
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:31 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:03 pm

[9 February 5408] |
Foreign Ministry of Kundrati
Statement on tension in Ikradon

The bombing of the central bank in Ikradon is a very unfortunate time for Ikradon and we stand with the victims, especially the Luthorian government, in mourning the loss and casualties in this heinous attack. No country should ever experience such a breakdown in law and order.

Kundrati shall do whatever it takes, in cooperation with their Artanian partners, in order to ensure that peace and stability remain in Artania and that any instability in Ikradon or in any other Artanian country is quelled swiftly and the rule of law restored.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:30 pm

[9 February 5408] |

Kundrati Railways secures major freight train deal with Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien as the rest of the country eyes Nsanlosa for economic prospects

Years ago Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien (DUT) began to work on train plants near Tomasadyn in Lirnak in order to construct more trains to serve both Kundrati and Dundorf alongside other countries that may be interested in DUT's train products. Today, after some delays over negotiations and backroom discussion, Transport Minister Hedvika Vacková announced with representatives of Kundrati Railways and DUT discussing the following sale.

Around 125 Vektore I trains were bought by Kundrati Railways today which will cost around 863.1 million Kuno (or 625 million Dundorfian Marks). The Transport Ministry will pay for around 75% of the cost with private freight companies operating in Kundrati helping to contribute for the other 25%. The freight trains will operate in Kundrati's freight services to help with the current freight trains operating which are currently turning older and less efficient.

The trains are expected to slowly move into the freight train services by the start of 5415 towards the end of 5430 at the end should everything go well.

However, another important announcement was made today by chief executives of Kundrati's largest technology company SMCWK which announced that they will begin providing investment and joint product development with Nsanlosan companies towards mobile phone and operating service development. The developmet plan was announced in order to bring more teeth to the Nsanlosan tech market which has seen some development of it's own, especially Megabyte which has seen development towards their own operating system for Nsanlosan consumer technology.

The gaming industry, though small in Kundrati, is also expected to benefit with Kundrati-based gaming developers intending to take advantage of a new Nsalosan market and Nsanlosan companies in order to develop new and better games. This may take a while though game developer company Pligon Tech has announced that they plan on a video game set in Nsanlosa which may be released in the 5420s.

This announcement also comes with money from Kundrati's Tomasadyn National bank and the Lirnakican Technological Investment Bank. A total of 8.230 million KUN (1.971 billion Lourrenais money) will be provided to Nsanlosan tech companies in order to expand the telecommunications industry and services in the country. In addition, SMCWK announced a partnership with Nsanlosan company ConNEXT in order to "rapidly expand Internet access throughout the country".

Tomasadyn National also announced another 2 billion Kuno (479 million Lourenne money) to work on developing Nsanlosan infrastructure. Railway and road infrastructure will gain priority for the funding in order to continue expanding and improving the Nsanlosan highway and railway system. Kundrati Railways and the Ministry of Transportation also announced that they will send a team of experts and workers in order to help Nsanlosa with their transportation infrastructure.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:05 am

Image (Link: https://imgur.com/a/PDg5NWh)
The following is a map of the affected areas. Red is under a state of war status, yellow is under a state of siege. Map by myungdae06_ on Discord, edited by hyraemous

[10 September 5408] |

Kundrati declares a state of emergency at the border with Ikradon

Recently in Ikradon there has been much chaos with the central bank bombed and the military of the country failing to coup the government, leaderless since their president's assassination. This comes as the Dorvish state, once the hegemon of Artania, falls to political infighting and crises which forced the neighbors of Ikradon into action.

It was in this environment that newly-elected President Mikhail Pisanivovich declared, with the approval of the National Assembly, a state of war status for the regions which border Ikradon, and a state of siege for all of Celania and the western portion of Lirnak. Notably the city of Galensk will be placed in this state of war setting. A "State of War" is Kundrati's equivalent to martial law and will last for the duration of the emergency, while a "State of Siege" is the country's equivalent to a national emergency which will be renewed once for thirty days before it expires.

The President has stated that he shall call up reservists in the affected SoW area alongside troops all around Celania and southern Lirnak. A total of 178,000 reservists and active-duty soldiers will be affected though it is likely around 50,000 troops will be sent to the border with Ikradon. As we speak tanks and various other supplies of military nature are moving to the area of the state of war.

