
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:40 pm

The Regressīvī recover the city of Equitia
March 5413

As the civil war continues going on, the Aurorian forces, together with the Marisian forces, have managed to recover the city of Equitia that was occupied by the Modernī in January 5411. The West Sadarian troops have been pushing the East Sadarian troops back, soon approaching the East Sadarian city of Hieronymium, where most of the East Sadarian troops are currently located. Meanwhile, Oleria continues slowly conquering West Aquilonian territories near the city of Minianium, even though they seem to be struggling to move much.

Regarding the other Modernī leaders, Sylla has decided to spare their lives for now, afraid that such political executions could turn the people, as well as the international community, against the Regressīvī. Thus far, no nation has sided with either side nor given support in any way, despite Sylla's attempts at gaining international support by demonising the Modernī. It's been 4 years since the conflict started, and it doesn't look anywhere close to ending yet.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:06 pm

The Regressīvī conquer the city of Hieronymium
December 5413

The Regressīvī seem to be on a good streak, as they now occupied the city of Hieronymium from East Sadaria, reducing the troops of this Modernī Prōvincia significantly. They've taken advantage of Oleria expanding towards Florentia, the capital of West Aquilonia, from Minianium, to send troops from Auroria towards the middle point between the Olerian cities of Constantium and Aquinium, getting closer to occupying these two.

Gaius Valerianus has met with Titus Maximilianus to plan a strategy together, due to their lack of leadership and the advancements the Regressīvī have been doing, they're struggling to win the civil war, and even if they did win, Selucia would be in absolute chaos in the current situation of the Modernī faction, which has lost a lot of supporters since the start of the conflict. If the Regressīvī manage to occupy Constantium and Aquinium, Oleria will have to change its offensive plans of occupying Florentia - which would still be difficult for them - and focus on defending its territories, unable to help East Sadaria, which has been losing territory gradually for a while already.
Last edited by dannypk on Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:31 pm

Gaius and Titus schedule a meeting and host a speech
January 5414

Gaius Valerianus and Titus Maximilianus, Prōvinciālēs of Oleria and East Sadaria respectively, have scheduled a meeting to discuss the progress of the civil war and what they should do. They have met in the East Sadarian capital, Augusta, protected by their own troops in case of invasion by the Regressīvī. They held the meeting with no issues and soon afterwards held a public speech announcing some of the things they discussed and decided.

One of the first things they decided is to declare a Duumvirate, of the two of them leading the Modernī together, sharing the same powers. Any decision one takes must be reviewed and accepted by the other beforehand, avoiding putting themselves in the chaotic situation of years ago that caused the escalation of the conflict. They also promised that they're going to reserve a 2 billion SEL for the repairment and reconstruction of any settlement in Selucia after the war is won, another 5 billion will be saved as a compensation to all the citizens affected by the conflict, and another 10 billion to any soldier who's participated in the conflict in behalf of the Modernī. Despite this being a clear populist strategy, this has nonetheless caused many citizens to join the files and fight for the Modernī, recovering a lot of the support they lost before.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:01 pm

Constantium and Aquinium occupied by the Regressīvī
October 5414

The situation of the Modernī is very bad, as their plans have been ineffective: the Regressīvī have occupied the cities of Constantium and Aquinium from Oleria. The city of Constantium has been the one producing the most military equipment for Oleria, with it occupied, the Modernī will stop receiving military equipment in large quantities and good quality until they recover the citiy. On the other hand, the city of Aquinium was a strategic city for Oleria, as they could send troops straight towards Equitia by sea and attack West Sadaria. This was, in fact, evidence of how poorly organised the Modernī were: had Oleria gotten involved before when East Sadaria was attacking West Sadaria with a certain advantage, they could've rendered West Sadaria to nothing and occupied it fully.

As if it wasn't enough, the Regressīvī have already occupied nearly a third of East Sadaria and are now advancing through two fronts towards Augusta, the capital, and Nabal, the second most important city in East Sadaria. Were East Sadaria to lose either of these cities (or both), it could mean their defeat almost immediately. Oleria could still have a chance of protecting itself if they decide to abandon Minianium and focus on defending their Prōvincia and recovering the cities they've lost to the Regressīvī, as unlikely as it seems now. Protecting Victoria will be very important, and right now the Regressīvī have no chance of getting near it successfully, but if they were to slowly advance through Oleria towards the west, the chances of Oleria losing their capital could be worrying for the Modernī.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:28 pm

The Regressīvī occupy Nabal and half of Augusta
April 5415

After a long fight, in the birthplace of the conflict the situation seems to have reached an end, with the Regressīvī occupying Nabal, the second most important East Sadarian city, and half of the capital, Augusta. This has caused the Prōvinciālis of East Sadaria, Titus Maximilianus, to surrender and give himself up to Sylla. He has been captured and imprisoned, while all of the East Sadarian territories left surrendered to the Regressīvī government. As promised, Sylla has decided to keep Titus alive and not execute him despite his original intention and threat of executing both Titus and Gaius.

