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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:27 am


November 11th 5411

The Dolgavan Army has announced the creation of a 4th Division which will consolidate and help organize the Dolgavan Army better than ever before. Currently the two major Division of the Dolgavan Army is the 1 Mechanizuotoji Pėstininkų Padaliny (Mechanized Infantry Division) also known as the "Red Slayer Division" and the extremely powerful 1st Panzerių skyrius (1st Panzer Division) and the 2nd Panzerių skyrius (2nd Panzer Division) which is on par with Dorvik's elite Panzer divisions in terms of organization and strength. Besides these two divisions there are many brigades that are specialized for climates or to be behind enemy lines and there are the divisions of the Dolgavan Home Guard which are completely separate.

The new division will take units from the Alpine and Paratrooper corps and incorporate them into a highly mobile division which can be sent at a moments notice to another country. The Dolgavan Expeditionary Force will be able to be split up if needed and its components used for other operations or for it to serve as a Division capable of large attacks and defense type positions. The unit will be made up of the following Battalions.

Royal Dolgavan Expeditionary Force (Karaliskie Dolgavanas ekspedīcijas spēki)

1st Paratrooper Brigade (Desantnieku Brigāde 1.)

1st Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 1.)
2nd Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 2.)
3rd Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 3.)
77th Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 77.)

2nd Paratrooper Brigade (Desantnieku Brigāde 2.)

4th Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 4.)
5th Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 5.)
12th Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 12,)
24th Paratrooper Battalion (desantnieku bataljons 24.)

Hodari Māceklis "Hodari Devils" 6th Armoured Brigade

22nd mechanizuotasis Pėstininkų Batalionas (Mechanized Infantry Battalion )
23rd mechanizuotasis Pėstininkų Batalionas (Mechanized Infantry Battalion )
24th mechanizuotasis Pėstininkų Batalionas (Mechanized Infantry Battalion )
5th Apgādes bataljons (Supply Battalion 5)

1st Mountain Brigade (Kalnieša brigāde 1)

Kalnietis Staff and Signal Company 1 (Kalnieša štāba un signālu kompānija 1,)
Kalnietis Reconnaissance Battalion 1 (Kalnieša izlūku bataljons 1.)
Kalnietis Battalion 1 (Kalnieša bataljons 1.)
Kalnietis Battalion 2 (Kalnieša bataljons 2.)
Kalnietis Battalion 3 (Kalnieša bataljons 3.)
Kalnietis Engineer Battalion 1 (Kalnieša inženieru bataljons 1)
Kalnietis Supply Battalion 1 (Kalnieša apgādes bataljons)
Kalnietis Pack Animal Company 1 (Paku dzīvnieku uzņēmums Kalnietis 1.)
Kalnietis Maintenance Company 1 (Apkopes uzņēmums Kalnietis 1.)

2nd Mountain Brigade (Kalnieša brigāde 2)

Kalnietis Staff and Signal Company 2 (Kalnieša štāba un signālu kompānija 2.)
Kalnietis Reconnaissance Battalion 3 (Kalnieša izlūku bataljons 3.)
Kalnietis Battalion 4 (Kalnieša bataljons 4.)
Kalnietis Battalion 5 (Kalnieša bataljons 5.)
Kalnietis Battalion 6 (Kalnieša bataljons 6.)
Kalnietis Engineer Battalion 2 (Kalnieša inženieru bataljons 2.)
Kalnietis Supply Battalion 2 (Kalnieša apgādes bataljons 2,)
Kalnietis Pack Animal Company 2 (Paku dzīvnieku uzņēmums Kalnietis 2.)
Kalnietis Maintenance Company 2 (Apkopes uzņēmums Kalnietis 2.)

