
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:38 pm

Luthori Daily
Humpderdinck Media, Reliable Luthorian news

Admiralty reports naval invasion of Kirlawa
''Telon will be free!''

23 July 5453

Fort William, Luthori – The Admiralty reported today that two days ago after delivering supplies to the Kundrati Union from Luthori, the Imperial Navy’s 5th Helicopter Carrier Flotilla rendezvoused with the 4th Aircraft Carrier Flotilla and the 3rd Patrol Flotilla. With the entire Home Fleet now ready to launch their operation ‘Sea Lion’.

The Home Fleet consisting of 1 Aircraft Carrier and 1 Helicopter Carrier, 4 Orange-class Cruisers, 6 type-45 destroyers, 7 type-23 Frigates, 2 Loyalist-class Submarines, 10 patrol ships and 7 minehunters. Has been tasked with clearing the coast and protecting the quarantine zone established first by the Kundrati Union. The Imperial forces have stated their intend to aid the allied coalition from the air and the sea at first and landing troops at the coast to open up a new front. To that end the Luthorian and Kundrati command have been discussing which targets to hit from their airforces.

For the last days the Luthorian and Kundrati navies have attacked the shores of the Kirlawan nation. With important port cities such as Telon, Chrisalya and Chromide being attacked, with important infrastructure and other strategic military structures being bombed. The Admiralty is now of the opinion that the city of Telon is now sufficiently softened up for a naval assault with landing craft, with the helicoptercarrier being involved first in anti-submarine warfare in the operation area and now it being involved in the amphibious landing on Telon.

The Admiralty said that this morning at first light the attack on the port city started with the aircraft from the carrier group scouting and covering any possible threat while the navy moved in to land the Luthorian marines and Luthorian Infantry and mobile divisions to take the port. With the port secured the Luthorian navy will deploy the mechanised and armoured dvisions to push into the city and liberate it from the Junta. According to sources, despite being near defenceless with the recent bombing and air raids the Kirlawan junta puts up stiff resistance. The resistance has been so fierce that the Luthorian navy has responded with additional attacks from the sea on land on strategic targets. As well as deploying attack helicopters to aid defend the landing parties. It is predicted that the port will soon fall to Luthorian hands.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:26 pm

Culture Now!
For all the developments from foods to the arts in the Empire!

Coffee in Luthori? The effects of Luthori’s global trading connections
July 5455
Written by George Johnson


Fort William, Luthori -No one would think ever that our people would buy the black beverage made from burned fruits which they mistakenly call ‘’beans’’. But it is happening far more often now than before, to the dismay of our upper class friends in the nobility! We must face reality, Luthori is not the same nation it was in the days of grandfathers, and even then it was changing. In this article we take you through the great many changes our country has seen over the last periods in which we once more sailed the ocean blue to bring goods from all over the world to Artania and ship it to our neighbours and from our shores and our produce to Lourenne, Beiteynu and Seleyan continent.

Our Luthorian cuisine is defined by our master of great flavours unmatched in the world. Our Luthorian breakfast for instance with baked beans, bangers (for the non-Luthorians amongst us, those are sausages), eggs, black pudding, toast and some great Luthori black tea, for me preferably Luthorian Breakfast or Empress Elizabeth melange. Though for my sweetheart it is Mordusian melage. Or our fish and chips and mushy peas. Unmatched cruisine none in the world can match. The world is already being introduced to our beacon, our meat and game pies, afternoon tea with scones, sandwiches, our various fish dishes and we cant forget to mention of course marmite.

Now our cuisine isn’t new on the world’s stage. In various former Luthorian colonies or nations with large Luthorian populations or culturally linked nations we see that our cuisine had already established itself and formed in their own way. These ways we see in Hutori, Mordusia, Baltusia and our neighbouring countries. The trade through the Commonwealth has brought many of these dishes back to our nation and enriched us with their local varieties and culinary arts. Also the trading connections with our former partners, for instance Vascania, has not only brought oil to our shores. It brought back a love for curries and the Vascanian cuisine, adapted to our local tastes. Enriching our food even more. Speaking of this economic development, we have seen in the coastal cities a rise in foreign food shops, mixed tea and coffee shops trying to compete with McClair’s Tea Houses and new restaurants. One must only look at the rise of the Vascanian restaurants with their tikki massala and madras curries etc.


