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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:19 am


Fears Mount over Radical Economic Reforms in Dankuk as GISE Index Plummets amid Red Scare


Terror and fear are being felt in the Baegukese economy today as the Worker's Revolutionary Party, the increasingly popular radical socialist party, has used their unexpected 5439 electoral coup to reveal plans to force radical and vague economic legislation through government. The result has seen the Gongmangdo International Stock Exchange (GISE) plummet an average of 8.4% in just three days, by far the worst day the GISE has seen in decades. There are talks of recession, pulling, and loss of faith in Dankuk's institutions as a radical agenda is poised to be enforced and bring devastating changes to the traditionally growth and market-oriented neoliberal ecomomy.

The Reds, who currently hold a simple majority in Dankuk's legislature, appear ready to pass the legislation despite widespread opposition by the official opposition Liberal Party as well as the minor Saenuri Party. New bills call for the nationalization of the Baegukese energy industry and put severe restrictions on corporate practices - forcing businesses to pay exorbitant taxes and create new egregious "profit sharing" systems, which have been shown to only siphon away funds from investment without increasing quality of life for employees. Stock Exchanges like the GISE would be banned. Most horrifically, the legislation would give the state no obligation to fund the salaries of government workers, potentially eliminating or giving severe cuts to the wages of the government labor the socialists seek to build their new economy on.

The result has been mayhem as foreign investors pull out of development projects, seeing a grim future of over-regulation, instability, and stagnation ahead. A recession seems to loom around the corner as government employees have used their powers to strike against their potential salary cuts; organized under the Baegukese Indepedent Federation of Trade Unions (BIFTU).

Legal scholars and analysts have began to bring up the possibility of using royal veto powers to prevent these radical edicts from reshaping the economy. The current Isageum, his Royal Majesty the Changsu Isageum (長壽尼師今), is invested with the powers to veto legislation if it is deemed against national interest. Whether or not the traditionally passive office of the Monarchy will seek to obstruct these nominally democratically-endorsed reforms is unclear. The world holds it's breath as one of the most consistent champions of neoliberalism worldwide appears poised to fall.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:49 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:08 pm


다욤日報 - 月語版

Declaration cites "Federal Tyranny", calls on Prince Baek Sŏngkyu to Reign as King

Yesterday on 5444.8.15., Changt'ae Special Self Governing Region, which encompasses the islands of Changt'aeto, Ulmanto, and Nampukto that lie to the southwestern extreme of the Dan Peninsula, officially declared independence from the mainland as the Kingdom of Changt'ae. The extraordinary act was drafted, signed, and sent to the Dankukian Federal Senate after passing with overwhelming approval in the Changt'ae Regional Council (長泰特別自治州議會/ᄃᆞᆫᄃᆞᆫ특벨ᄌᆞ치주상회) after under 24 hours of legislative proceedings.

Ever since the first constitutional amendments in the Kingdom of Great Bae were passed in 5311, the region began to enjoy a great amount of political, cultural, and industrial autonomy. These advances were furthered during the great Federal Reforms of the 5360s, which de facto gave the regional government the power to independent police itself and maintain a separate military. Thanks to the luxury of the region's warm beaches, precious minerals, and its strategic position near the Kyo Strait, the island became a hub of international travel and commerce. This made the island very wealthy - Changt'ae island is the second most wealthy region per capita in Dankuk - but also made it heavily reliant on foreign trade. Resultingly, new reforms in the mainland have been extremely unpopular on the island, which have attempted to close off the region's most lucrative trades and bring the entire polity under heavy government intervention.

The document itself lists various grievances pertaining to the new and unprecedented expansion of Federal government power over. The document claimed that governments are constituted for the purpose of serving the welfare of a group of people. The Declaration claimed that "Federal Tyranny" had led the Changtae people to a position in which it not longer benefited them to continue participating in the Federal union that Dankuk is. For months the regional government has been engaged in multiple legal struggles with the Federal government, having refused to implement new corporate regulations, free market restrictors, compliance with new nationalization policies, and the forced Federal liquidation of the nation's numerous stock exchanges.

