
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat May 04, 2024 4:00 pm


Monarchy referendum ends up on a perfect tie, second referendum expected to be held, 58 dead in a car accident: Do they really want this?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the suprise of many within Aldegar, the Aldegarian Electoral High Authority has announced through its president Cao Lim that the monarchy referendum held on the 21st of September 5478 has resulted in a perfect tie between the options of keeping the republican system or reintroducing the shahdom under the Shahbanu Xun and her vice-Shahbanu Abagai. This outcome wasn't expected from anyone given the high turnout rate being 95% that was reported during the referendum alongside the extensive campaigning from the Shahbanus that orchastrated a presidential-like campaign given their background as women of the working class which appealed to many among the Aldegarian workers and intellectual class but unfortunately it seems that their closeness to the people didn't allow them to sway the votes by at least 0,1%.

In addition, the votes were perfectly divided with each side receiving exactly 50% of the votes baffling the AEHA and its president, given the unprecedented result that has never happened in the history of Aldegar, Ciao Lim announced that a second referendum will be held with white ballots being accounted for in case another scenario like this happens. In the meantime talks about the formation of a Constitutional Convention for the Reformation of the Shahdom are ongoing in Congress as the House of Restorationists argues that in order to allow for a proper transition we must prepare a new constitution even if the second referendum fails to bring about the restoration of the monarchy.

In other news, 58 people dead in a car accident that happened in the city of Pāytakht-e Aldegār in which 2 cars and a bus drove directly off a cliff while they were chasing the famous pop star and singer Maria the Golden. The incident led to the local authorities and the Pāytakht-e Aldegār city council to first denounce the unjustifiable act of stalking and harassment of the pop singer that caused the death of said stalkers before mourning the deaths. The affair is expected to remain within regional bounds, but given the city's closeness to the federal capital, measures from congress will most definitely be expected.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon May 06, 2024 7:10 pm

Inancha Bilge, Aldegar ambassador in Xampa

Trade and diplomacy agreement between Aldegar and Xsampa, Xsampa to be granted Prosperity rank: the Pastel pink center meets the red east?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the suprise of many within the international community, the Palace of Javaneh has announced that the Aldegarian People's Free Federation has reached a successful agreement with representatives sent from the Xsampa Democratic Republic. The two a states have agreed to formally establish diplomatic relations with the opening of embassies within each other capital and thus making Aldegar the first seleyan nation, or even the first non dovanian nation, to have an embassy in the red fortress or Dovani alongside Xsampa opening its first embassy outside of Dovani. The Palace of Javaneh considers this development as a "step closer toward peaceful terran relations."

Furthermore, the two countries signed a trade agreement consisting of Aldegar buying precious gems and materials from Xsampa in exchange of raw materials and discounted oil prices, many consider this move as rather odd from the Aldegarian government given their win-win policy when it comes to trade but the government defended its decision by stating, "We believe that nations should help each other no matter what, which mean we will love buying the gorgeous diamonds and expensive materials from Xsampa to make our country as shinny as ever while Xsampa gets to have cheap oil and abundant raw materials from us out of sheer goodwill. But Xsampa won't have just that, it will also get s prosperity rank for canal use as we originally planned to give them Bloodline rank but their representative kindly declined the offer instead opting for the prosperity rank."
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 08, 2024 9:29 pm

Premier Zahra Tarrokh during the meeting of the federal cabinet

First Xamkorj strike issued to Luthori coupled with official condemnations, canal ban on Beiteynu officially lifted: For a neutral Seleya?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The long-awaited awaited response from Aldegar concerning the sudden armament of Luthori alongside the swift deployment of a military base in Baltusia has agitated the antennas of all of the Javaneh, Shahrnaz, and Anahita palaces especially given the federation official stance concerning Seleyan affairs as it considers the continent's neutrality the most urgent concern to ensure long-lasting peace and prosperity while ensuring the balance of powers remain in check through the use of multilevel institutions that can help peacefully handle issues and avoid another War of the Lost Souls that occurred between the United Kingdom of Lourenne and the Beiteynuese Homeland State concerning Seleya which promptly ended with the ratification of the Altatepec treaty ensuring amicable alliance between Lourenne and Beiteynu to ensure Seleyan neutrality.

