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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:53 pm

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:35 am

The Movement: The Liberal National Group wins 40 seats in the Imperial Diet!!!

September 11th, 5468

In a stunning display of electoral prowess, the Liberal Nation Group has emerged very well, securing an impressive 40 seats in the Imperial Diet. Riding the waves of party popularity they also clinched 6.5% of the national vote, signalling a significant uptick in support for the Liberal agenda. The successful result of the new Liberal Nation Group, led by charismatic leader David Alexander will potentially make the once political mini's a serious contender for kingmakers in the next government. The LNG was the only independent party to make gains in seat share this election.

Election results (Lower House):

Conservative Party: 246 seats (37.85%)

Luthorian National Conference: 158 seats (24.30%)

Labour Party: 156 seats (23.48%)

List Humperdinck 50 seats (7.67%)

Liberal Nation Group: 40 seats (6.49%)

333 seats needed for a majority

David Alexander had this to say after the results were officially announced
"Members of the party, i must say well done to you all you know, i always said that If enough of us get elected it puts us in a position to then go to other parties and say, if you want us to support us in some way or another, this is what we want, and it seems that we will have a significant share of the vote this evening and around 30 to 40 seats in the House. We have achieved a decent result that is nothing short of brilliant to a newer party. With boundless enthusiasm and unwavering dedication, we have not only secured seats in the Imperial Diet but have also garnered the nations ears and even heart, nobody can not take us seriously anymore!"

This is not just about numbers though, even if millions, yes, millions, voted for us, we still have to regain their support next time around, I've got my mind set on you, you the undecided voters in the future, this victory is not ours alone, it belongs to every citizen who cast their ballot in favour of change, who yearns for a society where justice, equality, and opportunity are not just lofty ideals but tangible realities. It belongs to the countless individuals who have placed their trust in us to be their voice, their advocate, and their champion and i thank you all for that trust.
- David Alexander, Leader of the LNG

The Liberal Nation Group's ascent to prominence can't go unnoticed by the other political parties, the next government could be interesting as no clear party or parties have an easy majority. What potential deals and coalitions will be in place? will it be a right or left government? The bookies have put a LNC-LAB-LNG government as the favourite option to form a functioning government, a CON-LNC government unlikely. A new era of politics has begun.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:04 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:38 pm

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:57 pm

The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Constitutional Democratic Union, describing international or national politics.
Leader of the Imperial Senate introduces the "Governmental Titles Act", soldifying the presence of junior ministers within the Cabinet.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 5th October 5466

Abstract - The Prime Minister has instructed the Leader of the Imperial Senate, Lord Babington, to introduce to debate by the peers, the Government Titles Act, an act which would cement the presence of new junior ministeries within His Majesty's Government.

The Leader of the Imperial Senate, on behalf of the Prime Minister has now introduced to debate by the upper house, a modification of the "Government Titles Act", also called the Government Titles Act. This Act would present some modification in regards to the original bill. Lord Babington, Leader of the Imperial Senate, called the bill: "A testament to our commitment of making Luthori's institutions more representative of the broader population and all its professional corps." While it's rare for that government to handle constitutional matters, Lord Derby being a strong advocate for institutionalism, which calls upon the non modification of the current system of parliamentary monarchy in Luthori. Yet, today, it seems that some modifications in this system are the way that is being privileged by the Imperial Government to resolve some issues with the Act. For example, many people have protested that there isn't a special ministry for representating them and their interests, the Government has tried to resolve that issue by creating new ministeries, some ministeries have been updated and finally, some have been added to the list of ministeries, being upgraded from their previous level of being secretaries in the service of a specific ministry to a full ministry or a ministry of state, attending cabinet meeting, but being subvervient to another senior ministry within the Cabinet.

A separation of the Ministry of Trade and Industry is normally also planned, the planned split would be into the Ministry for External Trade and Investment and the Ministry for Industrial Preparedness is the paper of the law's project, showing that the governement put more care for both of these sectors for them having a special ministry in the Government.
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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:06 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:55 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
A look into Luthori's growth and economy - 5375 to now.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 15th July 5470

The Fort William Stock Exchange's location in Fort William

Abstract - In this article, we will take a closer look at the recent announcement of the opening of the Invergn's new factory. And also reflect on the current status of the Luthorian economy since 5375 to now.