The Regional Government have declared their reconstitution as a new "Kingdom of Changt'ae", which they hope to become a sovereign state that can "cooperate and cooexist harmoniously with the new Dankuk as partners of equal standing". The transition period will not be easy, but it is significantly aided by the fact that the islands have a long-standing legal precedent of political and military self-governance. The Changt'ae Island Peacekeeping Forces (CIPF), consisting of the Changtae Island Army (CIA), Navy (CIN), and Airforce (CIAF), were established initially as a supplement auxiliary to mainland soldiers stationed on the islands, but have since transformed into de facto military forces. Formal command of the island's naval and army bases were transferred from the Royal Army to the CIPF on May 4, 5367, and have remained under their control ever since. Politically, the Regional Government is used to striking down Federal legislation given the special constitutional liberties afforded the island, and a history of political, social, and cultural activism has created a strong civic identity and community independently centered on the Changtae identity as opposed to that of the mainland.

Changtae also has a license directly from the Mint of Dovani granting it the power to print Dovanian Circuses under WDU supervision and guidelines, similarly to other contracts in place between the Mint and member nations like Lourenne. Although located in Gongmangdo, the Mint of Dovani is an independent agency. Legal scholars assert that the Dankukian government has no power to cancel the license and must instead defer to the WDU, but worry that Dankuk could try to extralegally pressure the Union given that the Mint's headquarters are in Gongmangdo. They are presently unsure if WDU officials would be willing to escalate conflict with Dankuk over hypothetical pressures that could even come to the extent of a government raid on mint property, which is legally the sovereign jurisdiction of the WDU per Sentence I Article VI Section V of the Union Charter- "The land ceded to house the institutions of the Union shall be under the sole jurisdiction of WDU law". Additionally, this license was explicitly granted to the Changt'ae Special Self Governing Region as a special federal subject of Dankuk, which is a founding member - it is unknown if the WDU will continue to give these rights to a state. If not, the new country will face difficulty working off of existing foreign currency reserves, but they are luckily plentiful in the region.

For now, the current Head of Government remains the former Governor of the Region, Kim Taŭn. However, the position of Head of State is currently vacant - but the fledgling government knows where to find them. The new government explicitly called on Prince Baek Sŏngkyu of the Baek Dynasty to come rule Changtae in the declaration of independence. The prince, 29, is the second nephew of Dankuk's present monarch, the Changsu Isageum (長壽尼師今), was one of the few royals to be born on Changtae soil, inside of the island palace Kwanghwangkung. Because he is behind in the line of secession, he was allowed to be raised and educated on the island, which made him a personality closely connected with the island. After graduating from the University of Changtae City, he. He is also the only modern royal that is known to be fluent in Tawntawn Pangŏn (國語: 長泰方言, 長泰語: ᄃᆞᆫᄃᆞᆫ말), the mutually unintelligible local dialect/language of the island. Having seldom gone to the mainland other than for official functions, the prince both has wide recognition and popularity among the public as well as the legitimacy of a royal.

The Federal government has not yet responded to the declaration, which is an unprecedented interruption to the increasingly deteriorating status quo on the mainland as radical socialist reform continues to nationalize industry, defy civil liberties, and lead to mass brain drain and exoduses of both concerned citizens and large corporate backers, threatening Gongmangdo's historical position as one of the industrial, financial, and technological hubs of Dovani and the wider Northern Hemisphere, even potentially threatening its continued participation in the West Dovanian Union.

