed that the connection will be a central theme of Book III: Jacquil and will reveal what really happened with Rildanor.

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Arcs: Yeudi Monarchy, Yeudi Plot
References: Luthori, Lourenne
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:56 pm

The Yishelem Post
All hail Meleh Elias Ishmael IV.
December 5406 (backdated)


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Children stared in awe, their eyes twinkling; young adults stood with fierce, determined gazes into all they can be; women, lingered on the grandeur of heritage in ages to come; men teared on the grandeur of ages past. On Friday 13th, December 5406, in one of the most historic days in Beiteynuese history in thousands and thousands of years, Elias Ishmael IV was finally crowned Yeudi Monarch and King of the Yeudi Homeland. The legend of the House of Elior, the Throne of Yishelem and the heritage of Yeudis across the world through the once forgotten Yeudi Monarchy is once again, now, a reality.

More than 1.1 million people from all around Beiteynu and the world gathered for the event in Yishelem, as the crowned Meleh's (King) carriage passed through the Elior Square and waved the crowd as the restored Yeudi Monarch. Blocks and blocks were engulfed in a frenzy of people staring at large screens, weeping. Attired in traditional "crusade-style" armour, the young Elias Ishmael signalled his role as the Magen (Defender) of the Holy Land and the Yeudi People. The coronation was witnessed by an immense number of dignitaries from everywhere, paying their respects and recognising the Yeudi Monarchy's sovereignty, while an expressionless Elias Ishmael bowed to have the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems - with the 8 Gems still missing - adorned on his head.

Of the most notable presences were, naturally, the Lourennais and Luthorian delegations which stood out in royal grandeur, in honouring the direct and indirect connections with the now restored House of Elior and the Yeudi Monarchy, marking a tectonic shift in the geopolitical wind for the 55th century.

Magashalom, our dedicated magazine on geopolitics, will feature an extensive editorial on the dignitaries and what their presence and their connections to the global Yeudish network mean for a Beiteynu that will now enter its next age, as the Emergence Era comes to an end.

All hail King Elias Ishmael IV, King Ishmael, King Ishmael.

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Arcs: Yeudi Monarchy, Yeudi Plot, House of Elior
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:50 pm

The Yishelem Post
Digitali Nimshal announces Terran Times v2.0 will not be powered by Gov.bei
January 5407


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The unprecedented success of the now almost 200 year old Terran Times framework has been met with continuous development after development throughout the decades; the Digitali Nimshal will now seek to detach the organisation from the tendrils of the Beiteynuese Government in both funding and management by brokering an independent agreement along the lines of the World Congress's supranational - and no strings attached - agencies.

The announcement was complimented by further news on the upcoming release of v2.0 for The Terran Times, which will set newsfeeds across the world on a "whole other level of interactivity" along the framework's mandate of "organising the world's stories and making them accessible to every citizen".

The agreement will effectively remove The Terran Times from Beiteynu's sphere and place it under an agnostic global mandate.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:05 pm


Elias Goldbloom is dead at 105
The former Rosh Ha'Memshala and Ramatkal, founder of the Mifelegett Ha'avodah, has died peacefully at 105.

in other news:
- has Elias Goldbloom lived so much thanks to daily choco-hummus consumption?

The last public portrait of Mr. Elias Goldbloom, taken December 5406.

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The Sholemberg Post issues with sorrow this special edition of the newspaper to announce that today, 22 february 5407, former Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Beiteynuese Medinat, and founder of the Mifeleget Ha'avodah, Mr. Elias Goldbloom, has died peacefully aged 105.

The Goldbloom family, with Meleh Elias Ishmael IV too, the great-grandson of Elias Goldbloom, will travel to the funeral which will be held privately for a total of 36 guests. A public ceremony in Yishelem, alongside former PMs and Ramatkals (except for wanted man Benjamin Benowitz), will be held and it will be open to all.

Party leader Paz Yoffey offered her condolences to the family, and expressed her gratitude to Mr. Goldbloom:
Today, we lost our party's founder, and the Medinat lost one of its Rosh Ha'memshalas. To many, Goldbloom represented hope, and that's the way he will be remembered in the MH, the man who gave hope to millions of citizens and a man who kept a balance during his years as Head of State, working tirelessly across the aisle. For the greater good of Beiteynu, and Yeudis.
- Paz Yoffey, Leader of the MH and Prime Minister of Beiteynu

Other than Ms. Yoffey, also Mr. Aristocrat and Ms. Amira remembered Elias:
A great loss for Beiteynu of a man who was pivotal in helping usher the next and final stage in our country's 200 year old emergence.
- Nefariouiem Aristocrat, Former Ramatkal to the Rosh HaMemshala

We at the BPA extend our deepest condolences on the passing of a remarkable leader, Elias Goldbloom. May the memories of his legacy lives on. Our thoughts to his family, friends and the entire Miflegett Ha'avodah party during this difficult period.
- Eliana Amira, Leader of the BPA and Former Rosh HaMemshala
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:21 am

Kalopia: the unwavering hand of Majatran neutrality
April 5407


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Prince of Kalopia Alexios I attended Elias Ishmael IV's coronation in Yishelem, accompanied by his son and heir Achilleas Maragopoulos-Ypirétis and his wife Princess consort Helena Stavriade, proving analysts wrong that the country may have been shying away from international affairs but does not remain absent; nor being unaware or blind of what is happening in the world.

For more than 200 years Kalopia has represented Majatra's unwavering hand of continental neutrality, with its diplomatic framework being one of the most ratified agreements in the world to this day. It's even there on the document's title: neutrality. The country has quietly and unobtrusively tackled issues such as the Third Solentian Civil War of the 53rd century, the recent Kafuri crisis and the Gene & See Vault Project outside the spotlight of the international arena's tensions and geopolitical battles. Its government stays in its corner, not opposing initiatives such as the MSCO, but politely reminding the world of its neutrality.

