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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby imperium » Thu May 06, 2010 10:09 pm

Second Imperial Revolution Overthrows the Ishida

JUNE 21, 2932 Kasmenai Teito

After two years of constitutional crisis, the Ishida dynasty's brief rule quietly sputtered into oblivion. A faction of the Archonic Union of Politeia seized the government of Sekowo last Thursday in a peaceful coup d'etat. The former Emperor, Yukio Ishida, stripped of his titles and dignities, was led from the imperial palace by armed guards, his fate still uncertain. Several Ishida loyalists are now facing charges of corruption and crimes against humanity for their involvement in the old regime's repressive and widely unpopular policies. However, the majority of government officials quickly switched allegiance to the new Imperial government when it became obvious that the "Eternal Harmony's" days were numbered.

The coup began when the leader of Imperial Pluralist faction of the AUP convinced a core of disgruntled officers in the Sekowan army to support a regime change. The army and navy, unlike the ranks of the old bureaucracy, contain a large plurality of Orthodox Christian and Greek soldiers. The Orthodox officers had expressed discontent with their lack of representation in the higher posts, but the largely Japanese civilian government had ignored their complaints. The fiscal crisis compounded the instability in the army when the Emperor announced pay cuts across the ranks. When the AUP swept the 2933 elections, the old regime appeared on its last legs. Promising a more inclusive ethnic and religious policy, the Imperial Pluralist faction took control of the AUP in the party's recent convention, igniting a firestorm of unrest against the government. As the opposition parties collapsed, rioting broke out in the capital. When the imperial family and its staff barricaded the palace, the officer revolt began.

The old regime collapsed within hours. The "Imperial Pluralist Party" installed a temporary government while a national constitutional convention was convened. The dominant Greek Orthodox contingent in the convention successfully sold the idea of a "Dual Empire" in which sovereignty would be protected by two Emperors on behalf of the people. The primary aim, claim the new constitution's most ardent supporters, is to protect the rights of minorities against an overzealous and centralizing government. Most of the delegates agreed that the new government should make the recovery of Sekowo's far-flung empire its first priority.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri May 07, 2010 7:46 pm

Exiled Princess Assumes Control of Imperial Army in the struggle against the Sectarian Junta
The so-called Imperial Pluralist faction, a extremist Orthodox sectarian group which has sized control of the AUP, has recently overthrown Sekowo's infant constitutional monarchy and imposed a dictatorship in Sekowo. Here their unofficial military police, merely thugs in riot gear, terrorise protesters in Kasmenai Teito.

The Princess Kumiko escaped the Junta's death squads along with many of the Taisei Yokusankai leadership and has been rallying loyalist forces against the sectarian regime, which plans to divide Sekowo into two states each ruled by so-called Emperors who are in fact simply two Kapolian warlords who have added numbers to their surnames. Loyal generals in the Imperial Army have drawn up plans to defend Hasowar from a possible assault by the sectarian junta. We loyalists in the SNN are risking our lives to give this message to you. For this so-called revolution was not a peaceful coup, it is the beginning of a civil war which has doomed the aspirations of the people for a genuine constitutional monarchy. The AUP, now abusing the very concept of pluralism by adopting it as their slogan, have shown they are motivated not by ideas of tolerance or freedom but by a naked lust for power, sectarian fanaticism and a unreasonable desire to the last stronghold of indigenous culture on the Dovani continent. The Taisei Yokusankai and the Gao-Showa Kyousan-tou are both victims of this uncontrollable lust for dominance and racial hatred which has sullied the name of a once great party. Do not listen to their lies, they sat in the Imperial Cabinet alongside us and not once did they mention any demands for greater inclusion or pluralism, in fact before this vicious attack on the very foundations of Gao-Showan civilisation (yes, we are not afraid to say we are a Gao-Showan civilsation as this insane politically correct junta wishes we were) it was the Taisei Yokusankai who purposed legislation to translate the motto to include the languages of the minorities (or should we say, the decedents of the Gaijin colonists) not the now disgraced and distorted AUP. There story about a so-called lowering of the armies pay is also fictional, show us the legislation which reduced the military budget. These are merely excuses so two treasonous criminals can using the fine words about restoring the Empire and pluralism to justify overthrowing the Ishida Dynasty, recognised by the International Monarchist League as the rulers of Sekowo, and splitting our nation into two gang fiefdoms ruled over by two men with made up titles and no connection with the majority of Gao-Showan Sekowons.