As such, Aldegar has been worried looking the luthorian recent rearmement of their armed forces alongside the deployment of a military base within Baltusia, the Palace of Javaneh and Shahrnaz have both issued statements condemning the move alongside rhe issuing of the first Xamkorj strike to Luthori which means all efforts to pursue warm relations with them will be suspended alongside half of the Aldegarian embassy staff in Luthori recalled, Javaneh also threatened to issue a second Xamkorj strike if things keep on escalating meaning that the luthorian seats in the Administrative Council of the ACAA will be suspended just like Beiteynu and Lourenne's seat during the war. But not only will they be suspended, the Palace of Anahita will actively pursue the pressuring of Luthorian commerce using the canal by increasing the refusal rate for luthorian affiliated ships if worse come to happens, luthori could be out right banned temporarily from using the canal.

In addition, Premier Zahra with the approval of the ACAA administrator Niloofar has officially lifted the ban on Yeudish Neset affiliated ships from the using the canal as the agreed temporary ban was supposed to only last until the official end of the war. The government hopes to use this opportunity as an opportunity window to rekindle relations with the Beiteynuese Homeland State following the fallout caused by the Seats Fiasco and the Canal ban.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri May 10, 2024 7:03 pm

Shila Salehi, Administrator of the CEAMCTCS

ACAA votes to allow for the military use of the canal in exchange of increased tariffs and new requirements: Are they really doing it?

Āzāddeh, Aldegar. To the suprise of many, the Administrative Council of the ACAA has voted to allow for the use of the canal by foreing military navies in order to transport them safely following the ban on military vessels imposed by both Kalistan and Lourenne in the Meridian strait, the resolution proposed by the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute Block has been under debate ever since the approval of the resolution allowing Luthori to use the canal for their military vessels. In addition, new requirements and tariffs have been added to the resolution due to the CEAMCTCS imposing a minimum for every type of traffic going through the canal. The resolution named "Calm seas, sharp waves" includes the following,
By the grace of the Aldegarian people and the powers bestowed by us through the constitution of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation that was established following the Water Lilly Revolution. Us, the twin special authorities, and the office of the general administrator introduce the following:

Article 1: As they woke to weep, they only saw a glorious light and a guiding hand
The Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration and its legislative body the Administrative Council have now introduced new tariffs for all military vessels seeking to use the Aldegarian Canal as a way to transport their navy swiftly and efficiently but in order to achieve this goal they must pay 4 times the price of the usual canal fee being 1 million ACR coupled with an approval letter from their respective country's Ministry of Foreing Affairs allowing for the move. All personnels within the military vessels must attest to their identity alongside a proof of their deployment on said vessel from their respective chief. Furthermore, all vessels must wave the flag of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation and the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration as to show their friendliness to the Aldegarian people, be it genuine or not.

Article 2: When they tried swimming underneath the wave, they were met with daggers and guns
Given the strategic nature of the canal and it's importance to the Aldegarian people, vessels of the Aldegarian Canal Protection Navy will be deployed at both entries of the canal alongside submarines to ensure that no-one is seeking to sneak their way through our waters, the parade of foreing vessels will be escorted tightly by the ACPN from their entery into the Aldegarian EEZ to their exist from said EEZ. Any violation of the previous requirements will result into an immediate expulsion from the canal alongside a Xamkorj strike issued to the country of origin of any of the vessels coupled with an official public condemnation from the Aldegarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Ratified by:
Niloofar Tahmasb, Administrator of the ACAA
Shila Salehi, Administrator of the CEAMCTCS
Sumano Latuperissa, Administrator of the SAERCST
Parisa Shahi, First President of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation
Mao Qigang, Deputy Speaker of the Administrative Council of the ACAA
Pan Zhelan Hao Shu, Speaker of the Aldegarian Free Congress of Representatives

Now, if nations will actually respect the recently updated policy of the canal or not, remains to be seen but it sets a precedent that Aldegar will not allow anyone to disrespect her within her own waters while they are using her bleu throat to pass through their poisonous armada of death.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 15, 2024 6:21 pm


Nationwide emergency declared following the report of a serial killer running loose around the country targeting students: Forbidden knowledge in the federation?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Shocking and unprecedented news have been shared in Aldegar as the government declared the state of criminal emergency throughout the federation following reports of a serial killer running loose in Aldegar. The killer claiming to be a "girl from heaven" has reportedly targeted hundreds and even thousands of students and especially high schoolers by either outright killing them or messing up their lives so hard it pushes them to suicide or substance abuse which makes them social pariahs. The killer tends to mainly focus on students who display bullying behaviors on others alongside being ungrateful for their current social status as a way to "bring heavy justice to the people."

