Informal News

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Re: Informal News

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:14 pm

Hutorian Intelligence Goes Hunting in Davosta

Regarding: Hutorian Security & Intelligence Service
Date: 5405 - Present
Discoverable Yes

Hunting: Paramilitary Officers from the Hutorian Security Intelligence Service's Alternative Options Branch, in addition to a detachment from Hutorian Special Operations Command, have been deployed by the Hutorian government to hunt down and kill the leaders of the Davostani Terrorist organization the FTNV. The Sundin Government in Kivonia was informed of this deployment in advance and, unlike most other deployments, this operation has not been ordered to remain particularly quiet. If it's found out, Bekenial is more then willing to live with that.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Autokrator15 » Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:04 pm


Luthori requests Beiteynu withdraws its CSF fleet from Artania

Regarding: Luthorian imperial diplomats talking Beiteynu counterparts
Date: 5407-8
Discoverable: Maybe, yes.

Luthorian Imperial Embassy to Beiteynu: It is an understatement that the Luthorian government is severly dissapointed in the Kundrati government's move to call for Beiteynu help in the situation surrounding Ikradon. The problem lies in the fact that the Luthorian government sees itself as fully capable of dealing with the crisis alone without calling help from its Yeudi allies. Furthermore it is very much irritated that the Kundrati's didnt ask the Luthorians, the second power on the continent, for help or to coordinate things.

To that end, Brad McDougless, the former minister of Foreign Affairs and now Imperial Ambassador in Yishelem has been tasked to initiate talks with the Beiteynu government. The Imperial Government has through Brad McDougless, who is a staunch believer in Luthorian power and a hardliner when it comes to being Pro-Fort William-Yishelem relations - except that he finds their lack of tea drinking most disturbing - is been tasked to woo the Beiteynu's to let the Luthorian Empire deal with the crisis and for Beiteynu to leave and speak with confidence that the Empire can manage it without their help.

To that end the Ambassador has through backchannels requested a secret meeting with government officials, aided by various diplomats from Luthori. Officially, the talk will be about continued cooperation and events in Artania and Majatra, unofficially there is really only one topic of the Agenda: Asking Beiteynu to step aside in order for Luthori to rise to the occassion. And as is tradition Ambassador McDougless has brought biscuits with him from Luthori, a fine tradition the two nations diplomats have developed together over the years.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Rogue » Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:02 pm


Das Büro has secretly killed the leader of the Communist Party, covering up the evidence and pretending he is incarcerated in "Die Grube", the highest security prison in Nsanlosa

Regarding:Galaan Feulner, Communist Party leader
Date: End of 5407
Discoverable?: No, but.... (over time it will become harder for the Bureau to hide the "removal" of Feulner, thus increasing chances of discovery)


Nsanlosa: Das Büro - Political Section, at the informal order of State President Von Meyer, has "disposed off" now former communist leader Galaan Feulner. After several months of proper incarceration Büro director Eli Kifeda suggested to the president that the risk of Feulner stirring up anti government sentement upon release was "considerable" and that "disposing of the threat" could be a viable option. State President Von Meyer reportedly thought of the idea for around two to three days before giving the order to execute Feulner. The subsequent operation, carried out by the political section of the bureau, saw Feulner strangled to death in the interrogation room before being stuffed inside a plastic wrapping and brought to the crematorium, where the body was cremated. The Bureau continues to claim that Feulner is in the high security "Grube" prison, with a court order obtained by the bureau suggesting that Feulner cannot have contact with the outside or his family. He was sentenced to corruption and treason after his death with a petty criminal having been used by Das Büro to arrive in court in Feulner's name. The criminal was later also executed by the Bureau to cover its tracks.
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Re: Informal News

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:26 am


Yishelem's whispers on an endgame in Artania

Regarding: Luthori requests Beiteynu withdraws its CSF fleet from Artania, Medinat Department slams Dorvish Foreign Minister
Date: November 5408
Discoverable: Yes

Sneakyeth Avodi, the Head of the Medinat Department, left the Luthorian embassy shaking his head; he could not for the life of him understand why that entire building had no goddamn coffee, only tea.

He had a bitter taste in his mouth - not from the tea - that Luthori was acting like and pretty much dead set in becoming Dorvik. The new foreign policy doctrine set earlier this year immediately raised eyebrows in Eroncourt and Yishelem alike and Avodi was pretty much blistered why Fort William kept puffing its chest in its silo, setting a precedent towards a path that both the Canrillaise and Yeudis were all too familiar with; and hated it.

He told McDougless; surely the Luthorians must understand that Beiteynu will not abandon Kundrati, no? Beiteynu has already told Dorvik twice to go screw itself when they applied pressure on exactly the same thing. Now Luthori wants to go down the same path, with Ikradon and Davostag in Kasaema's docket?

