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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:50 pm

Luthori: ‘’Dorvik & Beiteynu acting like children while Artania is on fire’’, Luthori calls upon Artania to unite against the warmongers
The Imperial Government has come out and condemned Beiteynu and Dorvish warmongering amidst various continental crises, saying they are ''children playing with fire while the world burns, irresponsible''.

Prime Minister Rt' Hon. Raymond Miller

August 5410

Fort-William, Luthori -

Dorvik & Beiteynu bickering
For the past couple of months the Yeudi’s and Dorvish governments have been bickering and clashing on the world theatre, showing ever more military challenges to one another. With the internal political challenges in Dorvik it became clear that Yishelem became emboldend to try and dethrone Dorvik as one of the most powerfull states in the world. Creating a ‘’war of words’’ that is becoming ever hotter and fought with less words and more with displays. This to the dismay of the Luthorian government, who believes that this is neither the time nor the place and is quite irresponsible, as was said by the Prime-Minister’s office yesterday evening.

Beiteynu betrays alliance with Luthori for unknown reasons in fight with Dorvik
It is new that Luthori speaks out against both Dorvik ánd Beiteynu. Until recently Yeudi-Luthorian relations were quite good, with Luthori defending Beiteynu diplomaticly and in actions in various conflicts. Yet these actions were repaid yesterday evening with betrayel as news came from Yishelem saying the Beiyeynu fleet assembled in the Migrant’s Pass. Not a surprising move, seeing the Yeudi’s often patrol these waters. What is different is that it is yet another provocation towards Dorvik, a power that has several internal issues to content with. What is more surprising is the Yeudi betrayel of Luthori by announcing that the Luthorian navy would be blocked by the Beiteynu fleet from accessing its Malivian Port and general access to the Migrant’s Pass. According to the Ministery of Defence this came as a total surprise, and an unwelcome one.

Luthorian navy to ignore Beiteynu fleet and sail towards Malivia
In response the Imperial Government has decided to send the Southern Fleet to the Migrant’s Pass with the orders to go to the Malivian leased port and patrol the Malivian coast and the Migrant’s Pass. A statement made by the Ministery of Defense stated: ‘’The Empire sails wherever it wants and will do as it likes, this betrayel and blockade of its allies speaks volumes of the politics Yishelem takes. We will keep our word to Malivia and patrol those waters’’. The Imperial Navy has gotten the directive to ignore the Yeudi fleet and sail past them, if force is used then the imperial navy has the orders to fire back, but never to start the conflict and avoid it as much as possible. With this the Imperial Government wishes to showcase that this is a tactic of Beiteynu to cause conflicts and war where none have to exist but that Luthori will not backdown from its duty to Malivia.

Calling upon all - especially upon Artanians - to unite, for stability and security
However it did not end here. A joint statement by the Prime-Minister was released shortly afterwards, attended by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Defence, Ministers of Artanian Affairs, Minister of Commonwealth Affairs and the Minister of Majatra Affairs. In the joint press release the Prime-Minister took the stage and addressed Luthori but also all of Artania:

Dear Luthorians, nay, dear Artanians. Because this message must be heard by all on our continent, and hopefully as well by our allies across the sea. The Dorvish and Yeudi conflict is ridiculous. It a contest of two young boys trying to see who can pee the furthest. Who can punch the hardest and in their wake create instability, economic malase and uncertainty. All in a futile game of power. All the while the world is in fire. In Baltusia human rights are being violated, Badara is barely stable and there is a full blown civil war in Ikradon which Luthori, Dundorf, Rutania and Kundrati are trying to solve. How long do we allow these nations to let the world be their plaything? How long do we let Dorvik threaten us or bully nations into submission, for their own benefit? How long do we allow the Yeudi games being played with us?

We call upon Kundrati, Rutania, Narikaton & Darnussia, Dundorf, Malivia and all other Artanian states to join Luthori in saying: ‘’enough!’’. We also ask our Commonwealth brothers to stand with us, allies overseas like Alduria and Lourenne and anyone willing to condemn the actions we’ve seen by Dorvik and Beiteynu. Peace and stability must be our top priority!

Luthori will focus with its allies on solving the crisis with Ikradon. We condemn Dorvik and Beiteynu, acting like children playing with fire. Artanians, we must come together for united we stand, but divided we fall.

