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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:12 pm

Kirlawan Engineers in Xsampa detained amidst Kirlawan Junta cementing grip; "National Security' concerns cited as the engineers are kept in Xsampa with no sign of potentially returning home.

August 5451

It wasn't long ago that autocratic reactionaries couped the Kirlawan government, and replaced it with an autocratic reactionary junta, where the Proletariat are adamantly oppressed violently. With tensions rising between Kirlawa and Kundrati, alongside other countries denouncing the military coup, the question of what to do with the engineers from Kirlawa that were brought over to assist with developing the Secondary Launch Site for Project Terraway has been raised several times and today, it has been decided that the engineers will be kept in Xsampa. Faced with either staying in the Proletarian Haven that is Xsampa or going back home to the autocratic bourgeois reactionary dictatorship, it is clear what choice the engineers would make, and while some have reasoned for wanting to go back home, after thorough conversations, they have seen the light and have chosen to stay in Xsampa until the delicate situation in Kirlawa is resolved. However, not every engineer has been sympathetic to the Proletariat and have remained adament on staying home, and to that end have been detained as it has become clear that some engineers would rather live under oppression and be hostile to the Revolution. The engineers that have rejected the generous offer to stay have been detained as it is clear they are reactionaries sympathetic to the bourgeois in Kirlawa, and are a fundamental threat to the security of Xsampa and the Proletariat. Regardless of the reactionaries, our new comrades will be welcomed to stay in Xsampa, and embrace the Proletarian Revolution in full earnest.

To that end, this is expected to upset the Kirlawan Junta but with their hands full in the West, it is expected that they will not react if at all to the current situation for the time being. However, Comrade Tashi Dorji has fervently denounced the Kirlawan Junta, and has called for the Proletariat in Kirlawa to rise up and break their chains.
What is happeneing in Kirlawa is the byproduct of reactionaries running a nation. They have dismantled the one shot for the Proletariat to free themselves by the ballot. Now the Proletariat must rise up against the autocratic reactionaries and free themselves! The Democratic Republic of Xsampa will not recognize this rogue reactionary state in any way possible until the Proletariat is uplifted into freedom and power.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Luis1p » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:48 pm

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:18 pm

Tashi Dorji found dead; Kesang Ladakh elected by the CPX to rule as the nation enters brief mourning period.

June 5454

Today, our glorious democratic republic is hit with tragedy as comrade Tashi Dorji has been found dead today. The Party has officially declared a brief 2-week mourning period for comrade Tashi Dorji. While no doubt beloved by the nation, we must have the strength to also move forward for a better proletarian haven. The official cause of death has been declared as choking. Unfortunately our beloved comrade choked up on a grape. With our comrade dead, the Party has been quick to elect a new General-Secretary to prevent the status quo from being maintained. Who the party has elected is no other then Comrade Kesang Ladakh. A prominent member of the Party and supporter of the Kate Comrade Tashi Dorji, the Party has fully elected her to position of General-Secretary of the Democratic Republic of Xsampa.

Comrade Kesang Ladakh has outlined a vision for Xsampa, looking to continue economic revival efforts and begin opening up the door to spreading revolutionary equality across the nation.
I have a vision for our glorious republic. I have a vision of equality. We already have gone far in equality between the sexes and creating a truly equal society for the Proletariat but our work is not yet done. There is much more to be done to bring equality to all proletarians. We mustn't be blinded by reactionary hatred and injustice upon the Proletariat.

Comrade Kesang Ladakh has laid out her vision for Xsampa and while mourning across the country continues for the late Comrade Tashi Dorji, there are many celebrating Comrade Ladakh becoming General-Secretary.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:47 pm

Homosexuality decriminalized; Ladakh to promote vast social reform.

December 5458

The People's Committee of Internal Affairs has long been responsible for handling the internal body of Xsampa, whether it be working with local government bureaucrats or working with law enforcement. Among the laws enforced by the PCIA were a number of laws criminalizing homosexuality in Xsampa. Often punishable with re-education, these laws have, as of today, been repealed. As of today, all comrades who have wrongfully been sent to re-education have been formally pardoned, and given a clean slate. Ladakh has also looked to ensure that such laws never again arise in our proletarian haven.

Our nation has much to celebrate. There is no doubt there, but when it comes to the social aspect, are we really following in the steps of Metz and Leonid? When we say we will liberate all comrades, all of the proletariat, we must mean it. To that end, decriminalizing homosexuality was a no brainer. Are we really following socialism if we don't follow the "social" in socialism? These reactionary laws have managed to survive in our workers utopia, like a serpent beneath a flower. We must uproot the snake of reaction and bring liberation to all comrades.

By strongly denouncing the laws having been in place for decades, Ladakh has put a mirror into the public eye, and questioned whether Xsampa is really free. Besides abolishing the reactionary laws, she has granted legal protection to openly homosexual individuals and couples. These protections have been extended to men and women, to enshrine the ideals of equality. The People's Committee for Information has looked to bash these reactionary laws and those who would support it.

