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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:04 pm

Reports of desertion and surrenders rise in the Visionary State as the odds become more stacked in favour of Free Endralon; Is the civil war going to end soon?

In the wake of Luthori and Kundrati actively supporting Free Endralon, this has crippled morale in the Visionary State and with losing Zaosuma, morale has only plummeted. To that end, many units in the Visionary State have outright deserted from the field or even surrendered to Free Endralon. Combined with an increasing amount of partisan and guerilla activity, morale for Free Endralon has skyrocketed and as the Visionary States fighting capacity goes down, the Battle of Zaosuma being a victory for Free Endralon has been the final nail in the coffin for morale.

With Zaosuma secured, Free Endralon can begin it's bolt to the Kundrat border, split off the north from the rest of the Visionary State and then push south towards Hugamest. However, dissident in the Visionary State has been mounting against the hardliner regime and a ceasefire is becoming more likely as the Visionary State begins to crumble in fighting. With more support for Free Endralon rising, the Visionary State is anticipated to either be forced to the negotiating table or collapse as any fight to the death has become near impossible.

Should a ceasefire occur, Free Endralon has remained receptive to the idea, and with Kundrati keeping her doors open to hosting a cease fire conference, everything is set, save for the Visionary State. However, if a ceasefire did occur, the Visionary State would be on the backpedal for negotiations as Free Endralon would have a major advantage in said negotiations.

Whatever the case, as the Visionary State continues to suffer, the question of a ceasefire has been raised repeatedly and as the war drags on, it may very well occur sooner then later.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:37 pm

Ceasefire declared in Endralon; fighting comes to a stop as both sides look to negotiations.

Today, a ceasefire has formally been declared in Endralon today, as both the Visionary State and Free Endralon have looked to negotiations to establish peace in the region. This has come after several desertions and surrender, and the entirety of the Artanian Union recognizing Free Endralon as the legal government of Endralon. With it practically being a surrender, not all units loyal to the Visionary State have surrendered, choosing to fight to the end but most units have largely surrendered, leaving whatever fighting remains to roving guerilla bands.

With both sides looking to negotiate, Free Endralon will practically be leading the negotiations, and will have to determine the fate of several entities in Endralon. The status of the monarchy, should it be restored? In what manner? Should a Republic be formed? Should it be presidential? Parliamentary? What's to happen to the Non-Partisan Movement or the Democratic Restoration Front? These are all questions among more that will have to be determined once the conference regarding peace is held. And with Free Endralon having the lead in any future negotiations, it is expected that the negotiations will certainly favour the ideals of the members of Free Endralon.

With the civil war practically over, most if not all of Endralon has breathed a sigh of relief, as the fighting is coming to an end and Endralon can now just look to rebuilding itself. While sparse fighting remains, the future for Endralon is a little less gloomy and with many areas in ruin, the nation will need to dedicate a considerable amount of time rebuilding.

As for the Visionary State, losing mass recognition from other Artanian nations and mass desertions from the military, any further fighting has been deemed pointless. With no other choice then surrender, it is hoped that the negotiations will at least allow some breathing room for the Visionary State. Whether or not it is a full Free Endralon victory or a compromised victory is yet to be determined, but what's certain is that Endralon can begin to look forward to peace.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:47 am

Negotiations to occur in Jildrati City as Kundrati offers to host peace summit; Visionary and Free leaders expected to meet and resolve the conflict; Civil war in Endralon effectively over.

Ever since the ceasefire was declared, there has been a question of where negotiations will be held, in a Free city? A Visionary city? Those questions were resolved as Kundrati has offered for both sides to hold the conference in Jildrati City, on the island of Jildrati, Kundrati. Believing Kundrati to be a stable strong neutral ground for both sides to agree to, Jildrati City has been chosen. With Kundrat security, any possibility of radicals from both sides sabotaging the conference are slim if not impossible.

To that end, the conference is expected to largely end the civil war, with a separate conference in Endralon being planned in the near future for the direction of Endralon. With fighting having ceased and negotiations under way however, the civil war has largely ended and it is highly anticipated what this new Endralon will do as it's without a doubt that Free Endralon will not need to negotiate, lest they walk out and finish the job, putting more blood on Visionary hands. The conference will certainly see the formal "unification" of the Provisional State of Free Endralon and the Visionary State of Endralon. It will end all hostilities, formally end the civil war and begin the democratic transition for Endralon going forward.

