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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:35 pm


Bundestag ratifies new treaty with Aloria
The Dundorfian legislative chamber authorized a treaty ratification with little opposition.
August 5423

in other news:
- Federal election to be held in January 5424.
- Even chocohummus helps Dundorf's chocolate industry: report.

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - Last March, Bundestag approved with a two-thirds majority the ratification of a brand new diplomatic treaty drafted by the Foreign Ministry, the so-called "Dundorf - Aloria Partnership and Friendship Treaty". The Foreign Minister, Dr. Ingrid Hammerschimidt, endorsed the treaty on behalf of the Federal Government, and approval came from 439 members out of 598, securing a decisive majority necessary to formally ratify it, opposed was the SLPD and its 63 members, while the BZD decided to abstain.
The Alorian-Dundorfian treaty follows pretty much the same diplomatic details Dundorf has negotiated with several countries over the course of the past centuries, that are the declaration of friendship existing between Aloria and Dundorf, the introduction of increased commercial ties, removal of 'double-taxation', as well as provisions in the matters of Culture, Education and Travel, particularly making it easier for Alorian and Dundorfian nationals to cross the shared border.

In the past, Dundorfian governments re-launched the country into the global stage after decades of isolationism also thanks to this kind of treaties and economical agreements, which have ensured for our country a strong and more or less stable growth over the past centuries, as well as a network of friendly countries in Artania and elsewhere, thanks to extensive diplomatic work. In particular, most Dundorfians are very proud of the excellent status of the relationship between us and Kundrati, our eastern neighbor, and are also very content of the national status into the Artanian Union, which may return in full operation in the coming months, considered an extremely useful tool to achieve a long-awaited continental economical (and beyond?) cooperation among equals. Dr. Hammerschimidt, while talking about the treaty at the University of Lutzenkamp, also reinforced the notion on Dundorf's foreign policy, which shall remain a pacifist, humanist and internationalist one, alqays up for collaboration with others and that doesn't seek to reach an imperialistic or nationalistic tone.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:10 pm

Middle Homeland Party Newsletter

5424 Election Results and Following Cabinet Formations

The Middle Homeland Party is at their peak of power. After the 5424 elections the party gained 21% of the vote and the most seats in the Bundestag and managed to get Felix Lorenz to lead the new national government. This is a continuation of the previous coalition with the NDZP, NLP and DSDP but just without the FVP. Also the party’s representation has been increased due to it becoming the largest. As well as Lorenz now leading the government other figures who have previously only operated at the state level such as Clara Herig have now got minor cabinet positions.

The MHP are also looking to use their new political power to pass a law which will encourage free market economics. The bill would end sympathy striking and give more controls to phone, airport, and private postal companies. For this the MHP will find two of the three coalition partners supportive but it is likely the DSDP will object. The MHP is hoping the FVP would agree to these reforms instead.

At the state level the MHP also did exceedingly well. For a sixth time in a row the party was the largest in Julstoch and decided to continue its coalition with the FVP. A new state leader had to be found as Clara became a national minister. Vincent Poland took over the role. He has been a member of the state cabinet in the last two parliaments and is expected to follow Mrs Herig’s policies.

In Oderveld the party became the largest in the state. The last time this was achieved was in the party’s first election in 5395. The MHP decided to continue the coalition with the NLP and NDZP, mostly reflecting the views of the national government. The MHP’s Oderveld state leader Nora Schaefer has taken over the role of leading the state cabinet. This means that the national government can at least count on two states to follow its direction and ordinances. These may not go down in the socialist controlled states where the SLPD and BZD have increased in strength at the expense of the more moderate DSDP.

