
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:15 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Mass protests subside following formation of investigation committee

21st January 5471

The corporate lobbying scandal in the Imperial Senate has sparked mass protests joined by hunderds of thousands of citizens concerned with corporate lobbying and corruption accross Luthori, particularly in the capital Fort William which largely served as the protest centre, demanding accountability of elected officials and reduction of corporate influence in politics and legislative process, pressuring the mainstream political parties to act to root out corruption within the political system. This pressure from mass protests surprisingly turned out to be successful as the Members of Parliament from voted to launch an investigation committee over corporate lobbying and corruption within the Parliament, either in the Diet or the Senate, and the committee is tasked with handling matters related to corruption and lobbying in the houses of parliament, and it has membership of 10 Members of Imperial Diet and 10 Members of Imperial Senate, in total 20 Members of Parliament. This served as a large success for the protest movement, which was aimed at opposing corruption and corporate lobbying and successfully pressured the government and the legislature to address their demands.

In following days of the formation of the investigation committee, protests started to gradually subside, as the protesters' main demands were met by the government and there were not much reasons left to continue protesting as the protests were sparked by outrage over corporate lobbying and corruption and those issues were addressed, and also the war between Beitenyu and Lourenne diverted attention from the grievances which sparked the protests further contributing to the subsiding of the protests. The protests served as a challenge to the corporate influence in politics and political corruption and were surprisingly successful in pressuring the government to take action to address the grievances which sparked the protests. Even though the protests subsided, their effect on the political scene and long-term legacy did not and will not subside, and these protests will be remembered as a struggle against lobbying and corruption and for integrity and accountability.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:15 pm

Breaking: Robbery at Fort William's United Financial Services Bank, 4 dead and £2,000,000 stolen!

January 27th, 5472, The Times


Breaking News: Bank Robbery Turns Deadly, £2,000,000 Stolen, suspects escape.

In a shocking turn of events, a bank robbery has left four individuals dead and a staggering £2,000,000 missing from the vaults. The incident unfolded in the early morning at 7:20 Am today at the United Financial Services Bank located in the outer region of Fort William. Eyewitnesses reported a scene of chaos and terror as armed assailants stormed the bank, brandishing firearms and demanding access to the vaults. Despite the efforts of security personnel and law enforcement officers, the robbers managed to gain entry to the heavily fortified area where we are being told two million pounds was being held as part of a transfer re-distribution to other UFS banks. We are being told that four bodies have been recovered, we wont give the identities of the dead yet until the families of the deceased have been informed. We understand that the deceased where caught in the cross fire between the Police and perpetrators, the police are sure that the heavily armed robbers were top end professionals with their use of military grade weapons and sharpish get away.

Eyewitness reports say the heavily armed men fled in an white or silver van, police say they couldn't identify the vehicle they fled in due to the aftermath of the shootout, we understand that two of the four fallen were police officers. As this is being reported, police around the city and in the Orange region are using "all available resource and operations" to try and catch the suspects and they urge the public to stay alert and safe and has urged anyone who knows anything to come forward with in relation to the situation that's taken place this morning. Tragic scenes and terrible loss of life, an investigation into the matters are of course underway by the police and United Financial Services themselves. Many wonder why £2,000,000 was in one building which wasn't heavily guarded or as guarded as it should of been, there was only, as we know it, 5 guards here to protect the bank and money, only one of which was armed.

Like what's been said already, authorities have launched a massive manhunt to apprehend the perpetrators and recover the stolen funds. The Orange Police Service has urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity related to the robbery.

we have some eye witness reports here:

"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like something out of a movie – masked men with guns rushing in, shouting orders. I just froze, praying they wouldn't notice me, i was hiding behind the counter. It was sheer terror. Really it was"
- Sarah Johnson, eyewitness at the UFS robbery.

"I walked out of the vet in because i just got medicine for worms for the dogs bum, and as i walked out, im telling ye, it was just 'bom' 'bom' 'bom', gunshot after shot. Really scary mate"
- Darren, nearby eyewitness.