Ladakh has also promised social reform, citing that this is simply the start of many reforms, and bringing about a new era of equality for all proletarians. Whether it be looking into religion, or other social reforms, Ladakh is determined to move Xsampa closer to a truly equal society.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:45 pm

Hardliners in the CPX purged; Mass arrests made, amidst mass government and military purge.

July 5459

Despite the best efforts of keeping reactionaries out of our proletarian haven, it would appear that reactionaries have infiltrated the Party itself, the military and the government. These reactionaries hid behind the veneer of "protecting the revolution", by preventing the Proletariat from making progress forward. These reactionaries attempted to maintain the reactionary homophobic laws and today, the truth is out. These reactionaries which have infiltrated the nation have been thoroughly purged and flushed out. Whether in the Party, the government or the military, these traitors to the revolution have been arrested on masse and branded as treasonous reactionaries.

Over the past few days, mass arrests have been made, and these reactionaries have been imprisoned or paid with their lives for betrayal and deceit. In the military, whether it be soldiers or officers, traitors have been purged and those sympathetic to the reactionaries or reactionary thought have been put under investigation. In the government, the same has been enacted and in the Party, most hardliners have been fully purged, replaced with those loyal to Comrade Ladakh and her vision of a truly equal proletarian utopia. However, this purge has also allowed the purging of elements that were too revisionist for the Party and these liberals in red have been purged, facing the same fate as the reactionaries.

By purging these elements, Comrade Ladakh will be able to continue her vision of elevating the Xsampan Revolution to a new stage without hindrance from reactionaries and revisionists. To the rest of the nation, rest easy for these traitors have been dealt with, and will not threaten our worker's paradise with fascism cloaked in red or liberalism dressed in red. The Revolution is safe with Comrade Ladakh. We can count ourselves lucky that reactionaries did not infiltrate the People's Committee for Information to such a crippling degree. While the military is weakened and most of the conservatives in the Party have been removed, we can still rest easy as we are surrounded by our comrades, our fellow Dovani nations who enjoy peace and prosperity.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:58 pm

Xsampa to send Raw Materials to Lourenne; Lourenne to promise "educational aid and support" as nation looks to ramp up education.

September 5463

Among all the nations in Dovani, Lourenne remains the most prosperous in various regards, whether it be socially, economically or politically. To that end, it has become the envy of the world by most nations for it's success and many nations are eager to cooperate with Lourenne. Xsampa is no different. While our proletarian haven has begun efforts to establish an education model that can provide the best possible education for Xsampans, it has been decided to approach the nation that is leading in terms of education and get their support to better the lives of all proletarians.

To that end, an agreement has been negotiated with our esteemed comrades in Lourenne. As Xsampa has access to raw materials, luxurious raw materials such as diamonds and silicon, these resources have come into the eyes of Lourenne and as such, in the name of general goodwill towards a fellow Dovani nation, and as an equal trade agreement, diamonds and silicon will be gifted to Lourenne and in exchange, Lourenne will promise to provide full support in Xsampan efforts to develop the education system of Xsampa to modern heights.

With the current education system being adequate, it has been recognized that adequate is not good enough for the current state of education and with Lourennais promises of support, the education system for Xsampa will have an opportunity to experience new heights and gain a modern edge over other Dovani nations, and potentially give the Xsampan education a chance to shine in the global stage. Comrade Ladakh has expressed strong interest in advancing Xsampan education, believing the road to socialism for Xsampa can enter a new stage with education. Whatever the case, Lourenne is known for keeping promises and with what Lourenne can provide support with, the education system has many futures available for prosperity.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Luis1p » Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:53 pm

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:23 am

"War against Ignorance" waged as Xsampa adopts proposed education reform by Lourenne as both Lourenne and Yingdala move to help Xsampan Education.

March 5456

Education is the cornerstone of any modern society and for Xsampa, this will be no different. Our comrades in Lourenne have recently proposed vast reforms for Xsampa to follow, setting guidelines and the foundation for the nations education to advance forward. With zero reason to oppose these reforms, the People's Commissariat of Education and Learning has been quick to adopt these guidelines and with it serving as a guideline, this will allow a Xsampan education that properly showcases the Revolution in its finest sense. Several reforms to education have been brought up to the PCEL and with the support of Comrade Ladakh, these reforms can show the world what a socialist touch to the "Lourennais Model" can do.

Canrillaise Teachings
Among these reforms is teaching Canrille as an optional class for all Xsampan students. While the nation is certainly not a Canrille nation, it was a former colony when Dovani was divided and carved up and Canrille remains a prestigious language for Xsampans. With Lourenne flexing it's ability to project power against imperialism, the Canrillaise language is becoming more influential and so, Xsampa holds an opportunity to take advantage of the past. By offering it as an optional but encouraged class, it will allow students to not only embrace bilingualism, it will allow the newer generations to be able to thrive in a world where Lourenne is leading. If not that, certainly for the ties the nation holds with Xsampa.

