Background: al-Mina, Majatran for "The Port" was originally colonized by Majatran merchants seeking exports for their goods. The intermingling of Majatrans and natives East Dovanians prompted the modern day ethnic group known as "Dovani Majatran" who are largely Ahmadi and share similar physical characteristics with fellow East Dovani peoples. al-Mina was eventually occupied by Greater Hulstria (later Hulstria and Gao-Soto) and the native Cifutingan people (Formosan people and languages) were used to rule the colony, following a series of conflicts the Dovani Majatran resumed control over the government and the slim minority of Cifutingan people remain in al-Mina but have largely fled to Gao-showan countries. Hulstrian (Austrian German) and Kunikata (Japanese) remain spoken throughout the nation but Dovani Majatran (African Arab) is the official language of the nation.
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