A quite powerful speech by the Prime-Minister and His Imperial Majesty’s Government. In the questions that the media could ask next one was asked about the alegations against Luthori of becoming a ‘’second Dorvik’’ of a ‘’Dorvik 2.0’’ the Foreign Secretary took the awnser quite annoyed: ‘’There are only two ‘’Dorvik’s’’, Dorvik 1.0, which is Dorvik and Dorvik 2.0, which is Beiteynu. They are acting like two sides of the same irresponsible coin. As the Prime-Minister said, its time to band together and not let these hawks make the situation in the world worse!’’. To which the entire cabinet nodded. From this it seems the Imperial Government is resolute to showcase that Luthori is willing to be the regional power it is, but to work with others and to fully commit to stability in the region and not power for power’s sake as the Imperial Government claims the two great powers are doing.

A clear call upon all Luthorian friends and allies
The speech made by the Imperial Government doesnt only call upon Artanians to unite but for the world and all Luthorian friends and allies, be they Commonwealth members, normal allies or distant friends to join Luthori in its condemnation. With this Luthori is calling out especially Lourenne, an ally of Luthori and Beiteynu to take a side. How this will end is unsure.
Last edited by Autokrator15 on Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:37 pm

Luthorian diplomats traveling all over Artania, calling for Artanian Security & Stability Pact & focus on the Artanian Union and cooperation

Luthorian Foreign Office

August 5410

Fort William, Luthori – Diplomats of the Empire have been seen travelling all across Artania gathering support for Artanian Unity in the face of instability caused by the conflict between Beiteynu and Dorvik. Earlier this week the Luthorian government denounced both governments for finding their conflict more important than stability and peace in the world. The Luthorian government called up for Artanian nations to join them in condemning their actions and calling up for Artanian unity. Now the Luthorians want to put that into action by getting the nations at the table for discussions of a common security pact that will allow Artania to be free from as the Foreign Office puts it: ‘’hegemons and meddling nations’’.

The Imperial Diplomats where instructed this morning to depart for all capitals in Artania, safe for Dorvik, to discuss the future of Artania and Artanian cooperation. Though the Imperial Government stated that Dorvik isn’t to be excluded in the future, it believes that one of the problems of the current situation cannot be part of the current solution. The diplomats will address all governments in Artania to seek a way forward to create an alliance in which all nations in Artania will guarantee peace and stability on the continent.

When asked about the motivations of the Imperial Government, the Luthorian spokesperson for the Foreign Office, Michael Bigsby, said that the Imperial Government ‘’wants to show Artania and the world it is ready to lead the continent towards a new future. One where the strong do not dominate those who are less strong, like Dorvik did. We do not believe in might making right. On the other hand we do believe in being open and fair with our friends and allies. Cooperation must be the key forward, unlike Beiteynu is doing. Luthori is the only nation in Artania to be able to rival Dorvik. But we do not want to be them. We want to secure Artania because it keeps us safe, but we also want others to spread their wings. Luthori will not dictate but will set an example for a better Artania. We hope others will join us as our friends and allies, the time is now!’’.

It is no secret that the Holy Luthorian Empire is hoping that out of all other states the other significant powers on the continent: Kundrati, Rutania and Dundorf will join Luthori in its objectives. The Foreign Office has been seen spending extra attention towards them.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Torsten1 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:33 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Zanz » Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:08 am

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:25 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:56 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:23 pm

