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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:19 am


Dolgavan Navy to Conduct Underwater Surveys of the Kerisian Arctic

Dolgava's two Icebreakers will be used to conduct the most difficult surveying

March 17th 5427

With the ice beginning to melt and clear as winter turns to spring, the Dolgavan Navy in conjunction with the Dolgavan Oceanic Agency will be mapping and better understanding of the arctic region north of Keris. Much of the region is covered seasonally by ice sheets but during the summer months there is easier access by shipping and especially icebreakers. The summer months were decided for Dolgavan icebreakers and ships to better scan and navigate in the region.

Scientists assisted by students from the University of Aikums, Oceanography department will be spending the summer on the ice conducting studies of the ocean floor, especially in finding safe passages and any geological formations of importance. Also animal and sea life surveys will be conducted as well as water readings, salinity checks and close monitoring of the ice itself.

Dolgava will be looking at ways of travel and new trade routes through the Kerisian arctic that could cut travel times for trade in the far north. It also provides students and personal with valuable experience in traversing ice fields and navigation in the arctic landscape. This has both geopolitical affects as well as scientific discoveries as Dolgava's presence in the arctic expands. For the Dolgavan military it is valuable along as it is valuable for Dolgavan scientists, and it empowers Keris to be able to lead the charge towards a new shorter trade route potentially.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:01 pm


Dolgavan Naval Vessels Visit Nsanlosa to Affirm Close Ties Between Fellow CSCO States in Spite of Trouble Brewing in Dovani

multple Dolgavan ships made port call in Nsanlosa as a sign of the close ties and friendship between the Dolgavas Impērija and the Nsanisches Reich

February 10th 5428

Dovani has been on high alert after a major diplomatic clash between Beiteynu, Hanzen, Yingdala and Vascania has left Southern Dovani once again in troubled times. The aftershocks are seemingly still raging through Dovani and creating unrest, tension and uneasiness in the region. It remains to be seen if Yingdala, Beiteynu or Hanzen remains at fault but this has sparked Dolgava to make a surprise visit with vessels of the Royal Dolgavan Navy visiting Nsanlosa.

The visit included 5 vessels with 2 of them being the new Śuketė Class. The vessels are apart of the Dolgavan Navy's 1st Fleet and were selected to ensure that CSCO friendship and cooperation is not affected by chaos and pandering in other parts of Dovani and despite Yingdala's wishes of kicking so called "western" powers out of the region. Nsanlosa has remained committed to being a close partner of Dolgava, Davostan, Hutori and the other nations of the CSCO while it, itself sorts out internal affairs.

Dolgava's Foreign Minister Veronika Witting commented on the port call saying that

We are committed to working with our allies across the globe no matter where they are in being able to help them be able to conduct foreign policy the way they see fit and not influenced by others. First we saw Beiteynu involving themselves in matters they have no business in dealing with and now the opposite reaction has been taken where so called "world powers" are being kicked out of Dovani by Yingdala which just went through the process of getting rid of foreign influence in the region. This is a cycle that has repeated itself time and time again. That is why having an organization like the CSCO is important. Regional alliances only look to the well being of the region above everything else, in the CSCO member states come first and it is clear that Nsnlosa and their people will not be influenced. As for the notion that Dolgava should not be in Dovani? Well unlike certain countries which use and abuse their allies, we work in cooperation with them for their betterment. Frankly the CSCO will not be threatened like others have.

The is a clear signal that the CSCO is in a good position internationally and that Dolgava is clear in supporting their allies despite growing tensions in the region.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:02 am


Dominski Games to Produce Massively Multiplayer Online Naval Game Titled "Ships of War"

Initial Art and Gameplay Design Which is Available on their Website dominskigames.dol

November 11th 5428

Gamers across Dolgava and the world are hyped over Dominski games, the authors of the best selling series "Call to Arms" have begun open Alpha testing of their newest title called "Ships of War". The title will be based around the ship of the Terran Great War (3988 - 4007) with starting nations including Hutori, Trigunia, Vanuku, and Deltaria. The game will be balanced around four classes of ships, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships and Aircraft Carriers which will have their own unique roles and gameplay. The game will primarily be Player vs. Player and will let people's imaginations run wild. The game will be available to players across the globe with servers being available for Keris/Makon, Seleya, Artania, Majatra and Dovani. These servers will have their own activities, events in game and regionally specific events.

The chief developer of the game Salvo Brunkevičs said that the project jumps into a field never before seen in Terra where a game focuses so heavily on naval warfare. He said in an interview with the FPN that

I think many people around Terra are fascinated by how naval warfare used to be and the tales of Battleships facing off against each other. This game will be able to bring these ships to life for players and it will certainly be popular with everyone of all ages. We will be constantly updating the game and giving new content to players as long as we can.