Beiteynu will form a 4th CSG under a Zaar Fleet deployment in Artania; the power vacuum generated by the Dorvish internal crisis is there. In the north, the pressure would have been insurmountable and Kasaema would have backed down - that's CSCO territory. But the southeast? That's an entirely different ballgame, with a Zaar Fleet already present in Kundrati for more than 100 years now. That place is not a power vacuum; it's just geopolitical complexity.

The Migrant's Pass was the biggest thorn and the biggest opportunity. On one end, an entire continent cooperating; on the northern end, divisiveness.

Sneakyeth had looked the imperial ambassador in the eye: "remember the endgame, sir" he had said, pretending to like the tea. Then he reminded McDougless how Beiteynuese Zaar Fleets are essentially commanded by host nations.

He shook the ambassador's hand while leaving, whispering "it's literally up to you how things will play out and quite frankly, nobody else's".

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Re: Informal News

Postby Mbites » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:30 pm


Selling a crown

Regarding: Will the presidency hold?
Date: December 5408
Discoverable?: Yes

Narikaton & Darnussia, Bannerhafen: Ulrich Gerber, President of the Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia and his newly elected national-conservative government are apparently looking to reform the republic into a monarchy, selling the to-be-obtained throne to the highest bidder.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:41 pm

Davostag intelligence on concerns for national affairs

Regarding: State Security Bureau intelligence gathering
Date: 5393 - Present
Discoverable Possibly

Kivonia, Davostag: Classified information of the State Security Bureau: SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573; first noted in late 5393, figures from the extra-parliamentary [——————] pushing government officials to change foreign policy on the [——————]; pattern suspected by SSB Corporal J. Lan-[——————], after reviewing earlier government reports made in 5391-92 on foreign state officials from the [——————] trying to influence national foreign policy on exact same issue; Corporal J. Lan-[——————] writes in report that "...[said foreign policy] had never been an object of issue from abroad or domestically since before or after it was adopted..."; the Corporal testifies in report that the subject should be put on 'PAGE 1' status – that is to say low-risk surveillance.

Corporal V. Mie-[——————], the SSB officer assigned to surveillance duty to Case SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573 in late 5393; reports given late 5400 that Corporal V. Mie-[——————] called in superior officer regarding high activity of patterns similar to those reported by Corporal J. Lan-[——————] in 5393; the earlier reported, now former, extra-parliamentary [——————] showed increased activity in private channels of covert nature regarding foreign interests; Case SUBJECT 949-SD-R7573, established late 5400 on the militant [——————], was confirmed and approved by Captain H. Ilv-[——————] for merger with and into Case SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573, as SSB officers on the cases had reported familiar patterns and channels, with figures from [——————] and [——————] meeting with neighboring foreign officials from [——————]; case officers received reports from colleagues on the bank-surveillance division regarding transactions that fitted into patterns from both Case SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573 and SUBJECT 949-SD-R7573.

[Further reports on the scale of thousands were made since year 5400, with Case SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573 increasing in size and manpower, and put on 'PAGE 22' status – His Majesty and the Premier were each given an extensive report on the case. In 5400, there was a total of five lower-officers on the case – in 5408, there was a total of two-hundred lower officers. Case SUBJECT 945-SD-X7573 is still ongoing to date with extensive monitoring.]
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Re: Informal News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:06 pm


A swift securisation, and a wanted support.

Regarding: George Withelam and Windrij Klienders, Luthorian Ambassador to Ikradon and RPHUA's [Provisional Royal Harmonist Unitary Authority] Representative to Luthori, Luthorian and Ikradonian
Date: 11th, June 5409
Discoverable?: No, unless if...
Location: Former Ikradonese Embassy in Luthori, now, Luthorian Embassy in Ikradon provisional builiding, 2 Martwick Road, Fort William.

The Luthorian Embassy in Ikradon has been closed for several months following the theft of part of the money donated to Ikradon by the Foreign Investment and Development Bank, and following the total collapse of the authority present in Ikradon saw the Imperial Luthorian Army enters the territory of Ikradon to set up a humanitarian zone where refugees and displaced people can reside until the fighting in the country calms down. But the Luthorian Ambassador to Ikradon, this role still existing even though the embassy was closed and relations between the two nations are at a standstill, George Withelam, is to receive the secret representative of the recognized Provisional Royal Harmonist Unity Authority, for the moment by certain nations, secretly or officially, as being the legitimate government of Ikradon, especially with the total collapse of the Republican Protection Guard, a clique claiming to be the legitimate government of Ikradon, which collapsed following the Luthorian intervention. This representative known as "Pikers" by the Ambassador, but known by his real identity by the Imperial Security Service as Windrij Klienders, an early supporter of the royalist cause in Ikradon.

