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Re: Utembo

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:13 am

Foreign Policy shift occurs; Moderate support for "Pan-Dovani" movement due to "pragmatic reasons".
March 5439

As Xsampa has continued efforts to rebuild the economy, other Dovanian nations have begun to break the ice and look to both develop themselves and unite in solidarity against foreign powers. Stratrica, formerly a despotic degenerative capitalist state to the north of Xsampa has undergone a revolution. Whilst no proletarian revolution, a clique of reformist military officers have couped the government and begin to symptomatically purge the reactionary government. Amidst those reforms has been to reach out to New Verham and Xsampa in a "Pan-Dovani" movement, looking to resist the West and Imperialism.

While the glorious Xsampan Democratic Republic has always remained committed to the international proletariats struggle, Comrade Tashi Dorji has moved in support of a more pragmatic foreign policy, and with Lourenne looking to reconcile their reactionary imperialist past by choosing to help the Proletarian Haven of Xsampa develop, Dorji has looked to adopt a pragmatic foreign policy, by both accepting the REPAIR fund and coming out in support of the Pan-Dovani Movement.

The Proletariat of Dovani can only be freed from their shackles when the slavers are defeated. The West hold the chains with their imperialist agenda. If we are to see the Proletariat across Dovani freed, we must tackle the cause and focus on opposing the Western Imperialists. Only then can the Proletariat of Dovani be freed. Our glorious Xsampan Revolution must be protected by the shield of Pan-Dovanism. As such, this shield will be based on pragmatism. Lourenne has looked to repent for their imperialist past and have looked to support the glorious worker's haven. Rejecting it is only asking to allow the Western Imperialists to trample over the Xsampan Proletariat.

What this means for Xsampa is allowing for our glorious proletarian republic to continue developing and rebuilding, and will allow the NEP to potentially continue after Phase 3. In regards to the Pan-Dovani Movement, coming out in support of it will only allow Xsampa to end the frozen status of foreign affairs that it has held with other Dovani nations due to being the only worker's haven in the continent. By embracing a pragmatic foreign policy, Comrade Tashi Dorji has ensured that any threats in Dovani to the worker's revolution will be preventable.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Proletariat!
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Re: Utembo

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:22 pm

Second Phase of NEP completed; Third Phase of NEP to begin as industrialization occurs once more.

April 5440

The second phase of the New Economic Plan has recently finished, despite taking longer then anticipated. Farms in the South have received necessary support to both stand on their own and support the rest of the nation. Combined with the First Phase of the NEP, the Second Phase has resulted in agricultural goods from the South being able to easily head North towards Metz-Leonid and other cities.

To that end, the Third and Final Phase of the New Economic Plan has begun; Mass Industrialization. With factories being constructed across the country, but mostly in the South (due to easier access to space compared to the mountainous North), jobs are being rolled out, with basic goods being made in Xsampa, but a particular focus for industrialization has been on textiles, already standing strong in the South. By providing direct support to the textile industry, the Xsampan economy can begin experiencing new growth, and combined with the (albeit basic) agricultural investments, the national economy is set to experience some growth as the rest of the capitalist world experiences chaos from the Canal Crisis.

While the Third Phase of the NEP has begun, the possibility of a Fourth Phase involving Northern Mining has been discussed by the Party. Supporting mines in the north will allow direct raw materials and goods to go across the country and potentially towards other nations should they be deemed as sufficiently anti-imperialist. Regardless, the future for the Proletarian Haven is looking bright as the capitalists, imperialists and reactionaries scramble across the globe due to the Canal Crisis. Comrade Tashi Dorji has largely kept his plans for Xsampa focused on reviving the national economy but some political reforms are anticipated and a very brief timeline has been given to the public in regards to what Comrade Dorji has planned. Once the Third Phase of the NEP is accomplished, the potential Fourth Phase will be enacted, but if it isn't or when it is and once it is finished, military reforms are expected, to develop the Defense of the Xsampan Proletariat. Alongside political reforms to bring Xsampa closer to True Communism as envisioned by Metz. However, all these reforms have been out on waiting as developing the worker's economy has been made the major goal.