"The gunfire was deafening, echoing through the bank like thunder. I thought I was going to die right then and there. All I could think about was my family waiting for me at home. It was a nightmare I never want to relive."
- David Smith, a customer caught in the chaos of the bank robbery.

"I saw a guy walk out of the bank, anyway he started blasting like 'pow' 'pow' and the screaming and shouting from the police, my god. And your telling me that they got away? With all them coppers there? I tell you, hide your children and family because this place is turning bad quickly if they can escape that mini army that i saw."
- Shirley Jarrit, nearby eyewitness

As the chaos unfolded at the bank, nearby schools found themselves thrust into a state of emergency. With the safety of students paramount, authorities swiftly implemented lockdown procedures to protect those within the vicinity. Some parents received frantic calls and messages, urging them to stay away from the area and assuring them that their children were safe inside the school premises. Meanwhile, teachers and administrators in many schools worked tirelessly to keep students calm and informed as they sheltered in place.

Nearby cafes and shops had to close and barrier the windows as gunshots rang passed, in one bar, a bullet strook the window and missed a patrons head by sheer centimetres. Luckily many metal shutters where down as many shops and stores weren't open yet, many now have bullet holes in them which begs the question of if this happened later on in the day, would more innocents have been caught with erratic flying bullets? Most likley.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:10 pm

Luthori Daily
Government announces emergency bill for aiding the economy in crisis
Conservative government steps in to rescue the Luthorian economy


July 5471 (backdated)

Fort William – ‘’We can get through this’’ said the Secretary of the Economy, Rt' Hon. Edward Egerton, ‘’Our nation has seen these crisis and we are prepared’’. This came after the Luthorian stockmarket crashed with 45% of its initial value. A shock to all, savings down the drain and huge economic pain for companies, households and pensioners. Streets filled with various people, just sitting there with their heads in their hands. Immitiatly came the government to announce steps to respond to the economic downturn.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Rt' Hon. Brendan Kidd and the Economy & Trade secretary announced that they will invest a huge portion of government money into an Economy Stability & Investment Fund. This borrowed money will be used to stimulate the economy by investments, bail-outs or hand-outs. Through this the Luthorian government wishes to save the economy from the terrible shock the war between Beiteynu and Lourenne has caused. The Chancellor stated that the investment fund ‘’will gain 350 billion LPD. A huge never before seen investment that will be used to keep people in their jobs, save savings and make sure our banks and companies do NOT collapse. Everything will be fine’’.

The Secretary of the Economy Mr. Egerton went on about the specifics, stating that the first to be aided will be the banks and businesses that do global trade. This is not surprising. The Luthorian economy can be seen as a huge trading economy. Not only are products and services bought and sold in Luthori but also sold all over the globe. Two of the greatest economies which have tied links to the Luthorian market are Beiteynu and Lourenne. Part of the stockmarket collapse was because of the fear that the war between the two powers might escalate and damage global trade more than what happened now. The Economy Secretary further mentioned that the war is still very localised and that we have currently nothing to fear. If any thing happens the government can now intervene with a huge investment fund to solve any further crisis.

All banks have adjusted their figures on their projections of the Luthorian economy. Over the last few years the economy was doing well thanks to a steady recovery and strong growth due to a growing access to the Luthorian market and the Luthorian access to the international market. As well as growing Artanian stability saw steady investments, newly opened businesses and a rising stock market. Resulting in an economy in 5470 of £4.519.108.842.850,- (6.914.236.529.560,37 LFR). However this economic turn down has caused projections to drop the growth of 1,5% this year, which was already a cooling down compares to other years to -4%, with an additional -3% next year. With this the Luthorian economy is in an official recession. This might be the true reason the Luthorian ministers have responded so quickly. Another issue is the national debt, though low the huge ammount that is being borrowed by the government will raise it from 11% to 20% of GDP.

