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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:33 pm

Y Cronicl

July 5422

New Administrative Reforms put Aloria on Path to Progress


Ein Hunain has successfully passed new legislation that fundamentally changes the dynamics and institutions of Aloria. The GRA (Government Reorganization Act) was an omnibus bill that included many changes. For Aloria to become a successful country and rise from ashes it needs stable political institutions that can stand for centuries. The Commune Rhad Ac Am Ddim (Free Commune) have been renamed Talaith (Provinces). The free commune system is a legislative symptom of regionalism and anti-Alorian unity. The Talaith symbolizes the hierarchy of the modern Alorian state. Provinces that are servant to the Federal Republic. The Federal Council has been renamed as the Cabinet. The old council system doesn't reflect the modern state and thus the institution ought to be renamed. Awdurdod Dirprwyedig Pobl yr Alôr (Alorian People's Delegated Autority) is also an antiquated title that doesn't reflect the needs of the Alorian people. the newly adopted title of Llywydd (President) more accurately represents the role that the office entails. Prif Gynghorydd y Cyngor Cynffederal (Chief Counselor of the Confederal Council) is a title that allures to a confederal style of government. A system that truly isn't in place and thus gives the wrong impression. The newly adopted Prif Weinidog (Prime Minister) is more true to the nature of the institution.

Aloria on the International Stage

Aloria is a northern Artanian nation that sits in a unique geopolitical predicament. Whilst officially neutral it is very loyal to its Dradic friends in Kirlawa and Rutania and values the Dradic cultural world and identity. It is population-wise the smallest northern Artanian nation. It is one of the least developed and weakest in terms of its military. So even if it is officially neutral, it is obvious that all Alorian dilpomacy must take into account the interests of its northern Neighbor, Dorvik. Dorvik being on the strongest military nations in Artania and Terra has an enormous impact on its sphere of influence, of which Aloria is an given member. The Alorian attitude to Dorvik is mixed. The Dundorfian-speaking population living on the borderlands to Dorvik sees Dorvik as a natural friend due to their cultural similarities. Many Alorian-speakers have a more mixed or reserved attitude. Alorian-Dorvish relations have for a long time been very uneventful and few people see any reasons to irritate their northern neighbor. Now with the new Ein Hunain-administration and its ambitious diplomatic agenda we can expect relations with Dorvik to become more formalized and solidified.

New Financial Paradigm for Aloria

The new budget proposal that passed in the Senedd can be described as nothing more than paradigm-shifting. The first functional budget in decades prioritizes order and stability in Aloria. The budget spends most Alorik (Currency) on defence and justice. This is nothing more than expected for a troubled state trying to establish order. Aloria is currently desperately in need to establish itself and its institutions to retain and bolster its legitimacy. We have to remember that it was not long ago that there was no unifying order in Aloria. It was not long ago that Ein Hunain was just a loose collection of Llyn-based nationalists that dreamed of a united Aloria. The budget also allocates 29 billion Alorik of its funding for infrastructure and transport, an investment desperately needed for Aloria which doesn't have a highway system or functioning nation-wide railway system. This budget makes the beginning for Alorias economic recovery and ascent.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:39 pm

Y Cronicl

August 5422

We Need to be Honest about the Economy


Aloria is a proud nation and rightfully so. We have a rich history, beautiful culture and breathtaking landscapes. But pretty beaches and inspiring poetry can't pay the bills, or modernization. We need to be honest about the economic situation of our country. Aloria is the smallest country population-wise in Artania and one of the absolute poorest too. Our economy is mostly centered on agriculture and an underdeveloped mining sector. Large swaths of our population are subsistence farmers with no interaction with the global economy. Our most productive economic area is the capitol of Llyn and the surrounding metro area. Our nation has made great progress these last years but in terms of real economic growth our leaders have not yet delivered.

Our economy is weak and there is no denying that. But what do our leaders have to say? We interviewed Minister for Trade and Industry, Barrwg ap Harri to get his take.

I agree with the fundamental premise that our economy is far from where want it to be. But I wouldn't call Aloria a poor nation. We actually have great natural resources that can be exported to other countries, help us develop our own industries and spur domestic growth. Aloria used to be very unwelcoming for entrepreneurs and industrialists. We had a corporation tax of 50% that made it almost impossible for new companies to enter the market. One of our first reforms was to slash the corporation tax which now sits at 5%. As a minister I constantly get reports of how wonderful this has been for our economy. Admittedly the bar is very low, but we are seeing a growth in declared businesses, loans for businesses and business expansions. We expect unemployment to fall in the next quarter and I am confident that unemployment can be reduced to a level of 4% within only five or six years. One key to improving our economy is providing the foundations for economic development. We cannot build a modernized economy without adequate modes of transportations for businesses. Shipping silicon from the mountains of Kurmal to the ports in Crentol takes two days! Two days! That is absurd. We are looking at introducing a new highway system for Aloria. One that connects all five provinces and makes transportation easier for all.