Now how does this show a truly global reach? Simple! We are seeing increasing spices being imported from Aldegar, the closest nation to gain them. These spices are then used in a variety of dishes from Vascanian origin or from Yeudi origin. Yes, if you thought our Yeudi friends from Beiteynu didn’t influence us you would be wrong. More and more their coffee culture is somewhat catching on in the coastal regions. As well as their Meze and their Lourennese-Yeudi inspired pastries, for which various spices are being used. Only their dirty hummus is not consumed much, thank our good Lord. We can all agree that its not human to consume that stuff! Back to coffee. We Luthorians love our tea, but we also love Vascania to a fault. With the influences from Baltusia, a Commonwealth country and a massive coffee drinking nation as well as our Yeudi friends influencing our pallets we are now drinking those dirty chai latte’s more often, or the cappuccino’s and even some other mixes of tea and coffee hybrid drinks have been spotted. And where do we get our coffee from? Increasingly we see the coffee being imported from Baltusia and Gaduridos. Bring together foods, spices, resources and ways of preparing food from all over the world and finding new life and adjustments in our own kitchens and streets.

Our nation is more interconnected than it has ever been before. Though surprisingly its still not entirely going off its rockers for those conservative friends out there. What always surprised me is the lack of breakthrough the Lourennian and Yingdalan tea culture in our country. Now my wife likes the green teas from Yingdala so now and then, but it’s not that popular here. We Luthorians seem to love the Lourennian, more accurately Canrielle foods like their pastries, bread and croissants etc. But not their tea. Well not everything catches on and it doesn’t need to be. We are pairing these great cultural culinary influences into our pallets as said and pair them to our own tastes. The McClair Tea Houses have been selling Luthorian and Commonwealth tea’s for decades now and they as well as other smaller tea houses cannot be a more integral part of the Luthorian tea culture. But even they feel the competition more and more, which is quite unique in our informal protective economic circles.


But its not only food ofcourse that is changing our nation. The more well-off middle class and especially the upper classes have been guilty of this internationalism as well. Let them not fool you with their staunch protection of Luthorian traditions as they comply with the most basic Luthorian principle: Trading makes us rich. Their clothing is more and more consisting of Renard Fashion from the Renard Luthori branch of the Renard International. In those upper circles they are fiercly competing with the Luthorian local fashion but are beating them at all fronts. Its funny to see a sector where even our local industries fail to compete with them. Their only fierce competition is from the Lourenne clothing lines of Adiore, which was quite popular with the Hutorian royal family and through them ended up here. These two clothing lines are the hottest thing in town amongst those who can afford it. And here comes the Yeudi friends around the corner because the Yeudi-Luthorian business Yeudivosky is a staple in the jewelry industry and paired with both these clothing lines, more than ever before.

What we can see is that Luthori is richer than ever and though it has been slow its getting more connected as surely and slowly the foreign products are also entering our markets. By our companies being bought up as an easy way into our markets or by penetrating our difficult markets. And its working! Luthori is changing, for the better in my eyes. More goods and services are offered than ever before and new jobs and new foods being introduced on a yearly basis. What will Luthori look like in 10 years? Lets find out!
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:02 pm

Military Gazet
For all new related Military!
Imperial Navy launches several new ships after years of construction


March 5458

5 years ago the Imperial Government ordered the construction of two Emperor William-Class Aircraft Carriers and 4 new Orange-Class Cruisers. Today the new ships were brought into service. The new vessels were welcomed into service by His Imperial Majesty Edward V at Fort William together with his son Albert, the Prince of Orange.

The Emperor and the Prince of Orange each were given the right to launch a champagne bottle at the newly put into service ships. With the media looking onward as the crowd applauded, consisting of the great workmen from the Reynard Maritime Company and Kindell Shipyards who constructed these great new titans of the Luthorian Imperial Navy. The servicemen saluted their Emperor and standing proudly on the ships they would now man.

The two new aircraft carriers, called the HIMS Prince of Orange and HIMS Yishelem, will be part of a newly reorganised fleet. With the Northern Fleet returning to Luthori after training in the North Seleya region with various allies. The Northern Fleet will now finally see its own aircraft carrier flotilla as part of the fleet. The same goes for the Southern Fleet, which for the last decades has guarded Malivia, the Migrant’s Pass and worked with Beiteynu. It too will be reorganised to fit the new naval composition.