Furthermore, law enforcement can't seem to be able to properly track down the killer until another victim falls under their so-called heavenly justice that throws the entire concept of Aldegarian Utopian justice in jeopardy given that acts of self justice are strictly forbidden under all cases but the problem isn't the legal definition but rather the people that are divided over whether or not the killer is a hero in disguise or a psychopaths given that their victims are most of the time bullies and spoiled brats. Either way, the government had made it a necessity to capture the "Girl from heaven" at all costs to finally make her face a tribunal for her crime of causing the death of hundreds of people, and counting, in Aldegar.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby imperialpearl » Wed May 15, 2024 6:57 pm

Harrington Times
MG Halleck to sign Aldegar energy deal after Dorvish snub
By Aiden Clark • 11th February, 5484
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu May 16, 2024 2:34 am


Aldegar enters a state of mourning following the death of the famous poet Hyramous Kumdrats, state funeral held at Pāytakht-e Aldegār: may they rest in peace

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Aldegar today was awoken o the terrible news of the passing of the famous poet and writer Hyramous Kumdrats at 3:12 am, the poet was reportedly found holding a letter thanking firstly his mother with wishes to meet her in the afterlife alongside a poem dedicated to her and her achievements in life. Given the extraordinary circumstances and the poet renowned popularity in Aldegar, President Parisa Shahi has held state funerals that ultimately ended with the burial of the poet next to his mother grave in Pāytakht-e Aldegār coupled with 15 days of mourning announced with the lowering of the flag to then be replaced by black flags over government buildings throughout the nation. As a token of his popularity among the people, during the funeral 3 million people were present alongside 65 million other more watching the funeral through their TVs, dark days loom over Aldegar but just like Hyramous, they will pass on and leave place for a shinnier and more hopeful tomorrow.

OOC: this is dedicated to @hyr who is currently going througha rough patch in his life and the port is directly inspired from the poems he wrote in wattpad that i personally found delightful but most importantly I give him my condolences and pray that life will slime at him once again alongside managing to overcome such a tragedy.
We are all praying fkr you hyr <3
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue May 21, 2024 3:19 pm


"Seleyan Unity Railway" finally inaugurated following years of delaying, REALITY Act officially discussed in Congress: Seleya goes choochoo!

Āzāddeh, Aldegar. From the pearly gates of the eastern entrance of the Aldegarian Canal, the long-awaited Aldegarian part of the Pan-Seleyan Railway has been officially inaugurated by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation, Farzad Hashempour, and premier Zahra Tarrokh with the suspicious nonattendance of president Parisa but the Palace of Anahita released a statement that the president didn't attend due to health reasons as she is after all she's soon turning 75 years old. Nonetheless, the event went as planned with both the premier and minister riding a train from Ramsāhreza to Āzāddeh before riding another train to Kasād, the Western entrance of the Canal. While this was happening in the south of the country, in the north however, the Deputy Foreing Ministre Amir Ali Rahnema has attended the official connection between the Aldegarian rails with their tukarali counterparts finally ending the decade long project that is the Pan/Trans-Seleyan Railway, a massive continent wide project that connects the cold calm shores of Lodamun to the beating and lively Aldegarian Canal, passing through all of Lodamun, Kalistan, Baltusia, Gaduridos, Tukarali and finally Aldegar this sure is going to bring a boundless and unimaginable flow of investments and both economic and social opportunities to all parties involved. Both the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute and the Aldegarian Corporate Council have extended their congratulations to the people of seleya alongside wishing for greater cooperation between fellow seleyans on the basis of goodwill and trust without having to drag foreing powers within Seleyan affairs.

In other news, the Religious Emancipation And Liberation Through Yearning, REALITY, Act is officially being discussed by Congress for the past week as the bill proposed by a joint commission composed of members of the House of Radiance and the House of the Phoenix plan to radically reshape how religious matters are handled in Aldegar, given that the Federation constitution mandates a separation between state and religion it nonetheless doesn't prohibit the creation of authorities to regulate and direct religious ministries and organizations. The law, as of now, proposes the formation of 7 Supreme Councils responsible for overseeing the 4 major religions within Aldegar and 3 others for the major religions in Terra while excluding the Aldegarian Apostolic Church, which is considered as the 4th biggest religion in Aldegar. The bill is facing heavy opposition from the House of the Restorationists and the House of the Torchbearers given the former conviction on restoring old Aldegarian customs such as the monarchy and the latter running on a campaign of preserving individual liberties from the grip of the federal government. The only thing sure is that Aldegar is about to undergo a third round of shock treatment once the REALITY Act passes through congress and ratified by both the premier and president.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu May 23, 2024 12:57 pm