The Imperial Navy's "Culrane Commission" completes the audit ordered by the Naval Staff.
The Imperial Luthorian Navy has just completed an unmarked study by the Imperial Navy’s senior military authorities, in an effort to look at what "should be changed quickly" according to the Naval Staff.
14th, June 5412
The First Sea Lord, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Bernie Sullivan.
Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Chief of the Naval Staff, Adm. [Admiral] Bernie Sullivan, announced when he took office, that in "consultation" with the high-ranking command of the Imperial Military, which was in accordance with its "reforming and innovative" policies because entering the general framework of "Restoration of Action" of the Imperial Military [Time Magazine], as part of this verbal agreement, it announced an extensive audit operation of the equipment, facilities and funds of the Imperial Navy and how the latter were used, This mission was in the wake of the "Moyne Commission" which had pointed to different inperfection of the Imperial Military in general, even if the Imperial Luthorian Navy was not greatly affected during this rather critical report on the "calling" state of the Imperial Army, even if this were the case, the new Chief of Naval Staff had decided to "not take risks" with the capabilities of the Imperial Navy by deciding to order this audit of all the "materiel and properties" held by the Imperial Navy, In order to be able to draw up a table of charges for a total renovation of all the naval forces present in the fleets commanded by the various commands of the Imperial Navy, this decision was taken in June 5308, two years ago, and the audit mission, marked by an organization similar to that of the "Moyne Commission", with the appointment of Admiral John Culrane as "Inspector General" of the Imperial Luthorian Navy, with as mission given by the Naval High Command to inspect the state of the Imperial Navy and to give a report within "maximum" 2 years to the Naval High Command, which should implement the policies recommended by the so-called "Culrane Commission". This commission began its work after its approval by the Chief of the Defence Staff and the signature of His Majesty, giving them all the "necessary prerogatives" to the "Culrane Commission" to "begin as soon as possible its work of study of the whole infrastructure and the armament of the Imperial Navy", during the work of 2 years, which was criticized to be "too long" by many low-ranking officials within the Imperial Navy, who was envious of receiving answers quickly to see that Naval High Command would do with this information, on the other hand, the high-ranking Imperial Military officers closely linked with the Imperial Navy, such as the Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Elnora Jones, or other senior officers of the Imperial Navy kept a deafening silence on the work of the Commission. But, after two years of waiting, the results of the Culrane Commission finally arrived at the office of the Chief of the Naval Staff, who held a press conference on the subject, announcing the latest "findings" of the commission of inquiry.

The Naval Staff announced that the state of the Imperial Navy was as follows, it has 66 ships under its full command, with an upcoming objective of extending it to 70, this comes after the many cuts of the Imperial Navy after Luthori had, for a time, had a rather massive fleet but that the Luthorian Government could not handle because of its huge size and disproportionate objectives of the Imperial Navy. In the report establishing the state of armament of the Imperial Navy, the size of the Imperial Navy is set at 54, with 6 ships to be built by the end of the decade, for the moment and in the future, within the Imperial Luthorian Navy, there are 5 replenishment tankers of Tide class, with a new, the HMS Asterion to arrive to add a new ship in the complement of the Imperial Navy, within this part of the fleet, only 1 Wave Knight-class fast fleet tanker, with no plans to add or replace and conclude the list of the "Imperial Navy’s Auxillairy Fleet" which must meet the needs of ships on external mission. Apart from these ships being part of a service different from that of the Imperial Luthorian Navy, even if it is attached to it, the rest of the 60 ships of the Imperial Navy, with 4 ships which will come to "reinforce" the provision set up by the Naval High Command in Middenhall, these ships are divided into several fleets, which are themselves distributed in different sectors of the world, world which was divided into "sectors" for a "more effective and coordinated command" according to the Chief of the Defence Staff. First, we have the 1st Fleet, also called the "Home Fleet", this fleet is composed by the presence of 19 ships under his command, including the Randolph-class Helicopter Carrier, which was transferred from the 2nd Fleet to the 1st Fleet at the beginning of last year.