King Elias Ishmael IV greeted the Prince and Princess with fervour, looking forward to ties "above the realm of geopolitics".

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Arcs: Yeudi Plot
References: Kalopia
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:49 am

Vanuku: the counter playmaker
April 5407


Yishelem, Beiteynu - His Gracious Majesty Lazr, the King of Wrnuke and esteemed Wrntuhiko Mustav Hizdrüz welcomed Meleh Elias Ishmael IV as Majatra's newest monarch, signalling to Yishelem once again that Wiel will not only stand idle, but will deter Yeudish deterrents at every turn.

In recent decades, Wiel managed to achieve what others couldn't for almost 200 years: thwart the plans of Beiteynuese intelligence and the Terran Remediation Agency; plans deeply embedded in the Yeudi Way. Where supranational structures and regional powers such as Dorvik had failed, again and again, Wiel managed to achieve in swift moves, and quite spectacularly at that. Regardless of whether the accusations of foreign meddling were true or not, Vanukean intelligence crumbled Beiteynuese foreign policy in Cildania and the southwest, effectively cancelling Yishelem's momentum in complete and unchallenged hegemony. The pivotal participation of the country in the Vamaj Network of oil and gas distribution was, simply put, the dealbreaker Beiteynu probably begged for.

King Elias Ishmael IV greeted His Gracious Majesty, looking forward to "some sort of boilerplate understanding" moving forward.

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Arcs: Yeudi Plot
References: Vanuku, Cildania
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:23 am

Lourenne: the world's pillar of eloquence
April 5407


Yishelem, Beiteynu - In honouring the world's strongest alliance that largely reshaped Terra in the 54th century since the tectonic agreement in 5317, the extended Lourennais delegation payed its tribute to the coronation of Meleh Elias Ishmael IV in Yishelem, drawing the eyes of literally everyone.

Her Royal Majesty, Queen Aurore II, Empress of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, Queen of Kanjor, Queen of Alduria, Queen of the Rildanorians was not only accompanied by the Prince of Alvium, Louis, and the Prince and Princess of the Blood, Henri and Helene but by the highest ranking members of the Lourennais Government itself: the High Chancellor of the United Kingdom of Lourenne, Madeline Lefèvre, escorted by the Crown Representative, the Royal Minister of International Affairs, the Speaker of the Royal Assembly and even IRSA Director General, Rodrigo Orléans-Vasser-Monatlivet, raising eyebrows at what the actual and true impact of joint Beiteynuese-Lourennais intelligence efforts have been in changing the world during the 54th century.

Additionally, Narikaton & Darnussia and Egelion had some extra royal representation with His Royal Highness, Prince Casimir of Narikaton et Darnussie and His Royal Highness, Prince Amadeo of Egelie (Egelion) accompanying the Empress.

The Lourennais largely stole the show in magnificence, next to Meleh Elias Ishmael IV's traditional "crusade-style" attire.

In less than 100 years, Eroncourt became a synonym with the constantly and rapidly changing wind of geopolitics in a manner so subliminal that it seemed to effortlessly takeover Dorvish and Beiteynuese spheres of influence. Lourenne's playbook includes so many moves that it is impossible to differentiate between what was important and what wasn't: everything was pivotal. The chess plays, from joining up with Beiteynu, to moving away from Dorvik and unobtrusively backing alternative Artanian leadership, to the Trigunian sanctions, Seleyan efforts and the unison of the Canrille world to the excellence displayed in naval command in southeast Majatra, Eroncourt has positioned itself rather eloquently as the world's pillar of, well, true eloquence.

King Elias Ishmael IV greeted each member of the delegation, bowing his head in true respect for "the pinnacle of genuine diplomacy".

Code: Select all
Arcs: Yeudi Plot
References: Lourenne, Dorvik, Luthori, Alduria, Kanjor, Rildanor, Trigunia, Kafuristan, Narikaton & Darnussia, Egelion
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:21 pm

The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: Kohav issues 1st Azhara to Davostag
August 5407

- 4th Carrier Strike Group under preparations; MOD's Department of Defence Contracts confirms bid to Lourenne for Queen Isabelle aircraft carrier


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The attack on the Kundrati embassy in Davostag as a means of rejecting Kasaema's deployment of troops in the country has triggered the issuance of the now famous Azhara (Warning), the 1st in a 3-tier defensive warning system first used during the Bloody Coup of Kafuristan. The way it works, Beiteynuese policy on the conduct of the military is entirely defensive that only changes to an aggressive stance after the 3-tier warning system expires.

What triggers the system?

Purposefully attacking Yeudis and friends of Yeudis; in this case, Kundrati, Yishelem's biggest trade partner amounting to a total net upwards of 54.5B LOD per year of commerce, with shipping and shipbuilding being the largest catalyst in relations, along extensive defence partnerships. In the past, Beiteynu has shown fierceness in its loyalty to Kundrati by even denying to cave to Dorvish pressure in disbanding the Beikun Fleet and abandoning its long term ally.

As a result of the 1st Azhara, the Zaar Fleet deployment in Kundrati has been automatically elevated to DEFCON 4 (battle stations ready). The Kohav has also confirmed that the Beiteynuese Naval Command will be deploying the Yeudi Fleet's Reshout Carrier Strike Group to the island of Etxea in Kundrati to enhance Kasaema's security deterrents in the region after the latter requested the assistance of the Beiteynuese navy.

The Nahshol CSG will remain in Badara, while military command will directly follow Kundrati leadership in the matter.
The Terran Times
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