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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon May 20, 2024 6:05 pm

Humperdinck Media announces new TV-show: Galactic Legends
New space opera series will be adapted and starts airing soon, so says Humperdinck Media


Fort William, Luthori - Humperdinck Media has decided to create and release a new TV series based on the popular work of Hermann Herschfelt. The story is set in the far future of our universe in which humanity has long colonised large parts of the galaxy. In this soon to be released space opera the story will go between the Rothingren Star Empire and the Free Terran Federation. The greatly loved work has been read various times, especially during the Hubris War. The Media Group has said that it expects the new show to do well and give the genre of space opera and politics new life on television. The show will also be able to be watched on Orange! digital platform. In this article we will give you a spoiler free background on the story and where the TV shows picks up.

The premise of the story follows an alternative time line where the Hulstrian Empire never declined but held on to the various thrones and colonies it took. In a cataclysmic war the Hulstrian Empire and its personal unions, colonies, dependencies and subordinates fought a war with various other nations. With it came great innovation in technology, warmachines and also untold sorrow and destruction. The end of the war was by no means a perfect outcome for the Hulstrian Empire, though it came out on top various strong nations managed to stand. To prevent another destructive war, at the peace negotiations they created the United Terran Congress as a means for the blocks to discuss matters and cooperate. Through this congress they redrew the map of the world. In its wake a few nations were left standing:

- Canrillaise Federation:
- The Holy Rontin Empire
- Kingdom of Greater Hutori
- Tsardom of Trigunia
- Kingdom of Yishelem
- Jelbec Empire
- Selucian Res Publica
- Celestial Empire of Yingdala

Our planet after the Great War

The new peace held and all nations were given a seat in the Terran Congress. The continued economic, diplomatic domination of the Hulstrian held thrones in the Congress let to more and more domination by them. In beginning this didn’t show and the Terran Congress became quite a success in keeping the peace. As technology progressed and the space age began the United Terran Confederation was created to colonise the galaxy. However, the peace and equality was a farce. The Rothingren-Traugotts used their economic power to finally spring their plan. They announced first the merger of all their crowns into the Rothingren Empire (Hulstria, Rontin, Hutori, Trigunia, Yishelem) and dominated the other nations. In a brief global coup they moved on and secured the planet creating the Terran Empire, called the Rothingren Empire by its opponents.

Heinrich, the first Galactic Emperor of the Rothingren Star Empire

During the chaos various republicans and freedom loving groups, sponsored by the former governments of the Canrillaise Federation and Selucian Res Publica moved their population on transports of world and off the colonies to unchartered planets deep in space. For hundreds of years these groups had no contact, with the Rothingren’s never knowing of that their Galactic Empire was not the only government in space, bit by bit those fed-up with the Empire or those who were wanted for their opinions fled the imperialist and more and more feudal society for the Free Terran Star Federation. Eventually the two entities make contact, which evolves into a lengthy space war for dominance.

the main characters

With the Rothingren Empire claiming them to be rebels and the Free Terran Star Federation claiming the Imperials as tyrants. That’s where our story picks up, 200 years of fighting has been going on and two new figures enter the stage. How will it end? Want to know more? Watch channel 7 of the Humperdinck Media Group ever weekend a new episode will be released of Galactic Legends.
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Re: Luthori

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:28 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat May 25, 2024 1:49 pm

Alchester Bottles the League! NU on top, City and Weston close to winning the title.
"It's not possible", after 246 days in top of the First Division, it seems that the Alchester Football Club have "bottled" the First Division trophy after a poor performance in Sewallston against Overhurst (defeat; 3-1), with Northminster United taking over the first place and likely to finish the season with at least 99+ points, altough competition from the Rangers and Weston (Shippington West FC) is excepted for the club.
10th, May 5488 (back-dated)

