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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:34 pm

Wu Xuanyuan Officially Enthroned as Son of Heaven

After meticulous preparation, including divining an auspicious day for the ceremony, Wu Xuanyuan, the patriarch of the Wu Clan-cadet branch of the Yu Clan, was enthroned in a traditional Jienist ceremony at the Heavenly Palace. Attendees were drawn from all walks of Yingdalan life, with special efforts made to welcome the least of Yingdalans, including the less well-off, the disabled, young people, and the elderly. Prime place, of course per ritual requirements, were given to the former royal families of Yingdala - the Sun, the Liu, the Sima, the Deng, the Tengyuan, the Lai, and even the recent puppet monarch. Following were the members of His Majesty's council and other high officials.

During the ceremony itself, the former puppet monarch turned over the Heirloom Seal, Staff of Authority, and other royal vestments. The heads of the Sun, Liu, and Sima clans - widely expected to be reinstated as dukes and made "guests of the Son of Heaven," granting them special ceremonial status - served as the Grand Preceptor, Grand Tutor, and Grand Guardian on the royal dais, presiding over the ceremony and signifying the unity of the Yu Clan in the Wu Clan's ascendancy to the Dragon Throne.

Upon reaching the ceremonial dais, Wu Xuanyuan ritualistically slaughtered a bull as a burnt offer to Shangdi, whereby he prayed for the country and its people, while also asking for His blessing. Then, as is custom, the Son of Heaven pledged to follow the principles of Jienism and uphold a virtuous government.

Following the formal sacrifice and speech, the audience performed the traditional ketou - rising and kneeling three times while knocking their heads to the ground three times - while shouting "long live the Son of Heaven!" This signified the people's respect for and obedience to the Son of Heaven.

After the enthronement concluded, a large banquet was held for all the attendees at the Heavenly Palace, as well as for those who could not personally attend the ceremony along with foreign dignitaries. While a formal affair, His Majesty the Son of Heaven sought to use the celebration as a means to further connect with the common people and thank them for their support in the overthrow of the totalitarian regime.

Overall, the enthrone was a return to form. Ritual and propriety will reign supreme once again. Virtue and order will flourish.

$12.7 Trillion LOD Reserve Built Up Over Two Centuries to Be Used to Invest in Yingdala

After completing a thorough inspection of the Royal Treasury, the new Jienist government has discovered just over $12.7 trillion Lodamese dollars of Yingdalan currency accumulated over the past two hundred years. While more was expected, officials believe the totalitarians squandered trillions in off-budget luxuries and creating their surveillance state. No matter, the remaining sum - which is utterly immense for any country in Terra - will used for the people's benefit.

The first act of the government has been to reduce the tax burden on the people. A flat 20% income tax was instituted, while sales taxes were eliminated, thereby reducing the tax burden by over 50%. Corporate taxes were slightly reduced to 20%, fully aligning and simplifying the tax structure. This is expected to increase people's incomes and boost private investment in the country.

Counsellor-in-Chief Zhu Xiaoli's office has also announced the massive reserve will be used to revitalize Yingdala. First, a quarter of the reserve will be used to purchase over time gold to back up the currency and be used in times of emergency. The remaining 75% will be divided into a sovereign wealth fund - which should easily average at least 4% in returns - and disbursements to the educational system, investments in agriculture and associated industries, cultural projects, infrastructure, and other economic and social initiatives. Over 1 trillion LOD alone will be invested in universities alone - allowing them to fund research, hire the brightest minds in Terra, and support students' education.

As these investments disburse, Yingdala's domestic development will accelerate to the benefit of the generations. Traditional architecture and culture will be restored. Farm production will increase and hunger decrease. Roads and bridges will be restored. Prosperity will grow. The New Era is quickly meeting the people's expectations.

Son of Heaven Begins Tour of Country - Special Emphasis on Schools and Villages

The Son of Heaven does not stop serving the people for a moment. Just a week after his enthronement ceremony, His Majesty immediately embarked on a nationwide tour of Yingdala to meet with the people and organizations at the heart of Yingdala. Special emphasis has been made toward visiting universities and villages.