Will the MHP make images like this a thing of the past in Dundorf?
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:14 pm


DSDP Secretary resigns, Party elects new Leadership
The Social-Democratic leader, after a set of disappointing electoral results, decided to step down.
December 5425

New DSDP Leader, Mr. Olaf Kreisler-Schumacher

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - Former Chancellor Florian Rutte-Grüber announced in a Thursday press conference that after consultations with family and political allies, he decided to resign as DSDP Leader effective December 28, 5425, allowing a small period of transition for the newly elected Leadership to settle in. Mr. Rutte-Grüber, who is rumored to join the A.U. Commission 'soon', pointed out the recent and disappointing electoral results as the primary cause of his retirement, followed by a pressure from the party base to renew the Leadership after eight and a half years of rule.
Leadership renewal that happened thanks to yesterday's DSDP Primary Election, which was called with the aim of getting a new Secretary and a new Assembly, that saw a drop in turnout but overall a good partecipation of roughly 1 Million voters in the first round. The leading candidates to replace Mr. Rutte-Grüber were the exponents of the Party's five factions, and these are the official results of the election as reported by the Electoral Committee of the Party - which saw the unexpected victory in the 2nd round of Mr. Olaf Kreisler-Schumacher, son to Emma Schumacher, and current Minister for Environment; a victory propelled also thanks to the endorsement of Karlotte Hambrucker, and the lack of outreach that the Progressive Minister of Foreign Affairs Hammerschmidt had on DSDP's Moderates.
DSDP Secretary (1st round)
- Dr. Ingrid Hammerschmidt (Progressive): 367.192 - 36.7%
- Olaf Kreisler-Schumacher (Green): 258.988 - 25.9%
- Dr. Andrea Wegner (Moderate): 254.105 - 25.4%
- Karlotte Hambrucker (Federalist): 78.750 - 7.9%
- Nico Köstner (Socially-Conservative Socialists): 41.244 - 4.1%

2nd Round:
- Olaf Kreisler-Schumacher (Green): 450.869 - 53.3%
- Dr. Ingrid Hammerschmidt (Progressive): 394.677 - 46.7%
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:42 pm


Former Chancellor assumes role as A.U. Commission President
Florian Rutte-Grüber, Dundorf's former Chancellor, has been tapped to lead the A.U. Commission following the 5420 election.
June 5426

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - After many month of long and complicated negotiations between the Bloc of the Artanian Left, to which DSDP, SLPD and BZD belong, and the Bloc of the Artanian Centre, to which NDZP, NLP and D'95 belong, the two groups were finally able to complete talks and present to the whole Artanian Union the new Commission, with a surprise to many Dundorfians: former Federal Chancellor Florian Rutte-Grüber has been appointed at the helm of the Commission, that is to say the President of the Commission.
Due to its high number of parties represented, Dundorf was able to get a lot of positions in the new Commission, except for BZD, along partners in Kundrati, Luthori, Ikradon and Malivia, for a total number of ten Commissioners. Sources tell us that the Luthorian Labour Party, due to its excellent performance in the 5420 Artanian elections, was able to secure two positions merged in a single Commissioner, increasing the political weight of Labour in the Commission.

Mr. Rutte-Grüber, to which we reached out to for a comment, genereously released an interview right before departing from the "R. Rachenhausen" International Airport in Dunburg:
[...] It was an high honor to receive this nomination, and I'm still trying to realize now the entity of the responsibility I was entrusted, I'll put in my best efforts for the good of our Union. Politically, we're a center and left Commission, there are wide differences of view, and I will be a sort of mediator to reach the best decision for all of the Union.[...]

A thing certainly appears clear to pundits now: the long-awaited Dundorfian dream of a united Artania is now closer, with the core institutions of the AU, the Parliament, the Council and the Commission now fully working, and everyone is eager to see how the actions of this Commission and the AU as a whole will turn out to be.
Complete list of the new AU Commission
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:28 pm



Defence Ministry, August 23, 5426: There are five types of artillery used by the Bundeswehr. Additionally portable mortars are found in the weapons platoons and a heavy tracked mortar is being considered but not currently in inventory.

Our standard towed artillery has long been the FE Langewaffe produced by Fuchstal Elektrisch which is prevalent in our six infantry divisions.

