The Tzafrir Model: Separating politics and governance

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The Tzafrir Model: Separating politics and governance

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:42 am

How we did it in Beiteynu:

    - We created a list of organisations that basically "duplicate" in-game ministries
    - We pass bills in the form of "appointments" with each of us selecting what they want to roleplay with
    - We make sure not to confuse our political roleplay with governance roleplay
What it basically means:

    - Minister players push agendas and policies (aka OOC plan on the IC roleplay) AND execute
    - Head/Director players only execute as part of the government, not their political party which may in fact be in opposition
    - Government is technically "always there"; we don't form "governments", we form "administrations", aka the leaders of government / executive
An example:

I'm the Head of the Medinat (State) Department, which manages foreign affairs. KRtau is actually my boss as Minister of Foreign Affairs. We can both do foreign RP, but KRtau is the one who tells me "how to do it" (here's an example of them setting a policy).

As I'm not that interested in domestic politics, KRtau and Nick engage in it, changing administrations; I still do foreign RP as Head, no matter who's MOFA.

They can of course fire me or investigate me, which in fact has happened so many times.

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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