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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:15 am


Carsky Ukrit


Auxiliary Presidential Palace, October 19, 5405: The Council of Ministers met at Carsky Ukrit, the Auxiliary Presidential Palace, to discuss energy policy. Afterward, ZLATENICO OKO asked President Dominik Prokop if any conclusions were reached, and he responded:

The focus was of our meeting was crude oil. We are currently meeting our need for the stuff with our import arrangements. Some years ago we had a study team evaluate petroleum extraction probability. In view of the change in petroleum supply in Majatra we took another look at its conclusions.

There is crude oil and natural gas there. Our scientific team was confident we pretty much know where it is. Confident enough that we believe we would not be wasting our time if we try to extract it. It seems steps taken have considerably reduced the panic which means now we and others can look the problem in the eye and see a lot more clearly than when in the throes of turmoil.

We need to be clear about the oil. Lake Majatra does not have enough to generate the electricity to light up all of Terra. What it does have is almost enough to meet the oil and natural gas usage needs for the five nations abutting Lake Majatra. But without a drop left over for the rest of Terra. And if all five got considerably greener there would be enough for the five. Make no mistake, Lake Majatra is not going to create an oligarchy of oil barons setting Terran oil prices.

Why would Deltarska be interested? Mainly to make it so we are not dependent on one source that could be blockaded. Why would the other nations with access to Lake Majatra be interested. So that they could after a time be reasonably certain of their supply of oil and gas.

Why would other nations in Majatra be interested in it happening. Some nations would no longer need a share of the oil and gas imported from Vascania or other sources so shortages would be considerably less likely to materialize

For that matter why Moledat Medinat encourage Lake Majatra being used to supply oil and gas to several nations. That much less need to round up petroleum for its client states.

We came up with Plans A, B and C. Plan A is the functional nations begin extracting petroleum from Lake Majatra. Ownership of the oil and gas reserves is in the Sovereign People of those nations. And remain so. The right to drill and extract for a certain period of time in a certain area would be leased to citizens and businesses. Lessees could then contract with others including foreign interests to help with extracting, shipping, refining ad selling. But no foreign interests could own any part of the actual oil reserves. This is essentially model designed in Jumhuriat al-Badara five hundred some years ago.

There are a number of obstacles to Plan A. First off, Cobura is in turmoil, Jakania and Zardugal are not in a position to participate, and the relationship of Jelbe and Deltaria drips venom. Additionally Jelbe may well have existing obligations precluding participation. Still, tensions cool and at some point self interest may outweigh distaste.

Secondly, if not all around Lake Majatra are involved, the rights of those that do not can not be simply ignored.

Third, Cobura, Jelbe and Deltaria are not existing oil producers so getting some group that is to do exploratory drilling and set up the oil rigs would really be helpful. ENIST of Istalia would be ideal if available. Qat Oil Services in Badara and KNOC of Kafuristan likely are unavailable for the moment. So we might need to enlist the help of companies from outside Majatra. Vascania, Trigunia, North Dovani and Dorvik have ongoing operations. Since the Plan A idea is keep title to the reserves in the Sovereign Peeople., we would be asking to pay for professional services but not offering a share in ownership. There may well be others who actually drill and set up extraction operations.

Plan B would be going it alone if no one else is interested while Plan C is continuing to rely on imports.

Our thinking at the moment is see if Plan A is possible. The truth is we are not optimistic.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:15 am



Defense Ministry, February 19, 5404 (backdated): ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Defense Ministry indicate the Badaran Expeditionary Force (BEF) was formed in response to the request of the elected government of Jumhurat al-Badara for members of the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) to provide it military assistance against the Jaysh insurgents operating against it on the Island of Nashwa.

The 4th and 26th Infantry Brigades which are mechanized infantry and the 30th Armor Brigade constitute the BEF ground forces while one squadron of air superiority aircraft and three squadrons of multirole fighter bombers used against ground forces constitute the aircraft portion.

In 5403 the Northern Fleet and the Eastern (Transport) Fleet conveyed the BEF to Abu Yacub in the north of Nashwa, the southern island of Jumhuriat al – Badara and then returned to the Ports of Balgrad and Lesnograd respectively.. The 4th Infantry Brigade and 30th Armor Brigade are still among the defenders of Abu Yacub. In October, 5 Buryan Class corvettes were assigned as Task Group 50.5 (TG 50.5) from the Home Fleet to the BEF.

The 26th Infantry Brigade came under the command of Badaran General Aayid el-Yamin and participated in the successful land assault on Deiqah and its liberation on August 7 after marching with the Badaran forces also under the command of General el-Yamin down the east coast of Nashwa.