The Emperor's fate has also been made known to us, according to the traditions of our people he and the other prisoners of the Junta committed the sacred act of Seppuku, the nobility of which is lost on the Orthodox savages.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby imperium » Sat May 08, 2010 11:58 pm

Imperial System in Crisis
Pretender to the Western Throne Seizes Northern Bizena

July 2935, Khastia, Lorrod

A distant cousin of the Western Emperor has made a bid to capture the Throne for himself. Having gathered strong support from the Western army in Rhizos, a general calling himself Kallistos I Aurelius rose the northern exarchy in rebellion against the central government. Perhaps taking advantage of the Gao-Showan uprisings led by Princess Kumiko, the Anti-Emperor of the West has already routed the Bizenan loyalists of Theodore I, the official Western Emperor. His rival court has gained popularity among the arch-conservative Orthodox land-owners who have grown alienated from the "pluralistic" policies of the central government. The city of Trapezdos alone has managed to hold off the rebels, but the Western Emperor has done little to reinforce his allies there. Perhaps the most dangerous development is that the Aurelian government is rumored to be executing a policy of ethnic cleansing against non-Orthodox peoples in Bizena, particularly the Gao-Showans. Thousands of refugees are pouring across the borders into Hikhala and Lorrod, exacerbating ethnic tensions in those regions. The Eastern Administration is worried that this chaos will attract foreign intervention. Michael III has repeatedly warned his Western counterpart that, should the situation fail to improve soon, the Eastern Empire might reclaim Bizena itself. Government officials in both Empires worry that a full-scale civil war between East in West could ensue.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 09, 2010 10:15 am

True face of the Junta revealed!
Normal citizens in a sectarian concentration camp, their crime is being born Gao-Showan. The tyrannical government has responded to the protests by demanding that all Gao-Showans register with the central government or face arrest. How would one feel if we took over Kapolia, destroyed your government, and declared that being a native was paramount to treason?

Here, dear friends, are the words as spoken from the gapping mew of the raging demon itself.
(i) The State is empowered by imminent and catastrophic crisis to rule by fiat.
(ii) The government of the Empires is in a State of Exception; therefore, the sovereign powers of the Empires are entitled to decide on matters of effective policy.
(iii) The Gao-Showan rebellion constitutes a grave threat to the safety of the Sekowan people. All necessary measures are justified to destroy the rebel movement.
(iv) All people of Gao-Showan ethnicity must register with the Central Agency of Imperial Security (CAIS), effective immediately.
(v) Unregistered Gao-Showans are subject to arrest, incarceration for an indefinite period, and seizure of property by the state.
(vi) All political organizations favoring the Old Regime are banned; the penalty for association with such organizations is at the discretion of the CAIS.
(vii) The heir to the Throne of the East is Justinian I Laskaris. The heir to the Throne of the West is Theodore II Komnenos.
(viii) Kallistos I Aurelius, the pretender of the Throne of the West, is hereby declared outlaw. His property is hereby transfered to the House Komnenos.
(ix) Supporters of the Ishida are declared outlaw. It is the duty of every Sekowan patriot to kill or capture such traitors.