Alchester, Grand Duchy of Erneshire, Luthori - The 31st, 32nd, 33rd and 34th Journeys of the First Division are one of the "biggest" "game-changing situation in FD history", since the beginning of the season, Alchester has been on top of the league, yet during these 4 journeys, where most of their matches were outside their usual pit at Melody Valley, the team headed by coach Jorgen Ulrecht, was likely to see a winning title after their winning title last year. Yet, unfortunately for them and all Alchester fans in the world, this didn't happen, as the team went off 4 disappointed performances against teams which are either "mid-tables mandems" ~ The Evening Paradise or "battling for relegation to the Second Division", first of all, their perfomance at Norley against Norley City was stated to be "uninspiring" as the team struggled to make any good occasion against the mid-table team, this match saw Alchester winning on the smallest of margins, with 1-0 in their favor, grasping the three points in their favor, at the same time, both City and United (Northminster) finished with a draw in their respective matches at Botlington and Fort William, 1-1 for City-Botlington and 0-0 for United-Winners. Mr. Ulbrecht recognized a "poor performance" from his team and vowed to "look at the issues plaging the team" before the big derby with Presgton and United, Rangers, Weston and City "easy" matches during the next journey.

Everything changed on the 32nd Journey of the First Division, while Presgton and Alchester were preparing for a "fight", like every all Alchesters derbies, the match between United and Marsalagh, a team which is likely to be relegated to the Second Division next season or even to the Fourth Division due to financial problems, becoming an amateur club instead of the professional which it is today. This match went exactly as you would have imagined - United destroyed the poor team 8-0, placing them at the first spot of the League - ahead of Alchester by three points, in order to have a chance at winning the league - either Alchester won this match - regaining the first spot by goal difference - either Alchester either draw or lose this match, but must see United lose their next match against their arch-nemesis of Northminster City. Yet, here, Alchester did lose this match 3-1, a catastrophic embrassement for the team which only in the first part of the season, beated Presgton 4-0. It should be noted that Mr. Ulbrecht was facing a formidable opponent in the person of Mr. Eric LaFrovière, a Lourennais football manager, which previously led teams in the top-level of Lourennais football and single-handedly brought Presgton from the 13th place at his arrival during the 19th Journey (mid-season break) to the respectable 6th place of the League. With that victory, in one part, Presgton secured their place at the top of the League, challenging City, Rangers and Weston for 3 to 6th of the League.

During the next journies, Alchester's downfall from the top spot only continued, as the team drawed out in Rottingham (3-3) against an opponent in "good health" according to the words of Rotthingham's head coach, Matthew Enetony, in Alchester's side, Ulbrecht stated that it was "a dissapointing setback" to Alchester's title champions ambitions. In the meantime, United won against City (2-0) and stayed at the first place of the League, while City passed behind Presgton on goal difference and settled at the six spot of the First Division, finally, on the last jouney covered, the 34th Journey, United was fighting the Rangers team, Alchester was battling against City, Weston, the third in the League, was battling against Presgton, a true "clashes of the gods", on the end of the respectives matches, United won against the Rangers at a close finish, 3-2 with one goal from United scored at the 90+4th minute of the game, Alchester was humbled by City and their genius striker, Marcus Swellgerstein, with City winning 5-2 at Northminster, and passing to the 4th place after both the Rangers and Presgton losses in their respectives matches.

The Team is a sport newspaper operating in Luthori and the Luthorian-speaking world.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Sat May 25, 2024 2:57 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat May 25, 2024 3:57 pm