The FE – Friedensstifter is our standard self propelled gun produced by Fuchstal Elektrisch employed in our existing panzer division and to be used in our new one.

We have three types of multiple rocket launcher systems. The FE Schnellreparaturraketen produced by Fuchstal Elektrisch is our long standing one in common use. The KWM 70 MRLS available from Gebirgsmunition (GBM) was the product of a joint venture with Kundrati arms firm. Gebirgsmunition (GBM) in a joint venture with a Dorvish company prododuced our third, Mittleres Artillerieraketensystem (MARS II) , a tracked multiple rocket launcher system (MRLS).

The Oberkommado des Heeres (OKH) proposes that our eight divisions each have 2 artillery battalions as divisional assets with our 175 unarmed and armed drones distributed among these 16 battalions. Configuration A will be an artillery battalion with all towed artillery. Configuration B is a towed artillery battalion with 8 FE Schnellreparaturraketen or KWM 70 MRLS. Configuration C will have 8 MARS II and 24 FE – Friedensstifter.

The result is 4 A, 8 B and 4 C battalions. 5th Panzer and the newly formed 7th Panzer will each have two C battalions with their tracked MRLS and tracked self propelled guns. 1st and 2nd Divisions will each have two B battaloins while 3rd, 4th, 6th and 8th Divisions will initially have one A and one B battalion.

In order to bring 7th Panzer up to speed, OKH is requesting 25 more FE – Friedensstifter self propelled guns from Fuchstal Elektrisch. To furnish each artillery battalion wih MRLS, OKH would like to purchase 35 more KWM 70 MRLS from GBM.

ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER has learned the configuration plan and purchases have been approved by Defence Minister Maximillian Strasser on recommendation of the National Defence Council (NVR).


FE Langewaffe: , https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=dbd1c438 ... g3MA&ntb=1

FE – Friedensstifter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerhaubitze_2000

FE Schnellreparaturraketen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_Art ... ket_System

KWM 70 MRLS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RM-70_mul ... t_launcher

Mittleres Artillerieraketensystem (MARS II) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_Mult ... ket_System

https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=82ca50f0 ... JteQ&ntb=1
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:58 pm

Dundorfian National News
Premium Independent Political News

Coalition Troubles? DNN Investigates!

Ros Nagel in an interview

An internal document from the Middle Homeland Party leadership has been leaked to Dundorfian National News by a disgruntled backbench member of the Bundestag. It states that the executive committee of the party and therefore the cabinet have been discussing plans to ditch the DSDP from the coalition and to replace them with the FVP.

The document shows that Trade minister Ros Nagel was the person pushing for this change in policy. He said that the DSDP were “enablers to the socialist enemies who want to destroy anything Dundorfian” and that “the DSDP would be a block on the government”. He is also supposedly up in arms about the DSDP’s attempt to limit the church’s say over religious issues. The only other part of this meeting that has been made available to us is Barbara Fischer’s response to these claims. She was entirely against the view of forming a new government midterm and believes that the cabinet has worked well together which can be seen in the new budget. This likely shows us the divides in the party that could rupture after Felix Lorenz stands down.

The DSDP responded to DNN about the allegations.

If someone believes that a coalition partner should be replaced, they should be free to publicly state that, instead of letting it known secretly to the press. If some MHP backbenchers wish that FVP were in the Government instead of us, I suggest they run for the Leadership of their Party. Other than that we don't care, as DSDP remains committed to its Governing duties and to the interests of our base, and I think we balance the two things pretty well, we have the freedom to propose any bill that we deem necessary just like any other party does, and we also have the freedom to comment on these political bills as we wish.

Ros Nagel also sent us a short statement.

I do have to accept that this is what I said in cabinet but the conversation was taken out of context. I still support and apricate our current cabinet. The NLP have emphasised that this government has achieved economic growth, privatisation and a prosperous and generous state achieving some of every coalition partners goals. This government shall remain in office and continue to peruse responsible governance.