As of 5444.8.16, Prince Baek Sŏngkyu's whereabouts are unknown. He is assumed to still be residing at the Kwanghwangkung palace in Changtae City, but has made no public statement regarding his support or rejection of the calls for him to be made King. Under royal law, a member of the royal house that supports a secessionary movement is instantly stripped of their royalty and can be prosecuted under treason laws to the extent of execution. Political analysts expect his participation to be paramount to whether the new government can seek legitimacy.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:35 am


Once a Bastion of Reliability, Peninsular Nation now Grapples with Mass Political Instability, Separatism


June 5, 5455 - Just some decades earlier, if you had even suggested the possibility of civil war in what was then the Kingdom of Great Bae, every respectable political analyst would have laughed at your face. Since rising from the ashes of despotic fascism in the 53rd century, a century of careful civic activism and planning combined with an impeccable work ethic and global-minded band of bright eyed entrepreneurs - the "chaebol" - turned Dovani's poorest nation into a regional economic powerhouse, quickly industrializing into a developed nation with among Terra's highest IQ averages, Human Development scores, and ages of life expectancy.

That same nation's economy has been crashing and burning for the past 3 years. Whilst civic institutions have tried their best to stabilize the market given conditions, rapid, poorly planned, and even more poorly executed radical socialist reforms demanded by the far-left Worker's Party (WP) have left bureaucrats in an entangled mess of nonsensical, deranged, devastating, and sporadic lurches. Crazed mobs of furious citizens have gathered for massive bank runs as they lose confidence in the government's ability to maintain a succinct fiscal policy and guarantee their welfare - Dankuk's GDP experienced a net fall for a 3 year period from the fiscal years 5351-5354, representing the first continuous GDP decline the nation saw since the 5200s.

Politics has become increasingly toxic. The nation's largest party, the Worker's Party (WP) have had key figureheads openly calling for the abolition of the monarchy - Dankuk's traditional fastening glue - in favor of a return to the Rowiet Union (UCCR), which critics and historians as a whole widely and rightfully condemn for its gross atrocities, violations of human rights, and horrendous economic policies. Analysts have called on the opposition, the Liberal Party and Democratic Movement, to form an anti-socialist, constitutionalist government together to block key radical WP legislation, but their leadership appear unready to cooperate. Data logs of the Senate show a worryingly common habit of entire political blocs to abstain from key legislative sessions and votes, seemingly out of spite or self-absorption. With a minority WP government continuing to champion destructive and self-immolating economic reforms, seemingly tone-deaf to the reality of the numbers and growing unrest of the public - as well as a stubborn, divided opposition that refuse to cooperate with each other - witnesses wonder if these could be the last days of the Kingdom before the crisis consumes civic life.

Above it all, the Sovereign, the head of state of the Federal Kingdom, has met little success despite his calls for peace in the nation. Reportedly, in private life the monarch is furious at the WP for their destabilizing activity; reports even indicate that he may fear for his position or life. Meanwhile, his second nephew on Changt'ae Island has agreed to become the separatist clique's monarch, sparking the most chaotic turmoil within the Royal Family seen in millenia.

Foreign investment in the peninsular nation, once robust and free-flowing, has drained to a miniscule trickle as foreigners continue to be uncertain over when - if ever - stability and reliability will return to Dankuk. Brain drain is rapidly accelerating as worried intellectuals and the affluent flee to Kyo diaspora communities in nations like Lourenne, Seko, Yingdala, and Novani (North Dovani); leaving a society increasingly bereft of job creators and educators neccessary to maintain the high-caliber scientific and industrial fabric of society. One can only hope and pray that the peninsula is delivered from its present woes and is allowed to rebuild.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:27 am


Confidence, Market Prospects Up as Coalition Gov Forms, Socialist Legislation Repealed

5446.9.11. - The Dankukian market has begun to reverse decline and stabilize following the decisive defeat and removal of the radical socialist Worker's Party Government that led to the financial panic. A new coalition of Liberals and Democrats, divided on many issues but united in their commitment to institutionalism, constitutionalism, and anti-communism, have secured a solid majority in the Federal Senate and have declared all pending and previous legislation passed by the WP government null and void. Much of the radical reforms were not completely implemented or were otherwise incomplete, but this new victory of the old order has led many to breathe huge sighs of relief as potentially catastrophic change has been nullified.