Threwiford appointed as PM; Rochester at the Home Department, Meyer at the Foreign Office confirmed.
Orange Palace has recently stated that "the Emperor had met the Duke of Threwiford and asked him to form a majority government in his name.", the Tory Party confirmed that the Shadow Foreign Minister and Shadow Home Secretary would snatch over the roles in the actual government.
16th, September 5488 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - "His Majesty has asked me to form a government, and I've accepted", these were the words of the newly-appointed Prime Minister, Lord Threwiford. After his party's victory at the 5488 General Elections, he was asked upon by the Emperor-King to take over the responsability of becoming Luthori's first Tory Prime Minister since Lord Derby, who left power in 5473 after a massive electoral defeat to the Labour Party. With the recent electoral victory from the Tories, who just won an outright majority in the Imperial Diet, with a comfortable majority of 56 seats, confortably establishing themselves as the largest party in the Imperial Diet. With this victory, the Duke of Threwiford was summoned in the Orange Palace after the Duke of Pernigh's resignation from the office of Prime Minister, likely to be invited by the Emperor to become Luthori's newest Prime Minister. From what has been confirmed as of now, after Prime Minister Threwiford's reception at the Orange Palace by His Majesty is that Andrew Meyer, which has been, arguably, Luthori's top-diplomat since his election at the Foreign Relations Committee in 5474, one year after his party's largest ever defeat up to date, which is more likely to be bound with Lord Derby's ministry unpopularity at the end of the mandate. With his skill in foreign affairs being proven times to times, the new Foreign Secretary will be giving an interview to the Times about his views about Luthori's recent foreign policy and what he plans to change within the Foreign Ministry.

The other major announcement in the nomination realm of this ministry is appointment of William Ramway-Hayden, as Home Secretary. The Earl of Rochester, a title given from father-to-son, since its creation after Fallon Ramsay-Hayden's passing in 5314. Her son, Matthew Ramsay-Hayden was created by then-Emperor Charles VI as "Earl of Rochester", a title that the Ramsay-Hayden family would keep for many generations, eventually leading up to William Ramsay-Hayden taking over the title and becoming its representative in the Imperial Senate. In anyway, the Earl of Rochester has been choosed by the Duke of Threwiford for becoming the Deputy Head of the Conservative Party after dropping out of the leadership race in 5481. The Internal Ministry or Department of Home Affairs, as it's officially known, was never a subject which really interested major Tory politicians, yet, with the recent loss of the Department of the Economy to Whigs, the eyesight of the Tory Party is likely to be set on reforming the Imperial Security Service, the Police and the Judicial System of Luthori, due to the nomination of Cecila Baten, a Dundorfian-Luthorian judge in Northminster as Lady Chancellor (Justice Minister).

From what we know, on a wide program, Threwiford is likely to push for a "Silent Revolution" in Luthori, with a focus on reforming state institutions, foreign policy and the economy over societal issues, a position that has been the one used by the Tories since the collapse of Emily Harrington's ministry in 5372. Although, the Duke seeks to "reinvigorate" the "sleeping" conservative movement in Luthori, so it's likely that more conservative policies on the social level.

Overall, even with the nominations to his government completed, the Prime Minister still needs to pass the "Throne Speech Confidence Vote", cementing his position as Prime Minister after His Majesty's Address to Parliament about his government's policies.

The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Conservative Party, describing international or national politics.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat May 25, 2024 5:38 pm

Newly-appointed Foreign Secretary, Andrew Meyer offers thoughts on Luthori's foreign policy.
The newly-appointed Foreign Secretary, Andrew Meyer has offered his thoughts to the Times about Luthori's foreign policy during his predecessor's tenure, while he recognizes some "advances", he also points out at the "irregularity" and "weirdiness" of the foreign policy.
25th, September 5488 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - "It's been quite a rough part in our history", this were the words of the Foreign Secretary, Andrew Meyer after the end of his hours-long interview, many subjects were treated, from Kalistani blunder to Majatran diplomacy, passing by colonial apology and the Bier Qassem Conference in which Luthori was invited to attend as an observer. Every of these subjects were observed and the Foreign Secretary gave his outlook on his predecessor for 15 years at the Foreign Ministry, Kacper Fischer's policies during his time as Foreign Secretary. This interview was observed by the Times' journalist, Emily Buckley.

For simplicity reasons, E, refers to Ms. Buckley and M, refers to Mr. Meyer

E: Welcome, Foreign Secretary for this unusual interview with you, this is quite unusual, due to the last Foreign Secretary, Mr. Fischer rarely giving interview and what is more surprising is that we're here at Blackhall for this interview. Any reasons for this choice?