With the fall of al-Burqiyaa to the insurgent Ahmadi State in Badara (AsiB), The BEF is expecting a new operation in the near future.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:02 am




Defense Ministry, March 19, 5406 (backdated): The government of Jumhuriat al-Badara has seriously called for help from the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) in its civil war against the insurgents in Nashwa and Mu’tassim.. ZLATENICO OKO was able to ask Defense Minister Dragoslav Iacobescu what was being done to respond and he replied:

We are in favor of and will support further intervention by MSCO. Several nations already have military forces on Nashwa including Deltarska Republika. We are prepared to send more.

In order for the Ahmadi State in Badara (ASiB) to be defeated, their seemingly endless foreign Israi recruits ready to kill the infidel who are entering Nashwa have got to be interdicted and dried up. Even the fabled Kafuri GID could not have predicted the huge numbers swelling the ranks of the ASiB. They are not arriving on commercial air or ocean liner and going through passport control and customs or coming in by parachute, glider or military air transport. No, they are arriving by boat.

The MSCO Collective Marine Response Force’s (CMRF) Admiral Commanding (Deltarian Vice Admiral Stefan Stolojan) is coordinating continuous patrolling of the actual access routes to territory held by AsiB. Patrolling is being done and reported by the CMRF's Eastern Naval Group (E-NG) and Majatran Sea Naval Group (MS - NG), our Anti Submarine Warfare Command's (ASW) long range patrol aircraft together with several other groups our Admiralty has contacted including 2 ships in the Kundrati naval contingent in Badara, the Deltarian Navy's Task Group 50.5 currently in Abu Yacub, the Beiteyneuse military satellite reconnaissance system and the Beiteyneuse Carrier Strike Force assisting the Government of Jumhuriat al-Badara as well as four squadrons of the Federal Air Force currently stationed in Abu Yacub.

The Admiralty assures me these forces are quite sufficient to locate any boats carrying Jaysh to Nashwa and Mu’tassim and destroy them should they actually try to land. In point of fact in the 10 days we have been conducting this operation, only three such boat sightings have been made all of which reversed course rather quickly when spotted by MS – NG one of whose destroyers fired a missile which could well have been a hit.

The Admiralty has also assured me no new Jaysh are getting in. Whether, all those on Terra are already there or whether reinforcement was curtailed when our operation was detected or whether our plans were leaked to them we are not certain and may never be. It would be nice to catch a huge flotilla of ASiB rebels and neutralize them on the spot, no doubt about it. But we are quite satisfied with having stopped the flow into Jumhuriat al- Badara of enemy recruits. This operation will continue until AsiB is defeated.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:42 pm


Defense Ministry


Defense Ministry, October 19, 5406 (backdated): Defense Minister Dragoslav Iacobescu issued the following statement:

Vice Admiral Stefan Stolojan, the Admiral Commanding the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization’s Collective Marine Response Force, has temporarily reassigned the Migrants Pass Naval Group which includes our TG 53.4 from the Northern Fleet consisting of 2 Gorshkov Class Frigates and 2 Buryan Class Corvettes. They are now part of the naval forces VADM Stolojan is coordinating to intercept any efforts to bring more Jaysh recruits to join the Ahmadi State in Badara (AsiB) forces operating against the legitimate government.

This task group will also be available to join other naval assets in the bombarding AsiB positions in support of ground operations against AsiB.

A number of our military transport aircraft sufficient to carry two combat brigades have been assigned to the Badaran Expeditionary Force (BEF). They in conjunction with our Northern and Eastern Fleets are transporting our 16th Infantry Brigade (mechanized) and our 16th Armor Brigade to Abu Yacunb along with two additional ground attack squadrons of the Federal Air Force.

Our BEF Commander, Lieutenant General Lucian Parvelescu, is currently conferring with the military commands of the Kundrati Union forces on Nashwa and Jumhuriat al-Badara about coordinated operations against the Ahmadi State in Badara insurgents.

Obviously, it is time to build some more of our R-24 multirole fighters used inter alia for ground support, and we have therefore directed the Defense Agency for Procurement and Research to make an initial order of 25 of them from the veteran military aircraft manufacturer SATURN that builds them to be deliverable over the next 4 years.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO if the rumors that the Republic would withdraw from the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) because of the Migrant’s Pass fiasco were true, the Defense Minister replied:

Not at all. We believe in the long run the MSCO greatly strengthens Majatran security, and the Migrant’s Pass embarrassment is temporary and a small price to pay for that security.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:55 am


Defense Minister Iacobescu


Defense Ministry, November 21, 5406 (backdated): Defense Minister Dragoslav Iacobescu issued the following statement on the Badaran Civil War:

Today three brigades of our Badaran Expeditionary Force (BEF) joined Kundrati Union and Jumhuriat al-Badara forces in the Siege of al-Burqiyaa After bombardment of Jaysh positions by the 5 Buryan Class corvettes in the BEF and bombing by BEF’s 5 ground attack squadrons of R-24 multirole fighters, the 4th Infantry Brigade, 18th Infantry Brigade, and 26th Infantry Brigade took up positions so that all sides of al-Burqiyaa are now besieged by Allied Forces.