This new investment fund might bring back some confidence in the economy, however it is unlikely that it will entirely recover. With the war between the two great powers raging on and possibily escalating. Who knows what could happen next?
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:59 pm

Luthori Daily
Luthori sends ultimatum to Kundrati ''back off!''
August 5473


The shock was great in Luthori, insiders in the Foreign Office and Defence Department told the press that they were shocked to see Kundrati forces joining up with Lourennian fleets in the direction of Beiteynu. With this the Imperial Government held a secret meeting today, consulting first ambassadors of various other Artanian nations, what was said was kept entirely secret. Then the news dropped when a press release came from the Prime-Minister, a worried but also angry expression came to his face.

Before Crown Street number 10 stood our Prime-Minister, Rt' Hon. Everett Derby, Duke of Derby. Stoic, firm but also worried as he spoke these words:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this yesterday we learned that the Kundrati Union once more choose to act as an irrational actor. They made their decision to send their fleets and to link them up with Lourenne in their war against Beiteynu. Currently their fleets are heading towards the Majatra Sea. We will not lie to you this has shocked us. The governments of Artania have met and agreed to keep Artania neutral and not to take actions that could bring the war to our shores or to our continent. Now we see that Kundrati has disregarded that and threatened us all.

Lets be clear, the Kingdom of Beiteynu, the Crown of Yishelem and the Yeudi Homeland are allies of us. Their nation is ruled by our Emperor, their history is bound to us and we owe them thanks for so many things. As do we to Lourenne. We are deeply saddened by this needless war and have spoken out against it. We are always willing to work towards peace. But the Kundrati actions will make this near impossible. On the one hand it tips the scales too much towards Lourenne, which endangers this world more with more bloodshed. It also will make Beiteynu’s hands tied and possibly attack Artania to stop the Kundrati warmongering.

To that end this cabinet has decided on a few things. We have consulted His Imperial Majesty and have advised him a number of things to which he gave us his Imperial Consent. The Imperial Government officially send a protest and an ultimatum to Kundrati. We demand that they leave the fleet and do not enter combat against Beiteynu. If they choose to persist in this folly the Imperial Government will as per the Ultimatum use any means, not excluding force, to secure Artanian peace and prevent war participation of the Kundrati Union. An attack on the Yeudi Homeland or its forces by Kundrati will be seen as a violation of our treaties and compel us to defend our ally Beiteynu.

We immediately declare martial law, our troops will start to be fully mobilised and key industries, especially in the defence sector will be ordered to stand ready to supply only the Luthorian army. Any shipping to Kundrati is banned.

We hope that cooler heads will prevail, but it seems we must once more help protect Artania from madmen. God save the Emperor, God save Luthori! Thank you.

As the Prime-Minister walked back into number 10 the Foreign Secretary came out. Rt' Hon. Nathan Harper stated that they send a communicé to the Aldegarian government to protest the usage of their canal for military deployment of Lourennian forces. The Luthorian government has asked the Aldegarian government to close their canal to participants of this war and to keep Artania and Seleya safe from this war.

The government was not willing to give comments on the current situation. It has been reported that the Northern Fleet, still operating around the North of Seleya has been recalled to Luthori, with the Home Fleet being seen preparing to defend the Home land and possibly responding to act upon the calls of the Imperial Government. The Southern Fleet is still in Beiteynu, the situation of that fleet is yet unknown to us nor do we know what orders are given to them, the same goes for the Submarine Fleet, which was in Malivia when last reported by the Defence Ministry.

These are trying and uncertain times. Our news will keep on covering the developments of it all, but readers be assured. Stay calm for our proud Luthorian forces will defend the Empire.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:56 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:11 am

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Labour and LNG surge in election

15th September 5473 (backdated)

In the elections held this month, the currently governing Conservative Party, also known as Tories, was soundly defeated by the currently official opposition Labour Party, also known as Labour. The Liberal Nation Group also surged in the elections and tripled its seats in the Imperial Diet. The Humperdinck Conservatives Group, renamed from the List Humperdinck, faced a slight decline in its votes and seats, following the pattern of decline of conservative parties and factions in the elections. Voter turnout in the elections was 41.48%. All 650 seats in the Imperial Diet, and 150 of the 300 elected and 500 total seats in Imperial Senate were contested.