M: Well, thanks for having me in this interview, it's not an exercice that I am mastering, I admit truthfully, but I'll be trying my best at answering your question clearly. [clears throat] The choice of Blackhall for the location of this interview is quite normal, it's the seat of Luthori's foreign policy and foreign ministry, my residence, since not a lot of time, I'm still moving in with my family, so yeah, as the seat of foreign affairs in this country, I've felt like it was important to have a conversation about foreign policy here of all places.

E: Thank you for this answer, so moving on the first place of business, we should talk about your opinion on Luthori's foreign policy during the last 15 years and what are your views on the future of the Luthorian foreign policy.

M: We need to understand one thing, for the last 14 years, at least since 5474, the Opposition and Government worked with an aim, reshifting Luthori's foreign policy. The opposition, under, first, Lord Derby and second, Lord Threwiford, worked, tirelessly with the aim of offering windows of opportunities for the Labour government to use and expanding Luthori's global reach. The Opposition was the one who visited Kalistan, I believe in 5483, so 6 years from now, we've helped the government steemrolling Parliament for the passage of "Model Treaties" with either old, in the case of Dundorf and Narikaton & Darnussia, or new partners, in the view of Gaduridos. If I must say something about Luthori's foreign policy during the last 15 years, it's been a policy of steady realignment towards economic interest rather than military interests, especially in the light of the Baltusian fiasco, which, technically brought down Lord Derby as Leader of the Opposition. Yet, Luthori's foreign policy, has been a failure in many aspects that I'll try, with my team, with the government and Parliament to look and resolve these issues. I'm not saying I'm going to be "Luthori's savior", I think that this isn't necessary at all, as I believe that Luthori only needs a consistent policy to follow to succeed.

E: Speaking of Kalistan, what are your thoughts about the Empress' Speech in Kalistan, destroying any hopes at having a "detente" like what the Luthorian Government would have wanted.

M: Kalistan is right at having cut off any semblance of "reapprochement" with Luthori. Speaking honestly, Luthori has only itself to blame, and that's one of the topics, where I'm really dissapointed on a personal level about the Foreign Office's conduct with Kalistan, which I, and the Prime Minister thinks has been "very disrespectful" towards Kalistan, which has put concrete acknowledgement of Luthori's willingness at having a "cordial" relationship between the two countries, although this was quickly becoming more and more frustrating to the Kalistanis who saw the Luthorian government taking no steps towards that aim, and yeah, in my view, they are totally right to have cut communications with Fort William for this abject failure. I'm not onlu blaming the Pernigh Ministry for this failure, I'm also blaming myself for this, I was not able to speerhead the debate in the Imperial Diet about Kalistan and I consider myself to be responsible for the downfall of Luthori's talk with Kaliburg.

E: Yet, there has been a long silence from Fort William about Kaliburg's step towards increasing relations, how did the Foreign Office not immediately respond to it with a nice gesture?

M: I wasn't there. I wasn't there. So, unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a proper answer on this topic, of course, it'''s surprising coming from Luthori to have no response to something that is being handed over on a plate. Yet, it's the Luthorian Way, always shitting on golden opportunities and taking poor opportunities for the collection.

E: Is having a Kalistani "detente" one of your priorities as Foreign Secretary?

M: It's, indeed, one of my priorities as Foreign Secretary, although, it'll only happen if there is a honest behavior from Fort William towards Kaliburg. It'll only happen at that moment.

E: Staying in Seleya, it's been since quite a little while that Luthori and Gaduridos signed a "Model Treaty", with also opened up both economies to eachothers, what is your view on the Model Treaty and are you going to use as Foreign Secretary?

M: I'm totally going to use it during my tenure as Foreign Secretary, it's been agreed upon by the Prime Minister, who has no envy of "shaking" Luthori's foreign policy as of now. You know that I've been very critical of Lord Derby's passage at Crown Street, which prevented me from ever having a seat in the Derby Shadow Ministry during his tenure as Leader. Yet, I find that the Model Treaty is one of the best things that have happened in the realm of Foreign Policy in Luthori since a while now. So, of course, it's normal, I'm still going to use it.

E: You've said that the Model Treaty is one of the best thing that has come in the Foreign Office's hands during the Derby years, yet there is still one treaty left to ratify.