This division will see training and deployment alongside allied nations of the CSCO and will participate in military exercise in the near future in Hutori. With this new Division Dolgava's capabilities have increased and their army now possesses a powerful offensive tool that can adapt and fight in a variety of climates and terrains. This will also be the first devoted unit in Dolgava's Army that is trained and utilized for positions overseas in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:33 am


March 3rd 5412

Prime Minister Kornelijs Braun has called early elections in an attempt to stem the growing popularity of the Kopā Party which now narrowly leads most Dolgavan national polls. However there is a growing fear inside of his party that waiting for the election will see his party certainly lose and so in an attempt to regain power once again, Braun has called for early elections in an attempt to salvage his premiership and has begun campaigning hard to be re-elected. If he is the margin will be extremely narrow.

The opposition leader Angela Goldberger and her party have jumped on the opportunity calling the early elections for what they are and calling Braun "power hungry" in result. To add insult to injury Braun's approval ratings are extremely low with only 38% of Dolgavans thinking he is doing a good job. The Conservatives are in the competitive however in spite of Braun not because of him. The party has been clear and this has become even more so now that early elections have been called. If Braun loses the election then he will be out as Prime Minister.

Many Dolgavans see his leadership and government as stale with many newspapers and pundits agreeing that his government has "flip flopped" on several issues key to Dolgavans and that he cares more about winning elections than he does in helping Dolgavans. It is just clear though that many inside Dolgava just want a change in Government and Kopā has positioned itself as the change that the people are craving. Currently Kopā leads the polls with 54% of the population supporting them 45.7% support the Government making the gap slightly better than a few months ago when the Conservatives reached a low of 42%. The Conservatives have started to try to campaign for more right leaning legislation making themselves not as moderate as they once were something that has worked to varying degrees of success.

The polls show that Goldberger could break history as Dolgava's youngest PM and bring the left to power in Dolgava for the first time in decades. If they win it will be upset that many people will remember for generations. As the campaign heats up the day of the election is drawing nearer and nearer.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:08 am


April 4th 5412

The Conservatives are out. In a stunning election the Conservatives have lost their Majority and lost the Prime Minister's chair. In an election that shocked many but the polls predicted to be correct Angela Goldberger and her party swept up 112 seats giving her party a 12 seat majority. The Conservatives lost many seats in most districts with the Prime Minister even losing his seat in the suburbs of Aikums. The election was historic for Kopā who led the opposition to a massive victory and unseating the Prime Minister of nearly 15 years.

The results of the night were not in doubt as seat after seat fell with many "moderate" MPs being ousted one by one by Kopā who ran extremely damaging campaigns in these districts. Appearing next to the former Mayor of Aikums and now her Deputy Prime Minister Dr.Jozefīna Buile the new Prime Minister elect and who minutes later would complete the transition to Prime Minister, basked in the glory of election victory in front of thousands of people in Aikums. Her speech has set the tone for her budding premiership.

Freinds, Countrymen, my Fellow Dolgavans,

Tonight we saw Democracy and the will of the people rise up and proclaim that Dolgava, our country truly is a Democracy and not under the grip of an autocratic regime. Now friends my party and I have been given a new mandate, one that allows us to make Dolgava a free and fair society, one that gives us a chance at expanding help for those in need and stops the corruption of past regimes. Tonight we will begin our journey of fundamental change to the Dolgavan state that will make us better than we have ever been in our history. We have a chance at not only say we are going to help Dolgavas but actually do it.

We must expand social coverage for all Dolgavans as well as allowing Dolgavns to express themselves without fear of the Government cracking down. We can stop relying on vague foreign threats and focus on bettering the lives of Dolgavans. Together friends we can make this country a better, equal and more equitable place for all.

Many political experts are saying that despite Goldberger's claims many of its proposed plans will need her parties full support which she may not have. Some of the candidates elected that make up her majority are from more conservative and rural areas and balancing their wants and needs compared to urban and suburban areas is going to be a challenge. Also many in her party still support current defense spending with military annalists arguing that the military was underfunded before and the current raises in funding are to bring it up to international standards.