Abu Yacub where our air assets are located is being held by 16th Armor Brigade and 30th Armor Brigade.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:26 pm

The Terran Times
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:02 pm


Defense Ministry


Defense Ministry, February 21, 5413: Defense Minister Dragoslav Iacobescu told ZLATENICO OKO with the end of the Badaran Civil War, the Defense Ministry early objectives were being revised as its focus has changed. Iacobescu stated:

Think the primary lesson we learned is strategy is really very important. We have focused on developing tactical capability and technological capacity. But we better never forget about strategy. Our military forces involved in Badara have returned to their various normal assignments. And we are looking at our reordered priorities. The first thing we have done is direct the Defense Agency for Procurement and Research (DAPR) to purchase 30 MiG 29’s from SATURN deliverable over the next 4 years to enhance our air superiority.

We are reviewing or Federal Air Force needs. The things we are initially looking at are a naval reconnaissance aircraft with antiship capacity, more troop transports and maybe a variant of our MiG 29 to handle more multirole tasks.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO what he thought of the Beiteynuese comments on Artania making the rounds, Iacobescu replied:

First off, it is certainly insightful as far as it goes with no obvious preconceptions undermining its conclusions. Secondly, what is equally interesting to us was what sources were obviously quite open and available to the author, those that were clearly unavailable to it and those that seemed to have only supplied their propaganda. A good article all in all.

ZLATENICO OKO asked him how relations to the MSCO were going and the Defense Minister responded:

We are encouraged.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:34 am


President Benes


Presidential Palace, March 22, 5414: After President Ludvik Benes met with his Council of Ministers on trade policy, ZLATENICO OKO asked him what changes were coming, and he replied:

Probably the most noteworthy is the international scene. Without Hosian - Konservative Allianz leadership of Dorvik, the extent to which Dorvik can still wield the instruments of power the Old Dorvik had is simply unclear. So after a lengthy period of the same old status quo we are in a new era. And like every nation of Terra, we will have to navigate uncharted territory as new blocs and coalitions assert their preeminence.

On the bright side, the Badaran Civil War has ended which had held our appalled attention for nearly a decade. Two important principles were followed by the Republik in this conflict. First, we honored our obligations as a member of the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) to a fellow member and provided military assistance.

We also honored another principle of the MSCO; respect for national sovereignty. Providing assistance in a way that upheld the national sovereignty of Jumhuriat al- Badara.

Will say too, MSCO passed that test but keeping it functional is a challenge we currently face, a different one for the Republik. But we are encouraged.

The Badaran Civil War also is causing us to reexamine our military focus. Simply put we may have to adopt a posture of prepared to assist as well as pure defense.

Nuclear power is largely available to generate electricity for each of our Okrugs, but it is not wise to completely abandon hydroelectric power. We need to address whether reliance on petroleum based fuels is the best course. Have some biodiesel sectors but ought to consider electric vehicles; this would require augmenting the power grid quite a bit. Wind and solar power ought to be included. In any event more panels for individual dwellings is certainly in order.

And there are communication satellites. The government is not in that business like we once were. The remnants of the old PKA system are now in private hands. We need to look at whether to get back in or more likely encourage entrepreneurs to reenter the field.

So some new difficulties and opportunities.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:34 pm


First Minister Iacobescu


First Minister’s Office, January 21, 5415: First Minister Dragoslav Iacobescu released the following statement today concerning the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO):

The lively discussion about who was going to have naval vessels patrolling Migrant’s Pass has tended to reduce the focus on several other aspects of mutual security. Naval vessels are not the only way to see what is going on.

Radar installations in Selucia, Beiteynu and Pontesi and for that matter Malivia and Narikaton and Darnussia can tell us a lot. So can long range reconnaissance aircraft. And of course satellite surveillance of the passage way.

To that end as a first step our Defense Ministry has directed its Defense Agency for Procurement and Research (DA) to look for a suitable long range reconnaissance aircraft to purchase for this patrolling.

At the moment the headquarters of the Collective Majatran Response Force is supplied by the nation to which the commander belongs. This has not proved to hinder cooperation but we think a more permanent headquarters in Selucia, Cildania or Pontesi might well be preferable. We do not see such a headquarters as a naval base but as a communications and intelligence center.

We are planning to set up an MSCO Support Command in Deltarska Republik for basing our contingent of Migrant’s Pass Naval Group and Majatran Sea Naval Group and maybe Southwest Naval Group.

We will be bringing some of these suggestions to the MSCO for consideration.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:50 am

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