M: The Hobrazian one?

E: Yes, the one that the Pernigh Ministry concluded a deal with Hobrazia.

M: Again, at that time, I was still in the opposition, I cannor speak about what passed through my predecessor's head during that time, and I'm surprised that contact has not been lost between Luthori & Hobrazia [laughs a little with E], but, Hobrazia is becoming a power of its own right and I feel it's important to have contacts between neighbors, so, getting that treaty off the rug will be one of my priorities during my time as Foreign Secretary, as well as expanding our current trading network though Model Treaties.

E: Speaking of trade, Luthorian trade have been taking a massive hit since 10 years at least, due to the failure of Parliament to sign off the Yeudish Neset treaties, returning to a position of "status quo" in regards to trade relationship between Yishelem & Fort William since the termination of the alliance in the aftermath of the War of Lost Souls. What is your objective on this particular issue?

M: Well, sign the damn treaty for once. [they both begin to laugh]..And then, begin a process with our friends at Yishelem towards a "reconcillation" between the two nations, as we all know, Luthori and paperwork make 2. And this has been hurting the Luthorian economy to level that we can't even imagine today. [coughs] I think that in Luthori's best interest, it'll be necessary to sign the necessary treaties to return to a "status quo" with Yishelem in regards to trade agreements and restore trust and confidence between the two countries at a long term outlook. Although, we should continue to look for other partners for trade in the world, and also in Majatra.

E: We'll be staying in Majatra for a bit, what is your view on Majatran diplomacy?

M: Well, Majatra has been traditionnally considered as being "Beiteynu's backyard" at least here in Fort William, so it's a region where we didn't really moved into except in some occassion, but we were at odds with Beiteynu at this time, like in 5334, I think, when the then-Foreign Secretary Reynolds made a visit in Cildania. Yet, as of today, Majatra is a region where numerous partnerships can be built with Majatran nations, hum, it's the outlook that Luthori would adopt during at least my tenure, seeking partnerships and friendships with Majatran states in openess and truth.

E: Staying in Majatra, we've been invited to Bir Qassem and the Foreign Office has announced sending as plenipotentiary, Lord Patrick Werdald, Acting Minister of State for Majatran Affairs, care to explain that decision?

M: Well, Lord Werdald is one of my closest advisors and I think it'll be good for him to represent Luthori at this conference as an observer, plus, he is one of the most talented diplomats about Majatra that I've known in my life, having lived many years in Deltaria and having studied in Lourenne and Beiteynu, I cannot go there for the moment, as I'm set to fly to Aldegar for Ms. Parisa's funeral and send our condolences to the Aldegarian people for this loss.

E: Moving on to other subjects, what will be a "Eastern (Dovani) Diplomacy under you?

M: Well, first, it'll be humbling, because, we need to remember that we have been imperialistic powers in the past, so it'll be a diplomacy focused towards an apology from the Empire to all countries which have been colonized by Luthori at some point during their history and it'll be a policy of repayment for the crimes of colonialism and a policy of "building bridges together" and expanding relations between Dovani and Luthori as equal partners. On more specific topic, Lourenne's policy would be...I unfortunately cannot say anything at the moment about the United Kingdom's policy that will be made by Luthori.

E: What is your view on the Prime Minister declaring back in 5486 that Luthori should apologize for the colonization of Dovani? Like what Lourenne has been doing since many centuries?

M: I think that is a necessary step towards the good direction, you cannot have a good relation between two countries when one is refusing to apologize for its crimes, Lord Threwiford already stated that the Opposition was "deeply sorry" for the crimes of our ancestors in Dovani, a position that would be made clear during my visit in New Verham.

E: Well, thank you, Foreign Secretary for this interview and we'll leave at moving in Blackhall.

M: Thank you very much.

E: And that concludes our interview with Mr. Andrew Meyer, Foreign Secretary.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat May 25, 2024 11:31 pm

Bank of Luthori releases Report of the Imperial Economy: ''Strong growth after slow recovery''
The Bank of Luthori together with the Imperial Bureau of Economic Statistics published a report on the state of the Imperial economy, the state finances and statistics related to employment and economic development.