This fleet consists of 1 Randolph-class helicopter carrier, 4 Type-45 Destroyers, 7 Type-23 Frigates, 3 River-class offshore patrol ships and 4 Hunt-class minehunter ships. The main destination of this fleet, based chiefly at Randurst Naval Base [His Majesty’s Naval Base (HMNB) of Randurst (suburb of Clamfeld, Shipleyriding)], is the protection of Luthori territorial waters within the Artanian Sea, forming a small "cordon sanitaire" of defense of the Artanian Sea with the 2nd Fleet with which it puts a lot of effort in the suverillance and the patrol of the Artanian Sea, with the 1st Fleet taking more responsibility in this actions than the Second Fleet, which must be concentrated in missions oriented towards the north of the hemisphere rather than towards the center. The 1st Fleet is led by the Rear Admiral Victoria Vear, who was appointed by His Majesty, on the recommendation of the Chief of the Naval Staff, for "his good service and sense of strategy and negotiation" having been issues identified at the time of his appointment. The 2nd Fleet is a fleet based in Likatonia, as stipulated in the alliance document between Luthori and the northern seleyan country. This fleet is based in the naval base of Sheils, in the state of Madison, this base is called His Majesty’s Naval Base (HMNB) of Sheils within the Imperial Navy. The strategic position of this base is very important for the Imperial Navy, which can, thanks to this base, continue to help in anti-piracy and patrol missions within the Artanian Sea, even if this role is quite limited thanks to the presence of the Home Fleet [1st Fleet], which carries out the majority of this type of mission within the Artanian Sea. On the other hand, the 2nd "Northern" Fleet can carry out, thanks to its respectable number of ships, that of 20 ships, missions of this type or with a more aggressive objective within the Mad Dog Ocean, Livenian Sea or Unholy Sea, crossing points considered as "hot spots" in the world because of the current conflict in Davostag, or in other points within the Northern Hemisphere, with the aim of "facilitating trade between countries" via anti-war missionspiracy, and protecting luthorian cargo ships passing through these "risk zones" as proclaimed by the Foreign Office. The 2nd Fleet, or also referred to as the "Northern Fleet" is composed of larger ships than the Home Fleet, due to its position and strategic orientation of "patrol on the high seas" privileged by its command, led by Admiral Houston Barry, the fleet consists of 4 River-class offshore patrol ships, 7 Daring-class (Type 45) Destroyers, 8 Duke-class (Type 23) Frigates and 1 Luthor-class amphibious transport dock. However, the presence of the Luthor-class amphibious transport dock is subject to reverse and could be studied in the coming years, the ship can be transferred from this fleet to another if thisThis does not meet the strategic expectation set for the Northern Fleet for the Naval Staff, which is very likely to happen.

The 3rd and last fleet that is present within the Imperial Luthorian Navy is the 3rd "Southern" Fleet, which is a fleet that is quite ambiguous about its mission objectives, so officially, the Southern Fleet must operate within the Migrant Pass, the South Ocean, the Majatran Sea and the Sea of Lost Souls, but in reality, while the presence of this fleet at the South Ocean and Sea of Lost Souls is quite secure, thanks to the presence of naval bases at Malivia and Likatonia, serving as a rear base for these operations, The presence at the Majatran Sea is totally impossible because of the presence of the joint effort set up by the MSCO to operate totally independent of the "foreign influences" of countries being non-Majatran, within the maritime presence at the Majatran Sea. Finally, the Migrants Pass is subject to controversy because of the "diplomatic crises" as declared by the Foreign Office, between the Kingdom of Dorvik and the Homeland State of Beiteynu, both of which, in recent years, increase the level of tension to a level never seen before within the Migrants Pass. Recently the Yeudis/Beiteynuese had forbidden the Artanians to operate in the Migrants Pass, calling them "weak and divided" compared to Yishelem’s partners in the Majatran Continent, almost united under the banner of the Majatran Cooperative Security Organization or MSCO. This "bluff" was quickly criticized by the chancelleries of Fort William and Haldor, who the last setting up a "mission" towards the Migrants Pass to check if the statements of the Kohav were going to be realized, it was not, and the Southern Fleet began to set up operations within the Migrants Pass, while the Naval Staff also announced that "3rd Fleet’s operational priority would no longer be within the Majatran Sea, on which we know full well that MSCO forces will do a better job than we will ever do."

The Southern Fleet is composed of 15 ships, making it the last fleet in treme of size compared to the Northern and Home Fleets, even if this one has some advantages, the fact that the diplomatic situation in certain areas in which it carries out its operations is considered "tense" by the Foreign Office and the Defence Office, the Submarine Command of the Imperial Luthorian Navy, independent of the three main fleets of the Imperial Navy, considers these areas to be a priority in its order of battle, and therefore the 3rd Fleet receives help from the Submarine Command. The fleet consists of 6 Daring-class [Type 45] Destroyers, 4 Duke-class [Type 23] Frigates, 3 River-class offshore patrol ships and 2 Sandown-class minehunter ships. The command is based at Randolph City, in the Grand Duchy of Middenriding, within the His Majesty’s Naval Base of Randolph City, while the Imperial Luthorian Navy’s 3rd Fleet base is at Likatonia [HMNB Sheils] or Malivia [HMNB Kubir], rumors speak of a possible 3rd or 4th luthorian base that should be opened in Mordusia, as soon as the country has "a functional government", but these rumors can not be confirmed, and will remain, as it is, rumors. The rest of the Imperial Navy was discussed, such as the Submarine Command, consisting of 4 Astute class and 2 Vanguard class submarines and the status of the infrastructure used by the ILN, which according to the report, require only "small" changes, such as expanding some bases to accommodate more vessels with future changes planned for the ILN.