It was the Secretary of State for Defense who announced that the Ministery of Defence would release a new composition of the navy. Saying confidently that the Imperial Army was strengthened by the stronger Imperial Navy. The new additions will not be the end of the naval expansion but will for the time be the largest expansion as other parts of the Imperial Army will be expanded, upgraded and given attention. The release came a few hours later after the Secretary of State briefed the Imperial Diet on the new naval composition:

The Imperial Navy will now be divided up in 4 fleets: The Northern Fleet, the Home Fleet, the Southern Fleet and the Submarine Fleet. The Northern Fleet will focus on the Mad Dog Ocean, Lievenian Sea, Unholy Sea and the Anantonese Ocean. The Home Fleet will be used primarily to defend the homeland, operating in the Artanian Sea, South Ocean and Mad Dog Ocean when necessary. The Southern Fleet will be stationed in Malivia and Beiteynu and operate in the South Ocean, Migrant’s Pass, Sea of Lost Souls and Majatran Sea.

Northern Fleet
1st Aircraft Carrier Flottila
1 Emperor William-Class Aircraft Carrier
2 Orange-class Cruisers
4 type-45 Destroyers
4 type-23 Frigates
2 Loyalist-class Submarines
1 Supply ship

2nd Flottila
2 Orange-class Cruisers
3 Type-45 Destroyers
3 Type-23 Frigates

3rd Patrol Flottila
5 River-class Patrol ships
5 Archer-class Patrol ships
3 Huon-class Minehunters

Home Fleet
4th Aircraft Carrier Flottila
1 Emperor William-Class Aircraft Carrier
2 Orange-class Cruisers
3 type-45 Destroyers
3 type-23 Frigates
2 Loyalist-class Submarines
1 Supply ship

5th Helicopter Carrier Flottila
1 Randolph-class Helicopter Carrier
2 Orange-class Cruisers
4 Type-45 Destroyers
4 Type-23 Frigates

3rd Patrol Flottila
5 River-class Patrol ships
5 Archer-class Patrol ships
3 Huon-class Minehunters
4 Sandown-Class Minehunters

Southern Fleet
4th Aircraft Carrier Flottila
1 Emperor William-Class Aircraft Carrier
2 Orange-class Cruisers
5 type-45 Destroyers
3 type-23 Frigates
2 Empress-class Submarines
1 Supply ship

5th Flottila
4 type-45 Destroyers
3 type-23 Frigates
2 Archer-class Patrol ships
2 Empress-class Submarines

6th patrol flottila
4 River-class patrol ships
3 Archer-class patrol ships
2 Huon-class Minehunters
4 Sandown-Class Minehunters

Submarine Fleet
1st Submarine Squadron
3 Twaddle-Class Submarines
3 Loyalist-Class Submarines

2nd Submarine Squadron
3 Twaddle-Class Submarines
4 Loyalist-Class Submarines

3rd Submarine Squadron
2 Twaddle-Class Submarines
5 Loyalist-Class Submarines
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:03 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
Alchester Motor Company opens new HQs in Dunburg and Yishelem.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 5th February 5458

Abstract - In this article, we shall take a more close look to the new announcement from the Alchester Motor Company's CEO about their new expansions into the wealthy and competitive Dundorf, and in the more wealthy, yet easier to conquer market of Beiteynu.

The Alchester Motor Company announced today that the company will open two new headquarters in Yishelem (Beiteynu) and Dunburg (Dundorf), these two newIt is expected that this will help to better coordinate the company’s new efforts to establish itself in both markets. One being a competitive car market and the other being an uncompetitive market, but "with a future so well exploited".

The opening of a headquarters of the Alchester Motor Company in Dunburg, in a nation that already has many car companies, marks the AMC’s ambition to create a real "empire" of automobile production and sales worldwide. This headquarters should come with the opening of 4 new assembly plants in Dundorf to continue this policy and through the meeting of the AMC CEO with several companies that have been interested in becoming concessionaires, selling AMC cars on behalf of AMC.