At each location, His Majesty directly connects with the people - the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the educated and uneducated - allowing him to seek their welfare and demonstrate his benevolence. In the villages, he has been seen drinking tea with elders and helping plow fields by driving tractors in fields of wheat. At universities, he has attended student organization meetings and lectured on Jienism's role in creating a virtuous and happy society.

While Kaizhou and other centers of commerce have been pillars of the agenda, His Majesty seems happiest connecting directly with the people. After all, imparting his virtue on the populace is his most important role. For this is the true purpose of the Son of Heaven and only this can bring about the Great Unity.

On his final stop, which was a return to Tian'an, His Majesty gave a speech at the National University on the all expansive nature of Jienism and its role in education. The Son of Heaven noted Jienism isn't just about ritual and morality, but also about math, science, and the arts. All are necessary to align with Heaven and improve the livelihoods of the people. A focus on one to the detriment of the others is not true Jienism. Only by seeking the full extent of Jienist teachings can the Datong be realized.

This tour will set the agenda for His Majety's reign. The government will follow his words as best it can, with education, agriculture, the arts, and social welfare at the top of the agenda. The Yingdalan renaissance is just beginning.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:23 pm

Anti-Totalitarian Campaign Removes Thousands and Replaces Them with Jienists

Since the fall of the totalitarian regime, Tian'an has instituted a massive campaign to root out all members of the former regime from government, the security services, and the military. This is understandable to avoid a palace coup. However, the sheer number of former regime loyalists has been daunting - with thousands removed from their posts and sent to re-education centers throughout Yingdala.

The good news is that these former regime apparatchiks have been easily replaced with individuals loyal to the Jienist state. If anything, the Jienist state breeds individuals devoted to public service. A large portion of the protestors bringing down the former regime likely had desires to obtain a government job.

Although the posts have been easy to fill, the Royal Council is intent on reexamining all government workers upon state stabilization. After all, the Jienist state effectively invented the civil service examination. The government fully intends on resurrecting this system to help ensure both a highly qualified and virtuous workforce.

But not everyone is happy about Tian'an's approach to the former regime's loyalists. Many are calling for incarceration, with a small minority demanding executions. No matter, under the Son of Heaven, the state will take a benevolent approach and believe the totalitarians can be reformed into good Jienists and contribute to society. A noble effort, the fruits remain to be seen.

Rumor that Son of Heaven Sent Private Letter of Congratulations to Vascanian Emperor

Leaks have emerged from the Royal Court that His Majesty the Son of Heaven, Wu Xuanyuan, sent a private, personal letter of support to the Vascanian Emperor upon his active role in the Vascanian government. Though not surprising that His Majesty supports the role monarchs play in their societies, some Jienists are conflicted over the letter and the impact it could have on Yingdala.

On one hand, the strictest of Classical Jienists grumble about the letter recognizing the Vascanian Emperor as an emperor - which should only be reserved for the Yingdalan monarch. This is an age old issue debated hundreds of times. Classical Jienists have largely lost this argument.

On the other hand, the majority of Classical Jienists believe the letter praising the Vascanian Emperor is fully aligned with Jienist principles. Any monarch can call themselves anything, so long as there is only one Son of Heaven. So far, only one Son of Heaven exists, thus no issues.

Others take a more practical view and are concerned that the letter will damage Yingdala's image abroad - contending that it makes Tian'an look like it supports instability and anti-democratic forces. These views, however, are countered by equally practical arguments that the letter could boost Yingdalan-Vascanian ties - which have a long history - and that the support is actually more aligned with Vascanian democracy since the people rejoiced over the actions.

Whatever the impacts of the letter, what's done is done. Yingdala must obey the Heavenly words of the Son of Heaven.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:52 pm

Agricultural Renaissance Leads to a Booming Sector

It is no secret that Tian'an has made agriculture and its associated sectors a major priority. After all, food security is absolutely essential to a harmonious and happy society. But the fruit born from the past few years of investment and policy-focus is more than expected.

