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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:51 am

one of the first ships passing since the reopening

The Canal partially re-opened for "urgent" ships, costs per ship slashed for "lifeline" boats as an agreement with NOWS was reached: will the world economh finally breathe?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Following the joint takeover by both MFS and their allies in the military, it has been announced through the Show Master known as Diamond, who currently controls the Ministry of Finance and Canal Management, the partial reopening of the Aldegar Canal but only to ships considered as urgent to a nation's economy or the well-being of its people. Diamond clarified the decision by releasing the Lifeline Boats Requirements List, which included
The Aldegarian Transitional Authority has recrntly announced through its Ministry of Finances the partial reopening of the Canal, but not everyship will be able to pass as they need to fulfill the following requirements:

1) They contain products and goods considered as crucial for one's population well-being, such as agricultural products like fruits, legumes, and seeds, but also diary products and meats
2) The ship's current goods stocked within it play a vital role in one's economic stability, such as fossil fuels and minerals such as iron and copper
3) The ship's destination is within the borders of the Seleyan continent as Aldegar valeus first and foremost the prosperity of Seleyan nations above anything else

If the ship fulfills one of the requirements, they will be granted the status of "lifeline ship," which grants them priority in the use of the canal and reduced costs and tariffs.

Nation's that rely greatly on exportation are set to benefit greatly from the recent decision in Ramsāhreza alongside Seleyan nations which also granted automatic lifeline status when using the canal, Diamond has also announced that further reopening of the canal will soon be announced after the first steps in organizing elections are finalized. She has also invited nations to deposit their candidacy to the office of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to get their ships reviewed by the Ministry of Finance and be potentially granted lifeline status as they also need to include files presenting the urgency and importance of their boats goods.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:16 am

Parisa Farsi leaving the stage after her announcement of the creation of URAD

Utopian Rally for Aldegarian Democracy formed as El-Moualim annouces the creation of the Aldegarian Commision for Electoral Fairness: Utopianism back under the spotlight?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Amazing news have emerged from the Aldegarian Transitional Authority as El-Moualim, head of Ministry for Judiciary and Economic disputes, has announced the creation of the Aldegarian Commision for Electoral Fairness and Transparency. The newly established independent commission is composed of independent political experts that will work under the joint juridiction of the Ministry for Judiciary and Economic Disputes and the Ministry for Internal Affairs and National Cohabitation that will oversee the organization of all elections held within the borders of Aldegar alongside being able to attest of the fairness of election, they have also been tasked to prepare for the upcoming general elections by first and foremost opening a registere for political parties wishing to participate in the elections. Shortly after the announcement was made, Parisa Farsi, the most well known leader of the Water Lilly Revolution before its takeover by MFS, declared in a rally held in Ramsāhreza the formation of the Utopian Rally for Aldegarian Democracy, the party preaches the ideals of Utopianism a rather unique Ideology that appeared in Trigunia before spreading to nations such as Yingdala, Valruzia, Dankuk, Ikradon, and Malivia, but now it seems to have finally reached Aldegar. Through the influence of both Parisa and Masked Fools Society has propulsed the popularity of Utopianism by not only making it seem like the best alternative to the current establishment but also a force to drive innovation and progress in Aldegar to new heights. With its rather bold take on economics and finance, due to the ideology preaching the Utopian Economic System in which a hyper socialized capitalistic system is allowed to exist alongside massive megacorporations that will act as the backbone of the economy, coupled with its rather unique take on technocracy as it supports the idea of Utopian Management, a very reformist and liberal technocracy in which Technocrats are appointed at the head of STEM and Humanities ministries alongside a system of Houses that will make even tho if on paper a one party system act like an independent multiparty Democracy as the people will be allowed to vote for each house and house they will be able to shape the future policies of the nation on a 5 year basis, the Utopianist movement in Trigunia also created during the second Utopianist era the Utopian Educational Model which encourages an equal division of influence between STEMs, Humanities, and Governmental fields as they preach the principle of complementarism in which no field shall dominate the other and all fields need each other to ensure a prosperous future. Even tho the URAD has been founded just recently it has already achieved a popularity rate of 68% as there are rumors about other people taking advantage of the rise of Utopianism to form their parties under diffrent subideologies such as Social-Utopianism and National-Utopianism.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:43 pm