We hope that the optimistic words from Minister, ap Harri are true. Alorians deserve an economic revival. Let's hope it happens sooner than later.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby Drax » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:14 am

Aloria Buying Fighters and Tanks From Dundorf

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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:52 am

Y Cronicl

May 5423

Arms Imports and the Rebirth of the Alorian Military


Thanks to the increased defense spending by the Ein Hunain administration the Alorian army has seen a much needed reorganization. The Alorian army used to be made up of ineffective small battalions spread out over the country that looked more like paramilitary forces than a real army. Now, Minister of Defence, Pedr ap Garmon has announced a reorganization of the military structure of the Federal Republic. The army will unite into a new entity called the Lluoedd Arfog Alôreig (LLA) or Alorian Armed Forces. The LLA has its headquarters in the northern district of Llyn and be administered by newly appointed Supreme Commander / Goruchaf Gomander, Nerin ap Sior. We asked Nerin ap Sior what's first on the Agenda for the LLA?

We need to establish a healthy and stable number of active soldiers and reservists. We are reaching out to those who used to work in the army. We really value any experience that we can get from soldiers who served under previous regimes. We are still very new and cannot carry out mass-recruitment campgains. The objective of the LLA is to protect Aloria and our sovereignty. We are a small nation with powerful neighbors and need a military strong enough to prevent us from being seen as weak and impressionable. Thankfully we have strong relations with all our neighbors and have no reasons to view our neighbors with fear.

Thank you Goruchaf Gomander, Nerin ap Sior.
Aloria recently purchased 30 HF – 16 multirole fighters to be delivered over a three year period. Alorian Defense Ministry is also buying 30 of the tanks, Leopard 2A7, from manufacturer, Fuchstal Elektrisch, to be delivered over the next 32 months. This is the first arms contract signed for the Ein Hunain administration. Why these fighters and tanks, and why Dundorf?

Our military needs high-quality military-grade tanks and fighters jets to help our soldiers and troops on the ground. These purchases will help us defend our country and detain foreign powers from provoking us. This is obviously not enough and we will need to purchase and produce more tanks and fighter jets in the future to create a powerful and competent military to protect Alorian sovereignty. Dundorf is a friend and partner of Aloria and we feel confident in the quality of their products. They have a very developed weapons manufacturing industry and a good international reputation.

New Economic Reforms Stimulate Investment in Aloria

The ERA - Economic Reform Act has recently passed in the Senedd. It is a bill sponsored not only by Finance Minister, Llwyd ab Arfon and 23 other Ein Hunain legislators. As we have previously reported, the Alorian economy is very weak and underdeveloped. The economic agenda of the Ein Hunain includes tackling systemic issues to growth and development in the Nation. The ERA will help the Alorian economy by establishing a single central bank and simultaneously allowing private banks to exist. Previously all banks were state-owned. the Central Bank of Aloria, Banc Canalog Alôr (BCA), will be in charge of intervening and changing the exchange rate of the national currency, Alorik, when necessary. The Exchange rate is otherwise allowed to float.

Previously foreign investors needed to obtain government approval to invest in Aloria. A regulation that complicated, delayed and diminished FDI in the Federal Republic. Uplifting these regulations will open up Aloria and generate new opportunities for ordinary people in Aloria. Another change in the financial system of the country is the de-regulation of the stock exchange. This new legislation will improve the capabilities of Alorian companies to deliver for their shareholders.

Chief economists are expecting the emergence of a banking sector, more foreign direct investment and growth in the nations stock exchanges. These changes will however not benefit the many Alorians suffering from poverty, reliant on subsistence agriculture. These reforms lay the groundwork for a modern, developed economy. A more direct and interventionist approach is necessary when it comes to improving the economic conditions for the majority of the country.