Drawing from Yingdala's past results as an agriculture leader, the sector has made immense strides in productivity, ingenuity, and sustainability. Farmers and agribusinesses are putting the environment first. For them, without a healthy environment, there can be no productive farming. Many are relying solely on biopesticides and bioherbicides to protect crops and maintain an organic status. They are also focusing on sustainable soil practices and good soil health - turning more to crop rotation and natural nutrient replenishment as opposed to chemical fertilizers. These efforts have, of course, increased crop yields - lowering prices for consumers and expanding surplus for strategic food reserves and exports.

Innovation has also been essential. This has not been possible without strong engineering support. Efforts are being made to expand automated, mechanized farming at all times of day - ensuring farmers can rest and recuperate. Strides have also been made in drone technologies for crop dusting and crop monitoring, as well as electronic sensors to better assess soil and weather conditions for optimal agriculture.

A separate but important innovation is to combine farming with energy. Researchers are currently studying and testing combining solar farms with traditional food farms, which would not only benefit farmer incomes, but also expand the sustainable energy supply. While this is an ongoing effort, a successful integration would be a boon for Yingdalan society.

Given the successes so far, the government will continue to invest in the sector - including through the relatively new sovereign wealth fund - and help ensure the country reclaims a leading position.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jan 13, 2024 7:42 pm

Refurbishment of Cultural Sites Creates Traditional Infrastructure Craze
Lvnong Ta - the Green Agriculture Tower - in Tian'an

Restoring Yingdala's traditional beauty has been key to erasing the harm caused by the previous totalitarian regime. Utilizing its 9 trillion LOD sovereign wealth fund - generating a modest $350 billion LOD per year in interest on average - Tian'an has funded a large reconstruction campaign over several years to rebuild and refurbish cultural sites across Yingdala. As a result, a great many sites have returned to their traditional beauty and importance, but more importantly, Yingdalans are demanding new construction consider Yingdalan architectural elements.

The program began with rebuilding local schools and temples - the very centers of Yingdalan local life. Many of these buildings didn't need a new coat of paint, but entirely new structures. With this in mind, contractors were instructed to use traditional Yingdalan building techniques to maintain the cultural integrity of the buildings. However, they were also asked to reinforce them so as to avoid future damage.

Next in priority came traditional villages and government buildings - reconstructed in the same fashion as schools and temples. Unsurprisingly, construction materials and supplier companies have heavily benefited from the program.

Finally - and truly a more long term project - is the restoration of the Heavenly Palace. While avoiding most of the totalitarian's damage during their brutal reign, the palace has lost its splendor. Paint is chipping. Tiles are cracked. Stones are missing. Although not a real priority - per the instructions of His Majesty the Son of Heaven - refurbishing the palace would provide a level of grandeur that has been lost for some time and would certainly improve the spirits of the people.

Perhaps this is why many throughout the country are demanding newly constructed buildings adhere to traditional Yingdalan architectural styles and principles. The look is, indeed, important with the hipped roofs and roof ornaments, columns, and room specifications. However, just as important are the environmental benefits. Buildings should - and have in the past - melded with the local environment. For example, the courtyard house is designed to withstand coastal winds and provide natural insulation during harsher weather months.

Consumer demand for traditional Yingdalan architecture is so strong that structures not aligned with the right styles are being torn down so new, more Yingdalan buildings can be constructed. This is even true for commercial buildings.

Certainly, while glass, steel, and concrete remain essential, buildings can take on Yingdalan forms. Take the Lvnong Tower for instance. It is a contemporary building, yet is styled according to a Daenist temple. Many more of these urban-style buildings can be expected in the future.

It seems as if the government's goals are steadily being accomplished: environmental sustainability, a Yingdalan cultural renaissance, and hopefully a global attraction. We can certainly expect more cultural focus from this government in the future.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jan 13, 2024 7:58 pm

Son of Heaven Establishes Yingdalan Policy on Global Monarchies

Having firmly established himself as the Son of Heaven with the heartfelt support of the Yingdalan people, Wu Xuanyuan has requested the Ministry of Rites and Education to institute a new policy toward Terra's monarchies.