The Gongmangdo Stock Exchange, having been fully reinstated after a costly and chaotic hiatus following forced dissolution under now-repealed stock exchange liquidation laws, has reported the first positive week in over a year.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:14 am


4570 July 21

Today marked the formal ascension ceremony of His Majesty the Sinp'ung Isageum (新風尼師今). His Majesty first took head in his capacity as Crown Prince to sponsor the Constitutional Reforms of 5465, which caused the Federal Kingdom to formally cease to exist as a sovereign state and restored the Kingdom of Great Bae (KGB). His Majesty additionally orchestrated the strengthening of ties between Baeguk, the WDU, and Yingdala, culminating in the ratification of the Yingdala-KGB Fraternity Treaty in 5467. Most recently and historically, His Majesty negotiated the 5468 re-integration processof the formerly treasonous Changt'ae and the surrounding islands under an illegitimate government. KGB power has been re-established on the islands and will work to ensure an orderly transition from chaotic self-rule into full unitary ordinance with the royal law code and a reintegration into the national economy. His Majesty proved himself a capable statesman and leader by the time his grandfather, late Hwijong the Hwipyeong Isageum, passed on.

The then-Crown Prince emerged clothed in new jade robes at 7:30 AM on March 1 and traveled to various locations in Gongmangdo to pray and give reverence to the previous leaders of the Kongtusan Bloodline. The Coronation Ritual began as usual at exactly 12:00 noon in the iconic Inuijeon Hall (仁義殿), where every coronation of the six previous Heads of State, five Isageums and one Geoseogan, have taken place since the Restoration in 5300.

In line with the reforms and constitutional amendments directed by His Majesty, the Isageum crowned himself with his own hands. This is a departure from the last 6 coronations, in which the Head of Government would traditionally crown the new Isageum. These developments represented the strengthening of the monarchial institutions amidst the previous chaos and failures of federalism; symbolizing the rectification and restoration of the old order. Following these events, the royal palace held a grand banquet. Festivities continued until 12 at night, where fireworks shot across the Gongmangdo skies and the ceremonies were officially ended with the singing of the Beonyeonggung Taryŏng.

에헤 南門을 열고 罷漏를 치니
鷄鳴山川이 밝아온다
※ 에 - - - 에헤 - 에이야- 얼럴럴 거리고 방아로다

에헤 乙丑 四月 甲子日에
繁永宮을 이룩일세

大拜 다섯旗 有名한 돌은
繁永宮 짓는데 주춧돌 감이로다

에헤 萬歲 萬歲 萬萬歲라
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sun May 05, 2024 4:08 am


다욤日報 - 月語版
Unitarian Saenuri Sweep Island Elections, Hastening Re-Integration

Elections mark end of longheld DPRP rule

The Autonomous Elections for Changt'ae island have officially been counted, with disastrous results for the Democratic Progressive Revolutionary Party (DPRP), the former ruling party with a supermajority. The pro-central government New Saenuri Party's local affiliate, the New Saenuri Party of Changt'ae (NSP-C), surged ahead with a sweeping coup of 32/45 seats in the Autonomous Council. The NSP-C ran on a platform on lifting economic restrictions on tourism set by the DPRP government, hastening the re-integration of Changt'ae into the unitary national law system in order to receive critically needed withheld funding from the central government, and an overwhelming reduction in the expensive and costly operations of the Changt'ae Autonomous Region Guard Agency (CARGA, formerly the Changtae Island Peacekeeping Forces or CIPF). Meanwhile, the DPRP fell flat attempting to run on tired cliches of economic self sufficiency and heightened autonomous rule in what many felt was a half-hearted attempt to de facto reverse the ongoing reintegration of Changt'ae back into the KGB as an Autonomous Zone under Gongmangdo's jurisdiction.