Now, Gaius Valerianus, Prōvinciālis of Oleria, is the only leader left in the Modernī faction. As a consequence, he has decided to abandon Minianium and return to Oleria with his troops to secure the capital of Victoria and try to push the Regressīvī back. The situation looks bad for the Modernī and Gaius, and the chance of winning is very low. The only chance Gaius has is if some Modernī people in Regressīvī territories rise up against their government and join Gaius, or if he receives international support - both of which seem unlikely due to Sylla's effective propaganda and repressive policies.
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Re: Selucia

Postby hyraemous » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:06 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:58 pm

The Regressīvī conquer Leona, only one Modernī city left
July 5415

The Regressīvī have advanced and recovered Minianium as well as taken Leona from Oleria, leaving Titus with only one city left: Victoria. Sylla has asked Gaius to "give up and end this pointless conflict", promising not to execute him. However, were he to continue the war, Sylla would not doubt ordering his public execution. No matter what, it does not look like the Modernī will win, even with support from foreign nations.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:21 pm

Gaius gives up, the Regressīvī win the civil war
December 5415

After having lost all of his allies and territories, the last leader of the Modernī, Gaius Valerianus, has decided to surrender and accept the victory of the Regressīvī. However, after his announcement, Gaius hasn't been seen again. Soon after his announcement, Cōnsul Sylla has made a speech celebrating his victory in the civil war, the start of a new era of prosperity for the Selucian nature and culture, and most importantly, the end of the dictatorship. As a consequence, he has disbanded the Regressīvī and avoided associating with them anymore, arguing that "such a faction reminds me of a turbulent time in Selucian history, one that shall not be repeated, and for such reason I call an end to the Regressīvī, as well as ban any faction that advocates for the ideals of the Modernī again." With this, Selucia is now in peace and free of factionalism.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:29 pm

Sylla dies: New candidates prepare for a new era
March 5435

After the civil war, Sylla has decided to remain passive, seriously affected by the whole situation. Since then, several new factions have appeared in reaction to the fact Sylla kept winning elections with no rivalry. In February 5435, Sylla scheduled a speech in the capital announcing his retirement for politics: he wouldn't run for the office of Cōnsul or any other political office once this term was finished. Him, being in his 50s already, was seeing how he was incapable of ruling for much longer. The existence of new candidates now allowed Sylla to finally be able to retire.

Sadly, Sylla died just one month after the speech of old age, likely accelerated by all the stress he had been suffering. The Prōconsul Accius Acidinus Bonus replaced him until the new elections happened in December and a public funeral was held for Sylla. Sylla has been remembered for being a protector of the Selucian nation and culture, who defeated the traitorous Modernī and brought peace for decades to Selucia, something that had not been seen since the establishment of the Republic.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:05 pm

Caius Clodius wins the elections
December 5435

Caius Clodius Eonus, of the Factiō Aquilārum (Faction of Eagles), has won the elections, becoming the new Cōnsul just after Sylla. Clodius is a young Senator who used to lead armies. His father was one of the soldiers who sided with the Regressīvī during the civil war, and he has been educated on Regressīvī values. However, there have been rumours that Clodius, as well as the Factiō Aquilārum, are against the Republican system. Nonetheless, Sylla was also initially accused of being anti-Republican, just like Cluilius. Only time will tell, but if it is true that the Factiō Aquilārum is anti-Republican, they would need to tread carefully with their plans. There are, however, some signs of their anti-Republicanism: for instance, one of the first measures of Clodius has been banning all other factions and fusing the Senate with the Factiō Aquilārum - essentially both of them becoming the same thing.

The Factiō Aquilārum was born of Clodius' army, who followed him on his political ambitions with absolute loyalty to him. Despite his young age, his achievements and charisma, as well as wealth and ideology, have led him to become very successful and has been able to put many of his followers in political offices. He has also promised that Selucia will not remain an irrelevant country affected by internal conflicts and internationally irrelevant: Clodius plans on approaching foreign nations in an attempt to improve the situation of Selucia with the cooperation of other nations, even if they're deemed as 'barbarians'. "One cannot ignore the fact that mere barbarians have become more powerful than us, more relevant, richer, bigger, stronger. While us, we civilised men and women, have become nothing but yet another irrelevant territory in the planet. And that is going to change, even if I have to sacrifice much for it", said Clodius soon after winning the elections. "Things are going to change, and anyone opposing the change should not but be ashamed of themself."
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