Released Game footage showing Hutorian Cruisers and their unique play style using smokescreens

The game will be cross platformed with the Gamestation as well as on Computers. The game will have the option for premium ships that can be bought for extra money and will have unique and different playstyles. Players will be able to grind from Tier l to Tier X in these nations. Dominski has also alluded to other nations such as Luthori, Dorvik and other nations to be playable as well in the future even if they did not participate in the Terran Great War. Alpha testing is beginning now with Dominski beginning Beta testing in the coming months. Release will be in a couple years but players will have the opportunity to play the game now. The game has gone trending in Dolgava and has quickly has been shown great interest by players around Terra. This game could be another smash hit for Dominski.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:51 am


November 3rd 5429

The Dolgavan Dairy Industry has long been apart of the cultural and business makeup of the country for centuries. However today more and more Dolgavan cheese makers are at a crossroads between the traditional way and technology. Many in the industry see computerization of the process a "either or" situation where you either fully go computerized or you keep to the traditional, more hands on approach. However there are farmers that are mixing the two, keeping tradition alive but using the benefits of automation.

One of those farmers is Kristoforas Svereika owner of Sevreika Dairy Farms, a large supplier of cheese in Hodari. He has been using automated milking facilities for decades which has not only been well liked by farm hands but seemingly liked by the cows as well. The machines automatically milk the cows when the cows feel like they want to be milked and they are rotated through almost a merry go round but for cows until it is there turn. The process is largely in the cows and the robots hands. The process is by far faster than having farmhands milk the cows and because the cows enter as they choose, it is better for the animals as well.

Robotic milking machines are revolutionizing the dairy industry in Dolgava

Another form of automation are automated gates, which control where cows go and to ensure that things such as stampedes are a thing of the past. It also makes sorting cows easier and makes the task of opening gates a mere push of a button. Kristoforas Svereika explained what it meant for his farm and staff by telling the DBC

When we switched over to automation we have seen record amounts of cheese and dairy products go to market. It is truly spectacular what they have been able to accomplish. The cows love it, we love it, it is just a big win-win for everyone.[/quote)

Despite this many of the old traditional ways still are as prevalent as ever. Hodari and Dolgavan cheese in general is known for being aged in caves. It is said that this helps the flavor of the cheese to be the best quality and is something that Dolgavan cheese makers have done for centuries. Cheese is still aged in caves in the same way it has been done for centuries and the recipe has not changed a bit over the years either.

We do not use preservatives and crap to help our cheese last longer
Svereika said
Our recipe has been enjoyed by millions for as long as anyone can remember and we will ensure it is not touched at all in the future.

Cheese Caves are still common practice in Dolgavan Cheesemaking today

This of course is dictated by Dolgava's cheese purity law which states that pasteurized cheese products that are not made the tradition way cannot be called cheese. In Dolgava cheese is protected by laws meant to protect Dolgavan cheese makers and the ensure the best quality.

The Dolgavan Dairy industry is thriving and it seems that they are on the forefront of advancing the industry while keeping to their roots.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:09 am


Crown Prince Gustav Appointed to Captain in Dolgavan Navy

Crown Prince Gustav after serving many years in the Royal Dolgavan Navy has been appointed to Captain

May 7th 5431

In a ceremony in Dolgavaopolis the Crown Prince of the Dolgavan Empire Gustav has been officially appointed as a naval captain in the Royal Dolgavan Navy. Gustav who goes under a different name in the Dolgavan Navy to protect not only him but his crew and ship, has served in the Dolgavan Navy since the age of 18 with him now turning 28 years old. Due to his actions and superb leadership abilities and devotion to the navy he was recommended for promotion by Admiral of the 1st Dolgavan Fleet Olgerts Dreimanis. This was soon approved by the Dolgavan Navy and the Prince graciously accepted. He will now serve under a different name, again to protect him and his crew and his command will not be public knowledge.

While serving in the Dolgavan Navy he started as a Lieutenant on board one of Dolgava's missile destroyers before working into the position of Damage control man especially trained in dealing with nuclear accidents on board a warship or chemical of biological hazards. He would in serve as the leader of damage control inside of the sector of the ship before being promoted once again to the rank of Komandkapteinis (OF-4) in which he served as third mate who is in charge of damage control and safety.

Today he has once again been promoted to Jūras kapteinis (Captain) (OF-5) and will take charge of one of the vessels of the Dolgavan First Fleet. The move has been slightly controversial with some thinking this puts Gustav at unnecessary risk but Gustav's desire is to serve his country and he will be doing that.