Long a Yingdalan tradition, Tian'an has typically support global monarchies - especially amongst the Gao-Showan and Jelbo-Tukaric peoples - while balancing this support with respect for state sovereignty. The new - or actually old - policy seeks to do the same.

First, His Majesty has begun to use more elevated titles to refer to the existing Gao-Showan monarchies. In the Son of Heaven's instructions to the Ministry of Rites and Education, he has asked the Ministry to "Great King" for the Sovereign of Bae and King of the Dranians, "Mighty King" for the King of Kimlien, "Virtuous King" for the King of Hanzen, and "Khan of Khans" for the Khan of Bianjie. As such, the monarchs are to be sent gifts of silk and jade seals with the new titles imprinted - signifying respect and friendship between Yingdala and those countries.

Second, and perhaps more controversially, His Majesty ordered the Heavenly Palace to open its doors to all of Terra's royal houses - especially to the heads of formerly reigning houses and the male-line heads of existing royal houses with female monarchs. The Son of Heaven and many among the traditional Jienist bureaucracy are heartbroken at the state of some former reigning houses and desire to treat them with dignity and respect. More so, the current situation of male-line heads of existing royal families saddens His Majesty such that he wishes to give them prominence once again in Yingdala.

How many will take up this call remains to be seen. However, this return to form firmly puts Yingdala once again on the side of traditional governance.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:37 pm

Yingdalan Wealth Fund Proposes Foreign Debt Investments

While building up its 3 trillion gold reserves, Counsellor-in-Chief Zhu Xiaoli – the chairman of the Yingdalan Wealth Fund (YWF), has asked portfolio managers to begin investing in foreign sovereign debt to diversify the portfolio.

Sovereign debt can be both a safe and a risk investment with potential for strong returns. These are typically in the form of short and long-term bonds and notes with a range of interest rates. Higher interest rates are normally tied to longer-term securities and riskier countries.

To better serve Yingdalans, the YWF has begun working with large Yingdalan banks, as well as consulting with the Bank of Yingdala, to assess foreign sovereigns and create quantitative and qualitative analysis programs. These programs will help the YWF make higher yield investments.

Any yields from sovereign debt investments will either be reinvested or used to support Yingdalan projects – such as infrastructure advance and cultural rejuvenation.

Sovereign debt will be just one of the many YWF investment vehicles. Stay tuned for more information.

Son of Heaven Proposes Restoring Yingdalan Academies Across Terra

During the most recent meeting of the Royal Council, His Majesty the Son of Heaven tasked the Ministry of Rites and Education to develop a proposal to restore the Yingdalan Academies program.

Centuries ago, Yingdalan Academies were once spread throughout Terra in nearly half of all countries. These semi-government organizations helped spread Yingdalan culture. They taught traditional Jienist principles, the Yingdalan language and culture, and held cultural exhibitions – such as film screenings, lectures, food festivals, and more. Besides spreading Yingdalan cultural awareness, they also served as homes away from home for many Overseas Yingdalans and was often their only connection to their homeland. This was especially true for Yingdalans living outside Dovani.

Under the revived program, according to His Majesty’s prescription, the Yingdalan Academies should do what they did in the past, but also seek new heights. Yingdalan Academies should both standalone and seek to integrate into local education systems. This way, more people could have access to the unique Yingdalan culture.

Moreover, they should serve as hubs for Overseas Yingdalans and other wishing to spread Yingdalan culture or market Yingdalan cultural products. The local Yingdalan Academy could serve as a liaison to Yingdalan culture and media businesses, as well as educational centers, to help locals gain access to and distribute Yingdalan media, cultural wares, and even cuisine. His Majesty is said to be very keen on the organizations helping Yingdalan restaurants abroad – for food is truly the greatest unifier.

Funding is likely to come from multiple sources, ranging from private investments, the Yingdalan Wealth Fund, and the government budget. However, the Yingdalan Acadmies would also like to see foreign investment as well, which would demonstrate eagerness for Yingdalan culture.

If the Son of Heaven were to seek to accomplish one thing on foreign policy, it is spreading the great Yingdalan culture. May Heaven make him successful.