2nd October 5488

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Though it has been many years since the Hubris Wars, the economic aftermath remained felt for many years. The BoL and the IBES presented in their Report on the Imperial Economy that it took at least 15 years to recover the lost economic value of our economy. It also states that the economic growth after the crisis, thanks to government investments, new trade deals and diversification of the Luthorian economic partners has seen a good recovery. First it started slow but has gradually gained speed and resulting into a economic boom.

The Hubris War caused a massive economic shockwave that effected the global market and thus also Luthori. Two of its major economic partners went to war and it disrupted the economic trade and business confidence. This highly effected the economy, which then took 15 years to recover. The highest peak of the pre-crisis economy was in 5470 at 4,51 trillion LPD (5,87 trillion LFR), the next year the economy shrank with 4,9%. This sparked a recession that lasted for 5 years. Through the Imperial Governments intervention the pain was kept from getting worse, however the pain for the Luthorian economy was quite high with the Imperial economy retracting over the course of these 5 years with a total of about 600 billion LPD.

The economic crisis ended in 5476 which was followed by a small and steady recovery. The Luthorian market was heavily hit and had to take its time to recover. The total economy however was not always that bad. Companies from other nations such as Hutorian Horizon’s owned Blackwell became stronger and able to compete. This was the case for both non-Luthorian competitors as well as Luthorian competition. The highly dominating corporate market lost its grip and allowed new fresh blood into the mix. However despite this the economy remained sluggish up until 5480. The following years saw the economy finally picking up steam, with new investments, growing exports and imports as well as a sharp decline in unemployment. This followed the various new trade deals and general global economic recovery. This led the Luthorian economy to finally recover its lost economic potential in 5485 with a GDP of 4,57 trillion LDP (5,48 trillion LFR). That year the economy grew with 2,5%, with the growth taking up each year as the global economy and the growing economic opportunities rising.

Where are we now?
According to all statistics published and the report from the Bank of Luthori, the economy is strong. We see this in the economic growth. This year the forecast from the Imperial Luthorian Bank is that our economy will grow by 3%. Though this growth will be expected to slow down a bit, the current forecast is that the Luthorian economy will keep growing strongly in the current economic climate. This is favourable to the new Tory government, who will likely benefit from the economic boom as they will now have more means to focus on their foreign policy objectives and international outlook, both to expand Luthorian outreach but also to maintain the steady economic global climate. Looking back to the homefront we can see that the Luthorian GDP in 5488 is at a record high of 4,95 trillion LPD (6,09 trillion LFR).

Imperial GDP 5400-5488

Imperial GDP growth over time, 5400-5488

Our debt position
Ever since the great economic depression of the 5200's and the debt crisis that followed the Government's have been afraid to use massive amounts of borrowed money, both out a genuine belief in the private sector, fear of inflation but also for the risk of overinvesting and creating government commitments which would result in large debts. We can accurately state the Luthori is fearfull of large government debt and thus is quite frugal in that regard. Various analyst and comentators from all sides of the spectrum state that though in general this is a good thing, keeping the state finances too frugal will result in investments which could further stimulate economic growth or invest in society such as education, healthcare, infrastructure or such things will in the long run reap less benefits. Our country can thus afford to be less frugal. Our current state however according to the statistics and the report released is favourable. The investments made by the government are steadily being paid back by the steady government surplus and the rise in GDP keeps the debtpercentage to GDP low. This results in a debt position of 12% to GDP, which is far below the 60% the Imperial Treasury usually marks as the unofficial debt ceiling. The total debt is higher than it has been due to the investments, its currently 610 billion LPD.