Such is the nature of the regime, that we who are the natives of this land are to be made into second class citizens in our own land! Well, the destruction of Dovani indigenous culture will stop in Sekowo, we are not going to be another Gao-Soto or Talmoria, let along a Nam Viet. Sekowo is eternal, and the Gaijin shall vanish from these shores.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby imperium » Sun May 09, 2010 3:10 pm

Michael III Invades Bizena, Kallistos Capitulates
Northern Client Kingdom Raises Specter of Civil War

November 2935, Khastia, Lorrod

In Early October, the Eastern armies of Michael III Laskaris smashed through the weak border defenses between Hikhala and Bizena. The fledgling Aurelian regime came to the verge of collapse within weeks, raising hopes that the Western Empire would be reunited. But instead of continuing to the rebel capital at Rhizos, the Eastern forces halted in Nysa for secret peace talks with the illegitimate Aurelian government. After several closed door meetings, the terms of disengagement were revealed to a stunned Empire. In a cynical Machiavellian tact, Michael III has recognized the rebel government of Bizena as a client state to the Eastern Empire. Deprived of its largest province, the troubled Western Empire now consists of only Lorrod and Undarro. Theodore I Komnenos, Emperor of the West, has demanded that the lost province be returned, but his position is now precarious and uncertain. The Eastern forces seemed poised to unite Sekowo under a single Empire. It remains unclear, however, if the Ishidan rebellion, which has been growing stronger in Lorrod and Hasowar, will play a role in the coming events. A Gao-Showan radical recently attempted to assassinate Theodore II Komnenos, heir of the Western Throne. If anything, the supporters of the old regime are sure to add a degree of volatility to the current crisis.

Both the Eastern and Western governments, despite their promises of pluralism, have become increasingly repressive towards non-Kapolian ethnic groups. Many Gao-Showans, protesting the recent security laws, refused to register with the Central Agency of Imperial Security. As a result, tens of thousands of civilians in both Empires have been arrested and sent to the over-filled prisons or various industrial labor camps. These policies have only multiplied Gao-Showan resentment against the Orthodox administration, and the rural areas of Lorrod and Undarro are being menaced by bands of disaffected natives. The central governments' response has been brutal but ineffective. The rebel leader, princess Kumiko, continues to evade capture. After her brief appearance in the largely Gao-Showan city of Lagor, the whole population rose in armed revolt, murdering the local governor and his supporters. Imperial forces have only recently been able to subdue the city.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 09, 2010 4:28 pm

Gao-Showan Leadership Negotiates with Norman and French Leaders for an Anti-Orthodox United Front
As the juntas facade of pluralism collapses and the Kalopian military fiefdoms wage war against each other, general Ishimaru Masahiro has met with French and Norman military and political leaders who have refused to acknowledge the Orthodox sectarian junta. Discussions include a proposal to create a French/Norman division of the Taisei Yokusankai.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon May 10, 2010 10:46 pm

Loyalists Triumphant!
SNN Celebrates by playing the songs and Anthems of the Loyalist Forces.

Holy Emperor - National Anthem
You pushed away the severe storm
You made us believe, Holy Emperor!
We cannot live without you
Our Empire cannot exist without you!

Our future and hope depend on you
The People's fate depends on you, Holy Emperor!!
We cannot live without you
Our Empire cannot exist without you!

Even if the world changes hundreds of times
People believe in you, Holy Emperor!
We cannot live without you
Our Empire cannot exist without you!

Oh... Our Holy Emperor!!
Our Empire cannot exist without you!

Vive le roi Ishida - Song of the French Loyalists (Association de la règle Impériale)

Vive ce Roi vaillant !
Ce diable à quatre
A le triple talent
De boire et de battre,
Et d'être un vert-galant.
De boire et de battre,
Et d'être un vert-galant.

Au diable guerres,
Rancunes et partis.
Comme nos pères,
Chantons en vrais amis
Au choc des verres,
Les roses et les lys !
Au choc des verres,
Les roses et les lys !

Chantons l'antienne
Qu'on chantera dans mille ans,
Que Dieu maintienne
En paix ses descendants
Jusqu'à ce qu'on prenne,
La lune avec les dents.
Jusqu'à ce qu'on prenne,
La lune avec les dents.

Vive la Sekowo,
Vive le roi Ishida !
Qu'à Reims on danse,
En disant comme Paris
Vive la Sekowo,
Vive le roi Ishida !
Vive la Sekowo,
Vive le roi Ishida !