Tian’an Cautiously Praises Reform in Mikuni-Hulstria – Offers Advisors

The government of Yingdala rejoices at the ongoing government overhaul in Mikuni-Hulstria. The Hosian Democratic Party, having recently come to power in Kien, is looking to dismantle the brief fascist regime and its abhorrent anti-Kunihito policies. While the Ministry of Rites and Education has voiced its support for these reforms, it is also concerned the Hosian Democrats will not give equal concern to Kunihito culture and issues. As such, Tian’an has offered to send scholars and government officials well-versed in Kunihito affairs and culture to assist the new government successfully transition.

Primarily, Yingdala is worried the Hosian Democrats will seek to modify traditional Kunihito and Gao-Showan culture to Hulstrian norms. While this extends to all aspects of Kunihito society, Tian’an is especially concerned about the potential impacts on any monarchy restoration. Noting the originally Septembrist revolution eventually saw the end of the male-line monarchy for Mikuni, the Ministry is urging the new Mikuni-Hulstria government to maintain the traditional agnatic succession custom for any Mikuni monarch.

Tian’an has no preferences for a Mikuni monarch or which Kunihito clan is named the monarch. In fact, Yingdala doesn’t even care if the chosen Kunihito clan can claim descent from the sun goddess. What the state does care about is ensuring any Mikuni monarch is not made tenno, or Heavenly Sovereign. This would be seen as a challenge to the Son of Heaven’s position and as head of the global Jienists.

Yingdala hopes and expects the new Mikuni-Hulstria government to do the right thing. And the Yingdalan people will be standing by ready to help.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:21 pm

Ministry of Rites and Education Formally Requests Beiteynu Remove Fleet from Hanzen

Having consolidated their return to power and making successful domestic reforms to root out the former totalitarian influence, the Jienist government under Zhu Xiaoli's leadership - through the Ministry of Rites and Education - has formally requested Beiteynu to remove its fleet from Hanzen in the name of goodwill and recognition of regional peace.

The formal communique - signed and sealed by Minister Yan Xiang - outlines the benefits of removing the fleeting, which include: goodwill ties with Yingdala, monarchical solidarity, recognizing mission accomplished and peace restored to the region, as well as the domestic economic benefits to the Yeudi people.

While Yingdala had long considered Hanzen to be within its sphere of influence, the government of Tian'an is approaching foreign policy from a sovereignty standpoint and appears to be seeking to maximize sovereignty and peace for all. Naturally, this would include handing over the management of regional affairs to countries within those regions.

Of course, Yishelem is sovereign and may do as it pleases. However, it would be a benevolent gesture to remove their Dovani fleet and recognize all Tian'an has done to remove the evil racial policy committed by the former totalitarian regime against the small group of Yeudis in Yingdala.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:45 pm

Royal Academy of Lourenne Paper Studied with Great Interest

Scholars throughout Yingdala have begun deep, intensive study of the recently released "state of Terra" paper from the Royal Academy of Lourenne. The paper details the current contours of the present global order, how it developed, and even how it could change. Yingdala was specifically called out - leading to a surge in scholarship on international relations.

Academics appear to be divided in a three schools of thought with little overlap. Unsurprisingly, the dominant theoretical school is the Jienist theory of international relations. This is followed by the so-called Power School, which is ultimately rooted in Yingdala's periods of authoritarianism. The least influential is the Wuwei School, or action without action group, which has links to certain Guidao beliefs.

The Jienest theory advocates Yingdala focus on domestic affairs and cultural power to bring about security for itself and others. It argues that a virtuous and prosperous society that is well-governed will naturally attract the awe of others, bringing other nations into concert with Yingdala and its interests. The theory does not neglect the need for a strong military. However, military force should only be used in self defense and only as a last resort.

There are some, though, that argue Jienism does allow interventionism as a form of punishment or "punitive expedition," whereby Tian'an may use force of arms - after exhausting diplomatic and other non-forceful means - to correct injustice along Jienist lines. This grouping is hotly pining for influence in the Royal Court.

