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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:19 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:50 am

Rural Education made a priority as rural schools see modernizations; Gaduri Education Budget Increase Proposal put into National Congress

When President Arriaga was sworn in last year, she made a promise to students across Gaduridos. She made a promise to better the conditions students and teachers alike face. And now the time has come to finally act on these promises and Arriaga has focused first and foremost on the underdeveloped rural education sector. Efforts to modernize rural education have already begun with new modern equipment being brought in to rural communities with the goal of ensuring an equal opportunity at education compared to developed urban communities. Besides new equipment being brought in, wages for academic staff have been raised in rural communities to further incentivize aspiring teachers to remain in that avenue.

With modern equipment being brought into rural schools, the ultimate goal is to ensure education in rural Gaduridos is as good as education in the cities. Alongside that, a budget expansion plan has been laid out in the National Congress to expand the education budget and allow greater access to Gaduri Education. While at the moment, any plans to modify the curriculum have not been brought up, the main focus has been made on boosting the current capacities of Gaduri education in the rural environment and ensure rural education can stand a chance. With other education reforms still being planned, the youth of Gaduridos may have a brighter future ahead.
In other news

Neutrality Act enters National Congress as National Progressives look to turn Gaduridos towards neutrality; PUI pledges support for the Act.

Luthori stands with Kundrati amidst sky-high tensions in Kirlawa; Tensions reach new high as Luthori issues ultimatum.

Civil Libertarian Party in Kundrati organizes anti-war speech as State of Conflict is declared; Will this amount to anything or nothing?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:04 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:45 pm

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:03 pm

Neutrality Act passed in National Congress as Gaduridos cements it's neutrality.

In an ever changing world, the question of where Gaduridos steps in has long been asked. With Lourenne to the East and Beitenyu to the West, most Nations have found themselves aligned with one or both nations and Gaduridos has always remained yet another pawn for influence in Seleya between the two giants. Yet today, Gaduridos has cemented her position with the turn towards neutrality. With the Second Neutrality Act passing in the National Congress with support from the PUI and PNP, the Act faced no major opposition and now that it has passed, Gaduridos has formally moved closer to not only the Non-Aligned Movement but towards ensuring Gaduri Neutrality in geopolitical affairs.

With Artania still wrapped up in war, the Neutrality Act was quick to Garner support from the PUI and the PNP, alongside the general populace to prevent Gaduridos from being involved in such a way that would encourage war or even have Gaduri die in a war that never was one for Gaduridos. To that end, Gaduridos has however, looked to maintain good relations with most nations, and ensure that Gaduri Neutrality is respected, not with arms but with words and dialogue.

Ultimately, with Gaduridos moving towards neutrality, more efforts can be put towards social services as the military can be gradually lowered due to the neutrality act. With Seleya largely in peace, and Seleyan Nations showcasing cooperation in most recent years, Gaduri Neutrality can firmly be protected without the need of a major military or any risk of it being violated.

ISPs receive subsidies in Kimlein; Kimlein to move forward or a wasted development?

Dundorf supports libraries; Dundorfian Infrastructure continues to shine.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:21 pm

Construction of Rural Hospitals to begin; Medical Centres moving inwards to rural Gaduridos.

In an ever increasing bid to increase the nations development, the Arriaga Administration has looked to tackle issues in rural communities. While efforts to fight the lack of education in rural communities has found success, the Arriaga Administration has looked to continue developing rural communities, and has looked to Gaduri Healthcare in rural areas.

With a woeful state for most rural communities, the Arriaga Administration has looked to begin construction of medical centres, such as hospitals, senior care centres and among other care facilities. Alongside construction of new medical centres, current existing ones have been given a vast increase in funding, to increase medical staff wages, facility quality and modern equipment. The ultimate goal is to rapidly raise quality of life in Rural Gaduridos and increase medical quality across Gaduridos. Not only will it raise quality of life, by creating medical centres for the most vulnerable or hospitals to combat preventable diseases, the nation will simply benefit from it, such as with productive healthy citizens.

To that end, the Arriaga Administration has proposed a budget bill that will rapidly increase Healthcare funding, and increase the budget of other ministries whilst slashing some to compensate. The Arriaga Administration has begun on a campaign of fighting inefficiency in rural Gaduridos, and raise the standard of living for all Gaduri.
In other news:

Aldegar and Beitenyu to establish relations; is Aldegar looking to become a major power in Seleya or another pawn of the Great Powers?

Lourenne re-evaluates foreign policy; more focus applied to regional diplomacy to simplify current foreign policy.

Princess Persephone I of Kalopia dead at 76; Kyriakos I elevated in position.

La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:32 pm

Gaduridos to begin railway project with Baltusia; Gaduri side of the railway to start in Tonataro.

The dream of mass economic prosperity for Seleya has always been a dream shared by many Seleyans and many have tried to achieve that dream. Gaduridos can count itself among those dreamers and has looked towards a joint project with Baltusia. That project being connecting Baltusian rail lines with Gaduridos, particular in the state of Cuernatecas and the city of Tonataro. Whether it be for civilian transport or commercial transport, the rail line has been assigned a contract by the state owned Corporación Estatal Gaduri (Gaduri State Corporation) to begin working on the rail line.

With the CEG beginning progress on the rail line, it is expected that Baltusia will begin efforts on their side to meet at the border. With the immense potential of economic gain, both sides were quick to agree to cooperate. For Gaduridos, the rail line will immensely benefit the state of Cuernatecas, and bring in more wealth to the region and pave the way to more rail lines across the country, bringing more and more wealth and prosperity to the nation. Despite the hefty cost, project managers are optimistic about the project and have given an estimation of completion in mid to late 5465 at the earliest and early 5466 at latest. With thousands of Gaduri being employed to work on the rail line, the potential for growth is only amplified.