supporters of PBA after the announcement

Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration established as provinces are granted local governments, PBA officially created: Aldegar and federalism?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. It has appeared that the MFS led transitional authority is beginning its grand renovation of the Aldegarian administration by shocking it at various intensities and degrees, but now it seems that the shock is expected to permanently scare the nation. Gears, the current Minister for Internal Affairs, has announced the creation of the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration under the helm of a joint partnership between the Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Trade, the newly created administration will obviously incorporate the canal, obviously, and 50 km of land horizontal to the Canal's sides but will be operated through two distinct authorities indepent from each other expect on some aspects such as martime traffic that requires both authorities to cooperate in order a stable flow but also a non damaged Canal. The special authorities are categorized as follows:
1) The Civilian and Economic Authority for the Management of the Canal and Traffic of Commercial Ships, one of the two special authories in the ACAA but this one is in charge of handling affairs concerning the flow of commercial ships across the canal alongside any economic or civilian disputes happening in the canal including their unchecked control over the priority list thst grants certain entities, such as governments or companies, to have a priority when it comes to using the canal
official flag of the CEAMCTCS

2)The Authority for the Expension and Restoration of the Canal and its Structural Integrity, the last special Authority composing the future ACAA as this one handles all matters concerning the future Expension of the canal alongside the conduction of weekly checks on the canal's Structural Integrity to avoid any incidents from happening, this Authority is the weakest one compared to the CEAMCTCS as it only handles matters deemed "midly important" while their colleagues have their duties filled with "High importance" tasks
Official flag of the AERCSI

This move was seen as a radical and bold move as it stripped away the control of the government over the canal and transferring it over to an independent Autonomous Region that will ensure the continuation of the steamless machine but it also came with policies that included the federalization of the country by granting equal decentralized powers to all provinces which promptly has been seen as a move toward Aldegar's eventual federalization, but Gears stated that the outcome of a total federalization or adoption of a decentralized Unitary system will be left up to the people to decide through a referendum. While the country is undergoing partial federalization, the Aldegarian Commision for Electoral Fairness and Transparency has announced the formation of yet again a new party known as the People's Betterment Alliance, a social Utopianist party that is taking advantage of the magenta wave that is hitting Aldegar to cement even more the influence of Utopianism over its society and economy due to the party founding charter already stating their willingness to cooperate with the URAD to ensure the adoption of Utopian policies.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:53 pm


Appearance of events celebrating the Masked Fools as elections are expected to be held in the next 3 months: Do the people of Aldegar love their masked saviors this much?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Intriguing news were heard from major cities all across Aldegar as hundreds of organizations celebrating the Masked Fools Society and its takeover over the country following a series of troubling events that shook the boat so hard it allowed the military to coup the government in secret while also appointing a secret society to important governmental position. Parliament was suspended during the entire transitional period as hundreds of representatives were arrested on charges of corruption but the witchhunt only targeted high-ranking politicians that were considered the head of the hydra which plagued Aldegar to its very core as they drained the nation's multiple social programs and fundings allocated to curtial ministries such as the Ministry for Education and Behavioral Teaching. With the hydra effectively slaughtered alongside massive reorganization of the country's administrative, judicial, economic, and social systems has allowed it to finally reroute all stolen fundings to social services and crutial ministries while instauring a military austerity policy, but nonetheless consulted the armed forces first which also gave them their seal of approval, now with social programs and services receiving their well-deserved funds it has caused a ripple effect on the Aldegarian society as a whole, this led to a skyrocketing support among the population concerning MFS and their Utopian ideals reflected through the record breaking 76% approval rating for the URAD, a party thst is also predicted to win the upcoming elections with a landslide coupled with the sudden surge in the number of pro MFS organizations has showcased the deep impact that is currently being left by the Fools. The unexpected record high number of organizations being created in one day as officially up to 574 organizations were officially formed on the 5th of May 5439 is mainly due to the processing time and bureaucracy taking on average a period of 4 months to finalize the creation of organizations, but with their legal status being officially recognized said organizations have announced the holding of the "Aldegar Annual Masquerade for Rememberance and Progress" a nationwide event that will involve countless activities as we all as a massive Masquerade show in the capital Ramsāhreza. Finally, El Moualim announced the official date of the long-awaited Aldegar general election that will be held on the 25th of December 5439 as it will also be a national referendum concerning the adoption of a new constitution that will revolutionize Aldegar for the better.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:32 pm