This breakthrough by the Crown Prince into the Dolgavan Navy restarts a very old tradition of Dolgavan Royals going into the armed forces. For many centuries now Dolgavan Royalty have not joined the Dolgavan Armed Forces but Gustav has changed this and brought it back. This is praised by many as it shows the commitment and patriotism of the Crown Prince.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:31 am


Dolgava to Start a "Special Relationship Status" with the Holy Luthorian Empire

Ft. William the Capital of Luthori

May 7th 5431

The Sooraar Government has announced that the Dolgavan Empire will be establishing a "special relationship" with the Holy Luthorian Empire. This is the third country to have this special status following Dorvik and Hutori. In the past months and years Dolgava has gone from a cold relationship with Luthori to forging a new alliance and one that has seen the two countries become very close.

The relationship is a turning point in Dolgava's foreign policy and provides both Luthori and Dolgava with a valuable ally and also finalizes a powerful alliance between Hutori, Luthori and Dolgava in a trifecta alliance of sorts. The Premier of Dolgava traveled to Ft. William in recent months. However today the news was announced by the Dolgavan Prime Minister in Aikums calling the special relationship a "historic event" and emphasizing that ties between the two states were "strong"

It is expected that Luthori and Dolgava will work in cooperation on military training in the coming months and years. This will be compounded by existing CSCO exercises between Hutori and Dolgava and with the special relationship being extended to Luthori is is clear that the three states will be working together more and more in the future.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:19 am


May 12th 5433

Fort Karzonpils is the third largest city in Dolgava with a combined metro population of 2,633,330. Noversk which sits at a population of 2,703,333 and Aikums which tops Dolgava's cities at 3,604,788. Karzonpils has long been the capital of the State of Karzon and one of Dolgava's most historic and important cultural centers for centuries. The city even was Dolgava's capital during the 2400s-2700s. In recent years cities like Dolgariaoplis and Dolgarburg have been competing with Fort Karzonpils for the title of Dolgava's premier seaport and trade city one that has been a hard fought national battle between these three cities for many years. For many Karzonians they will tell you that it seems that Fort Karzonpils's days of national relevance are over and that they will seemingly slip from one of Dolgava's most powerful cities to just that of a regional capital, especially with the Dolgavan fleet stationed at Dolgariaopils and Dolgarburg's rapid growth as a trade port for Trigunia and Makon,

However today a group of Developers led by billionaire and Karzonian native Hilards Āboltiņš have come up with a compete redevelopment of much of Fort Karzonpil's downtown core that will completely change and make better the city, that is their hope at the very least. Āboltiņš is the owner of Keris Defense Corporation the military contractor that has taken the place of many Dorvish companies that provided arms to the Dolgavan Armed Forces. He is one of the most influential and richest men in Dolgava.

Dolgavan Billionare Hilards Āboltiņš the chief architect of the plan to redevelop the downtown core

The project will tear preserve the historic parts of the city but tear down much of the "post modernist" design of the city which some see as an eyesore and in which has caused much local debate inside of the city. It will be replaced with high rises, skyscrapers, affordable housing and an entire business and trade district. This will also include much of the downtown core of the city more pedestrian friendly and at the same time redevelop and change the public transportation in the city modeled after the major cities of Artania, public transit in Hutori and the good public transportation of Lourenne. One of the major players in the redevelopment is socialite Angelīna Podziņa the owner of Saule one of Dolgava's largest beauty and fashion brands, who has spent extensive time in Eroncourt and has been a major activist for urban development that not only helps business but helps the people that live there at the same time.

This project will easily become the largest in the cities history and if completed will make the city one of the most forward and attractive locals in all of Keris. If completed this would easily put Fort Karzonpils on the path towards expansion and growth. For families and those looking for a job and a vibrant community this could be the thing that could drive the city to become not only one of the most important trade and cultural centers of Dolgava but Karzon and the Northern Hemisphere all together.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:48 am


Dolgavan PM Makes Statement on Aldegar Canal Fiasco

Prime Minister of Dolgava Ursula Soosaar

June 28th 5433

With the ongoing crisis in Aldegar and the closure of the Aldegar canal the world and scrambling to change trade routes. This decision made by the Government of Aldegar has caused countries far and wide to focus on the problems inside of the country as protests and unease grow. The Dolgavan Prime Minister made a statement on the crisis saying

We in Dolgava are keeping watch over the ongoing situation in Aldegar. The situation is of course ongoing but the international impacts for trade, commerce and free movement this is causing is seemingly going to rapidly grow day by day. We in Dolgava wish that the situation in Aldegar is resolved soon and that cooler heads prevail. The world should not suffer because of events ongoing in Aldegar. As for alternatives to the Aldegar canal, Dolgava is committed to keeping the waterway between Keris and Seleya clear and free and we hope that ships can trust us to ensure the security of the straight. During times like these we should come together as a world for each other.