Picture of Parisa Shahi taken during her 3rd term

Parisa Shahi dies in office at 79 years old, Palace of Anahita announces national mourning alongside state funerals planned: Was she really the mother of Aldegar?
April 8th, 5487

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Saddening news has come from the capital of the Aldegarian Federation and, more specifically, the Palace of Anahita where the president resides during their term, as it was announced by the Palace official spokesperson, Yandi Budi Tahyadi, that Parisa Shahi the first president of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation and longest serving democratically elected president ever in the history of modern Aldegar has passed away peacefully in her sleep surrounded by loved ones alongside passing the title of acting president to Premier Zahra Tarrokh. The Palace has also announced that elections are set to be held in the next 70 days according to the constitution, the spokesperson even broke down in tears in front of the cameras as the national flags were taken off across governmental institutions alongside TV channels all broadcasting the countdown for the state funeral planned by the government as a repsect for Parisa.

In addition, the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration, more specifically, the Office of the Administrator have announced that the Administration will also enter a state mourning with ships passing through Canal having to wave black flags out of respect for the dead president or they will get their access to the canal denied, this decision was enforced by an executive ordnance from the Administrator herself that overided the Administrative Council alongside being backed by the Administrators of the two special authorities. Furthermore, to the bewilderment of many, the Masked Fools Society have been seen taking down their colorful decorations and replacing them with black and monotone decorations at their multiple public relations agencies dispersed throughout Aldegar coupled with the Show Masters being seen all wearing sad dramatic Masks instead of their normally extravagant ones has raised eyebrows concerning the true involvement of the Masked Fools with the dead president. Nonetheless, Aldegar has been hit hard in terms of moral, but will she recover from losing her mother?
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun May 26, 2024 11:02 am

July 1st, 5487

Funerals of Parisa finally held, foreing and MFzs dignitaries present, the Lilly Era ended: Equality, Freedom, Prosperity

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. It was an unusual rainy summer day in the Aldegarian capital as the coffin of the beloved president Parisa Shahi was taken from the Palace of Anahita toward the darvozahoi tilloī cemetery, Parisa had requested in her will to have her remains treated without any extravagant displays but nonetheless it seems that her popularity couldn't make her shy away from massive displays made by the people. The federal capital experienced an overcrowding so immense the reported population doubled as 21 million Aldegarian quickly wanted to attend the funeral while the remaining others all turned on their TVs and radios which caused a surcharge on the national electric grid. In addition, the streets of Ramsāhreza were covered in petals, poems, and letters alongside a sea of black embrellas acting like a barrier between Parisa and the living world but the most notable aspect of the funeral was the overwhelming presence of women from all ages at the march, and when asked about why they attended the funeral they all shared the same reason being, "Parisa was my own personal hero and idol that I admired ever since I was a little girl, a childless single woman like Parisa who single-handedly uplifted Aldegar and took down the old administration while eradicating suffering and despair by turning the rotten corpse that was Aldegar to a blossoming bustling Utopia for all. I sure hope acting president Zahra and all the future presidents will manage to uphold Parisa's legacy and potentially live up to her greatness," the same feeling was reciprocated by their male counterparts that shared the same hopeful dream for prosperous Aldegar.

To the suprise of many, all of the 13 show masters of the Masked Fools Society were also seen spearheading the funeral as they themselves build the darvozahoi tilloī cemetery for Parisa and all future important people of Aldegar alongside fhe fact that instead of wearing their usually extravagant colorful Masks and costumes, they will wore dark caps and depressed opera Masks which signaled the seriousness of the whole ordeal. Furthermore, foreign dignitaries were also present, such as the Dundorfian FM Elene Schwarzenberger, Gaduris FM Tobías Dávalos, Lourennai High Chancellor Isabelle Santabarbara and the Luthorian FS Andew Meyer. Aldegarian social media, on the other hand, was a battlefield between loyalist Parisa supporters and advocates for the creation of commemorations around the dead president, given the fact that she is called the mother and grandmother of Aldegar but the bantering on social media will continue while the people of Aldegar mourn the death of their mother and the end of the Lilly Era that lasted from 5432 to 5387.
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