On the losing side the Conservatives are leaderless and rudderless. The Prime Minister spoke very little about his election disaster only making a short statement saying

The Dolgavan people want change and they voted and clearly we were not providing that. I wish the new Prime Minister well.

Many of the moderate members of the party have been voted out and those who are left are mostly Right Wing, Nationalistic MP's. The Nationalistic caucus is led by the new "defacto" leader of the party split between the former Deputy Prime Minister Fridberts Kohs a fellow Nationalistic Caucus Member and the actual leader of the caucus Ursula Soosaar. The coming months there will be an internal party election to determine the next Conservative leader but until then the party will have no real leader to bring a coordinated opposition to Goldberg and her party.

The Dolgavan Political landscape has changed much because of the election. There will be change as Goldberg has made this very clear. Despite people who may argue otherwise, Dolgavan democracy is alive and well.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:41 am


New PM of Dolgava Visits Nsanlosa to Further Economic and Strategic Partnership Ties

Haradesa the capital of Nsanlosa

September 2nd 5412

The new Dolgavan Government visited Haradesa and met with the Government of Nsanlosa to reaffirm close ties and to meet with a fellow CSCO alliance member. The visit made it clear that despite the new Government in Aikums, the foreign policy approach of strengthening ties with the CSCO and member states inside of the CSCO is clearly a major priority. Prime Minister Angela Goldberger who has family that several centuries ago immigrated to Nsanlosa is clearly supportive of the countries push for Democracy.

The Prime Minister said

Nsanlosa is a country devoted to bringing peace and stability in Dovani and we are proud to help them in their mission of helping Dovani become more stable and democratic.

The Prime Minister discussed the distinct possibility of Dolgava and Nsanlosa conducting joint military exercises in the near future to be able to conduct missions in Dovani and against hostile regimes in the area. Dolgava and Nsanlosa have gotten close to each other in recent months and years as they economically and militarily connect and deepen ties. Dolgava has started cultural exchange programs with Nsanlosa in recent months as a way of further connecting Dolgava and Nsanlosa together in friendship and Dolgavan companies have done well expanding to Nsanlosa as a viable market.

The future is bright for Nsanlosa and Dolgavan relations and is a shining example of mutual friendship that has not end in sight for either side.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:25 pm


August 12th 5413

Dolgava is finalizing a treaty that will ensure that Security pace between the two nations that looks to stabilize and bring together the nations of Luthori and Dolgava. Dolgava has been pursuing ties with Luthori for some time now especially with the new Government in Aikums believing that the Kingdom of Dolgava should be actively pursuing friendships with other northern nations in Dolgava. The deal will bring Dolgava and Luthori together in a security pact that will ensure that conflict does not take place between Dolgava and Luthori.

This is in stark contrast to several years ago when Luthori and Dolgavan relations were on the edge however as time has progressed cooler heads have prevailed and relations have improved drastically between the two countries. Luthori has been acting as a stable presence in Artania for some time especially with genocide taking place in Ikradon and a general increase of instability on the continent. With Dolgava having close ties to Dorvik and Luthori it will ensure that Artania remains friends with Dolgava for centuries to come a policy that Dolgava has pursued for many centuries. Some of Dolgava's greatest allies have been in Artania and the Dolgavan Government looks to continue that.

The details of the pact are still unknown but sources from inside the Dolgavan Government say that it is "close" to being complete. A successful security pact between the two nations would shape not only Dolgavan foreign policy but the geopolitical landscape of Artania, Keris and the wider region. It will certainly help bring peace and stability to the region as well as ensure peaceful ties between countries in the north for years to come.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:54 am


May 12th 5414

Prime Minister Angela Goldberger has announced that Dolgava will accept 50,000 refugees from Irkadon in an attempt to stem the massive refugee crisis in Artania as a result of the barbarism. The refugees are being heavily vetted and will be given ample opportunities to integrate and thrive in Dolgava. The primary target demographic of the 50,000 are families and it is the hope of the Dolgavan Government that familes and couple will be able to integrate and move to Dolgava together in a family unit and structure so that is is not as traumatic as going to a new place by oneself.