Popular votes (percentage):
Labour Party 43.71% (+23.48%)

Conservative Party 32.87% (-5.19%)

Liberal Nation Group 17.66% (+11.17%)

Humperdinck Conservatives Group 5.58% (-2.09%)

Popular votes (numbers):

Labour Party 13,739,602

Conservative Party 10,334,790

Liberal Nation Group 5,552,907

Humperdinck Conservatives Group 1,754,052

Imperial Diet:

Labour Party 284/650 (+128)

Conservative Party 209/650 (-37)

Liberal Nation Group 120/650 (+80)

Humperdinck Conservatives Group 37/650 (-13)

Imperial Senate (contested):

Labour Party 66/150

Conservative Party 51/150

Liberal Nation Group 27/150

Humperdinck Conservatives Group 6/150

Imperial Senate (total elected seats):

Conservative Party 128/300

Labour Party 112/300

Liberal Nation Group 40/300

List Humperdinck 20/300

The parliamentary diagrams for the Diet and the Senate are:

Imperial Diet

Imperial Senate

The elections will probably see the creation of Labour-LNG coalition cabinet, other coalitions are either impossible due to it not reaching 326 seats in the Imperial Diet or unlikely because the parties in the cabinet would have major policy differences. The strong performance by the Labour and LNG could be attributed to the mass protests two years ago which damaged the popularity of the Conservative Party government of the time and sparked debate over corruption and corporate lobbying. In yet another election with surprises, Luthori once again experienced unprecedented shifts in its political landscape, and we will see what happens in the government formation.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:48 pm

The Movement: David Alexander "very open" to coalition talks with Labour.

After the election results, it seemed that the LNG and Labour were the only viable option for government. The Liberal Nation Group has reached 17.66% of the vote and Labour 43.71%, combining the total number of votes would give Luthorians just shy of a potential government representing 62% of the electorate. Turnout however was lousy with under 43% of eligible people turning up to vote. David Alexander has made a speech in which he seemed happy to talk with Labour.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for joining me today as we reflect on the outcome of the spectacular general election. As leader of the Group, I am humbled by the support we received from voters across Luthori. While we may not have secured a majority of seats, which we didn't expect haha, I am immensely proud of the 17% or so of the popular vote that we garnered. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our members and supporters who believe in our vision for a Liberal Terra.

In the aftermath of the election, it is evident that no single party has emerged with a clear mandate to govern alone so as is dictated by tradition and acknowledging that the electorate has spoken, and they have delivered a message which is hopefully of unity and collaboration instead of needless division and turbulence of which has been seen recently on the globe. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we put aside partisan differences and work together for the common good of our country. This means that I stand before you today to declare that the Liberal National Group is very open to coalition talks with the Labour Party, this potential coalition could give Luthori an almost 2/3rds majority of progressive government for the next few years. Hopefully Labour are open to such talks as i know they haven't been please with the recent years of Tory government. I'm not a child, I recognize that coalition negotiations will require compromise and cooperation from both sides. However, I am confident that we can find common ground on key policy priorities. Together, we can develop innovative solutions to address the challenges facing Luthori and the whole of Terra and build a future that we can all be proud of in years to come.

To the members of the Labour Party, I extend my hand in friendship and partnership. Let us set aside partisan politics and focus on what truly matters: delivering results for the people who have entrusted us with their votes. Together, we can create a government that is responsive to the needs of all citizens and governs with integrity and compassion. I urge the parties that if talks are to be made then we need to approach coalition talks with an open mind and a spirit of cooperation. The challenges we face are great, but so too are the opportunities to effect positive change. Let us seize this moment to build a stronger, more prosperous, and more inclusive Luthori for all.