The Alchester Motor Company also announced the construction of 3 additional assembly plants in Kundrati to help the company develop in the country.

The construction of a headquarters in Yishelem, unlike the one in Dunburg, was not surprising. Beiteynu is not really known as a car country, but a country where rail transport is very developed, compared to its neighbors. The construction of a HQ and 5 assembly plants of some cars in Beiteynu own should help the construction of a domestic automobile industry in Beiteynu. A meeting between some Beiteynuese officials and AMC representatives should take place, detailing the AMC’s objectives in Beiteynu.

At the same time, according to our sources, some construction companies have contacted Yishelem for a plan to reform the roads and their renovation.

Many business specialists points this to a "test" for the Chief Executive's position, which remain shaky inside of the company, depending on if it fails of succeed, the fate of the CEO will be decided there. Regardless, after that, the index AMC jumped by 1.8 points in one day in the FWSE (Fort William Stock Exchange)
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:17 am

The Weekly Telegraph
The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
Defence companies reports "excellent" quarterly report.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 4th February 5458

Abstract - A ckloser look will be given to some reports from some defence companies, like the RMC or SSC, which show a net increase of their growth after the announcement from the Imperial Navy that more ships will be purchased and added to the new command structure of the Imperial Navy, which want to be more "international-minded" than today.

Defence companies are on the rise right now, as the Imperial Luthorian Navy has just made several historic orders to the same industry, which helps to continue the recovery of the economy in general after several crises that have weakened it and, at the same time, slowed Luthori’s economic growth.

But today; it seems that defence companies have all reported "excellent" quarterly reports, The main reason for these excellent reports comes from the fact that the Imperial Luthorian Navy has just ordered several ships to help with its recent overhaul of the command system and the organization chart of all the Empire’s fleets. This overhaul and reorganization, accompanied by orders to the industrialists should increase the Imperial Luthorian Navy from 75 to 133 ships under the command of the Imperial Navy, This growing number of ships is expected to be accompanied by an increase in Luthori’s naval presence in the world’s oceans, with the Navy intended to protect global maritime trade throughout the world’s seas.

With this drastic increase in the number of ships, it seems that the government has just made a choice to privilege the navy, symbol of Luthori’s global ambitions, rather than the Army, symbol of the continental ambitions of the Empire. This should influence the conduct of the Army, which is in an inter-service rivalry with the ILN and the ILAF, each representing another policy that the other and each can be favored over the other, according to the desires of the government.

It should also be remembered that this choice to expand the Navy over the ILA or ILAF comes from the fact that the Imperial Luthorian Navy is currently engaged with the Imperial Air Force in Kirlawa. Fort William made the explicit decision not to send ground troops. This intervention showed the needs and necessities of the ILN, therefore, this package of measures coming to inflate the number of ships of the ILN.

Apart from that, Luthori’s defense industry should take a lot of money, with several estimates of the increase in the number of ships should cost the taxpayer in the billions of pounds.

For these needs, the Reynolds Maritime Company has announced that it wants to build more shipyards to best meet these new needs. Several thousand jobs should be created in this case.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:12 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
Construction firms to meet with ND officials.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 5th July 5458


Abstract - Trade officials from the nation’s construction companies travelled to Bannerhafen for a negotiating session with the Narikaton-Darnussian officials.

It was announced by Bannerhafen that a "major" project to renovate their road and rail network should be carried out with the aim of refurbishing the ND roads. The initiative of the Dundorfian Border Nation opened the eyes of several businesses of the settlement in Artania or around the world. Luthorian firms are not excluded from this craze. Two firms, Ethan Brothers Ltd. and Hughes Construction were the most interested in this announcement, both of which were quite vocal in this area, having participated in several construction and land use projects in several countries around the world.

The two companies joined in a unique bid for the construction of these infrastructures, being joined in their bid by the financial contribution of MABC, which already has locations in ND and Ward Financial Holdings, which also has a subsidy to ND for some years.