Whatever the case, all comrades can rest easy knowing that a brighter future is being built for Xsampa, and the Power of the Proletariat is being shown with what is being achieved in Xsampa! With quality of living slowly rising, the Xsampan Path to Communism is slowly starting to roar to life. Regardless, Phase 3 of the NEP is the major focus for the time being with Industrialization beginning and Textile Industries receiving support in developing goods for Xsampa.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Utembo

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:52 pm

Construction of public services to begin in effort to raise quality of life.

January 5442

As the New Economic Plan continues in the South, our glorious democratic republic must continue developing as the NEP continues. Comrade Tashi Dorji has proposed efforts to construct hospitals and schools across the country to rapidly raise quality of life. The goal is to rapidly raise quality of life in Xsampa and both provide quality healthcare and education to the people. Believing that the current state of education is atrocious, Comrade Dorji has looked to change the status quo and modify the education system of Xsampa, looking to provide a humane socialist education system. The first step is supporting schools and construction of schools. Whether it be more support for teachers, modern equipment or modern buildings, efforts have begun on developing and supporting schooling across the country. In particular, the focus on Rural Education has been made a priority, with the goal of ensuring that even the most remote student can receive an education equal to a student in Metz-Leonid. To that end, the first step is constructing schools that are not only modern but accessible across the country, particular in the South.

I look to the Northern portion of Xsampa and you wish to know what I see comrades? I see what the proletariat is capable of. I see a proletarian haven being built. When I look to the South, my heart breaks for I see what capitalism has done to our comrades there. Compared to the North, the South is in a state that cannot be tolerated. How can we proclaim we are following in the steps of Metz when the South is struggling? Are we no better then the imperialist capitalist dogs from the West? This will not stand. Whether it be education or healthcare, the South will experience what the proletariat can do. That much, I promise.

As for healthcare, the construction of new hospitals in the South, as well as modernizing them with new modern equipment has also been made a priority. While the North enjoys prosperity and modernity, the South does not and Comrade Dorji has looked to change that. As with education, the first step is construction of hospitals to allow quality healthcare to all Xsampans. While Education has received a higher focus, healthcare will not be neglected. Combined with the NEPs Phase 3 of Industrialization, the need for quality healthcare cannot be ignored in such a vital situation. Cities and villages in the South have been given a higher priority compared to the North due to the modernity of the North. Whatever the case, as the NEP continues on, Comrade Tashi Dorji will not rest on ensuring that Xsampa is a shining beacon of what the proletariat can do.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Utembo

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:10 am

3rd Phase of New Economic Plan complete; Fourth and Final Phase to begin.

September 5444

The Third Phase of the New Economic Plan, that being the Industrialization of the South and support of notable industries such as textiles has concluded with considerable results. The South is slowly modernizing and while the effort to develop public services continues, the Third Phase of the NEP will certainly raise quality of life in the South. To that end, in an effort to bolster economic growth, the Fourth Phase of the NEP has begun and while not originally being apart of comrade Tashi Dorji's vision of the NEP has been accepted by the chairman. The Fourth Phase will support mineral extraction efforts in the North, to begin bolstering economic growth for the nation.

This has seen several mines in the North receive more support and modernizations, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding economic development for the nation. Not only will this allow Xsampa to begin exporting minerals to fellow Dovani nations in the struggle against Western Imperialism, it will allow exploitation of the nations natural resources to further create a true proletariat paradise. However, it has been decided to take advantage of the Lourennais REPAIR fund and utilize the REPAIR fund, alongside the government budget for funding both Phase 4 and the Public Service Modernizations Campaign. By utilizing the REPAIR fund, it will not only leave a good impression on the government from our fellow Dovani comrades in Lourenne, but will also avoid any potential of straining the national budget with these endeavours.

Regardless, with the Fourth Phase of the NEP beginning, this is certainly the final phase and the results of the NEP are expected to be positive for the nations growth, and allow the proletarian haven to develop further. Once the Fourth Phase is accomplished, full efforts can be spent on raising the quality of education and healthcare in the nation with both being in an unideal if woeful state. While the Public Service Modernizations Campaign is well underway, a properly dedicated effort on modernizing both has come about as the only logical conclusion once the NEP is accomplished.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:13 am

Public Services Campaign accomplished as quality of life slowly rises; Education reform to begin.