It seems like the coalition is safe but this shows that the MHP may take a righwards turn after the aging Lorenz steps down.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:51 pm


Foreign Ministry approves humanitarian package for Endralon
Federal Minister Rosenhain also stated that she'll propose a Foreign Emergency Fund to Bundestag.
February 5428

in other news:
- Second Lorenz cabinet sworn-in.
- FVP transforms in WU, Werte-Union.
- The war against chocohummus, documented.

Foreign Minister Dr. Konstanze Rosenhain

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - After months and months of hostilities in Endralon, the Foreign Ministry now chaired by Dr. Konstanze Rosenhain, a relatively new politician from the DSDP and a renowned former Professor of Political Science at the University of Lutzenkamp, decided to approve a new emergency humanitarian plan to assist the civil population of Endrealon, torn in a terrible civil conflict between the Visionary State and the Free State [of Endralon]. Dr. Rosenhain said that for the time being, Dundorf will not recognize neither part in conflict as the legitimate Government of Endralon, focusing instead on helping as many as people possible without stepping further in the internal dynamics of the far-eastern Artanian nation.

To this end, the Foreign Ministry will send 1.120 medical professionals and build three emergency field hospitals, together with medicines and one Million and a half DUM worth of food to Endralon, which will be delivered in the coming months through land, passing into Kundrati, and then reaching their destination. Rosenhain said that the Kundrati government has granted its approval to the operation, adding that our eastern counterparts only asked for inspection rights on the goods that will pass through Kasaema; an aide working for the Minister also added that if needed there could be more aid packages.
Minister Rosenhain then concluded, in an official note, by adding two details to this decision, the first being that Dundorf has already activate itself in the AU Council, asking that the first response to this crisis should be Artanian-wide humanitarian help, following Dundorf's example, and the second being that she will present to the Bundestag a bill to institute a Emergency Fund at the Foreign Ministry that will allow for greater packages to be given without further approval processes.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:28 pm


Defense Minister Kronbach


Defense Ministry, February 17, 5429: The Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) has been wanting to overhaul its helicopter distribution and has submitted a plan to the Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) for consideration. Under it, the 160 utilty helicopters will be assigned 20 each to the divisional assets of each of our eight divisisions.

As to the 225 attack helicopters, 85 are quite old and would be replaced by 40 JHS Libelle GRP’s mounted with machine gun and rocket pods, 10 JHS – Libelles armed for anti tank and ground attack missions, and 35 JHS – LCH’s , light attack rotarycraft produced with a very high ceiling capable of night or day operations against tanks or other ground targets and unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters and air defenses. All to be contracted for delivery by Jeschonnek Hubschrauber (JHS) over the next 79 months.

For distribtion, the OKH plan calls for the 40 new JHS- GRP’s to be assigned as divisional assets, 5 to each of our eight divisions. An Air Cavalry Brigade will be formed in the 1st Division with four helicopter battalions . One battalion will receive the 35 JHS – Libelles currently assigned as divisional ssets and 10 new JHS – Libelles being purchaed. The existing aircavalry battalion in 1st Division will be assigned to Air Cavalry Brigade. It consists of 15 JHS Libelles, 15 JHS Libelle AA’s (armed with air to air missiles), and 15 JHS Libelle GRP’s.

The third battalion will have assigned our 20 Dorvish made Union Tigers and 26 of our JHS – LCH’s while the fourth battalion will receive our remaining 10 JHS – LCH’s together the 35 new ones on order.

ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER has learned that Defense Minister Karl - Heinrich Kronbach has on recommendation of the NVR approved the OKH plan including the purchase of new rotary craft by the NVR’s Ableitung II.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:04 pm

Middle Homeland Party Newsletter

Lornez steps down, New leadership election

The four running cadidates put forward a backer to debate each other infront of an audiance in Lutzenkamp

Felix Lorenz has resigned as leader but shall remain as chancellor until the next election. After a successful result in the 5427 election the aging chancellor decided it was time to step down from leading the MHP. Under his leadership the party took a more right-wing and pro-religious approach which was something his predecessor Deen did not share. Lorenz was one of the original three leaders of the party in its founding days and even spent some time in cabinet in those day. However after Deen beat him he took a slight step back from his political commitments to focus on his role as a village pastor in Oderveld. He succeeded Deen without an election and under his leadership the party went to knew hights, winning 3 elections and Lorenz becoming chancellor. His right wing approach seemed to break through and take change of this divided coalition. Previously either the more extreme factions or the more moderate NDZP seemed to be in charge of the right but in the 5424 election the MHP took charge of that side of politics.

Four challengers attempt to replace him in a two round system where the top two candidates from the first round go through to the final one. The first we will mention is Irma Engel. She is an outsider and a state representative from Dunlake. She represents Deen’s secular wing of the party and is arguing that the right can do better on the whole if the MHP targets this demographic again. Polling is putting her candidacy at 8% and it is seen as a long shot if she gets through to the final two.

The second is current Internal Affairs Minister Barbara Fischer. She is part of the moderate wing of the party, aligned to Lorenz’s aims overall and willing to continue working with the DSDP and the left in government. She has been the one pushing the benefits of the grand coalition governments the MHP have been a part of recently. In a recent rally she said that under her leadership the MHP will govern in a way that will not alienate the political centre so that the party can stay in the cabinet. She is polling at 34% and has a high chance of getting into the next round.

The third candidate is Food minister Ros Nagel. Nagel comes from the furthest right wing of the party representing a more outwardly nationalist and religious group. In an interview with the mainstream media he said he would tare up any DSDP deals and would explore the possibilities of enforcing religious codes in society. He also has doubts about the AU but would like to reach out to the conservative Dorvik state for more strategic pan-Dundorfian alliance. This used to be a common view in the party but it has faded under Lorenz’s leadership as the MHP became more of a broad church. He is currently polling at 30% and has a chance to get into the top two.

Finally and the most surprising candidate is Clara Herig current transport minister. Herig made her name to fame as minister-president of Julstoch where the party was in coalition with likeminded right wing parties. Free market transport reform was introduced to the state under her leadership and in her current role she is trying to keep that legacy alive. Because of her more state based focus she represents a relatively new federalist wing. Previously most factions backed federalism in full but some state representatives do not see the government as going far enough and have coalesced around the personally popular Herig to lead the party back to its federalist roots. She is polling at 28% so is currently outside the top two race but its close enough that she could get through.

A lot of focus has also been put on Lorenz himself as voters try to gauge who he might back. Rumours suggest he favours a Fischer leadership over Nagel as he was demoted in the last reshuffle after his views on the DSDP were leaked. Its is unlikely he will back a candidate until the second round so that he can still command the party during the rest of his chancellor term.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:40 am

Middle Homeland Party Newsletter

First Round of Leadership Election Results In

The first round of results are in. Ros Nagel won the election with 33% of the vote followed by Clara Herig with 30% and Barbara Fischer on 29%. Irma Engel got 8%.

It seems that the campaign had pushed people away from Fischer who is seen as the most establishment based candidate. Instead these voters moved either to a more nationalist or federalist candidate. Herig is said to be overjoyed with the results and shows that the right should continue granting state autonomy. Oderveld Minister-President Hans Schmitt has been seen with Herig and says that under he leadership, state leaders may be taken more seriously by the party. Nagel is also pleased with his increase and believes this shows that the MHP needs to be a strong right party to win this election.

There has been lots of speculation about who Felix Lorenz will back in the final round. He has finally broken his silence and decided to back Herig. He gave this statement.

I am backing Herig because it is time for someone who wants to create unity should lead the party. Alo she has a committed goal to further the MHP at the state level and in national government.

The final round will be scheduled in a few months time. Before then Nagel and Herig will go head to head in a leaders debate brodcast on national television.
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