The President has stated that internet and telecommunications will not be affected however there shall be a media blackout until further notice in relation to the situation in Ikradon for the affected area, including social media services and the like, with punishments up to 10,000 Kuno or a year in prison.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:23 pm

[23 January 5409] |
Foreign Ministry of Kundrati
Joint Statement between the Kundrati Union and the Bundesrepublik Dundorf on the civil war in Ikradon

The Union of Kundrati and Bundesrepublik Dundorf believe it is in our best interest to protect the stability of Artania. The disintegration of authority in Ikradon by virtue of attempted coups, assassination, terrorist attacks and factional insurgency is causing Ikradon to collapse into civil war. We are taking all necessary steps to prevent this contagion spreading to our nations or other Artanian nations through our borders with it. It is possible a reasonable contender for viable government may emerge from the wreckage and if so we will support it. We may well have to intervene for our protection and that of Artania should matters get worse. The Kundrati Union and Bundesrepublik Dundorf shall do what we must to remedy the situation in Ikradon.

Additional Statements by the Foreign Minister of Kundrati, Hubert Matyáš Hulanevek, on Ikradon

As of now we have sent about 25,000 soldiers to the border with Ikradon with the 1st Celania and 2nd Celania Divisions being sent from the Army alongside the 20th Air Wing "Celania" and the 22nd Air Wing "Lirnak" composing a total of 40 planes of interceptors and fighters. They will be headquartered at the nearby city of Galensk. Another two divisions of 25,000 strength total, the 1st Lirnak and 1st Jildrath divisions of the Army, will be in reserve at the nearby port city of Papoc, alongside a task group of the Kundrati Southern Fleet which shall be named "Task Group Ikradon" comprised of the KUnS Canrille (Leygues-class destroyer), KUnS Albatross (Dorvish ADG-class multinational frigate), three Kotor-class missile ships the KUnS Celania, KUnS Papoc, and KUnS Yasen Tsankov, two minehunters, two minelayers, and fifteen patrol ships of the Super Dvora Mark 2 and the Dabur. The massive Task Group will be stationed in Papoc and will be combat ready to respond to any situation in Ikradon given notice.

We have also asked our Beiteynuese partners to provide assistance towards the Lievenian Sea due to the piracy which has grown due to the Dorvish infighting. I know there are some fears that it will be stationed near Luthorian waters and we believe it is one big misunderstanding. Kundrati understands that Luthori is able to deal with this situation and we are confident in their abilities there. However we cannot risk the Lievenian Sea becoming a den of piracy when it is historically known for being a safe place for proper trade and economic deals.

Like our Dundorfian friends we have begun to secure our own border with the help of the Armed Forces and the Border Service via helicopters and additional troops. Unfortunately we will also have to temporarily detain Ikradonian citizens crossing the border until we are certain these citizens have business with the Union and wish to escape from the instability across the border. We will open two crossings for these people to pass through which will be guarded by our soldiers and will accept refugees from Ikradon per our open immigration policy though they will be strictly inspected for weapons or arms alongside providing them, afterwards once we prove their identity and purpose, with asylum and integration into housing shelters and into public housing.

Finally we urge our allies of the Holy Luthorian Empire to take similar steps and urge our friends in Rutania and Endralon to similarly contribute. Artanian security is in the very best interest of all Artania after all. Those who threaten Artanian security, and those who attempt to harm Kundrati specifically, will see the full might of Kundrati itself.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:28 am

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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:15 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby Zanz » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:08 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:00 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:44 pm

[6 February 5410] |
Foreign Ministry of Kundrati
Statement on major situation in Baltusia

We are extremely concerned regarding the developing situation in Baltusia with the deprivation of human liberties alongside the actions by the Baltusian military in suppressing the protests and contributing to the declining civil liberties in the country.

We are also extremely concerned about the uprising which is currently taking place in Baltusia.

As a result the Kundrati Union demands that all Kundrati persons immediately leave via safe passage through Kundrati or allied routes. In addition the Kundrati Union demands the Baltusian government not harm any Kundrati or allied persons in any way. Kundrati shall pay for the bail sentences recieved by Kundrati persons inside Baltusia. We also further call for this situation to cease and that Baltusia submit themselves to international observers if requested.

The Kundrati Union shall do what it deems necessary, should these requests not be applied as soon as possible, to act in defence of Kundrati's interests in Baltusia.
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