On the other end is the Power School. Quite simply, it believes military and economic power are paramount to national security. All aspects of the state should be geared toward this end. Military force can be used for self-defense and to pursue national interests - others be damned. Diplomacy is to be used to win zero-sum games at minimal costs. Alliances and friendships can change at whim. Needless to say, scholars of this school are not in a place of influence, but they are certainly well connected enough that they could be relied upon if required.

Least influential, the Wuwei theory contends Yingdala shouldn't do anything on the global stage. It should simply continue on as it is and things will work out - focusing on deregulating the state and environmentalism are most important. These scholars are far more likely to specialize in economics, trade, and environmental studies than traditional international relations.

Despite the differences between the three main schools of thought, a common thread exists: Gao-Showa solidarity. Although they do not agree on what this actually means - each group values kindred ties with the Gao-Showa nations. The Jienists believe this is essential to a strong culture and Yingdala's sense that it is the prime preserver of Gao-Showan culture and history. The Power School sees Yingdala as the dominant partner and the other Gao-Showa states as natural supporters, while the Wuwei theorists believe the Gao-Showa people can be the first to "return to nature" - with everyone naturally following.

Whatever the views, Yingdala's foreign policy will be guided by one or a mix of these schools as their officials take power. By scrutinizing their views and analyzing Tian'an's actions, foreign scholars and analysts should be able to prepare themselves to deal with Yingdala diplomatically.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:18 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:33 pm

Yingdala Opens Its Diplomatic and Economic Doors

Reopening. This word defines Yingdala's new path after years of totalitarian rule.

Openness is a traditional Yingdalan trait. The country and the people open themselves to others. In return, they can share the beauty and wonders of Yingdalan culture and Jienism.

Now that Tian'an has restored its traditional openness policy, the world is reacting quite positively. Artanian nations in particular. While Kundrati may be the first state visit to Yingdala, Luthori and Malivia are said to be next. Dankuk is also rumored to be interested in restore kindred ties.

Her Excellency President Lydia Repkova and a high-level delegation from Kundrati are the first of multiple, rumored state visits from Artania to Yingdala. The group was met with traditional Yingdalan pomp and circumstance. Both a classical and modern band was assembled on the tarmac of Tian'an International Airport to play Kundrati and Yingdalan songs, including the national anthems. Counsellor-in-Chief Zhu Xiaoli and the entirety of the Royal Council received President Repkova - clad in traditional Yingdalan ministerial attire - and presented her with bouquet of peonies.

Escorting her and her motorcade through Tian'an, the group drove past some of the most famous sites including the Old City Wall, the Altar of Heaven, and the Black Turtle Daenist Temple, before entering the grounds of the Heavenly Palace. There, President Repkova was met by a coterie of officials and servants - yet again all in Yingfu - led by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Wu Shinian. While the servants assisted the Kundrati delegation in making themselves at home in the palace, the Crown Prince escorted the Kundrati President to the Hall of Heavenly Virtue - the throne room - to meet the Son of Heaven.

Although initially upon the Dragon Throne, His Majesty Wu Xuanyuan descended the steps of power and greeted President Repkova in both the traditional Yingdalan fashion and a handshake. The two then took a stroll through the palace gardens where they exchanged pleasantries and got to know one another on a personal level. The conversation is said to have focused on family and philosophical interests.

The next day, a grand state banquet was held at the Heavenly Palace where the most senior of Kundrati and Yingdalan officials and society were present. Guests included members of the business community, academia, the nobility, and even common people. His Majesty was insistent that farmers, villagers, and the average person were represented to demonstrate the full picture of Yingdalan society.

Many toasts were made and good cheer had at the banquet - but the real business would begin the following day with a series of meetings on trade, investment, education and culture, and foreign affairs. With the recent reopening of Yingdala, the country was open for trade and business, as well as any educational and cultural exchanges. The Son of Heaven also personally asked President Repkova to remove Kundrati military assets from Hanzen and West Dovani as a sign of goodwill, a financial benefit to the Kundrati people, and recognition that peace and stability reign.

Productive as the visit has been, more formal outcomes are yet to be seen. An agreement or treaty is possible, but will likely require multiple rounds of negotiations. Regardless, the visit marks a new era of Yingdalan openness and friendship with the world.
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