He arrived at the Ikradon Embassy in Luthori, closed for several months since the start of the civil war, and serving as the resident building of the Luthori Embassy in Ikradon for an interim period. After a fairly long meeting with the Ambassador, many points were made, but in the end, his main objective was secured. Luthori would recognize, one day, the government of the RPHUA when "the situation requires it" in the words of the Ambassador, but shipments of weapons and food to the territories of the RPHUA by the Luthorians, via a secret operation of the Imperial Security Service, to prevent the active involvement of the Luthorians from being discovered.

Fort William is definitely involved in the Ikradonese Civil War, nothing can change that.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Zanz » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:06 pm


Dorvish FM coordinating with Luthori on Beiteynuese CSG?

Regarding: Kohav issues 1st Azhara to Davostag, Luthori requests Beiteynu withdraws its CSF fleet from Artania, []Yishelem's whispers on an endgame in Artania[/url]
Date: December 5408
Discoverable: Yes, through intelligence services, if useful for RP

It is no secret that Dorvik has watched with alarm as Beiteynu has openly crossed a "red line" established by the Hosian Conservative Alliance government in 5378 by deploying a carrier group to Kundrati. It has come as surprise to some, perhaps, that Dorvik has not enforced that red line. Many attribute this to an inherent weakness in the nascent government of Dorvik as it struggles to keep the ship of state afloat.

But the foreign ministry is rumored to have reached out to Luthori in an uncharacteristic manner after rumors of the Empire's displeasure at Beiteynu's presence on Artania have surfaced. Details are murky, but it is believed that Dorvik proposes that both states should continue to protest Beiteynu's actions, and should seek further Artanian input on the issue as well.
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Re: Informal News

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:36 pm


Destroy Dorvish hegemony: the Artanian Yeudi Plot

Regarding: "The time is now"; Sneakyeth delegation tours Artania, Yishelem's whispers on an endgame in Artania
Date: June 5409
Discoverable: By Kundrati, Luthori, Dorvish intelligence, someone in Narikaton & Darnussia and, of course, Lourenne

Sneakyeth's delegation in Artania has 2 important stops: Kasaema and Fort William.

Yishelem has always wanted to protect Yeudis outside of Beiteynu - and the way it chose to do that is by creating and placing strategic deterrents all over the globe, built on influence, commerce and in recent cases, the tactical deployments of naval fleets. The muscle of Beiteynuese influence across Terra - the meddling, if you will - became so strong only because it arrived at a critical juncture: the simultaneous decline of Dorvik, not by itself, but by the rise of others.

Beiteynu's change of pace in exerting firmness came after 207 years of meddling: the coronation of Meleh Elias Ishmael IV. The thing that is most confusing for others about Beiteynu is the fact that Yishelem is not a direct meddler in the most meddling sense; one of its biggest arsenals has always been leveraging 1) situations like the Trigunian sanctions and now Ikradon indirectly and 2) strategical "backing down" to obfuscate its reach even more.

So Beiteynu is never anywhere, but it's always everywhere.

Just because the world forgot or didn't really bat an eye to the splendours of Beiteynuese intelligence, does not mean that the Terran Remediation Agency did not in fact assassinate the country's own Prime Minister to open the floodgates of Artanian meddling. The reason always lingered in the air; the world's recurring mistake in dealing with Beiteynu has always been in regarding Yeudish shenanigans as mere passings or blots in history - isolated events, instead of the actual dominoes that Yishelem has always placed, in being under the meticulous planning of the Yeudi Way.

Everything about Beiteynu seems complex, intriguing, adorned in mystique. It's actually not when you remember that everything Beiteynu does and justifies is to protect Yeudis and those who are keen to protect Yeudis along with Beiteynu; those who play the Yeudi Game.

It's the Yeudish shtick of Yeudi shmucks about the Yeudi Heritage born out of the Yeudi Diaspora.

And what better way is there to protect your race everywhere, when you can't actually be everywhere, than to make sure nobody specific can move against your race? The most twisted meaning of "tov yoter lehoulam (greater good for all)" in securing world peace by essentially meddling the shit out of it.

The vacuum will be filled, one way or another. Ikradon, Davostag are mere tactical situations in a bigger, world-shaping fight: the leftovers of the triumvirate, now largely being a Beiteynuese & Lourennais world countering a historic Dorvish hegemony, as Yishelem moves its final pieces to obliterate it.

Thus, the ASCO and the JAMS concepts were born, which Yishelem will seek to broker; itself, via Fort William or Kasaema, it matters not.

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Re: Informal News

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:57 pm


Identity for Sale

Regarding: Pedro Cortez, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Baltusia
Date: August 5409
Discoverable?: Yes, and of particular use to intelligence services

Apparently, Secretary for Foreign Affairs Pedro Cortez is illegally selling passports without background checks. He is rumoured to sell to anyone who can pay, and risks treason and espionage charges if discovered.
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