The Dolgavan Navy will be increasing anti-piracy patrols in the straight between Lodamun and Dolgava, anticipating the region to become a bottleneck of trade withe the closure of the Aldegar canal. The statement has taken a calmer tone than that of past reactions to international crisis's by former Prime Minister's but it seems the Dolgavan Government is taking a hands off approach on this issue as it does not affect the Dolgavan state too much in terms of trade and economics.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:25 am


May 3rd 5435

The Royal Dolgavan Navy has announced that they will be creating a new class of Nuclear Attack submarine in cooperation with Keris Defense Corporation Marine Division. The class will be a heavily modified and improved version of the proven Śuketė class, which has served Dolgava for many years. The ship is meant to guard Dolgavan Home Waters, covertly and to collect intelligence information. The submarine is mainly designed for anti-shipping roles especially to counter surface fleets and especially carrier strike groups. The ships will displace 9,400 tons and contain many classified features.

The Dolgavan Prime Minister Ursula Soosaar made a statement commenting on the program calling it a "major step forward for Dolgavan Naval development", and mentioning that "this opens up pathways toward a safer and more secure Dolgava and Keris in the future".

The announcement was made by the Dolgavan Navy at the Dolgavan Naval Headquarters in Dolgariaopils where the Commander of the Dolgavian Naval Forces made a public press statement confirming the project. Sources inside navy have told the DBC that the project is code named "Project Kraken" and it is rumored to also include increased sonar presence in the Karzon straight for Dolgava and their allies to be able to monitor.

The ongoing crisis globally which is seeing old empires fall and new ones rise, along with allies dividing, it is clear that Dolgava is not done in its naval and military expansion. With the Troll Mountain complex being a state of the art submarine base, the expansion of the Dolgavan Submarine fleet could see Dolgava have some of the most capable and sophisticated submarines in Terra.

Prototypes and further development of the project is expected to take years but today marks the fist public knowledge, which usually means that the project will almost certainly come to fruition in the future.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:18 pm


August 1st 5435

The Dolgavan Ministry of Food and Agriculture has released a directive that will ban all petroleum based dyes prevalent in the usage of artificial dyes found in food and beverage products. The products which are controversial due to their nature as being petroleum based products have rumored to be linked to cancer, and other major illnesses and problems. The directive which has been added to the Dolgavan Food and Beverage regulations essentially bans petroleum dyes in all domestically made food and beverage products and any food imported as well. The directive will take effect next year, giving adequate time for companies to make substitutions and to use more natural and safe alternatives.

The Minister of Food and Agriculture Steponas Vilcikauskas made a statement to the media about the directive in which he said

It is clear that the time has come to ban the usage of petroleum dyes in the Dolgavan Empire. Here in Dolgava our main focus should be the proliferation of good industry practices and the encouragement of healthy and natural alternatives to chemicals in food. There is no need for anyone to be ingesting petroleum in any way shape or form, something that young and old we take for granted but do not know where this stuff comes from. Artificial dyes are dangerous and there exists many alternatives that are safe, healthy and do not rely on foreign oil imports.

Why do food companies choose to use petroleum dyes? Simply put like many things, these dyes can be made very cheaply so companies can sell their products with more and more profits but at the expense of people's long term health. Today we are committed to ending their usage across Dolgava and hopefully setting an example of food and beverage laws that help people and do not hurt them.

Thanks to our Sponsors!


Dolgava has some of the most strict food and beverage laws in Terra with many of its cultural iconic cheeses and other products having "protected geographical status" to ensure that foreign companies cannot mislead consumers by selling falsified products, a tactic used in some countries to claim a certain product is made in a certain region. Also Dolgavan purity laws for things like Beer, Cheese, Wine, Sasusage, all have strict rules to ensure food safety. For instance the Dolgavan Beer Purity law follows closely to other Dundorfian and Dorvish laws in which Dolgavan breweries can only use four ingredients for beer malt, hops, yeast and water. Any other ingredients would make the drink something like a "Beer based" or "Beer inspired" drink, instead of being the real stuff.

Written between the lines, the petroleum dye banning initiative is a clear slap in the face to petroleum imports, as artificial dyes are an important product for many companies and many countries. For instance Trigunia, who is neighbors to Dolgava is one of the largest oil exports in the world and petroleum based dyes are a big import for Dolgava. The law will be a major hit for these companies doing business in Dolgava, furthering the divide between Aikums and Rodshyadam. This is also in line with policies inside Dolgava is making Dolgava less reliant on foreign imports especially in key industries such as food and energy. This law certainly solves many issues the Dolgavan Government sees all in one shot.

For now Dolgavan Companies will certainly adapt and have to change their dyes and it will certainly boost sales for alternative and natural dyes. Dyes made out of beetroot have already become a large topic of conversation across the food industry in recent days, leading up to this announcement. However despite this the industry recognizes the importance of food safety and the need to make food safer, and better for people.

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