Sitting Governor Yi Deoksu has thus been outed and will not be returning to power. Governor Yi faced significant protest, criticism, and backlash by the public and figures in Gongmangdo and Changtae as well for supposedly dragging his feet on implementing the full re-integration plans ordered by the Royal government following the end of self-rule. The result has been the withholding of desperately needed funds from the central government on the mainland, the Changtae government's second default in a decade, and a dramatic 35% flat increase in taxes over the last year.

The DPRP was criticized in the past for difficulties and irregularities; elections during the period of self-rule (5444-5468) saw significant perceived tempering resulting in supermajority support for the party.

Newly elected Governor Park Ch'aek promised that he will erase the "recent and regrettable" barriers that have been put up between mainlanders and islanders in the past decades. He delivered brief remarks to the public this morning to elaborate on his positions on Changtae-Mainland relations.

Under my administration, any man or woman in the Kingdom will be able to walk the streets of Changt'ae City under the same laws that he or she may find themselves under in Sinsu or Gongmangdo. We will seek to reintegrate and link up with the rest of the nation's unitary legal and economic systems on an unwavering, fully committed understanding that what's good for the rest for the country is more than well for our islands. It's time for an escape from the deterioration and chaos that has defined the past, it is time for a return to normalcy. It's time to end the disastrous and fruitless delusion of the past that resulted in an island of rampant inequality and special treatment under the law. This isolation is an artificial concoction of former Governors Yi, Kim, Kang, Yu, and Park [Seungmo] in their efforts to strengthen the local elite at the expense of our people. For years we have not known who we are, a troubled pseudo-nation unable to define how it could move forward. Today the people have spoken; they have decisively brokered a final break with that toxic system. I look forward to the reintegration of the Changt'ae Autonomous Region with the greater Kingdom of Great Bae under the sole and sovereign Taeguk banner of His Majesty the Sinp'ung Isageum, as it was, as it should, and as it always will be.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sun May 05, 2024 4:48 am

5471, September 1

大花拜國 外交部
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Reino de Pénara
Penru Ŋōdidunne Hutəbu Bugagirkinŋi
Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Kingdom of Great Bae

Communique on the KGB's Stance Regarding Developments in the Sea of Lost Souls

The Kingdom of Great Bae is closely monitoring the unfortunate conflict between the Kingdom of Lourenne and Beiteynu developing in the Sea of Lost Souls. Firmly obligated by commitments to the WDU, Baeguk reiterates it's steadfast position that the territorial integrity and peace of the West Dovanian Region is non-negotiable. If the Kingdom of Lourenne is perturbed by any attacks on its' home soil, the KGB will have no choice but to answer the obligations of the WDU charter and to declare war on the aggressors. An attack on one is an attack on all. However, as it currently stands, the stability of Western Dovani is not jeopardy, Lourenne is not fighting a defensive war of territorial integrity in the West Dovanian region, and as such the KGB will not yet consider any military responses.

The KGB reiterates that it does not seek conflict with any parties across Terra and that it will not seek offensive war. It hopes that tensions fall and it dissuades any parties from threatening the peace in the West Dovanian Region.

(OOC: I actually missed this RP but this would've been the theoretical response given by Baeguk. It's very well moot and void now that the war is over.)
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Mon May 06, 2024 1:09 am

Looking Back at 120 Years of Cultural Revival - Ngarin Hokto, Bu Ili'tscheren Celebrate at Beonyeong Palace Alongside Kyo, Draniano Community Leaders
5474, May 15

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the revival of the long-dormant Penru Language (Ələkəsipti Turēn) in Baeguk. The historic year of 5354 marked the date when scholars could fully re-open and rediscover the indigenous tongues of our nation and of the long-oppressed and culturally genocided Penru people (in our language, Ələkəsiptil). Visionaries like Altan Omisiɣun were quick to propagate and sponsor the widespread spread of the mother Penru tongue concurrent with national Kyo-language education, combatting the last foreign and colonial vestiges of Draddwyr. By the year 5360, the Rokkito provincial government had authorized the first Penru public education classes and textbooks. Politically and socially, Penru people first organized under the new political party N'garin Hokto, a big tent coalition of community leaders calling first and foremost for a cultural revival in the indigenous Penru way of life amongst Ələkəsiptil communities.