September 5446

The Public Services Campaign was initiated to rapidly raise the quality of life in the South and bring the South to development equal to the North and has concluded with schools and hospitals constructed in the South. While this has begun to raise the quality of life in the nation, Comrade Dorji has not stopped there and has looked to tackle the education first. Believing the current Xsampan education system to be woefully inefficient, robbing students of a future and even outdated, Comrade Dorji has begun implementing mass reforms to the Xsampan education system.

Starting off with updating the curriculum. Besides keeping the basics such as maths, science, language arts and history, the reforms have looked to expand upon what is mandatory and also expand what is optional. Expanding upon what's mandatory has led to political science being mandatory, with the goal of ensuring students properly understand what Xsampa is fighting for and to prevent reactionary ideals from afflicting students. To that end, it has been mandated that political science classes teach strains of Metzist-Leonidism, and in particular various other strains of socialism across the globe, from the vanguardist Kaminskism to the Liberal Neo-Communism. The goal is to not only educate students and showcase the struggle of the Proletariat but also to expand upon what other efforts at worker's liberation across Terra have resulted in, and what forms of socialism they have adopted. Alongside that has been teaching what leads to the Revolution, and what contributed to it, such as worker's emancipation, women's emancipation and among other factors that contribute to the revolution.However, one more topic has been made mandatory and has been rather unique; ecological teachings. Akin to the Delaune Model as seen by our comrades in Lourenne, this "Ecological Studies" class has focused on teaching 2 major topics. Sustainability and Climate. While the nation is far from being able to adopt the Delaune Model, small baby steps have been taken, and perhaps soon efforts can be made on moving the nation away from Natural Gas to renewable sources with the next generation.

As for what is now optional, electives have become quite liberalized with new options depending on the school. One such example has been basic computer classes emerging and while they are highly prominent the North, they have emerged in the South very slowly and sparsely. Among increased support for arts, the South has seen two unique electives emerge. That being woodcuttery classes and agriculture classes. Both have emerged with the conditions of Southern Xsampa, being more focused on lumber and agriculture compared to the North. By supporting electives, this will ensure a diverse capacity of what students can do and help prepare the next Xsampan Generation for the future.

As for other reforms, the schedule has been modified to move away from long hours to more moderate hours, focusing on the times of 8AM to 2PM with the goal of striking a balance between student well-being and efficiency. These reforms have been applied to all education facilities across Xsampa, and in the South, more funding has been applied to education to get it equal to the North and ensure Xsampa can develop at the same pace.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:38 pm

Xsampa puts support in the "Golden Trio" and supports future cooperation.

New Verham, Statrica and Xsampa have been in a spot of good relations in recent memory and with latest efforts by New Verham, these efforts have been redoubled with an interest in further cooperation between all our great countries. An alliance has been proposed consisting of the 3 states and with Statrica and New Verham eagerly moving towards cooperation, Xsampa has wasted little time either. Our comrades in both countries are among many in Dovani who seek to liberate themselves from injustice, who seek to liberate themselves from Imperialists and this alliance will no doubt be the first step towards that.

Our comrades in New Verham have taken the initiative on forging an alliance between our nations, and our comrades in Statrica has been quick to accept it. Who are we to deny working with our comrades in the struggle for a better world? Xsampa will entirely support this endeavor.

Whatever shape it takes, the proletariat of Xsampa will have full support for it and future efforts to cooperate with New Verham and Statrica. Whether it be militarily, economically or politically, Xsampa is ready to stand hand in hand with the Golden Trio and join the fight for a better equitable world in Dovani.

Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat! Glory to the Xsampan Revolution!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:49 pm

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:18 am

NEP Fourth Phase accomplished as NEP comes to an end; Raw Materials to begin extraction as efforts begin immediately.