Loyalty to the Country - Traditional Gao-Showan Nationalist Anthem.

When the fiery smoke rises I look at the vast land towards the north,
the roaring of the dragons and neighing of the horses are echoed by the chilling sword,
my heart is as boundless as the water of the yellow river,
who could challenge the power in the past twenty years
hatred is driving me towards madness,
where my wide sword points,
countless brothers with loyal souls buried their bones in unfamiliar lands,
all would die a hundred times to protect the country and the land,
I sigh with the deepest regret, yet I could not find a word to say, only blood and tear fill my eyes
the horses runs towards the south, but the people look towards the north,
towards the north, the grass are just dry and yellow, with dusts flying high
I am willing to station here and re-claim my land
the mighty Sekowo should be paid tributes and respect
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu May 13, 2010 5:25 pm

Negotiations on Partition Underway
The purposed flag of the new Twin Empires, the Orthodox Imperial Dominions of Greater Sekowo to the left and the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent of Gao-Sekowo on the right. However, the Orthodox leadership has yet to decide on a single Emperor and Gao-Showa Kyousan-tou remains opposed to partition.

The proposal to parition the nation has had mixed reactions amongst the Oathkeeper movement, above Kyousan-tou supporters march against partition, while below Taisei Yokusankai members speak in favour of partition.
"While we sympathise with the position of Kyousan-tou ideologically, the alternative to the setting up of the Imperial Dominions is remaining part of the Orthodox state" said foreign minister Akimoto Akira.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri May 14, 2010 11:47 am

Pro-Partition Politician Assassinated!

Yoshikuni Riku, shadow minister for Trade and Industry, was assassinated while speaking at a pro-partition rally by a alienated member of the Taisei Yokusankai youth wing. Yoshikuni Riku was one of the most outspoken supporters of partition within the Taisei Yokusankai. His death dramatically casts light on how divided the Oathkeeper Movement is over partition.

Kyousan-tou and some Taisei Yokusankai members remain unmoved by attempts to reconcile them with partition, as shown by the following statement issued by Kyousan-tou on the matter;

Kyouno Kazuko, President and Secretary-General of Gao-Showa Kyousan-tou wrote:Those of the Orthodox state and of the Imperial Pluralism Party must come to the realization that Sekowo is a land of Gao-Showa majority. What has happened to the calls by Taisei Yokusankai to expand our nation once again!? Now you are willing to cede part of the nation to minority-rule, giving us, the natives, only a portion of OUR country!
It is our feeling that the ministries of Defence and Internal Affairs must put the Orthodoxy in line and show them that Sekowo IS one, one under the banner of Kumiko Ishida, the Gozen Kaigi, and the true Sekowan people!

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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Fri May 14, 2010 2:10 pm

Sekowo on the Verge of Civil War
The assassination of Yoshikuni Riku is one of the recent events that threaten the conclusion of negotiations that would officially divide Sekowo between the Loyalist supporters of Princess Kumiko Ishido and the Orthodox Junta that briefly held control over the entire country. The failure of this division, already seen by its proponents as a temporary measure, would spell almost certain civil war.
Tensions continue to rise as students in the overwhelmingly English and French speaking University of Tarros participated in a week-long protest against the policies of the Imperial Dominions, which control the city. The protesters were dispersed by the police, leaving 5 dead and several others injured.
Police Dispersing Tarros Students

Many of the protesters were waving green flags and wearing green clothes, the colour of the far-left Sekowan nationalist movement , the National Liberation Front. The NLF was established last February by a group of union leaders and young people, most of them Creole or mixed-race, who consider themselves as belonging to a unitary Sekowan nation. Despite its vocal presence in public events, the NLF does not yet seem to have gathered much support, but its leaders seem committed to gain control over the entire country
Artus La Verrier, NLF party chairman wrote:We shall use any means necessary to reassert the sovereignty of Sekowans over their own country.
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