Imperial Government debt in % to GDP 5400-5488

Imperial Government debt 5400-5488

Strengths and challenges
The economic situation in our nation is indeed in a good spot. As international trade increases and the Luthorian economy diversifies it becomes a more competitive and stronger economy. We see examples of this in the agricultural sector where our farmers over the various years increasingly invested in green house farming of fruits and vegetables. Other went into the diary industry or the producing meat. The decrease in other agricultural products such as grains and corn are imported from various countries, like Dundorf. This specialization is a direct result of years of work of opening the Luthorian market and breaking old corporate monopolies or strongholds. The investments by the government into the military is also stimulating the electronic and technical industries as well as various military related services which are also usefull for the private sector. It is also a stable source of employment, as new services and contracts as well as military personal are neccessary to keep the new ports, parts and facilities working.

However there is also work to be done. Alan Murphy, leading economic analyst for our newspaper and part-time economics teacher said that in order for the Empire to keep up the current levels of development the Imperial Government needs to invest in education. We need high skilled labour, teach the new bright minds of the future to innovate our market, invent new technologies and explore new markets. If this is not done the Luthorian economy might get dragged down.
Last edited by Autokrator15 on Mon May 27, 2024 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 26, 2024 9:37 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun May 26, 2024 11:58 am

Meyer set to visit to New Verham, Aldegar in next months; Parliament set to vote on Hobrazia treaty.
Foreign Secretary Meyer is set to visit New Verham on April, fullifying a long-time wish from both Luthori and New Verham to conduct a diplomatic and economic reapprochement. The Foreign Secretary's first official state visit should be followed by a visit in Aldegar. In the meantime, the Earl of Rochester's sister, the Countess of Blackhall, has been speerheading efforts towards the ratification of the friendship treaty between Luthori & Hobrazia.
19th, November 5488 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Blackhall Palace has released a statement about the Foreign Minister's future whereabouts in the next few months. It's been announced that Andrew Meyer would visit New Verham in April 5489 - and then Aldegar in May 5489. These visits are with the objectives of increasing collaboration between Luthori & New Verham, especially on the subject of the Sea of Carina's Refugee Crisis, where Luthori's position, at the difference of its neighbors, Narikaton & Darnussia and Dundorf, isn't really known. The Foreign Secretary is likely to use the opportunity of the visit to express Luthori's formal apologies to all Dovanian, Temanian countries + to Vascania, for Luthori's colonization of the three continents and its consequences. An apology for the colonial crimes and discussions about retribution would be opened within the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Senate. Further economic discussions could be opened by the Foreign Minister and his counterpart in New Verham, as the two countries have been interested since a long time towards expanding relations towards economic relations focused around a trading relationship between Luthori and New Verham, as well as having investments from Luthorian firms into the developing New Verhamian economy. The Luthorian Government - under the leadership of Lord Threwiford has finally accepted the backroom offers that have been made to Luthori since a long time, about a Luthorian visit in New Verham. The Prime Minister has sent the Foreign Secretary to also bring a letter, inviting New Verham's representatives to come to Luthori for another diplomatic visit, continuing the discussions that would be launched during the first visit from the Foreign Secretary into the nation.

In the aftermath of his visit to New Verham, the Foreign Secretary is set to fly to Aldegar, it'll not be his first visit to the nation, although his first was for attending the funeral of the former Aldegarian leader, Parisa Shahi, and as a mark of respect, decided to not conduct diplomatic deals with the mourning nation. With this funeral period being over with the funeral of Ms. Shahi. The Foreign Secretary has instructed the Luthorian Ambassador to send a note to the Aldegarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about a state visit that would be held in the wake of the New Verham visit, either in April or May. The Foreign Secretary's trip to the Central Seleyan nation would be orientated towards thanking the Aldegarian Government for its hospitality during the Baltusian Debacle, when Luthorian ships from the Home Fleet were allowed to go through Aldgerian territory to come back in the Homeland and discuss further trade, and economic relations between Fort William and Ramsāhreza. The Foreign Office has put a "high" priority towards "mending" the Luthori-Aldegar relations, which were at first rocky, mostly due to the Baltusian debacle and the former Luthorian support for international sanctions against Aldegar, something that was withdrew upon during Luthori's "realignment" arc. The Foreign Office now seeks to secure another friend in Central Seleya, after Mordusia and Gaduridos and another trade/economic partner in the world. Investments into the Aldegerian economy by Luthorian firms and vice-versa is likely to become also a part of the bilateral negociations, which could, likely, according to source within the Foreign Office's Seleyan Section, end with the signing of a treaty of friendship between the two countries.