Aldegar general elections finally held, URAD secured 87% of the votes, federal constitution approved: Dawn of change?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Amazing news have come from Aldegar. The highly anticipated Aldegarian general elections were finally held and to the suprise of some, the Utopian Rally for Aldegarian Democracy has secured 87% of the seats in Parliament alongside winning the presidential election in a swift quick one turn as Parisa Farsi secured 94% of the votes making her the very first president to win legitimately 94% of the votes, she is expected to be inaugurated in the next 2 months as MFS announced that a peaceful transition of power will be ensured as well as using the two months period to allow the newly elected assembly to form a government. The general election was held alongside a referendum concerning the federalization of Aldegar which received an approval vote of 67% that promotely confirmed the overall sentiment shared among the population about a devolution of powers to local governments and those wishes were answered in the new adopted Supreme book of law as the Judiciary was radically reformed with civilian, constitional, and administrative affairs being sperated into their own supreme courts as well as the creation of equal level of autonomy across all provinces within the nation. The Republic of Aldegar was also officially abolished in favor of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation alongside the adoption of three new flags and seals with 2 that will be used by the position of Premier of the Federation and president of the Federal Congress, a flag was also adopted for the presidency alongside its seal being the official seal of the Federation (just because I wanna be preppy time to show the flags :3)
official flag of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation
Im way too lazy to show the rest, check the plans for Aldegar channel in the discord server i guess?

Now with the country finally back on its rails, Parisa was tasked with appointing a premier that will also appoint a premier, rumors are circulating about the potential appointed of the leader of PBA due to their political proximity as well as both parties swearing to cooperate to ensure an Utopian future in Aldegar.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:20 am

Parisa announcing the start of the RICHES plan

New government inaugurated in Aldegar, start of the RICHES plan announced alongside a shock therapy of its diplomatic policy: an open and free Aldegar?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. With the nation finally at bay with the crushing election of the Utopians into government with their 100% majority in congress they easily appointed the very first Utopianist government in cooperation with the PBA, another Utopianist party. The specificity of the new government is the fact all of its members are experts in their fields such as Hannaneh Dehghan, the current finance minister that used to be a university professor for economics in which she specialized in teaching "Economic strategies to revive economies", as well as the current Minister of Justice Behnoosh Fallah, a renowned Magistrat that oversaw all judicial proceedings happening at the Ramsāhreza Court of Civilian Disputes and even suspended many rullings that favorized corrupt politicians, the new administration is also a female dominated one with very narrow majority of 2 female ministres over male ones, this is explained with the Utopian movement being a very feminist and populistic one which fuels its support base through promises of a prosperous future. After the inauguration, Hannaneh wasted no time in preparing an economic recovery known as the Revolutionary Investment and Concessions Humane Economic Support Plan or RICHES Plan for short, Parisa then approved of the plan before eventually announcing its adoption to the public. The plan was shown to the public through a press conference held jointly by both Parisa and Hannaneh in which both stated,
Parisa: The people of Aldegar voted an Utopianist government because they wanted first and foremost a government that treates them and their families right, and we are here to deliver said promises through the RICHES plan.

Hannaneh: Indeed, the RICHES plan was specifically made to ensure constant and endless benefits to both us the people and the companies that drive our economy, the plan mainly follows the same economics that were adopted in Trigunia during its first Utopianist era but this time we
added our little Aldegarian take to it.

Parisa: Absolutely, since Aldegar and Trigunia are radically diffrent countries with their own unique economic systems an adaption of the Utopian Economic System was necessary, unlike Trigunia, Aldegar shall boost its shipping industry to new heights alongside shatter the shackles of isolationism by dissolving dozens of law and jurisdictions thst handicapped foreign companies from investing into our economy and companies.

Hannaneh: Foreign investors can now freely invest into the country's countless sectors while the government ensures that all the money generated will be used as budget to future projects to improve the living conditions of our populace. The plan also includes a restructuring of all major state-owned companies such as the Aldegarian National Canal Company will be renamed and restructured into the Twilight Tides Corporation while the Aldegarian Oil Company will be renamed into the Heavenly Fires Corporation. After all, who likes boring names when you can have badass names like this?

Parisa: I totally agree with you on that one, we would also like to announce that Aldegar will start moving away slowly from oil and gas as its main source of income by replacing it by other service based sectors such as shipping and tourism knowing that our nation holds on of the world's most important and active canals that help connect the east and west in record times. As such, we are also radically changing Aldegar's diplomatic strategy by abandoning isolationism in favor of internationalism and more friendly policies concerning foreigners.