Today the Imperial Luthorian Navy is composed, in total of 66 ships, of which 54 are present in the 3 main fleets of the ILN, 6 in the "Auxillary Fleet" and the Submarine Command, Naval Staff is most likely putting in place a decades-long plan, which should bring the size of the Imperial Navy from 66 today, to 100 by the end of the century, if the plan is delayed, but if not, to 100 by the middle of the century.
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Re: Fort-William Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:07 pm

Ikradonese "Dissidents" Attack Fort William.
The Imperial Security Service and several corroborating reports have announced that several buildings within the City of Fort William, economic heart of the city of the Empire were attacked by "partisans" claimed to be of Ikradon, they announced in a statement to do this act to "destabilize an enemy nation of Ikradon", security measures were taken by the ISS to protect the Orange Palace, Darlington Palace, Crown Streeet and other official buildings in Luthori.
12th, July 5412

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Crown Street was taken by surprise by what was initially considered an "attack" by a person caught up in mental problems, at least according to information given by the press and the Imperial Security Service, this "attack" quickly turned into a terrorist attack set up by the remains of the Republican Protection Guard, a faction that recently announced its capitulation to the forces of the Provisional Royal Harmonist Unitary Authority, another faction fighting for power in Ikradon. This cowardly attack was carried out by the Ikradonese Liberation Front, an organization classified as "terrorist" by Luthori because of its long-standing support for the RPG and this one having many times announced its intention "to destroy all the enemies of Ikradon", if it ever came to power, this faction is created from people who were "hardliners" members of the Republican Protection Guard before its dissolution because of the military situation not going well at all. Some of them simply laid down their arms while others announced forming a guerrilla and not wanting to lay down their arms until the "foreign demons" have left the "rightful" Ikradonese lands, and the "monarchist traitors" have not been eliminated, according to reports from 10 Crown Street and the Imperial Security Service, the IKF would be in "constant" contact with the authorities of the National Republican Youth, an ultra-nationalist faction that distanced itself from the RPG following the humanitarian occupation of a 50 km strip on the border between Luthori and Ikradon, condemned by the nationalists, but having remarked a silence on the part of the RPG, not wanting to complicate his rather difficult situation by "enraging" the Luthorians, who could, according to reports from the Imperial Security Service, "destroy the faction’s unity by approaching it more and more", which was the case with this secession from the NRY.

During the morning, between 10 am and 10:15 am, masked "individuals" broke into the Matliburg Hotel, an establishment known to access guests of any background, rich, poor or middle class, prisoner and many other profiles that are found as clients of this prestigious institution owned by the Churchill family, who in the aftermath of the attacks, refuses to add a name in its official statement except the now famous words included in the statement "We’ve lost friends, family during this attack, we’re still counting the dead, from the people, we have one simple message to the Imperial Parliament and Government, we want revenge, bring them hell." , during this attack, the attackers took possession of the building by attacking the 150 people present in the hall of the establishment, then by taking hostage the survivors of this first attack, then the terrorists began to look for the people present in their cabins, two choices would be offered to them if the terrorists found them according to a hostage released, either follow them or death, Many people tried to flee the establishment as soon as the arrival of the terrorists was known to the media and relayed on social networks and traditional media, but nothing can do about it, the terrorists had planted bombs near the entrances and as soon as a person pushed one of the many exit doors, it triggered, except on the east entrance of the institution, entrance that the police will use to enter and, later, kill the terrorists. After unsuccessful negotiations, shots were heard, after investigation, a good part, between 90 and 100 hostages of the 653 hostages were murdered, and their numbers continued to climb until the violent release by a police raid of the Imperial Security Service, which killed all the terrorists present. A total of 255 people were sanitized during the attack and Crown Street announced that an "emergency" bill would be immediately put to the Diet to adopt an interventionist policy in Ikradon. The Imperial Army announced that several of the forces of the "Western Command" would be stationed at the border.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:32 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:36 pm

Financial Expert

Luthorian Economic Analyses: Greath growth, great development, but could be better with Artanian stability
The Economic Inquirer gives a detailed analyses on the Luthorian economy, the new governmental budget and what the future may hold.


Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori – As is tradition the Imperial Government presents the budget and tax plan to the Imperial Diet with a plan for the economy and the general policy directions that need funding for the next fiscal year and the years beyond that. For the longest time the Economic Inquirer hasn’t paid awfully too much attention to these proceedings because they were stable and nothing changed much. But with the new budget and the taxes the government taxes a new step which we will gladly explain to our loyal readers. In this article you can also read our review and analyses of the current economic climate and where the economy is going, this will give a general idea of why the government is taking these actions.

New budget focuses on infrastructure & the military
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Jonathan Longshanks III, entered the Imperial Diet with a proposal to adjust the budget for the first time in years. In his proposal we can see that the department of Defence and Infrastructure & Transport gain more funding. Raising the military budget from 16 billion to 18 billion per year. According to the Imperial Government the funding is necessary to fund the expanding duties of the military, citing the Ikradonese civil war and the responsibilities abroad in Likatonia and Malivia, where the Empire holds military basis. Though the audit of the Imperial Navy we can see that it is also to increase the need for upkeep for the increase in military hardware and personal as the navy and all other departments expand their capabilities. This was apparent as the Chancellor said about it in his speech to the Imperial Diet:

With the added funds we will increase the military budget from 16 billion to 18 billion. We do this because of our increased responsibilities abroad, including the civil war in Ikradon.

The increased funding for infrastructure will also go to helping more rural areas to be connected to the ports and capital. It is also apparent that the government is in talks with Rutania to invest in the connectivity between these two nations. Increasing the Commonwealth nations connectivity. For this more money is needed to pay for the upkeep of these new roads and other infrastructural projects.

Departure from normal funding
What is interesting is that the Chancellor announced that the investments made by the government will be mostly paid for by loans taken, saying this will be easier than to use regular budgetary funds, requiring to tax less for short term expenditure and using debt to slowly pay the investmnets back whilst benefiting from the increase in output the investments garner. These investments are now possible with the rather low debt the Luthorian government has. With this the government can borrow cheap and use the regular budget for paying off the investments made and maintaining it.

The Chancellor said all this in his speech:

I am here with the Prime-Minister and First Lord of the Treasury to speak of something great. A new way forward. Not one of frugal monetary management, but one of responsible investments. With our new budget with a new tax proposal the Imperial Government will be able to spend more on vital infrastructure, increase our military capacity and finance various missions, give aid to those in need and realise Luthori’s dream. We will invest in the livelihoods of our people by creating jobs through greatly increasing the opportunity to move across our country, to improve government services. For that we need money, and instead of increasing taxes and using regular spending to do so, we will incur debt which we will pay off over the course of years with our great budget surplus.

State of the debt
The above mentioned investments are a good idea according to professional economist George Flowers of the University of Fort William. Mr. Flowers is a professor in Finance and specialises in state finances and investments. According to the professor the state makes strategic use of its debt. We asked him to explain it to us and so he did:

The state takes on long term commitments that have a low burden on the state finances in the short and middle term which allows the government to spend more. The increase in costs can then be carried by the net benefits from the investment, as this takes a bit to trickle into the state coffers the long term commitment through capital costs and interest prevent the state from carrying heavy burdens with no actual short term return. This prevents the government from taking on too much taxes from a population that can only carry so much.

The professor however went on to say that this does not mean that there aren’t concerns. The investments must not become too big as to swell the debt. The government has payed off the debt for over 200 years. And despite the economy swelling, it has remained behind the Luthorian ambitions because of a lack of proper investments from the government. This staunch frugality has hindered the government from making sound investments which the private sector might have needed to help the economy grow more naturally. Especially infrastructural investments might have helped.