The Prime Minister made it public in a television interview with Aikums Channel 3 where she said that

The situation in Irkadon is frankly deeply disturbing to anyone regardless of what political positions you have or background or creed. So many innocent people have died from WMD's. It is our duty as not only a country but as a member of the international community to help the poor people or Irkadon who are suffering through so much. That is why I have authorized 50,000 refugees come to Dolgava and they will have a chance if they so desire to become citizens of this country. We will provide them a roof over their head and also food and security. By doing this we also want to preserve family structure and keep children and their parents together as much as possible. We must do what we can to not disrupt the lives of those who just are trying to flee from unspeakable violence.

The Government has announced that funds will be given to refugees to cover expenses and Government jobs will be given to them depending on their education and degrees and prior work experience. Much of this will be dependent on vetting before they come to Dolgava. This marks Goldberger's first major push towards humanitarianism for Dolgava something she campaigned heavily on when she was running for PM. By helping those who have survived unspeakable tragedy and pain and sorrow we are doing our part in helping fellow humans caught in a terrible situation,

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:24 pm


August 1st 5414

The Dolgavan Conservative Party has finally reunited under a new leader. The former Deputy Prime Minister Fridberts Kohs won an internal party election to become the next Leader of the Opposition. For months the party has been seemingly leaderless and rudderless with no direction but Kohs made his goals extremely clear at his first speech to Parliament saying

The inaction from this Government has shown that we are going backwards not forwards. We are the power of Keris and we are one of the fastest growing powers in the North. We will not let others control our destiny. Prime Minister Goldberger is trying to turn this country into a soft humanitarian state when we should be united towards peace in many ways both militarily and peacefully. Dolgava has long been under the influence and control of others, we have long been under the yoke of other powers but now it is time for our place in the sun. Dolgava will no longer accept being under anyone and will not accept other power of Keris or Terra telling us what we can and cannot do. This government is not seizing this opportunity and they are failing this country in terms of foreign policy. Now they want to cut back on our military? This is madness!

So far the two major factions of the Conservatives to hold power the Conservatives and the Nationalists are at peace with each other with the Far-Right supporting Kohs. The leader of the Nationalists Ursula Soosaar, is gaining popularity and if the Conservatives are elected to power she would be serving likely as Deputy PM or a high Governmental position. The Nationalists are outspoken in support of forming the Dolgavan Empire once again and being the major player in Keris and the surrounding region. The Conservatives have taken a massive right wing shift in recent months and years and with the Government shifting ever so slowly more and more to the left the Dolgavan public may go to the Conservatives once again for leadership. Fridberts Kohs is ready and willing to take on the Government and bring the Conservatives back to victory once again the question remains, will he?

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:58 pm


August 7th 5414

The Dolgavan Parliament approved by a narrow majority a spending bill that looks to drastically decrease funding of the Dolgavan Military in favor of spending money on the Dolgavan Public Healthcare. The bill is apart of the Government's new plan to stop rapid militarization of Dolgava. This began with the Prime Minister's pick in Defense Minister, a women named Solomija Ābele (pictured above) who has long been skeptical of the Dolgavan military buildup and has written several books saying that Dolgava is becoming the next Dorvik in terms of "radical militarization". She is a self proclaimed humanitarian and has favored the lessening of Dolgava's military strength. For now this would be political suicide but her attempt to "limit" militarism is to cut funding and finish outstanding projects before halting major military expansion programs.

The Government has long argued that Dolgava is "not fighting anyone" and that a large military is impractical. With Artania stabilizing and the world once again at peace the need for a large military in their eyes is impractical. The Defense Minister has called for Dolgava's army to "only be used for defense" and that "under our leadership Dolgava will not intervene into foreign wars". The Government has expected this to be received well but veterans groups and those in the defense industry have started up protests against these measures with arguments portraying the Government as "traitors to Dolgava" being thrown around.