Invergn Industries International has today opened a new facility in Norhampton [Orange Principality]. This plant produces semiconductors, a specialty of the company for generations. [More here:] But this one is different from its predecessors. In recent decades, the trend has been to relocate industries to other less developed nations where labour is cheaper than that present in Luthori. Of course, this transformation of Luthori’s economic landscape from an economy based on the social domain [industry], to an economy based mainly on the tertiary sector [services]. This transformation of the economy has seen an almost unstoppable increase in Luthori’s GDP, which has gone from a rather small or even insinuating sum for a nation of this size to the 4th economy of the world and the 2nd economy of the continent, behind Dundorf for now. This growth began with the Asters Ministry (5375 - 5403), which had begun an era of economic growth and renewed trust in state and private institutions in Luthori. This confidence restored after the crisis of 5370s thanks to a rather liberal state policy at the economic level, this being seen by the appointment of Bernie Randlock, who with the Prime Minister of the time Seward Asters, helped create the Foreign Development and Investment Fund, the regulator of all government investments in all countries of the world, some voices in the Imperial Diet also call for the expansion of its already established prerogatives so that it can have a right of control over all foreign investment by private firms based in Luthori. These calls have been described as "irresponsible" by the Tory Party and major business groups.

This economic growth continued with policies carried out either by successive conservative governments or the hard-working government of Mr. Martin, who set up the first power transfer between a Conservative member of the lower house and a socialist member of the lower house since the end of Griffin’s Liberal government 70 years ago [at the time]. On the other hand, the growth took a hit during the "humanitarian" intervention by the Luthorian armed forces in Ikradon, this intervention cost the taxpayer several billion pounds and was criticized by the opposition to this conflict for its exorbitant cost and was cited as one of the causes for the worst defeat of an outgoing government to date, from a supermajority to 180 seats in total, a great defeat for the right that would never recover from this loss. During these years of Asters at the head of the country, we have a good economic growth, and even a small appearance of what would become the soft-power Luthorian, thanks to commercial deals of military nature (Kazulia, Kundrati), the jewel business with the formation of Yeudivosky Jewelry and finally the use of media such as the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation to increase the economic power of the country by sponsoring its expansion to other nations (Kazulia, Lourenne, Dundorf, Beiteynu, Kundrati...). But also saw Luthori reassure the links existing with various nations at the level of existing trade, such as with Vascania and the end of the Luthorianocentric policy of the Luthori Employers Association, paving the way for foreign companies to enter the organization.

The Miller Premiership, which saw the first ousting of a party leader in place by an opposition forming within its own camp, was above all synonymous with war. But this period also saw the opening of one of the engines of Luthori’s soft power: the tea trade which is one of the sources of Luthori’s great growth through the years. Now, moving on to the Premiership of Steve Martin, Prime Minister of the Left for 110 years [at that time], his presence at 10 Crown Street was seen as a softer continuation of Raymond Miller’s Premiership, because the state during the Labour Premiership rarely intervened in the affairs of private companies, launching what is now called the "Era of Expansions", because having no more observation on the part of the government, Private companies are moving into a new era of expanding their service out of Luthori to other nations around the world. After the economic downturn following the Ikradon War, thanks to these expansions and the government’s non-interventionism, Luthori’s economy was able to receive a well-deserved recovery. After this era of Luthorian politics, there was the era of Mr. Sutton as Prime Minister. He is one of the prime ministers who has been in office the longest and has been able to help the economy in his own way. During his Premiership, Mr. Sutton visited several countries, paving the way for a creation or strengthening some of them, helping an economy continuing its path of unstoppable growth, until the Aldegar Canal Crisis came to spoil the party. The Aldegar Canal Crisis had quite devastating effects on Luthori, especially due to the economic downturn from the Eroncourt-East Stock Exchange, which had a ripple effect on Luthori’s economy following the fall of the Yishelem Stock Exchange. With these two crises, Luthori’s economy went into recession.

Prime Minister Sutton was in charge of managing the recession, and set up an investment program to combat the economic crisis. His successor, Matilda Weddall, appointed William Stewart to the Bank of Luthori and he set up a policy of restoring confidence in the Luthorian economy by giving it more prerogatives without being able to risk government intervention. The Weddall Ministry also announced a budget placing more funds towards agriculture to stimulate with the economy, which had a rather mixed effect, in the short term, nothing changed, but in the long term, This is known as one of the drivers of Luthori’s economic recovery after the Canal crisis. The constitutionalist and non-adversarial view pushed by Matilda Weddall pushed to make these policies more popular with investors especially as his suckers continued his policy. Then after the Canal Crisis, Luthori entered the Black Era, which saw Prime Minister Alfred Black form a left-wing government between Labour and LNC, a government that would crumble very quickly and put LNC on the political party bench in Luthori. Black’s government has seen a growing interest in nuclear power and an expansion of Luthori’s soft power through a further expansion of its media reach. The private sector has also taken the lead in taking a more assertive role in the economy with the publication of the Ward Financial Reports. Honestly, from Alfred Black to Derby, nothing has changed too much except that Luthori had a total slowdown in its growth following the war in Kirlawa. A war that even the Foreign Office admitted could have handled better than letting the waves of war engulf the continent. Now we stay in a new era - Luthori has seen a new emperor, a new PM, and new gouvermentaux investments.