This delegation should come to present a plan to the ND authorities to succeed in winning the tender launched by the government to know which company would succeed in being able to build in time, the rail and road transport network that Narikaton and Darnussia desire. The CEO of Ethan Brothers is "confident" that the plan paused on the table will be "to the taste of the representatives", this plan should contain a link with the LGV project 'Transartania"led by Ethan Brothers, if this plan is well conducted, Bannerhaffen can be connected to Ikradon in a few hours by high-speed train.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:58 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
Luthorian economy recovery results in slowly growing boom as growth hits 3,3% - Companies expand as government stimulates start-ups
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 12 august 5458


Its been a long time since the great crisis of 5433 and 5440. Those years were no fun for the Luthorian economy. If you look at our economy what do you see? You see a brought network of goods, services and resources being transported from Artania and to Artania by the proud Luthorian companies. But also by foreign trading ships and companies from Beiteynu and Lourenne. Docking in Luthori to have the goods transported by land, rivers and rail through all of Artania. But that is not all you see. The opening of new shops, new clothing lines, new tastes in foods, drinks, bars and cultures. And what do we see when we look at these establishments? Growth!

From the buzzing banks who give loan after loan for new homeowners, the increasing building projects that are being built by Hexlon Construction and other building companies in the growing towns and cities to the great disco’s, pubs and cafés in Fort William. We see a growing economic enthusiasm, and to be honest? Against all odds. Because the war in Kirlawa did startle the markets, but they surprising bounced back quickly. The though growth percentage in the early days of the war was lower but by the next years the economy bounced back up. Not surprising. It’s far from our nation and our global reach prevents large impacts from local situations.

We see the streets of the port cities and cities and towns around the country truly coming alive. With the massive investments on infrastructure by the government and the military investments which upgraded the military and expanded the navy have really given confidence boost to the economy. It is our opinion that generally investments of these kind do not kickstart an economy but rather shows confidence from the government in the economy by spending lots of money, with this they portray that the situation isn’t optimal but nothing to worry about. With that came renewed trade confidence as well as the protection of the navy the export, import and shipping went back up again.

The economic ties with Lodamun and Baltusia through the commonwealth and mutual friendships and relationships has brought new opportunities for business. This was stimulate by the government which started a program aiming at helping startup companies create ties with Luthorian businesses and helping Luthorian businesses find partners in Commonwealth countries. The government hopes to open up the market more. From the growing number of companies, the increasing number of goods and services on the market we can sure state that it is at least working. Baltusian and Lodamun restaurents with Luthorian owners and Lodamun & Baltusian suppliers have been seen adding the newest restaurants in Fort William for instance. Especially Baltusian BBQ restaurants are popular amongst the lower middle classes.

As a result of the great economic times in Luthori with the recovery setting in. The Imperial Government announced that they also wish to rekindle further the ties between Luthori and Beiteynu. With the Luthorian Southern Fleet soon to be send to the south again, the government hopes to keep up this boom or at least keep the economic growth going by opening new doors for Luthorian businesses in Beiteynu whilst protecting those businesses hurt by the mutual Yeudi-Luthorian neglect on this theatre. Especially Hexlon Imperial Mining and Humperdinck Media wish to improve the relations. Fresh4You and its partner Shem’s Coffee Houses (a Yeudi business for coffee in Luthori) wish to involve more Yeudi knowledge and connections to grow their local businesses in Luthori, to finally ground coffee in the tea dominated nation.

And of course dear readers we talked about growth, but what is the economic state of the last years? The economy has grown since 5453 with an average of 1,8% each year, with the last years significantly increasing the growth. Last year the Imperial Economic Statistics Bureau together with various banks announced the growth was 2,2% with this year it being 3,3%. Increasing the GDP this year to 3,5 trillion LPD (5,35 trillion LFR). What has our economy in store in the future? Can we keep this up? We will find out, we will let you know.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:25 pm

Luthori Daily - Humperdinck Media
Imperial Government comment on Yeudi-Kundrati situation

In a rare statement made by the Prime-Minister, George McClair, the government made it known that they thought the reaction by the Kundrati Union to the release of a ‘’book full of claims without definitive proof’ was blown out of proportions. Especially the subpoena’s for the Royal Family of Beiteynu came as a ‘’great shock’’ as the Prime-Minister pointed out. It is clear that the Imperial Government, though eager not to offend Kundrati as both nations are fighting a war in Kirlawa, the Empire is clearly annoyed with the Union and obviously siding with Beiteynu. However the Prime-Minister stated that is not the core of his message.