Thank you.
- David Alexander, Leader of the LNG
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:49 pm

Luthori Daily
Tragedy in the Majatra Strait, Luthorian officers lost in surprise Lourennian-Kundrati attack, Luthori responds firmly.
August 5473


Fort William, Principality of Orange, The Empire – Anger, sadness and hurt but also disbelief was the common emotion in all levels of our society. This war which has been dubbed the Hubris War by some, the Allies War by others or the foolish war by some has cost more lives than anyone had hoped, even Luthorians. The Kundrati Union for reasons no one really understood changed positions and went to intervene on behalf of Lourenne against Beiteynu. Placing their fleet without declaration of war in the Lourenne battle line and fighting against their ally Beiteynu. Sadly, this fleet, ill-prepared and still manned by people according to the treaty between Luthori and Beiteynu with Luthorian officers to safeguard the area for trade was caught offguard and sunk. The Imperial ultimatum towards Kundrati was ignored, action was required.

Our readers will remember that our government angry and also anxious of the bringing the war to Artania issued various statements. The first was that Artania would remain neutral in the conflict. Then another one when Lourenne used the Aldegar canal, a dangerous move that threatened the neutrality of it and thus also trade. Something Luthori was angered over and is joining sanctions over. The next one is against Kundrati who as said went on to break Artanian unity once more and sailed towards Majatra with Lourenne. The Imperial Government stated in its communication that it demanded Kundrati to stop its aggression lest it provoked aggression in the Artanian area and that the Empire would protect Artania and Beiteynu against Kundrati recklessness if necessary. They ignored it, to the detriment of all. They fired on Beiteynu ships, destroying an alliance 200 years old.

Though not directly publicly the Imperial Government set into action. The Southern Fleet, Submarine Fleet and Northern Fleet were to sail to the Kundrati fleet that was heading home and force them to surrender or sink them. Luthori would make true on its word. However they came to late. A brave Beiteynu admiral ordered his fleet to fire upon the Kundrati fleet, though not destroyed nor severely weakening them, they were harmed and would not able to withstand the Luthorian might. But the words of Luthori’s warnings were true, where did this attack happen? The Artanian Sea. In our own backyard. This is the reason our government acted, the foolish Kundrati government endangered us all with their incoherent foreign and military policies.

But that was not all. The world got heated once more, as Luthori announced its ultimatum Davostag announced that would support Kundrati. In this the Holy Luthori Empire’s Defence department knew they could deal with both, but wanted to be on the safe side, it was quickly through various channels that it got support from various allies in various manners. Lodamun told Fort William it could refuel and dock, Hutori stated its support for the Empire as did Dolgava who mobilised quickly in response to the Davostag mobilisation. With so much Commonwealth countries joining the Luthorian side the Kundrati Union and Davostag decided to seek the diplomatic option. Thus it seems we are not going to war afterall ladies and gentlemen. A true sigh of relief.

The Foreign Office and Defence Department have stated in conjunction with number 10 that the Holy Luthori Empire has send demands for surrender the Kundrati Union and that it expects them to be followed, if not the Holy Luthori Empire will continue with its planned response. The location for the venue of peace talks have not been decided yet. Though the Imperial Government has stated that it got an offer from Dundorf to host the talks there.

It is rather unfortunate that our government had to act against Kundrati for the sake of the world, but this crime of aggression by Kundrati could not stand. Endangering our continent, an unprovoked attack on an ally of both Kundrati and Luthori by Kundrati and a disregard for Luthorian warnings were too much to take. A positive out of this is the great relations our nation has fostered with various nations over time. The Luthorian partners of Lodamun, Hutori, Dolgava, Narikenland & Darnussia and Baltusia truly came to true for the Empire. Showcasing the Commonwealth, the partners outside of it and the relations between these countries with Luthori are tight. This will be even bigger when the NSTO treaties are signed and the Northern alliance brought into existence. Now unto peace.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:05 pm