The Visionary State and her representatives can only hope to salvage the situation and save as much face as possible, and perhaps try to make the best of the situation for the Visionary State. As for Free Endralon, a growing question has been raised internally as the status of whether Endralon should go forward with a monarchy or a republic. However, those concerns will have to be addressed once the conference is finished.

Whatever the case, the start of the conference has marked the end of the Endralonian Civil War, and Endralon can move towards rebuilding, and begin the transition to a full democracy.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:33 am

Endralon in peace!; Civil war formally ended as Jildrati Conference ends the Endralonian Civil War. Endralonian Transitional Authority established until stability returns to the nation for elections.

Representatives from the Visionary State of Endralon and the Provisional State of Free Endralon have concluded the Jildrati Conference with a positive attitude as both sides were able to successfully negotiate a treaty to formally end the Endralonian Civil War. To that end, the Visionary State of Endralon and the Provisional State of Free Endralon were formally merged into the Endralonian Transitional Authority to act as an interim government to stabilize the country, rebuild the war torn nation and build unity until elections can be held.

The agreement, known as the "Good Unity Agreement" has seen several topics from the civil war covered, such as the status of the Democratic Restoration Front, which will be forced to disarmed and all known members given amnesty for fighting for freedom. On the flip side of the coin, the Non-Partisan Movement was also given full amnesty as a compromise that had to be made. The question of the regency was enough to nearly make both sides walk out of the conference but after considerable negotiations, it was settled on a republican government to lead the new Endralonian government, as the Visionaries, if they left would only cause more suffering to the people.

Despite the civil war coming to an end, and a brighter future awaiting Endralon, the nation still has many hurdles ahead such as rebuilding a war torn nation. However this has not stopped many jubilant celebrations from occuring across the country as a sense of unity has swept towards a united new Endralon. Whatever the case, the road ahead is a bit brighter for Endralon but still difficult to traverse.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:08 am

Democratic Party of Endralon forms; Hegedüs Bendegúz advocates for Liberal reform.

With Endralon looking to stabilize itself, the stigma against war time parties has faded and one of the first to form is the Democratic Party of Endralon, led by Hegedüs Bendegúz. Believing in a populist form of liberalism, Bendegúz looks to bring Liberal thought to Endralon, which has rejected liberalism for a fair amount of time. The DPE has already gained popularity with the middle class and liberal minded citizens.

The DPE has already released it's manifesto which has raised criticism from both the left and conservatives. Believing in creating equal rights for men and women, deregulation of the economy, advancement of civil rights, ending economic and political isolation among others. The manifesto has seen criticism from leftists who believe the DPE may be willing to leave the lowest of Endralon behind whilst conservatives have criticized the potential radicalism in the DPE such as advocating for legalization of LGBTQ+ relationships and identifies. However, this has emboldened the DPE, advocating that Endralon must catch up with the rest of the continent, both socially and economically.

Whatever the case, the DPE looks to bring the Torch of Liberalism to Endralon and rebuild the war torn nation whilst reviving the economy. Despite critics from the left and right, the DPE remains adamant in its goal and the dream of a prosperous Endralon. Whether that can be achieved or not is yet to be seen.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:46 pm

Democratic Party of Endralon wins elections! Promises mass reforms, reconstruction and a new Endralon!

The Endralonian Transitional Authority has come to an end with elections being held and the results have come in. The Liberal Democratic Party of Endralon has prevailed in the elections, winning 70 seats in the national legislature (the remaining 17 going to independents). The DPE has already begun promising massive reforms to Endralon, such as beginning mass reconstruction, economic deregulation, civil rights reform and ending isolationism.

The elections largely occured with little issue despite worry, and with Liberals in power, it remains to be seen how they far they will go in enacting Liberalism in Endralon. However the most pressing issue is reconstruction which they will have to divert full attention to if they want to enact any future reforms. They will also need to be careful on their reforms, as should they go too fast, the population may reject the DPE entirely.

Whether the DPE can enact their policies or be drowned in reconstruction is yet to be seen but what's certain is that Endralon has a new direction it is heading towards. Whether it is a direction of hope or not is yet to be seen as well. But whatever the case, reconstruction will take the full attention of the government.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:58 pm

Mass reconstruction efforts begin in Endralon; Reconstruction and restoring the nation deemed a major priority for Endralon.

As Endralon remains war torn, reconstruction efforts have begun and the hastily created "Reconstruction Brigade" has been created and has employed thousands of Endralonians, whether it be those who were made unemployed by the war, former partisans or demobilized soldiers, the Reconstruction Brigade has begun to do what it can to rebuild houses, roads, government buildings, schools and hospitals.