Yesterday the Prime-Ministers office released a press statement discussing the situation in Artania and world affairs from the perspective of the Imperial Government and how it would move forward after the elections in which the left gained a large majority. The Prime-Minister said that ‘’The left has obviously won a majority, but will they be able to govern on their own and form a stable government that rules this Empire into the direction that is best? We will see. But whatever government comes out of it we will be here to inform them of the situation in the world’’. On the topic of the war the PM said that ‘’the cooperation with Kundrati has been going smoothly, thanks to our old alliance we have found the right way to communicate with each other and resolve all things, despite the hickups with the foreign invitations by Kundrati to our continent, which was an obvious violation of the Artania for Artanians policy we both held’’.

The annoyance of the Prime-Minister of the Kundrati invitation of the Deltarians was quite noticeable, especially since it was not planned and it was seen by the press secretary who quickly and silently signaled the PM to move on and cover it up a bit with something positive, which resulted in the next line: ‘’Together with Dundorf we three are proving able to keep the peace on our continent, three strong allies taking care of our continent. In this the Kundrati-Luthorian alliance is rock solid’’. The PM then stated if there were any other questions unrelated to this issue as he told various reporters he thought he had said enough, obviously having invoked the disappointment of the Foreign Secretary. One question came up, Beiteynu-Kundrati relations and how it affects Luthori.

The Yeudi government and various Yeudi institutions including the monarchy have been accused by a book and by the Kundrati government of involving themselves in rather meddling and illegal behaviour. This resulted in the Yeudi royal family receiving subpoena’s from the Kundrati Union. As the royal family are cousins of the Imperial Family, being direct male line relatives the Imperial Government and the Imperial Family (though the latter remains silent as a mouse on this topic publicly) have expressed grace concerns over these moves and actions. The PM stated that ‘’It is for our two allies to figure out, though we wouldn’t react kindly to a state thinking that our Emperor is subject to their law. It goes against all diplomatic agreements, precedents and it showcases rather rash decision making rather than good diplomatic actions. Beiteynu has been a great help in solving the problems with Dorvik for Luthori and Kundrati. For us they have become a major economic partner like Lourenne. The Trade Minister is inviting them over for talks to further discuss trade and economic relations. Now I personally extend my hand to the Yeudi allies to discuss world affairs with me or my successor as well. It is our hope this is resolved well, lets not blindly believe a mere book about gems shall we?’’.

With that the aging Prime-Minister left the press conference and went inside after thanking the various journalists present. Its clear from this that Luthori sees the provokations between Kundrati and Beiteynu as something between them and Luthori does not wish to lose Beiteynu as a partner after having restored it and seeking closer economic ties with them. Not to mention that the Kundrati moves might affect members related to the Imperial Family which is something the Empire is wary about.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:42 pm

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:37 pm

The Labour News
Official newspaper of the Labour Party
Alfred Black resigns from Labour Party leadership

2nd July 5459

In the most recent a few elections, except for the last elections in 5457, Labour Party saw a downward trend in its popular vote due to the emergence of another left-wing party, the Socialists-Ecologists, and the party's leader have been Alfred Black for more than 30 years at this point with also other leadership positions being held by the incumbents for more than 30 years causing pressures within the party for a new party congress to elect new leaders and a new party council. The pressures turned out to be successful, and Alfred Black submitted his resignation to the party council today marking a significant change within the party and the council voted to hold a congress which will be the second congress since the party's inception in 5407 and it will probably lead to substantial changes within the party.

Many factions, namely the Hard Left (democratic socialists), Soft Left (social democrats), Blue Labour (conservative socialists), One-Nation Labour (nationalistic social democrats), Third Way (social liberals). The Eco Labour has disappeared as most of the members of that factions defected to the Socialists-Ecologists, and other two factions, namely the Labour for the Empire and the Labour for the Republic, lost almost all of their members as those factions were seen as unnecessary and redundant by many members. In the party congress, the Chairman, General-Secretary and two deputies of the Chairman as well as all 40 seats in the party seats will be elected and those elections are expected to be a fierce contest between various factions as the factions see the congress as an oppoturnity to change the party's direction in favor of their ideological views. Various candidates registered to the upcoming leadership elections, and time will only tell which faction emerges victorious in the leadership election and how the composition of the new council will be.
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