Teaching the ways of Metz and Leonid
What kind of proletarian state are we if we do not teach the youth the teachings of Metz and Leonid, visionaries who freed the proletariat from capitalism. To that end, by incorporating their teachings, we will raise a generation that is fully informed on these teachings and ensure the revolution can survive in Xsampa. The previous system of teaching other variants of socialism has been scrapped as a focus has been made on ensuring Xsampan socialism can thrive and so, other forms of socialism such as Neo-Communism or Kaminskism are no longer taught. Fitting for revisionist ideologies that have failed. Not only will this ensure the newer generations know the truth of the world, this will prevent revisionists and reactionaries from harming the minds of Xsampan students.

Student directed education
One of the many flaws in Western Education is an educated focused on promoting obedient workers, incapable of thinking of themselves. We will not make this mistake. Xsampan education will focus on empowering students and being student oriented. We will not drain their mental health for petty numbers of efficiency. The current school hours, that being from 9 in the morning to 14 in the afternoon will remain. Whether it be for students to live life as human beings or support themselves or loved ones, they will have the time to do so. The wellbeing of students will not be taken for granted. By promoting critical thinking and self thinking, we will be ensuring the next generation can and will be able to thrive, not as obedient slaves, but as freed visionaries, apart of the mighty Xsampan Revolution.

Teachings of Equality
If we truly are apart of the Proletariat that is freed, we must ensure our students are taught about equality. The liberation of women was a fight that cannot be forgotten and we all must remember what it took for women to finally stand up to oppression and say "no, no more.". Our students must be taught of the struggle of women's liberation, which is just as important as the teachings of Metz and Leonid. However equal does not simply extend to both men and women but to all comrades. While homosexuality is decriminalized, the struggle for liberation of our homosexual comrades is often swept under the rug. This will change. The teachings of equality will not stop for any form of injustice. Whether it be reactionary sexism or reactionary homophobia, we will stamp out reactionary hatred wherever it appears.

Rights of Educators
While this isn't directly applicable to students, our educators are the true embodiment of the ideal Proletarian. Giving your all for your peers. Giving your all so that society may thrive because of you. And it is with that in mind a sad fact must be admitted. The past has shown a neglect of educators and this cannot stand. Wages for educators will be raised. They sacrifice everything for students and we dare to turn our backs on them as a society? No more. They must be adequately re-payed for what they have done to society. We are better then the capitalist West. With their jobs, they are to be the most respected profession in Xsampa, for without them, the Revolution is but an empty lie and we can never slide towards that.

These reforms will be the light in a sea of darkness for education and with our comrades in Yingdala moving to assist us, ignorance shall die a swift death in Xsampa. Comrade Ladakh will not rest until every Xsampan can secure a quality education. Not only are our comrades in Lourenne and Yingdala helping us but we are also learning from them, learning their ways and applying what we can to home. Without our comrades, we would be nowhere. With the help of our comrades, the proletariat will win the fight against ignorance.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:12 pm

Luthorian movie "Operation Arraconda" banned in Xsampa.

February 5466

Movies are a fantastic thing for everyone to enjoy, it allows new realities to be explored, messages to be sent or simply dumb fun. However, it would appear that this line of thinking is rare in Luthori. The latest movie released by Luthorian filmmakers, Operation Arraconda is a spit in the face of any decency the West, and especially Luthori have. The "movie" if it can be called that is nothing but a ploy to make Luthori feel proud of it's shameful existence. Not only is the movie a shameful cash grab for the West, it is an insult to Dovani. Entwined with racism, the movie paints our comrades in Yingdala as those who want to control the world.

To add insult to injury, this movie not only has the audacity to attack our comrades in Yingdala but attack our own nation. The plot of the movie has a brief cameo of a reactionary, who has no other reason for existing in the movie but to spit on Xsampa and try to persuade Yingdalans to abandon the Pan-Dovani Cause because of the ideology of our proletarian state.

To that end, the People's Committee for Information has unanimously decided to ban this disgrace of a film from ever being aired in Xsampa. This film is an insult to the Proletariat of Xsampa, and highlights how low Luthori has fallen to simply maintain a facade of superiority. How the movie is performing even decently elsewhere is anyone's guess but for Xsampa, we will not tolerate this horrid movie entering Xsampa.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:55 pm

Kirlawan Engineers returned to Kirlawa

June 5468

After the late Comrade Dorji graciously took an opportunity to save the Kirlawan Engineers, assigned to Project Terraway, from the worries of the Kirlawan Emergency, it has remained a point of controversy within Xsampa and the Party itself. Once the Emergency ended, it was of little surprise that the new Kirlawan government would request the return of these engineers.

With Kirlawan taking a cordial diplomatic approach, Comrade Ladakh has been quick to simple take the pragmatic option and return these engineers to Kirlawa. While some would question why they'd want to leave our socialist paradise, it would appear the simple desire to return home is stronger then a haven. To that end, they have been given the first ticket home to Kirlawa. With the engineers on their way back in the coming weeks, there is no doubt the two nations can cooperate adequately on Project Terraway.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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