Andrew Meyer elected as Chairman.
Young Tory MP, Andrew Meyer, has been elected as the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee - an outdated post for a bygone era - yet a post that Meyer vowed to make a part of the recent political trend.
14th, July 5474

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The elections for the post of Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee - were intensly scrutinized by media and political columnists - it was the government's first test to secure a hold into the Palace of Darlington's complex committee apparatus. Yet, surprise was sure to be present when neither the Labour Party and the Liberal National Group has announced that no candidates from their respectives parties would stand in this election - giving the precious seat to the opposition Tory Party. With the Tory Party running virtually unopposed, MIP Andrew Meyer was elected to the post of Chariman of the Foreign Relations Committee. While it may look like a fancy name carrying lots of big responsabilities into the realm of foreign politics in Luthori - do not be fooled - this post is currently very unpowerful. So why are we even talking about that election here? It's about of the speech given to the Parliamentary Channels by the newly-elected Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

He stated that he vowed to make Parliament and the Government work more closely together than currently, stating that "a country divided against itself cannot have a good international standing" - while he recongnizes that a foreign policy is a complicated affair - citing the need for "quick and decisive action" - he also said that the current situation - in which the government has most powers on foreign policy and leave Parliament with only rubberstamp papers to consent to - but not actually handles itself in the decision making. He view this Committee as being not "only something up for approval - but something that may help the government - any government in its foreign policy decisions", because as he stated, "a government and a parliament's job here in Luthori is to work in tandem for the benefit of the whole country - not to be at hods with eachother when a decision is made without the consulting of one or the other part of the government."

Neither Crown Street or the Palace of Blackhall have answered to these calls - yet, we were able to grasp the opinion of a foreign-domestic relationship expert, Professor James Cunnigham, who is a professor specialized on foreign relations at the University of Fort William. While his colleague, Arthur Blanknek is working on a essay on the consequences of the so-called "Hubris War" on Luthori, he accepted to answer to our questions. While asked about the reasons for this new - renewed interest by Darlington Palace into the realm of foreign politics - he said it came from the most recent "blunder" in Luthorian foreign policy - which was the recent utilmatum given to Kundrati - after it was given - it seems that Luthori's international position was far more tenous than the position of careful neutrality that Crown Street seemed to have adopted since then. With Luthori's threat of invading the Kundrati homeland, Davostag stood ready to defend the nation, New Endralon - home of Her Majesty, the Empress also stated that they would defend Kundrati's integrity. While according to him, the recent Kundratjian acceptance with the ultimatum, in the wake of the end of the Yeudi-Lourennais War, showed some sort of Luthorian hard power - but in the meantime, it made Luthori's position far more crumbling. According to him - the fact that the Luthorian Empire wasn't able to discuss with Kundrati before their intervention showed weaknesses on Luthori's part, the Empire wasn't able to rally Artania behind it for preserving peace and "prosperity" - honestly - only Dundorf was able to prosper from this whole affair.

On another reason for Luthori's failures during the Yeudi-Lourennais War came from the form of Luthorian foreign policy that the successive governments made over the years - according to Mr. Cunningham - Luthori made the choice of having with both Lourenne and Beiteynu cordial and warm relations - even having the prospect of having with both nations a military alliance - yet, with the outbreak of the war - Luthori found itself in a difficult situation - they couldn't intervene in the conflict in Beiteynu's favor, because it would put into jeopardy the entire trade network that Luthori developed with the East (Lourenne) - yet, in the same time, Luthori couldn't intervene in favour of the Lourennais as well - as it would made them both betray Beiteynu in their greatest hour of need - as well as putting into jeopardy the trade relationship with Beiteynu. So, neutrality was a good option, and the only one available to Luthori. He also saw the government having disagreements with each other, the Foreign Secretary being favorable to more hawkish actions while the Prime Minister was more favorable to more peaceful options.

The Fort William Stoch Exchange crash in late 5471, also made Luthori's position crumble. Yet - his point was - where did we see any coordinated action between Parliament and the Government - nowhere. And for him, that would be the greatest challenges that Mr. Meyer would have to face. Make the Government and the Opposition work well together for the country.