In the aftermath of these two visits, the Foreign Secretary's agenda is for now, quiet, although visits into other Seleyan nations like NSCO/Commonwealth partners of Lodamun and Baltusia, Tukarali or into Majatra.

In other news, it seems that the Leader of the Imperial Senate, the Countess of Blackhall has been pushing the issue of the Hobrazian treaty and Yeudish treaties signing back into the spotlight of the Imperial Parliament's business. The Leader of the Imperial Senate, acting on the Foreign Secretary's behalf in the Imperial Senate (the Foreign Secretary being a Member of the Imperial Diet), stated that: "The signature and ratification of these two treaties, would first cement our relationship of friendship and mutual understanding with Hobrazia and second, restore our previous relationship with the Beiteynuese. It's important for the balance of our trading network that these two treaties be signed, in order to facilitate trading relationships." With that, the Senate ratified in first lecture the two treaties, which are now being debated in the Imperial Diet, where ratification in first lecture is likely.

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun May 26, 2024 1:57 pm

Navy Minister set to meet with Chief of Naval Staff.
Blackhall Palace has announced that on the 14th, July 5489, the Minister of State for the Imperial Luthorian Navy would meet the Chief of the Naval Staff. Bekonitz has been sent by the Prime Minister to express the government's standpoint on many naval issues.
28th, June 5489

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Blackhall Palace has recently confirmed rumors about an eventual visit from the Navy Minster to his active counterpart within the Imperial Navy. This visit comes after Prime Minister Threwiford's statements about "an irrealistic" naval plan and his vows to "reform" the current naval expansion plan or "totally scrap" it. These comments received an answer from the Naval Staff stating that the Prime Minister's comments "jeopardized Luthori's security" by "expressing such views", something that the Prime Minister didn't take lightly, according to our sources within Crown Street, the Prime Minister was according to witnesses "bloody livid" about this coming-out from the Naval Staff and requested an immediate audience with the Emperor, where nothing came out, as the Prime Minister's and Emperor's audience are always kept private between the two. From what we can see from the latest developments, we can assume that the Prime Minister immediately requested the Chief of Naval Staff's sacking by His Majesty, yet maybe, an Imperial Opposition or a discussion with the Emperor convinced the Prime Minister to at least meet the Chief of Naval Staff to try to reach a common goal for both the Navy and the Government. Although, from our understanding, this could potentially be revealed to be more difficult due to the opposition of views between the Prime Minister who is more favorable to the Army than to the Navy, this marks a change in Luthori's governemental focus, which for decades or may we say, centuries have been focused around the Imperial Navy, rather than the Army. The Prime Minister has repeatedly stated that he was "appealed" at the Luthori's "mismanagement" of the Armed Forces. Which may also sound like an endorsement of further reform within the Armed Forces, to better specialize units into certain aspects of military training.

Yet, we need to see the recent appointment of the Prime Minister into the position of Secretary of State for Defence, which is Mr. Riley Tewksbury, a Whig politician which has been put to this position for "menaging" the Liberal faction within the Conservative Party, without any regards for his background as a politician or even if he is competent enough for the job that lies ahead of him. This can be interpretated into either the Prime Minister has been thinking about short-term goals - in the political arena - to accomodate the Whigs with a mostly conservative-dominated government or it's a sign that the Prime Minister himself, through his appointments into the Army, Navy and Air Force Ministeries towards a change in military doctrine and that he, and his loyalists within the Armed Forces would work, together, towards shifting Luthori's military policy, yet opposition is always a strong force within the military and the Navy Minister, Kenneth Makini is set to meet the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Rampard, in order to see a common ground or to, effectively, sack him from his position ans replace him with one of Harrington and the Emperor's choosing.

For that, we would need to see the actual results of the meeting between Makini and Rampard to draw conclusions. As for now, we can only watch with anticipation what is the plan of the Prime Minister about the military.
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