Regardless of whether the project is accomplished quickly or not, it lays down a framework for several avenues of potential economic growth via infrastructure for Gaduridos and various possibilities for cooperation with other Seleyan nations. Should the project succeed, Gaduridos will have avenues of prosperity available to the nation.
In other news:
Lourenne supports Xsampan social services; is it wise for Lourenne to support a dictatorship?

Kalistan shows interest in potential cultural diplomacy with Gaduridos; is North Eastern Seleya set to grow closer?

PUI dissolves amidst infighting; PNP to rule Gaduridos alone as the party now has big shoes to fill.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:45 pm

Gaduri Iron to be exploited as Gaduri State Iron begins mining efforts; New jobs and potential wealth expected.

The recently formed Corporación Estatal de Hierro de Gaduri (Gaduri State Iron Corporation) has recently been created with a goal of exploiting the natural iron reserves Gaduridos contains. While tourism and oil lead the Gaduri economy, there are other sectors of potential growth, that ranging from agriculture to mining and anything in between. To that end, the CEHG has been given a contract to begin mining efforts in the state of Manzamal. Receiving government investments, CEHG has begun efforts on mining, employing thousands of Gaduri from local communities and raising traffic to communities near the mines, allowing for the local communities to try to take advantage of the influx of workers.

With Gaduri being employed, the question of infrastructure in the region has been raised as while the roads are of decent quality, railroads have been requested by site managers to allow an easier transportation of goods to and from the mines, however with the CEG stuck in Tonataro, it is unlikely for railroads to be constructed actively in the state. However, despite this, site managers will have to make do with the current roads. Regardless the expected economic effects are of course, bringing in investments to local regions and allow Gaduri Iron to be exported to other nations. However, besides CEHG operating mines, private companies have shown interest in joining in on exploiting the iron reserves. Whether foreign private companies will take an interest is yet to be seen but many expect the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia to take an interest.

Whatever the case, the government has shown a clear interest in exploring and exploiting the natural resources Gaduridos has to further enrich the nation and the people. Whether these endeavors will be successful or not is yet to be seen but there is an air of optimism despite the logistical burden that exists.
In other news:
Operation Arraconda airs; A resounding success says critics.

Lourennais Monarch gets the sack; Protests and violence in the beacon of Dovani stability?

Railroad in Tonataro reports 65% completion; Expectations of completion raised to beginning of next year despite initial deadlines.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:41 pm


Unión Liberal de Gaduridos Founded - Juan Martinez Elected as First Party President

Pictured: Juan Martinez

Having been announced at the beginning of February 5467, Unión Liberal de Gaduridos was today officially founded and registered as a political party within Gaduridos. To mark the occasion the party held its first ever Federal Congerence, lasting the duration of five days and held in the city of Occidente. The purpose of the conference was first and foremost to elect the first Party President, arguably the most influential position within the party. During the conference, the membership also selected the party’s nominee for President of the Senate after the next election.

The influential liberal journalist, Juan Martinez, was selected as the Party President and will be responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the party, including having the final say on staff appointments and media communications. Martinez, having stepped back from mainstream journalism around five years ago, was a leading voice in the foundation of the party, having been a member of several of the liberal organisations and pressure groups that combined to form the union. A well respected figure, he was considered the unity candidate between the party’s emerging economic liberal and social liberal factions, placing his politics somewhere between the two.

It was Antonio Garcia however who was selected as the party’s candidate for President of the Senate during the elections in October 5467. Garcia, a lawyer by trade, was considered to be perfect for such an elected role due to his online profile, which he has built up through using transparency about his trade as a lawyer to gather social media followers. Martinez, content with party President, did not at this time seek the nomination. With the party unlikely to win the election, it is thought Martinez thought such a run would harm his political career.

Once present within Congress, the party’s congressional members shall select a Congress Leader, a role that will inevitably face the most media scrutiny once elected. Until then most of the power in the party will be held by Martinez. Regional Parties across the five States of Gaduridos are currently in the process of electing their Regional Committees, which are all expected to be in place by the October elections.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Rogue » Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:40 pm


Querehuacan: In the Marligantos state city of Querehuacan the People's Socialist Worker's Party has been proclaimed by former union leader Jaime Espinar. A crowd of nearly a thousand people had gathered in his hometown of Querehuacan, a town also hard hit by the dissapearance of traditional industrial jobs. Espinar had worked as a miner himself for two decades before becoming active in Union politics. For a while, the country had supressed Unions, putting pressure on Espinar to leave his position there. But he persevered, moving forward with rallies and strikes in an effort to support the ailing industrial sector. Nearly 30 years later, at the age of 72 and retired, Espinar stood before the crowd and gave a ravaging speech, tearing into the incumbent government and previous PNI administrations.

This country, build by and for worker's, has been reduced to nothing but ash as ambitious politicians have used our resources, our labour and our people to fill their own pockets. It is time that the decline of Gaduri industry, the decline of our families and the decline of good governance come to a halt. That is why i announce the creation of the PPSO, the party created by and for working families, a party that will stand up for you, the Gaduri people. We will challenge the status quo, we will bring victory and progress!

The new party subsequently released its application to the electoral commission, running 256 candidates (enough to fill each seat) in the upcoming election and Espinar to become the party its candidate for President. The party will be organized in a decentralized manner, with every state to have their own branch and every municipality also to receive their own branch. Espinar called upon all ordinary citizens to "join our movement", hoping to attract members that can run these new party branches and strengthen its position on the local level.
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