It is no secret that the government has created health government finances. With the debt now being reported by the Treasury of being only 12% of GDP. This is far below the maximum of 60% of GDP that the Treasury aims as a ceiling for government debt. With a GDP of,40 LPD and a debt of 263.383.197.828 ,- the government is able to take on quite a few loans to improve its nation with taking no further risk. And the government seems posed to do so.

Government’s speech lacked focus on economy, but logical
It is clear that the government’s speech lacked a real analyses on the current economy, it is after all first and foremost a spending and taxation bill. However the budget always reflects the government’s policy towards the economy. This government has always believed in a free market society. The Imperial Government has stated to inquiries by us that they will release new plans very soon and that they have faith that it is not the government who creates jobs but that it is the private sector who does so. In that light the government has passed legislation in regards to privatising the economy further and giving way for private companies to grow and compete with foreign companies.

The economy is doing good
This does not mean that the economy is doing badly, in fact it is doing rather well and would have done better if not for the disruptions in Artania. The clash between Beiteynu and Dorvik and how Luthori got dragged into it has shocked stock markets and financial institutions rather more than everyone would have liked. Though the economy is still growing with 2%, it is less than would have been seen after various great deals were announced. On top of that the terror attack and war in Ikradon has caused consumers to be more carefull with their spending. Less goods are able to be transported through Ikradon which has also slowed down economic activity and growth in Luthori through Artanian economic ties.

Artanian trade less thanks to conflicts, hinders growth somewhat, but limited
The conflict in Artania however does not affect all Luthorian businesses hard as the Luthorian economy is well diversified through various international trade links. So financial institutions and the automobile industry for instance still fair good and have quite the internal market with much internal competition that keeps all companies to strive towards innovation and perfection, which leads to better results. As was seen in our earlier about the automobile industry.

Internal market strong, Luthori's foreign trade focus leads to huge growth
It is however safe to say that Luthori’s biggest economic growth has been seen through internal and foreign trade. For instance the huge deal with Vascania in which Luthorian Petroleum obtained 20% of the stock of Vascanian Imperial Oil and invested heavily in their oil production as well as updating their docks has caused loads of new economic activity and jobs to be created. It saw a boom in Luthorian and Vascanian economic growth. For Luthori the monopoly on importing Vascanian oil to Artania is a huge boon to its economy, as a huge alternative to Trigunian and Dorvish oil is now Luthorian Petroleum’s Vascanian oil. On the other hands energy pricess in Luthori have dropped and Luthori is energy independent from Dorvik now. This independence started with the cooperation with Lourenne in exploiting the South Ocean Oil Fields, the Luthorian government has expressed interest in working with Saridan to see if the capacity here can be increased, to the benefit of both nations.

Foreign trade, investments and diversification aids Luthorian economy
As said foreign trade and economic activity has been one of the greatest boons to the Luthorian economy. Though foreign relations have soured a bit thanks to Beiteynu’s harsh and unwise decision to pester Luthori in the Migrant’s Pass, the Luthorian-Beiteynu trade and economic links do benefit both. Luthori’s biggest conglomerate Hexlon Imperial has for years perfected their mining in Beiteynu and has brought some of this knowledge back to Luthori to improve mining at home as well. This has also brought in the popular brand Yeudivosky, a jewelry maker for high end jewelry using Hexlon Imperial mined gems and rare materials such as gold and silver. This company has expanded rather well in both Luthori and Beiteynu.

Commonwealth ties aid economic growth
Commonwealth ties make up a decent portion of the economy as well. With Hutori, Likatonia and increasingly Rutania becoming rather great trading partners and business partners. Especially with Hutori’s Horizon Technology Corporation buying Blackwell Industries which brought new competition to the Luthorian market which brought new energy and new ideas and technologies to the Luthorian market, ever since the technology business in Luthori has been improving itself rather well. So well infact that Luthorian companies in conjuction with the Government are looking at Nsanlosa for new investments.

All in all, Luthori has a great growing economy that over the decades has been doing well. The low number in recessions is thanks to a stable world and an environment of possibilities as Luthori increased its foreign trade and imports, allowing its market to be more open to penetration and expansion in over sea markets. As well as the growth in economic cooperation between nations. This global view of capitalist free market economics has done Luthori good, with it becoming one of the most well-developed economies in the world.
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