As for funding, the Kundrati government has provided with the Kundrati State Investment Bank supporting full reconstruction efforts in Endralon. Various efforts have begun on reconstruction, with the focus largely being on the former front lines, and provinces which were heavily affected by the war. Reconstruction is expected to take a few years but it certainly will last throughout the entire DPE Administration. But as the nation begins rebuilding, opportunity lies in it as Endralonians will be getting employed, cities restored and roads repaired. While the nations economy is shattered, reconstruction will allow some economic gain to occur.

Whatever the case, the "Reconstruction Era" of Endralon has begun, and the nation will stop at nothing to achieve full reconstruction. While results have no estimated end date, it is certainly clear that at the very least, Endralon will be fully rebuilt by the end of the decade at earliest and by the mid 5440s at latest. Whatever the case, Endralonian Reconstruction has begun in full earnest as the first and most important priority of the DPE Administration.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:09 pm

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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:17 am

Reconstruction continues on as DPE enact democratic reforms.

As Endralon continues to rebuild, the nation has begun the steps towards becoming a proper liberal democracy. While Reconstruction and Rebuilding has remained the major focus, the DPE has looked to bring reform to the nation and restore a sense of liberty to the nation in terms of social policy. One of the biggest reforms was the Equal Rights Act which granted full equality to women in Endralon, making them equal to their male counterparts. With the ERA being supported by almost the entire political sphere, save for Neo-Visionaries, the efforts of social equality are expected to go through with little hassle.

However, this does not mean that the government will try to juggle reforms with reconstruction as more effort has been diverted to reconstruction. While roads and highways have been slowly restored, more efforts have been placed on restoring civilian institutions, primarily education centres and health centres. By rebuilding health centres, it'll simply allow more Endralonians to receive healthcare in such a dire time whilst supporting education centres will be absolutely necessary to reviving the nation and the Endralonian economy.

With Kundrati still providing support and Luthori looking to supporting reconstruction in the near future, the nation can expect recovery sooner then anticipated. Regardless, the Reconstruction Brigades have their work cut out and with their numbers rising, both due to volunteers and those who need work, the Brigade can work more adequately with more hands on deck.
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Re: Endralon

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:23 pm

The Independent Endralon
13 May, 5444

At last, the ancient political clicque that ruled Endralon when it was a Directorial Republic returned to absolute power as the Liberal Democratic Party of Endralon emerged as the dominant party of the country by a sweeping electoral victory, winning over two-thirds of all mandates. With this constitutional majority behind them, LDPE chairman Bács Imre promises the proclamation of the Third Directorial Republic, an economic miracle after the Third Endralonian Civil War and selective isolationism.

The Liberal Democratic Party is one of the many successor parties of the former DRE vanguard party Direct Democrats, most of which were unsuccessful. Not the LDPE, however. Political scientists and economists consider it's great electoral success a sign of nostalgia for the peaceful and powerful era of the DRE, a desire for experts and intellectuals to run the war-torn country and a fear in the electorate towards too much Artanian (especially Luthorian) influence on reconstruction.

"Now that we have liberated ourselves from our tyrants, we do not want foreign ones to replace them" said Mr. Bács, who aspires to be the first Grand Director of the Premiership of the Third Directorial Republic of Endralon. "It would be historical irony and believe me, my fellow Endralonians, we do not want historical irony upon us. We always had and will have the role in international relations similar to that of the profiteer, of what some might pejoratively call the exploiter and we shall never become the exploited." He raised his fist and continued, earning the cheers of an enthusiastic crowd of professors, business people and politicians. "Artania at the moment is ruled by parvenu powers and the glorious old days of 3M and NACTO are gone. We must be careful and selective to whom we consider worthy enough to interact with. After all, we are Endralonians and that's a quality which forbids us from submitting to ideologically and intellectually inferior forms of cooperation."

"We shall refrain from Endralonian nationalism, too. As our Davostani-speaking compatriot Álmos Adel correctly identified in his groundbreaking philosophical work, the First and Second Directorial Republics' downfall was caused by their rigid adherence to a new kind of nationalism paraded as the same internationalism that was once the dream of Endrődi, Edy and Antal. The Directorial Republic was strong and almighty just as long as it did not consider itself to be a nation, but rather a beacon of liberal cosmopolitanism around the world. Being Endralonian means being progressive and being above national boundaries, and being above national boundaries and being progressive equals to being Endralonian. The Third Directorial Republic will consider the implementation of the Adelist way of international governance to be one of the pillars of lasting world peace."
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