September 5447

The fourth and final phase of the New Economic Plan has finally ended, with moderately successful results. Efforts at initial economic growth have been successful and while our glorious proletariat haven has kilometers to go. And with work far from done, efforts have been announced to begin extracting the 3 major raw materials in Xsampan possession: Sulfur, Silicon and Diamonds. The goal is to, besides bring these resources into the hands of the proletariat is to begin assisting in Project Terraway. While the nation is certainly not able to directly help compared to our more developed comrades in Lourenne, in the name of the international proletariat, Xsampa certainly can help out the project with providing raw materials alongside other nations.

Already, specific mines in the north have been established with the goal of extracting the resources. With the mines being opened and directly supported by the government, the exploitation of the nations natural resources will certainly not only boost potential economic growth but boost the nations prestige for helping contribute it's part to Project Terraway, both showing that Xsampa stands for global peace and show what the Proletariat is capable of accomplishing. While it is certainly a long road ahead, Xsampa will claw it's way to where it needs to be, no matter how long it may take. Not only will the resources be used for Project Terraway and domestic usage, the resources will also be available to other Dovani nations, in particular Statrica and New Verham due to the warm relations between our glorious democratic republic and our comrades in both countries.

Comrade Dorji has made it clear that we shall waste zero time in building up the Proletarian Paradise, and ensure a fair equitable future for all Xsampans and show the world what Socialism, and the proletariat can do once united and freed.

Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat! Glory to the Xsampan Revolution!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:25 pm

Southern Infrastructure to be put under "special priority" as roads and ports are modernized and upgraded to accommodate for Project Terraway.

March 5450

While the first stage of the NEP did focus on infrastructure, it didn't account for Project Terraway and with Southern Xsampa being designated as a secondary launch site, the need to modernize roads and ports to and from the launch site has been made very clear. To that end, the government has made moves to modernize and expand ports and roads to ensure quick easy travel of goods to and from the launch site.

In the name of international peace for the Proletariat, foreign engineers from foreign countries such as Kirlawa have been granted permission to enter the country and support efforts in constructing the launch site as Xsampan efforts are split on infrastructure and the launch site itself. Revisionists in the country will claim that this is betraying the proletariat and allowing capitalism to enter the country but when are they to ever be listened to when they preach pure isolation? As all proletarians should do in rejecting bourgeois social influence, these revisionists must be ignored for Project Terraway is essential to the global proletariat and peace. And so, these engineers will be welcomed to Xsampa in supporting the launch sites development. With all hands on deck to develop Southern Infrastructure to be as best as possible, particularly roads and ports, thousands of Xsampans have been put to the task with the goal of creating modern infrastructure sufficient enough to allow Project Terraway to go without a hitch.

With raw resources coming in from the North, efforts for developing the Xsampan Launch Site are more optimistic compared to initial predictions without any support from other Terraway nations. Regardless, mass efforts are being made as the whole country is essentially being mobilized to assist as much as possible in Project Terraway, despite the cries of revisionists and reactionaries.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:42 pm

Metz-Leonid State University to receive more funding and support amidst Project Terraway.


Metz-Leonid State University remains one of the most prestigious universities in Xsampa, and one of if not the best in Xsampa. MLSU however, has been given a colossal task lately. Supporting Project Terraway. To that end, MLSU has been granted more funding and support to accommodate for the task. Modernizations, more funding for underperforming classes and wage increases for staff and professors have begun with incentives being made for students to enroll.

Being tasked with Project Terraway has made MLSU be put under immense pressure, being one of many academic institutions tasked with supporting and designing Project Terraways mission of an International Space Station. As such, supporting MSLU is a no brainer and will only benefit the entire nation in the fight against ignorance. To increase the incentive of professors to teach as adequately as they can, wages have been raised, alongside for other academic staff to improve facilities in MSLU. Alongside that, underperforming classes have been given more funding, alongside modernizations for classes that are behind quality standards. Specific funding has been improved for STEM classes with the goal of ensuring that current and future STEM projects can adequately be supported. With that in mind, MLSU is being given all the support it could ask for to become the pinnacle of what the Proletariat can do once freed and given power.

Whatever the case, in an effort to make Project Terraway more smooth and easier for the nation to handle, MLSU will be granted more support and funding to ensure education remains strong and developed, long after Terraway.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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