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:38 pm

Luthori orchestrates a "repositioning" - after NSTO vote pass the Diet.
Parliament today ratified the NSTO charter - which was on the vote before the elections - yet that said vote was postponed after the dissolution of Parliament before elections.
5th, October 5474

Parliament-in-Session during the final vote on the Northern Security Treaty Organization's Charter Ratification.

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The voting procedures about the Northern Security Treaty Organization's charter originially begun in February of this year - yet the 9 months threshold between the first vote - which is just consultative - and the final vote, made that this would be not over before the elections, which were held on September. In light of Luthori's recent economic collapse - and recent soft power collapse. It seems that a "repositionning" of the Luthorian foreign policy into more - realistic goals - in on the way in Darlington Palace. Luthori's eyes are - likely - no longer to be seen eyeing towards Yishelem - now economically crippled and diplomatically in ruins - or Eroncourt. The Luthorian foreign policy is likely to turn further north, by solidfying its current ties existing with Dolgava, Hutori, other membres of the Commonwealth - and opening relationship with other fellow northern nations. It's remaining to be seen - whether or not - Luthori would persue military alliances or partnerships with other nations, other than NSTO countries. Former Prime Minister Derby stated in his resignation speech that: "Darlington made it clear in 5468 - that the Luthorian 'Model Treaty' model was the one to be followed by the Department of Foreign Affairs from now on. The next Labour government - and I hope - will continue in these footsteps and help strengthening or may I say - reconstructing Luthori's global position - which is now, more tenous than it has even been in our history."

The Conservative Party has made it clear that "if they were in power", the Luthorian foreign policy would have changed and moved away from military partnership towards more economic and cultural partnership - except with Luthori's current closet partners. A shift in Luthori's way of conducting foreign policy may be being currently worked on in Darlington Palace. With Meyer's recent election as the head of the Foreign Parliamentary Committee, a powerless role at now - but a role that is giving to Parliament edge over the government's foreign policy. Andrew Meyer's recent speech on how his chairmanship over the Foreign Committee would want to "steer up changes" over way how Parliament handles foreign relations - something that has been mostly left over to the Imperial Government. With the recent surge in constitutionalism in political spheres - and the recent foreign policy blunder done by the Derby Ministry. It seems that the legislature had enough of letting the executive continue in its way in its "reserved" seat within the Cabinet. While the Cabinet would still take predominance - most important decisions about foreign policy and government affairs as a whole would be announced in Parliament - as per the old tradition. This was seen when the Committee gave its green light to the NSTO treaty debate in Parliament after having auditionned the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fischer and his predecessor, Lord Makenbrough.

With this likely foreign policy change - it seems that Luthori's focus has been yet again turned inward and towards the Commonwealth as a whole - as shown by this recent ratification. According to the Government - the NSCO will be a testament of Luthori and her allies' committment to each other's security and independence. Today, the NSCO is composed of 4 members states, the Holy Luthori Empire, the Kingdom of Hutori, the Dolgavan Empire and the Dual-Republic of Narikaton & Darnussia. Further additions of nations are being awaiting, nations like Lodamun may have a great intrerest into joining this new organization. A meeting between the four current members states should happen in the next month - years.

With this recent policy surge - it remains to be seen whether or not Luthori would be able to complete this - hopefully - last and final change in its foreign policy or would Luthori's name be forever tainted with irrevelency. It can be sure hoped that the Luthorian Government do not consider this as a game, and take into realization the full gravity of the nation's situation, as Luthori's global leadership capabilities are called upon question - yet at the difference of before - these question are more heavy to carry on.

It should be noted that the bill was proposed by right-wing members of Parliament, with the blessing of both Meyer and Weddall, and with the unanimity of Parliament voting in favor of this bill - it shows a real transpartisan unity behind these policies. Now whether or not this policy can hold - is still hanging to the air.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Robert F. Kennedy
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