N'garin Hokto stunned the nation by winning a supermajority of regional seats in Kongkito province - home to more than 90% of the nation's Penru population - and from there N'garin Hokto soon teamed up with the old Tomedemo coalition to gain influence in the national government and protect the Penru Cultural Revival movement at home. In Kongkito Province the party continued finance and support the local creation of Penru Language afterschool programs and daycares, the creation of Shamanic Grounds for spiritual practices, the revitalization of local museums and monuments dedicated to the history of the Penru people, and digital support and infrastructure for the Penru language.

The hype around Penru revivalism was spurred in 5364 by the creation of a new non-partisan cultural organization, Bu Ili'tscheren (formal Penru for 'We Stand Together'). While N'garin Hokto moved on to focus more specifically on political issues, Bu Ili'tscheren continued to fight for minority indigenous representation in public forums and institutions, financing the continued growth of cultural initiatives like the aforementioned Penru language schools and museums through grassroots fundraising. In 5368, Baeguk's largest social media platform, KofiTalk (formerly known UriLink and later UriTalk), officially released a patch updated with full Penru language translations and service, setting a precedent quickly followed by many media companies across the nation. In 5402, the Federal Government officially recognized and promulgated Penru as one of the national languages, on the same level as Kyo and Draniano. This was a particularly significant win because it mandated that the government translate all texts and policies into Penru, for it to provide Penru language services and translators nationally, and for the Federal education system to include secondary language classes in Penru, all of which helped cement the language and culture's role in Baegukese society.

These efforts culminated in the 5425 election of Schelebeje Burkanbol as Prime Minister, the first Head of Government in modern times to hail from a Penru background. PM Schelebeje was born to a Penru-speaking household, spoke it as his native language, and was infused with a culture of Ələkəsipti Shamanism from birth. He set a precedent that indigenous Baegukese people could climb to the highest offices in the land; his election brought widespread visibility to the Penru Revival Movement at it's height. As Prime Minister, Schelebeje continued to sponsor both N'garin Hokto and Bu Ili'tscheren, both belonging to and characterizing them as the political and cultural arms of the Penru Revival Movement that he continued to help lead. Following his tenure, the Penru Revival Movement continued to stay strong as it nurtured the tight knit communities that had been created in the past 70 years.

During the re-organization of the old Tomedemo party into the New Saenuri Party (NSP), N'garin Hokto's old command structure was dismantled as it was re-imagined as the Penru branch of the wider NSP. While this led to the loss of much political autonomy, membership in the NSP ensures that our voices as a minority group get heard and represented in the highest echelons of government.

Today, Penru people make up more than 11% of the national population according to statistics from the 5472 census. (Of the remaining national ethnicities, Draniano people accounted for 26%, Kyo people accounted for 58%.)This shows the ever-resilient and important nature our people play in the governance and society of Baeguk.

To celebrate the occasion, His Majesty the Sinp'ung Isageum (Ədin Irakta) organized a function to commemorate the monumental revival and protection of indigenious language, culture, religion, and traditions in the Kingdom of Great Bae. His Majesty voiced his vocal support for the ingraining and celebration of Penru culture in the national identity and "DNA" of the Kingdom's society, ensuring and promoting the continued balance and cooperation between Dankuk's three main ethnic groups. While Kyo people and language have increasingly entrenched themselves and become the overwhelming majority both demographically and culturally, the Penru people have nonetheless proved both flexible and adaptive, being able to retain our traditions and distinct identity without harming national cohesion.