Luthori’s economy is not about to slow down, especially with Asters' promises to double or even triple Luthori’s GDP and double the income received by the Luthorians by the end of the century..., at least what the leaks of his future speech to the Conservative convention have suggested to us.

Good luck, Prime Minister.
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Re: Luthori [Senate Corruption Scandal - Beginning] [IP]

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:07 pm

The Independent Observer
The Independent Observer is a fairly centrist newspaper, favorable to free-market, liberal social views, and an hard-line view favorable to the Luthorian monarchy.
Two Senators resigns over extensive lobbying efforts.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 12th July 5470

Abstract - The Imperial Senate announced by a press release that two if it senators have resigned over extensive lobbying efforts and corruption, today we'll see how corporate lobbying is influencing Luthori politics to this day.

Mr. Leo Kadhi (Labour) and Mr. Bradley O'Kane (Tory) have both resigned from their posts as elected Imperial Senators after both have confessed that they have been brought up by the corporate lobbying in the Imperial Parliament to influence the writing of some texts presented before the Imperial Senate or to completely block some bills that, according to the two, didn't fit in the lobbyist agenda, laws which for example regulated lobbying, advertisment or even regulations for companies were actively opposed by the two lawmakers, which were listening to orders from the lobbyist group of the Luthori Employers' Association, a group rassembling all bosses of all types of companies and defending corporate interests. This come as a shocking revelation after the Conservative Party has decided to conduct a process of inquiry into all Members of the Imperial Diet and Members of the Imperial Senate to determine who was being corrupted or bend his will to corporate or other lobbyists in exchange for favours.

The Senate have been disgraced from this scandal and many are now pointing the power that lobbyists hold over politicians, some members of the left have already proposed a law to restrict lobbying and fight corruption, while the Tory Party only released a statement condemning corruption in politics and pointing their commitment to rout out corruption in the political scene. The Leader of the Imperial Senate, Lord Babington has stated that Mr. O'Kane was no longer a member of the Parliamentary Party and that formal talks about the expulsion from the Conservative Party was considered by the Tories. The Chairman of the Tory Party, Mr. Jack Bang, has stated that the Corruption Committee of the Tory Party would assemble in a secret session to decide what will be the fate of Mr. O'Kane within the Conservative Party. No formal statement from the Labour Party has yet been published, the party being in an ackward situation as being a party at the forefront of the fight against corruption.

Both the Leader of the Imperial Senate and the Shadow Leader of the Imperial Senate have met discussing a political solution to this situation.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:59 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Senate lobbying scandal sparks public outrage, protests, and reactions from political parties

Activists protesting corporate lobbying and corruption at Fort William.

12th July 5470

The corporate lobbying scandal involving two Members of the Imperial Senate, namely Mr. Leo Kadhi (Labour Party) and Mr. Bradley O'Kane (Conservative Party), has sparked widespread public outrage, sparking protests demanding accountability of elected officials for corrupt practices, also prompting response from the implicated parties, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The scandal erupted over confessions of the two senators, they confessed that they had been lobbying with the Luthori Employers' Association, a group rassembling bosses from different businesses and seeking to defend corporate interests, and they tried to influence the writing of some bills and even to completely block some bills that would not fit the lobbyist agenda, such as regulations on corporate lobbying and advertisement. This scandal was a blow to both the Conservatives and Labour but especially Labour, as its electorate usually comprises the urban working and middle classes, and those groups are not really keen on corporate lobbying.

The scandal sparked various protests accross Luthori especially in Fort William, tens of thousands of protesters are taking the streets to demand reform and accountability. The protesters demand stricter regulations on corporate lobbying and reduction of its influence on the legislative process, new regulations to root out corruption from the political system, and accountability of elected officials for their involvement in corrupt practices. Wilson Hodges, the Shadow Leader of the Imperial Senate, announced that Mr. Leo Kadhi was no longer a member of the Parliamentary Party of Labour, and the Labour Party announced that the party council would discuss what to do to prevent such scandals happening within the party in the future. Labour also expressed support for plans to fight against corporate lobbying and political corruption within the legislative process. Demands for accountability and reform grow louder and the protests expressing those demands continue, and it remains to see what will be the political fallout of the lobbying scandal and whether there will be any meaningful effort to prevent such scandals in the future.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:44 pm

Invergn express "Luthori's greatness" after opening up factory.
Well, it seems that the recent drama about the semiconductors/processor factory in Norhampton saw a victory for the III (Invergn) who opened it up today.
5th, September 5470

Berringham's facility, up since 5345.