New Diplomatic Relations

Aloria is no longer an international hermit. In the past months Aloria has created new diplomatic relations with Istalia, Malivia and Dundorf. Embassies have been established in each respective country, symbolizing a new international Alorian Republic. Aloria has also ratified the treaty of Dunblane, which integrates Aloria into the AU single market and economy. The Ein Hunain has aligned itself with the Bloc for the Artanian Right. Alorias has focused its diplomatic agenda in the Artanian theatre. A conscious choice by the Ein Hunain administration. Its important that Aloria secures good relations with its neighbors before it tries to reach out to other international powers and influences.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:11 am

Y Cronicl

December 5423

Nationwide Highway Constuction Begun in Crentol


In line with Ein Hunain's ambition for economic development in Aloria, highway construction has begun in the Talaith (Province) of Crentol. The project is financed by government funding. Private companies have been contracted to carry out the construction in close cooperation with government agencies. Crentol is the first step of building this nationwide highway system. The highway will eventually extend to all provinces in Aloria and connect all major cities to each other. This project is expected to improve economic conditions in the short term and the long term. Unemployment is expected to drop due to the huge recruitment of workers made by the contracted companies. Government agencies are also recruiting people to work in the administration of this historically huge program. This first year an estimated 5.3 billion Alorik will be spent.

Increased funding to Llyn Universities

800 million Alorik will be spent by the government to repair the old university buildings and improve education standards. The universities affected will be the Coleg Technegol Llyn (Llyn Technical College) and Prifysgol Llyn (University of Llyn). For Aloria to modernize, higher education must see more funding and investment. The future of Aloria rests on the shoulders on young men and women who go and educate themselves.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:24 am

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Re: Aloria

Postby Torsten1 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:48 pm

Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
Image Kingdom of Rutania / Rìoghachd na Rutha
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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:56 pm

Y Cronicl

February 5426

Aloria Responds to Rutanian Calls for Dradic Cultural Promotion

Minister of Education and Culture, Phylip ap Griffith. was delighted to announce at his last press conference that Aloria will seek deepened ties with its Dradic brother, Rutania. The Rutanian "Office for Dradic Affairs", created by the Robertson ministry. Ein Hunain, a fiercely nationalist and proud party feels deep connections with the other Dradic nations, Rutania and Kirlawa. Aloria sends its best regards to the Rutanian administration and opens for further cooperation. Aloria is looking forward to establishing a "Centre for Dradic heritage"!
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:40 pm

Y Cronicl

July 5430

Parliamentary Fatigue and Loyalism Impair Progress


Critics and political commentators have commentated in the recent years that a lack of real concrete progress has been pushed through the Senedd this last term. The last election has provided us with a fourth term for the incumbent President, Aneirin ap Tegid. The President has played a very laid-back role in Alorian internal affairs. The Briog ap Crallo-cabinets across the years have dominated the political landscape. But this rule might not last for ever. The administrative rule of Ein Hunain is not prohibitive of political parties due to their historical tendency to drift to extremism and weaken the nation. But calls for political pluralism are being echoed from many corners of Aloria. People when surveyed regularly say that they would prefer a "Valence"-style political system instead of the administrative rule of Ein Hunain or total political pluralism. The opposing faction within Ein Hunain, the Dylanites have been completely suppressed from any political power. Only having influence over the foreign office. The once new and fresh Ein Hunain regime is growing older, and the time for something new is coming.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

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Re: Aloria

Postby Credo » Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:54 pm

Y Cronicl

Y Cronicl is a politics-oriented newspaper, with a conservative bias, that comments on important domestic political matters. The newspaper was previously called Ein Hunain but changed its name to avoid confusion with the party that formed in its headquarters.
July 5430

Finally Complete, the Highways Work Yet Again


After seven years, the ambitious plan to revitalize the broken infrastructure that is the Alorian highway system has finally been completed. The project cost 38.5 billion Alorik which averages out to 5.5 billion each year. This infrastructure project lays the groundwork for future investments and economic growth in the nation. Domestic trade are expected to rise substantially after this, thus helping our weak and struggling economy. The highway construction started In Crentol and finished last month in the province of Caermoel. The project employed an estimate of thirteen thousand people in different capacities during the entirety of the project.

The completion of this project is highly symbolic of the progress made in this country thanks to the Ein Hunain administration. The administration needs to continue to deliver on projects like this to ensure that the people are satisfied with them and see them as legitimate rulers. The administration is expected to launch new infrastructure plans soon, most likely related to energy and industry.

This project also brings with it, a nation-building aspect. The many languages spoken in Aloria will now be exposed to each other even more than before. More cultural interactions and relations will happen. The highway represents in a very physical sense, a new way for Alorians to connect with their fellow countrymen and know them on a deeper and more personal level.
Last edited by Credo on Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by shared ideas rather than given by nature" - Alexander Wendt

Currently: Ein Hunain - Aloria

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