For now the budget is set to pass with support for the Government widely staying the same if not diminishing slightly. This is largely due to the peaceful nature of the world as of now however it also gives an excellent argument for the opposition which is trying its best to disrupt and diminish the new Government. It is clear that tensions between the two sides are growing and that the ideas for Dolgava's future are diverging faster and faster.

This marks a new direction for Dolgavan military planning one that is hated by some and loved by others. The Minister of Defense has done something that many progressives have begged for for years but nobody has actually achieved, the pause of Dolgavan military expansion.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:43 am


Kingdom of Dolgava to Change National Flag

The National Flag of the Dolgavas Karaliste

In the first major victory for the opposition in months the Conservatives have led a movement to change the National Flag from the current one used in the Dolgavan Republic to a new flag that better represents the Dolgavan people and the Dolgavan State. The tricolor flag will have Red White and Blue and retain the Dolgavan Stag prominently on the flag. A contest was held for flag designers in which many people were asked to develop the new Dolgavan flag.

The Red on top stands for the blood of Dolgavans who have stood time and time again for the freedom of Dolgava and independence of Dolgava from foreigners, the Blue stands for not only freedom but for the wonderful nature and waters of Dolgava. The White stands for the white north and the snow but also of Dolgavan peace and the innocence/good of the Dolgavan people. The flag is similar to the current one but matches the tricolor flag of historical Dolgavan flags. The current flag was seen as being so different from past Dolgavan flags that it did not make sense. The new flag retains that spirit but also brings back older flags into it.

The Government approved teh flag and joined with the opposition in voting for it. 195 out of the 200 members of Parliament voted for the new flag with 5 being progressives that want to see the monarchist flag go away and revert back to Republican era flags.

This is seen as a major victory for the Conservatives and something that was thought to be a hot button issue but has seen unity from the opposition and the Government. It also shows that the opposition can get its way on certain issues and maybe showing cracks in Goldberger's political armor.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:50 am


April 2nd 5415

Fisherman in Hodari have reported that two nuclear submarines left the Troll Mountain Naval base today on their way to be deployed. The news comes as the allocated time to rebuild them has passed and without any fanfare or news. However the fisherman were able to take a photo of one of the two submarines leaving Dolgavan waters on their way to the ocean.

The news surrounding the Dolgavan submarine fleet has been extremely secretive as of late with the press and everyone being off limits from the Troll Mountain. The press were given some time at the beginning but once submarines entered the facility it became an off limits zone for the press or any non-military personnel. The Dolgavan Nuclear Submarine program has been kept extremely secret as a matter of national defense and like in past deployments it seems that Dolgavans and the world will no know where these vessels will be deployed. This has long been Dolgava's strategy of deterrence. If foreign nations do not know where they are then they will have no way to counter them if they decide to go against Dolgava's behalf.

The nuclear submarine crews have already had much training but many more of the technical aspects of being successful submariners will have to be taught with experience. For the next few months the crews of the two submarines will be hard at work training and preparing for a scenario where they have have to attack in anger. While doing this the work on the other two submarines in the Śuketė Class will begin work to get them ready for service as well.

This marks a turning point in the Dolgavan Navy from a navy that is regaining its identity as a unit and going back to the days when the Dolgavan navy held prestige in power not only in Keris but internationally. The Government despite their disdain towards a growing military has made an exception for the Dolgavan Submarine service which is seen as a military and defense priority. However this is being kept under wraps by the Goldberger government as they attempt to take Dolgava from a militaristic state to that of one that focuses on humanitarianism.

For the brave men and women of the Dolgavan Submarine Service the next few months will be trying but exciting times and it will be the beginning of a new age in Dolgavan Naval prowess. We wish them the best!

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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