Fort William, Luthori - Invergn Industries International today opened with great fanfare a new facility in Norhampton [Orange Principality]. This facility is one of the largest that the company has ever built in Luthori, the one being even wider than the facility recently built by the company in Berringham, which was the source of so much conflict between ecologists and economists about it in 5345. The inauguration of this site represents a success for the company, which had promised the government after strong negotiations with representatives of trade unions and environmentalists that this plant would be "the showcase" Luthori’s expertise in semiconductor production. Indeed, the announcement of a project to build a semiconductor plant for export, and not for the domestic market, had set the fire to the powder. The right-wing unions had denounced that the luthorian workers "worked for the outside world" and not for themselves, leading to a crisis jeopardizing the entire construction project. In addition, the project saw strong opposition from environmental activists who organized sit-ins in several locations in the country that could have welcomed the new facility. This crisis began as early as 5456, when the project was announced, as we said earlier. Invergn’s Chief Executive Officer, Mike Battenberg, had announced at the Luthori Employers Association Summer Conference that the Invergn "would seek common ground with the unions and be kind to the good and bad with the bad", a phrase today synonymous with as an internet "meme" in connected environments within the Empire. For several months, the negotiations between the unions (mainly right-wing) and the employers' leaders took place, to arrive at a compromise showing a salary increase of 10% for all employees.

For several months, negotiations between the unions (mainly right-wing) and the employers' leaders took place, to reach a compromise showing a salary increase of 10% for all employees of the Invergn, and a 5% wage cut for all executives, a proposal that is quite advantageous for employees, would give the company the opportunity to implement its export-oriented policies. This compromise was called by the CEO as "proof that a calm, reasoned mind can solve every problem in its path". This compromise proposal was accepted by a fairly small majority by the Board of Directors, which was not very enthusiastic about the prospect of seeing their salary reduced by 5% to reap the good favor of the unions. It is honestly considered that the 5% wage reduction clause was not applied by Invergn today. So did the 10% wage increase that was not implemented by Invergn’s management, despite the company’s hopes. This comes because of the arrival of a new CEO in 5458, because following this agreement seen as disastrous, a change in the shareholders' shares in the company saw the negative side of the agreement arrive at a majority of seats on the board of directors. This new Board of Directors decided immediately upon taking office to submit a vote of no confidence in the Chief Executive, who lost it by a moderate majority (10 seats). This vote of non-confidence saw Chief Executive Battenberg toppled and replaced by his deputy, Lincoln Kingsley, who is known to be less cooperative with the unions than his predecessor. In fact, the first meetings with the unions went very badly.

Now, if you want to know the fate of the environmentalists, well, they were quickly cleared by the police at every location where they were doing a sit-in to protest the policy put in place by the Invergn which they said, contrary to environmental standards. The Invergn was forced to change location within the Empire, because of the refusal of some local governments to see such a large and controversial industry set up in their borders, and the failure of the national government in Fort William to intervene in the affairs of a private company. The Secretary of State for the Economy himself said that it was not the role of the government to act as emissaries between the public and the private. The police were, after Kingsley’s inauguration as Chief Executive of Invergn Industries International, more active in the sites where the factory was to be built to avoid overflowing with environmentalists. As previously stated, the Invergn was repeatedly forced to change the construction site during the Battenberg term, but during the Kingsley term, the Norhampton site, right in the Industrial Heartland of the Empire was definitely chosen by the board because of its strategic location [right in a dynamic area, looking for new businesses]. The construction was managed by the Ethan Brothers firm, a subsidy from the Churchill family’s investment firm, which, after a contract awarded after a tender by Invergn, received a cheque that was juicy enough to take care of the construction. The facility should allow more than 700 employees to manage, with the machines, the whole process so that semiconductors on one side of the plant and processors on the other side of the plant are created and can be sold to the best bidder.

The factory was inaugurated today by the Chief Executive, the Minister-President of Orange, the Secretary of State for the Economy, the Mayor of Norhampton and many local representatives who attended the ceremony. Chief Executive Kingsley announced that he was "in the middle of a discussion" with shipping firms to find a partnership agreement to prioritize Invergn products and simplify the sales and delivery process. But it is likely that no agreement is found according to our sources within the company. Kingsley was not really a fan of shipping companies and was not convinced by the offers of the CSC [Churchill Shipping Corporation] or the SS [SouthSeas]. Affairs to follow, I’d say.

The Market Headlines is a Fort William-based media, talking about economics and trade informations.
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