Prominent cabinet members from N'garin Hokto under the NSP ticket were joined by the chairwoman of Bu Ili'tscheren, Mrs. Sērun Lakamawun. The function additionally saw the attendance of Cardinal Pirio Sobong from the Draniano Catholic Cathedral of Sinsu and Mrs. Zarang Jegal, the Mayor of Seongtaek, both vocal representatives of the Draniano community. All were hosted at a banquet ceremony in the Beonyeong Palace in Gongmangdo, which featured various regional dishes from across the Kingdom and was served alongside teas newly arrived from the Changt'ae Autonomous Region. All signed a joint statement congratulating the Penru people for their impressive contributions to the nation and their cultural achievements in the last 120 years, reaffirming the absolute need for cross-community cooperation for the benefit of the Kingdom. It was yet another triumph and validation for the work of the Penru Revival Movement; now 120 years young, may it last 120 more.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Mon May 06, 2024 3:12 am


Patriarch and head of the Draniano Universal Church (Iklezia Katolica Draniano, IKD) Josue Sobong made history yesterday when, at the yearly Observance of the Martyrs, commemorating the murder of 400 innocent Baegukese Hosians at the hands of the Alorian Empire in 1898, he announced a new shift in the IKD's theological goal. Patriarch Sobong stated that indigenous shamanism (Mal Draniano: Muizmo) was not in fact a sin, and that the church would no longer pursue the spiritual crusade of inquisition and excommunication against shamans or those that participate in shamanic activity, a longheld and founding belief of the IKD. During the Mass the Patriarch issued the following statement.

When the works of The Lord are done on Terra, the Holy Spirit enters through the faith of the believers and the grace of God. It could be said that the Holy Spirit inadvertedly reveals that awesome power of the Creator whenever the shamanists have a vision. Their world is the twisted mirror image of the truth and faith we have in Hosios. Muizmo is not a sin, nor is it mutually exclusive with the gospel of Eliyahu Hosios. Rather, Muizmo is the symptom of a crushed and alienated society, one deprived of the Lord's grace and teachings because it does not yet know Him.

We promote the brotherhood of all man in Hosios, and urge the worshippers of the idols to repent and turn away from their sin to the gospel truth. Hosios did not needlessly condemn those who could still be saved; he sat with sinners, tax collectors, and lepers. Likewise, we as a church built on the foundation of His teachings will never stray nor abandon those who continue to blindly follow Muizmo because they do not yet know Eliyahu. Let us thus embrace the practitioners of shamanism as brothers so that they may be taught and welcomed into His teachings through exposure to the gospel.

The IKD, Baeguk's largest Hosian and religious organization by a significant margin, accounts for roughly 18% of the population and commands large resources and cultural capital. Although a minority of opposition voices oppose the new position as heretical, the revision is likely to be viewed as favorable by the majority of IKD faithful. Muizmo in both the Kyo and Penru forms is a common practice throughout the Kingdom, with 2 in 3 citizens reporting going to a local shaman on an average basis in their lives to seek spiritual, life, and supernatural help. The population that consult shamans also includes many religious IKD followers, who have reported to the press in secret that large swathes of the faithful still feel the need to visit practitioners even if they believe in Elijah. The informal influence of shamanism in Baeguk is far-reaching, and many scholars have even noted similarities between the IKD and indigenous practices at times.

Unsubstantiated rumors claim that these developments may be the result of Royal meddling and influence on various religious institutions in Baeguk, especially given the Isageum's recent visit to Sinsu to speak with the Patriarch. Sources allege that the Isageum is attempting to pressure and twist the arms of various disparate groups in the nation to promote greater national unity to advance his unitarian, increasingly personalist agenda. However, these claims remain mostly far-fetched and many others see them simply as long-overdue reforms that will help heal community divides and alleviate the shame and guilt many Hosians needlessly face in Baeguk.
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