Hannaneh: This change is mainly shown through the riches plan as we relaxed countless mesures and laws that made it nearly impossible for an outsider to come to Aldegar, if we don't count in the policies of the canal of course. We sure hope a prosperous future awaits us all if we keep on pushing forward while upholding the principles of utopianism high.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Interstellar_ » Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:58 pm

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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:42 pm

Mohsen Blourian denouncing the Baltussian accusations

Aldegar slams Baltusian accusations, Baltusian government told to "mind their own affairs": can they really accuse without proof?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. An unexpected press statement came from the Palace of Javaneh as the Ministry for Foreign Affairs ane International Cooperation has publicly denounced the latest accusations brought forward by the Baltusian government. The Foreign Ministre Mohsen Blourian has stated that said accusations were "baseless without any proof to back it up" and that it was "a dangerous move from the Baltusian government by directly interfering into Aldegarian affairs", the Foreign Ministry was backed by the Aldegarian Commision for Electoral Fairness and Transparency which also denied the claims by releasing a press statement that said "The joint Aldegarian general election and referundums were conducted under strict supervision and respect of international law, no attempts at rigging the elections were ever tried alongside no violation of human rights. We are saddened by Baltusia unjustified aggression toward our institutions and democracy that were built through a collective effort between all of society's social and economic classes alongside a successful transition of power between the Masked Fools Society and the newly elected government." The recent statement from the commission was quickly followed by a press conference in which both the Foreign Ministre and Internal Ministre told the Baltussian to "mind their own business and to stop accusing nations for the sake of drama and hatred" before both Ministres warned their counterparts of potential economic sanctions which would include a ban from using the canal if said meddling were to continue concerning Aldegarian affairs. These rather honest and direct statements from the Baltussian government just outline the influence Utopianism is cementing as every diplomatic expert would recognize this type of bold honest declarations are directly driven from Larissa Novikova, Trigunia former president, bold speeches during the corporate era, but now with Aldegar slowly back on its feet, the new government is making sure no one will insult them while they're down and that they will clapback with force if necessary.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Interstellar_ » Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:22 pm

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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:36 pm

shareholders at the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute celebrating the new announced reforms

Major financial reforms announced, and the Aldegarian Corporate Council formed as the government ignores Baltusia: well... time for fun

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. As the country undergoes massive reforms effectively shocking its old economic system especially since the introduction of the RICHES plan, a plan described by the Ministry of Finance as revolutionary and an uncontrollable opportunity for both the nation and its people. They have added even more radical reforms such as the full liberalization of stock exchange under the helm of the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute, the historic heart of the stock market in Aldegar with its name being a direct reference as the heart of terra geographically and the heart of trade across Terra as the Aldegar Canal is the most used sought after and used canal ever since its inauguration. The new reforms known as the Boundless Aldegar Act oe BAA, the law unanimously passed through Congress before being signed by Parisa, the law relaxed entirely the old regulations concerning the stock market while keeping the invisible hand of the market at bay by empowering the RCSI as well as forming the Aldegarian Corporate Council. The ACA will be a high independent Council composed of companies deemed "big enough" in the Aldegarian market to directly advise the government concerning matters related to the private sector, the newly established council will also allow for foreign companies to join its ranks if they too grow big enough in the Aldegarian economy, Hannaneh Dehghan the current MOF justied the decision to form the council as "to keep megacorporations and big companies at bay while also keeping a careful eye on their activities which will ensure free exchanges without the domination by indirect monopolies. This move is expected to attract countless foreign investors to Aldegar as the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration has announced the full reopening of the Canal to commercial ships across Terra with a temporary reduced fee for a period of 4 months as to encourage the use of the canal. In other news, the Palace of Javaneh has announced that they will start ignoring all provocations coming from the Baltusian government as all attempts at communicating were in vain. The decision comes following another round of baseless accusations came from the Baltusian foreign secretary accusing the Aldegarian government of human rights violations alongside the suppression of peaceful protests, presses, and dissidents to the regime, the Ministry of Justice came forward in a press statement in which it denied those claims before stating "any further actions and threates against the country of Aldegar and its people will be taken to be judged by the International Justice Court if necessary."
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